I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 258: I'm the Qiwu Pirate, not the Qiwu Navy

  Chapter 258 I am the Qiwu Pirate, not the Qiwu Navy

  The phone bug’s face seemed to have been slashed, with a vertical row of X-shaped traces of suspicious stitches.

  It has a mouth full of fangs, and it faithfully reproduces the person on the other end of the communication wave, in a very unceremonious tone: "Hehehehe, is it the Warring States Period? What can I do?"

  Sengoku said in a deep voice: "Morlia Moonlight, I need you to deal with a group of pirates."

"Oh?" The phone worm vividly imitated the look of the other Moriah, grinning and said, "Warring States General, what kind of pirate is that you need to use a king like me to deal with it? Hey? Hahahaha……"

   "To be precise, they are two pirates."

  The Warring States period took a sip of tea, and picked up two new reward orders on the table. After these things, the latest photos of Lynch and Robin have long been obtained. "Captain empty note. Xu Lun, 120 million Bailey..." The phone worm on the table said twice, "The bounty is pretty good! But this name doesn't make any impression..."

   Sengoku continued, "Crewman Chobana Giorno, 150 million Bailey."

Moria immediately yelled: "You are mistaken, Warring States! Why the bounty of the crew is higher than that of the captain... Wait a minute! Chobana Giorno, I seem to have heard this name before. !"

The imitation of the phone worm stopped for a while. It is conceivable that there must be someone reminding him on Moria’s side at this moment. Soon, the phone worm seemed to come alive again, imitating Moria’s screaming expression, loudly. "It's that guy! Warring States, that nasty little guy who stole Caesar's devil fruit, he...has he appeared on this sea again?!"

   "What's the matter, Moria, are you afraid of him?" The Warring States said in a deep voice.

"Who would be afraid!" Moria retorted sharply, "It's just that why should I risk my shadow fruit being robbed for your navy? Do you know..." He lowered his voice and called. The expression that insects imitated was not very happy, "When I first met that kid in Xihai, he tried to **** my devil fruit! Now it's really scary in retrospect! That little bastard... It is simply the natural enemy of all those with devil fruit ability!"

"Have you ever met Chobana Giorno? Or in the West China Sea?" The Warring States period was a little bit surprised, but the unexpected was on the other hand, "As far as I know, when Giorno was still in the West Sea, his strength was not as great as he entered the Great. As good as it was on the route..."

   Moria shouted: "It's not just that it's not good! That kid doesn't have any strength at all!"

  Warring States Road: "Then what are you afraid of him?"

Moria chuckled and said, "Are you stupid? Warring States! It's already so tricky that you can only call me this pirate to deal with... That kid named Qiao Luno, after so many years, Presumably his strength has grown to the point that you can't ignore it! Let me guess...Is it possible that the navy of your branch has nothing to do with him? And the navy headquarters cannot easily use him. General-level combat power..."

   "..." The Warring States period listened silently.

"I'm afraid that even an ordinary lieutenant general, you don't have the confidence to hold him, right!" The phone worm imitated the arrogant expression of the phone worm. Make a big fuss, if it fails, it would seriously damage the prestige of the navy! Hehehehehe...That’s why you asked me to come to Qiwuhai’s head, right? Anyway, I’m just a sea. Thief, even if I can't please in front of that guy, or even if he snatches the devil fruit, it has nothing to do with your navy! Hehehe..."

   "Enough!" The Warring States was slightly angry, and said coldly, "Don't forget, King Qiwuhai itself has the obligation to obey the navy's dispatch."

"If it's an effort, it can be an obligation. If it's such a troublesome situation," Molia lazily said, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear it!" Before the Warring States became angry, Molia took a trace of depression and recalled: "Besides! Do you know the reason why that kid dared to stretch his paw at me but survived when he was in Xihai? It was the red-haired... that red-haired Shanks! At the time, beside the kid Qoruno, Follow that... Now it is said that the captain of the red-haired pirate group who is unstoppable in the'paradise' is Shanks!"

   "What!?" The Warring States period was really unexpected, "Qiao Luno still has friendship with the red hair?"

  He really didn’t know.

  Indeed, Lynch was taken away by Shanks in Kuzan's hands. However, at that time, Lynch was just an unknown person, and it was impossible for Kuzan to bring back this unglamorous thing and report it to the Warring States Period... Now I know from Moria that Gioruno is actually with the redhead. Shanks had a very good relationship, so good that Shanks took the shot to save Qiao Luno from under Moria's hands, and the look of Warring States was more cautious.

   Originally, the Qiao Lunuo and Xu Lun had miraculously had a relationship with that absolute xenophobia, especially the Nine Snake women who repelled men. This is very daunting.

  Now add a red-haired pirate group...

  Although in the style of the gang of pirates, even if the navy takes a shot at Qiao Luno, the red-haired pirates will most likely not react, but the Warring States period will always hesitate when thinking about it.

  If you catch Qiao Lunuo and Xu Lun, you can directly combine the entire red-haired pirate group, the entire pirates of the Nine Snake Woman Kingdom, and fight the navy frontally... The Warring States period will be a little headache to think about! He is not a marshal, and he is not qualified to make such a big decision.

  This kind of powerlessness is not the first time that the Warring States Period has felt it. The sea is too vast, and the powerful pirates crop after crop, as if it will never be possible to clean them up. Their navy does not have the energy to cover everything, and they must even admit the fact that there are many pirates, and the Navy knows that they are there. There, but just can't deal with them.

"What is the weird ability that kid can steal the devil fruit ability? Does your navy have a clue? Is it his own special devil fruit ability, or can he possess two or even three kinds of devil fruit at the same time? Or other reasons?" Moria snapped and sneered, "There is no intelligence at all, so let us take such a big risk for the Navy, Warring States... You don't think I am the so-called righteous soldier of your Navy, do you? Hahahaha……"

  Morlia hung up the phone directly.

   Sengoku shook his face, leaned on the chair, and took a sip of tea slowly.

  Kapu gnawed senbei, haha ​​laughed wildly: "It's really ugly to be said by a pirate like this, Sengoku!"

Another person with a gangster style sat on the sofa, dangling a big cigar and said indifferently: "Well, I said nothing wrong, if you ask other people, it must be the same answer as mine... Easily destroy one. A warship, that Qiao Luno’s current strength is already amazing! With his weird ability...As long as you are a Devil Fruit capable person, if you can’t put up enough chips, no one wants to run into that kind of tricky guy. !"

    may be to make up for yesterday...?



  (End of this chapter)

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