I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 127: Lin's Therapy

  Chapter 127 Lin's Treatment

   "What is Doraemon?"

  Robin asked puzzledly.

"The name of a Doraemon, who speaks human language, loves to eat dorayaki and is afraid of mice, has a pocket of different dimensions, and there are all kinds of weird magical props..." She, "Can you cooperate a little bit?"

  Robin's face was pale, and he blinked his eyes and said: "Another-dimensional pocket? Like a castle fruit?"

"What you said like this is indeed a bit like..." Lynch saw that Robin's armor had opened a lower semicircular door on his abdomen, and smiled: "Haha! It's really like it! Wait! Wait, now I'm hypnotizing you! What nonsense!" He angrily beat the dead snake on the ground twice.

  "Madam, please cooperate a little, thank you." Lynch raised the dead snake in front of Robin, and started shaking again, "Your arm is betting on my hypnotic talent..."

   "Okay," Robin said pitifully, "Then please, Lynch..."

   "Why did you break your hand and changed your skin? Is the seal lifted?"

   "What is skin? The seal is lifted again-well, I won't speak..."

  "Look at this snake carefully...I know it is cute, but you shouldn’t appreciate it too intently. Come, relax your attention slowly...slowly relax..."

  The suspended snake swayed from side to side.

  The variegated lines gradually form double images...The colors are like oil paint on a scroll, gradually fainting...

  "When you hear the word'Doraemon', you will wake up, and you will temporarily not feel any physical pain..."

  I don’t know how long it has passed, Robin gradually felt that the voice belonging to Lynch, like a mist in a dream, is getting farther and farther.

do not go……

Why are you crying? Lynch shook the dead snake in his hand, startled.

  The Robin in front of him, his eyes dilated, lost his high light, as if he had fallen into hypnotism.

  It's just that a tear suddenly slipped from the corner of her eye, which was puzzling.

  Is this touching and crying by your awesome hypnotic talent?

   Lynch pondered.

  Never mind it, hypnotism seems to be a success anyway.

  Although...from the beginning to the present, it has been hypnotized for almost twenty minutes before Robin has clearly fallen into hypnotism.

   But it was a success after all.

   Lynch was also relieved.

According to his personal experience in the two previous attempts of hypnotism... Hypnotism, this type of move is essentially the hypnotist projecting his own spirit onto the target, using the spirit of the hypnotist to affect the other person’s thinking, and even thereby The physical body of the other party. Hypnotism is like the "overlord color" in the field of life return, accurately hitting the target with one's own power...

  In the process of Lynch trying to hypnotize Robin, he had only one thought...

  Her body is my body...

  Her spirit is my spirit...

  Through brainwashing herself, let her mind be released, projected into Robin’s consciousness, and affect her...

   "Nicole Robin!"

   Lynch suddenly shouted.

  Robin's eyes are hollow and there is no response.

   "Son of the Devil!" Lynch drank again.

  Robin still sits dumbfounded and has no response.

   Lynch smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and waved in front of her. Robin's eyes didn't react, and he didn't seem to see him.

   "Wait, brother, you won't be hypnotized too?" Lynch suddenly looked at Robin's dark substitute. When he hypnotized Robin's face, "B.I.B" was also watched the whole time.

  "B.I.B"'s eyes were glowing with white light, and he made a sound: "I am just a battle armor after all..."

"I'm deliberately playing tricks! I won't see the second part of Mystery anymore..." In front of the good brother's substitute, Lynch rarely showed sadness, and sighed on this isolated island in this different world, "Zhou At the 60-year-old youth concert, the father can only dove! I don't know if my parents will go to see it for me..." He shook his head and quickly picked up his emotions.


   snapped his fingers, and Lin Qi uttered the key words.

  The Robin in front of him let out a sigh of relief, as if he was waking up from a dream, his eyes suddenly moved and returned to high light.


  Robin gasped slightly, and a question mark appeared on his head. For a while, he did not understand what was going on.

  But soon, she felt something wrong: the pain in her arm disappeared completely.

"All right?"

