I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 222: Seeds, books

  Chapter 222 Seeds, Books

   "Is it so rude?"

  When the flames of the missile explosion dissipated, Lynch patted the Raleigh-style medium-length hair that was darkened by the flames.

  His horrible performance is not just that the black and fat natives are scared to raise their guns and back again, but the giant birds who know the power of these missiles are also scared to feathers.

  Is this really a human?

  Is his body made of steel? !

   Lynch yawned and smiled, "Just now, who bombed me?"

  All the black fat natives heard the words, gulped, and took a step back together.


  Nine Snake Pirate Ship slowly docked.

   Hancock buttoned his shirt, walked out of the cabin, and said impatiently: "Why is it so noisy outside?"

  When I saw the island in front of me, it was immediately clear, it seemed that I had arrived at my destination.

"When we approached here just now, the huge strange birds and human residents on the island immediately attacked us..." Soon a female soldier came to explain to Hancock and laughed, "Thanks to Princess Xu Lun, And Qiao Luno, otherwise it’s really dangerous...the feathers and bodies of those strange birds can’t kill even the domineering arrows...and those strange missiles..."

   "Okay, go ashore." Hancock interrupted her and walked straight to the bow of the ship. The two big snakes immediately bowed their heads respectfully, allowing Hancock to step up and walk to the shore step by step.

  The female warriors on the deck were busy. After dropping the anchor, some of them stayed on the ship, and some of them followed Hancock and Princess Xu Lun to disembark and land.

Robin followed Hancock and walked in the forest. At the same time, she used the ability of flowers and fruits to blossom on the tallest giant tree that is the most eye-catching on the island. , Growing eyes one by one.

   "There are many plants on the tree that have never been seen..."

  Robin's flower eyes bloomed on the treetops, observing the wonders on the tree.

  Suddenly, she saw a baby bird tweeting in the huge nest, which seemed to accidentally turn out of the nest, and fell down with a whine.

  Following Hancock, everyone quickly found Lynch’s location in the forest.

  He is sitting leisurely on the back of one of the giant birds, playing with a high-tech missile gun in his hand.

  The black and fat natives took out the herbs they took with them to heal the injured giant birds.

  At the same time, each of them has a bag on their head, hissing painful, and they also need a dressing.

  The giant birds are wary of these humans, and of course they don’t want them to touch themselves, but the more terrifying humans are watching them, but they don’t dare to resist at all.

  "Look, why bother to fight and kill? Is there anything that can't everyone sit down peacefully and have a good chat?"

   Lynch played with the high-tech missile gun in his hand for a while, and threw it at Hancock and the others.

  The female soldiers of the Nine Snakes were startled, Hancock caught it, glanced at it, and said in doubt: "This is what you said?"

The female warriors explained to her the power of this thing. Hancock glanced at Lynch, nodded and said, "Not bad!"

  For her personally, the power of this thing may not be as powerful as her armed and domineering arrows.

But for the Nine Snake Island as a whole...Although they are all fighters, it is not true that all citizens can master the domineering. Even the fighters who have mastered the domineering, their domineering will be exhausted in the battle, if If there is a similar missile gun as an auxiliary weapon, it is also a good supplement.

  The black fat natives, seeing this group of gorgeous female Nine Snake warriors, all of them have long been red-hearted.

  Especially when I saw Hancock, an existence that was beyond their understanding of beauty...Puff, a black fat uncle rolled his eyes directly and fainted happily.

  The female soldiers of the Nine Snakes let out a low snicker.

   Hancock paid no attention to these, and suddenly looked towards the hillside not far away. A voice came from the back of Po. Soon, another group of black and fat natives rushed over aggressively with their weapons.

  "Anyone else in the Kingdom of Torino?" The middle-aged female warrior whispered, and clenched her sword tightly.

At this moment, everyone's heads also heard quack. When they looked up, another group of giant birds flew from a distance, as if they were not originally on the island. When they came back, they found that their partners had been bullied by humans. All the giant birds Became angry.