  As soon as Robin raised his hand, he saw that his arm was still hanging down softly, and his skin was still bulging with broken bones.

  But...I can't feel any pain...

  "I won't touch it anyway." Lynch raised his hands and surrendered. He offered the bandage and the plank, "You better come by yourself..."

  Robin nodded, another intact hand, lightly stroke.

  On the ground and at the elbow of Robin's broken arm, petals fluttered suddenly, and several identical arms grew out of each.

   "You do it first, and I'll get some food." Lynch got up and said with great experience, "This bit of snake meat is not nutritious..."

Several condensed arms with flowers and fruits stretched out from all angles to straighten Robin's crooked broken arm, and sent a wooden board to stick around the arm, and then handed a bandage to the other arm with flowers and fruits, wrapping it in circles. Tight, tie the knot.

   Lynch drew the iron rod from Robin’s chest, carried it on his shoulders, and walked alone into the huge forest of the island.

  In the deep jungle, the eyes of scarlet beasts lit up one after another.

  Fluttering...in the woods, flocks of birds start to fly.

  The two wild boars, with their huge fangs, walked out of the woods, looking fiercely at the hairless monkey holding the iron rod in front of them.


  The huge wild boar roared, rushed over and slammed into Lynch, but made a loud noise.

   "Woo..." A small bag appeared on the head of the huge wild boar, and it was confused. What did he bump into? Why is it so hard?

   Lynch weighed the iron rod in his hand and muttered to himself: "How did Stutsi's iron rebound technique do it..."

  The huge wild boar was not convinced, and backed two steps, the trotter was pulling on the ground, accumulating power.

"Couldn't it be that it was just so hard that it made others hurt myself, so I called it another game?" Lynch thoughtfully said, "Speaking of which, the effect of force is originally from each other. ..."

  The huge wild boar has red eyes, and it roars and rushes towards Lynch, but it is empty!

  A blast flew over the wild boar, condensed into Lynch's figure.


   Lynch was in the air, using shaved feet to control the feet, kicking out thirteen cyan slashes in an instant, and crisscrossing them on the wild boarskin!


  The scars on the back of the wild boar are staggered, and the bones are deeply visible.

  Huh, Lynch’s body scattered like clouds hanging in the air. He shook his head and commented: “No, it’s a tornado, at best it’s a small whirlwind...Is the power weakened because there are more?”

  The huge wild boar screamed, his eyes were red, and he was about to jump up, give this inexplicable guy a cruel, and fork him off with his fangs!

  It was covered in blood and rage. When it jumped up, Lynch charged up and slashed out a crescent-shaped cyan slashing energy that was larger than ever before.

  The huge wild boar was split in half by the middle. With a daze, it slowly split open and fell to the ground.

In the mist, Lynch materialized his palm, looked at the fingers, and thought: "Stuty's flying finger gun... is actually just a foot shot with a finger? These six types are essentially the same thing! It is the various applications in the life return, the excavation of the body's potential, the life energy... and the six forms of unity, that is, the concentrated explosion of life return accomplishments, which is the so-called..."

  The "Six Kings Spear" used by Rob Luke was called by Luffy the ultimate ultimate move that was several times more powerful than the sky island rowing shellfish.

   Lynch dragged the carcass of the huge wild boar away.

   "Impact force... slash... Giant tribe’s ultimate ‘Hegemony’, is it the ultimate version of ‘Land’s Foot’?"

  At night, in the jungle of this island, beside the burning fire, there are huge animal skeletons.

   "Woohoo... Lynch... is too big... I can't eat..."

  Beside the fire, Robin's stomach bulged high, like Luffy who was eating up. One arm was tied to a wooden board to fix her, her cheeks on both sides were filled with bulging, tears in the corners of her eyes, unable to resist Lynch in front of her... She forced a huge piece of barbecue into her mouth... Oh my God If it weren't for the ghost wearing Lynch now, Robin suspects that he has eaten to an explosion!

   "Hey, eat, eat more, so that the injury will heal quickly." Lynch comforted, and brought a large pile of fragrant barbecue dripping with golden fat.

  (End of this chapter)

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