   Lynch’s seat, a giant bird coated with herbs and wrapped in bandages, wanted to raise its head and shout.

   Lynch smiled at Hancock: "It’s time for you to perform, Lady Empress."

   was originally a natural name for her. For example, the female warriors of the Amazon lilies didn't think much, but Hancock suddenly pressed his lips when he heard it, and gave Lynch a shy look.

   Immediately afterwards, Hancock's body sprayed with an astonishing momentum and swept out.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh ...... uh ......" Those fat black natives from the hillside there rose squealing rushing, suddenly one eyes discolor, mouth frothing, fall to pieces On the ground.

  "Quack—quack?" The giant birds that swooped down suddenly squeaked, their giant beaks were foaming, and they fell one by one, plopping, falling to the ground like rain.

  Overlord look domineering!

Robin looked at the others. Under Hancock’s deliberate control, her overlord color was only aimed at the giant birds swooping in the sky, as well as another batch of black fat natives, the Hydra warriors, and those who were defeated by Lynch. Giant birds and natives are not affected.

Thinking of Lynch’s conjecture about the overlord’s color back then, she was thoughtful and stretched out her hand. The chick caught by her in mid-air was brought to the ground by the tree trunk, and the hand of flowers that stretched to it kept sending Into her hands.

  "Tweet..." The chick cried in Robin's hand, and soon the injured giant bird under Lynch's seat also cried.

   "Is it your child?"

   Lynch jumped off the ground, Robin sent the chick to the giant bird. The heads of the chick and the giant bird rubbed against each other, and they hummed softly.

  Other giant birds that were injured and healed should also sing together.

  The giant bird stunned by the overlord's color and another group of black and fat natives woke up dizzyly, seeing the scene of the harmonious coexistence of people and birds, and they were a little dumbfounded for a while.

   "Look, how good is peaceful coexistence?"

   Lynch stroked his palms and smiled, "So, I should also be paid, right..."


  Although, among Lynch and the others, there is no cat who masters the two foreign languages ​​of humans and animals like Chopper.


Lynch knew in advance what the human-bird contradiction was on this island. It was nothing more than the black fat natives who wanted to pick the special plants on the tall trees for medicinal purposes, while the giant birds living on the trees mistakenly thought, These humans are just like the bad guys who drove them out of their hometowns in the past. They wanted to **** their eggs and hurt their companions... Lynch also didn't understand. The animals in One Piece have become more human, so why not? The misunderstanding between people and animals on this island has lasted for so many years?

  In addition, although there is no Chopper, the women of Hydra raise snakes.

  The pet snakes they have raised since childhood can be said to be connected with them. When they need to fight, they touch the snake with their little hands, and they immediately know how to pet the snake. They tighten their bodies and turn into snake bows...Although they can't speak human words, they can communicate with animals. After listening to the master’s words, Hancock’s pet snake Salome swam to the giant birds and spit out letters for a while, and the giant birds “quack quack quack” barked and barked. Knowing how they communicated, in short, soon, the misunderstanding between the giant birds and the black fat natives of the Torino Kingdom was resolved, and the previous suspicion was relieved.

  In return, the giant birds agreed that humans climbed onto the tree and picked plants at will. They are not needed anyway.

   Hancock was also welcome, and ordered the female soldiers to follow the local indigenous people to collect plant seeds, sort them into categories, and prepare to bring them back to Nine Snake Island for cultivation.

  The simple black and fat natives of the Kingdom of Torino warmly invited them to be guests.

   Hancock was not interested in the food here, and followed Lynch and Robin, led by the locals, into a huge library.

"There are tens of thousands of books...Even if you don't read technical books, but only medical books, it is impossible to read them in a short time..." The black fat tour guide kindly reminded, "Even the top doctors, It would take at least three or four years to read tens of thousands of these professional medical books!"

  (End of this chapter)

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