I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 288: Back to Hydra Island

  Chapter 288 Return to Nine Snake Island

   Bonnie didn't dare to look up at anyone, but her body moved uncontrollably, licking and pecking slowly.

   "Sister, too much, right?"

   Lynch shook his head, and unceremoniously squeezed his **** to the Snake Jizi, pushing Hancock, who was inconvenient to squeeze with him with a long leg, to the side, causing Hancock to give him a dissatisfied look.

   "I'm happy, and she's happy too, what's up with you?"

   "Do you call this happy?"

   "Why don't you guess..." Hancock smiled, "Is there any snake poison in her right now?"

   Lynch said: "Did anyone tell you that you are laughing so **** perverted now..."

   Hancock gave her a blank look. The two younger sisters who acted as personal guards on both sides chuckled, and hurriedly tightened their mouths under the cold "murderous spirit" exuded by their sisters.

   "If there is no poisoning, then she did it voluntarily?"

  Robin leaned over with interest, and took a close look at Bonnie, who was blushing about to bleed, and the jade JIO in her mouth.

  In all fairness, Hancock, who is like a protagonist, can be called a perfect woman with no dead ends in her appearance and posture. Her feet can be called "Jade Foot". And Robin is also very convinced that he can line up to the great route from here, and then go around the great route one circle, another circle, another circle...

   "Xu Lun, you look abnormal now..."

   Hancock ignored the man next to Rory Barking, and reminded: "By the way, the ship has entered the windless zone, we are almost back to the island of Nine Snakes."

   Lynch and Robin nodded.


  〖Marin Vandor, Headquarters of the Navy——〗

  The bicycle is parked outside the door.

In the office of Lieutenant General   , a plaque was hung on the wall with a large line of words: "Justice without effort".

"I said, General of the Warring States Period, I did not violate military discipline, did I?" Kuzan sat behind his desk with his legs folded and said lazily. That empty strip. Xu Lun, and those people from the Nine Snake Pirates..."

  You lied to ghosts! The complexion of the Warring States period sitting across from drinking tea remained unchanged.

  Putting Chobana Giorno at the forefront, clearly means to go away prepared.

  Is this lazy brat still thinking about recruiting Gioruno into the navy? Forget it, by now, I am afraid that Mr. Zefa may not be able to completely defeat him.

  Jobana. Giorno's climate is over!

   Kuzan lazily said: "Don't worry, I didn't kill them..."

"You are the navy. It is justice to eradicate pirates. In any case, no one will blame you for this." After the Warring States had said this sentence very seriously, he paused and asked in a deep voice, "Since you have been with them. Fought against...how, what do you think of them, exactly?"

Compared with the Qing pheasant-the Warring States has decided to recommend Kuzan as an official candidate for general. Pheasants have reference value. After all, the gap between strength and vision is here...

   "How is it..." Kuzan thought about it seriously, and said in deep thought, "It's a shame that I couldn't see clearly what the big sister of big sister looks like..."

   "You guy..."


  The Warring States roared, the golden body of the big Buddha was revealed for a moment, after controlling it, he sat down again.

  He took a deep breath, "I'm asking you about their strength...strength!"

Kuzan also became serious, and said seriously: "Even if you don't consider the geographical advantage of the windless belt of the Nine Snake Island, the Nine Snake Pirates are a powerful force...especially their current leader, which is the Boba I just mentioned. Sister. I’m not entirely joking, General of the Warring States Period. I didn’t see her clearly. It was the color of my experience in the battle that reminded me that if I saw her eyes-I would die!"

  The Warring States period was silent. He can now be sure that the young leader of the Nine Snake, a characteristic description that exists in countless pieces of information: the most beautiful woman in the world. She must have petrified the flying squirrel, and her devil fruit ability, I'm afraid it is really in the legend, just look at her eyes, it will be petrified... Medusa.

   "Kong Tiao Xu Lun's strength is also very good, far surpassing the officers of the rank of lieutenant...

   "But obviously, the strength of her captain is not as good as her crew member, Chobana Giorno."

Kuzan paused for a while, and said seriously, "Warring States General, to be honest, my instinct tells me... that Qiao Luno didn't use his full strength in the battle with me. That feeling was weird, and Generally, the feeling of leaving room for scruples in a fight is different, but..."

   Kuzan frowned and thought carefully, and finally shook his head helplessly, "I can only say, I have no accurate certainty that I can kill him!"

   "Even you...?" The Warring States period was surprised, and then he straightened his face.

  There is such a willful and powerful pirate in the sea, which is not a pleasant thing!


  〖No wind belt, Nine Snake Island——〗

  The two big snakes were naturally thawed by Bonnie after touching the ice on the body surface, and happily dragging the red boat to gallop on the windless sea.

  A majestic island is slowly approaching, it is the island of Nine Snake that has been away for several months.

  The Hydra warriors on the ship cheered. At this moment, the guardians of the Pirate Ship were overjoyed when they observed the Pirate Ship.

   "The Pirate Ship is back! Open the gate of the city!"

  On the river channel into the city river, the circular city gate with a huge snake-hair skull pattern slowly opens to both sides.

   Soon, the red boat with the flag of the Nine Snakes Pirates flew along the river into the city, dragged by the two big snakes in the bow, slowly passing the city gate.

   "Master Hancock is back!"

   "The princess is back!"

"Welcome home!"

  Inside the city gate, the banks on both sides were crowded with people. They were all enthusiastic Hydra girls in floral dresses. Everyone cheered and laughed, waving their hands to the Hydra warriors on the boat, and welcoming them back.

  Sanda Sonia and Mary Groud waved to the people on the shore below the ship's gunwale on the deck.

  Mary happily said: "I feel curious! We waved below a few years ago, and now we are on the boat..."

  Sanda also smiled and nodded, and a female soldier urged behind her: "Sanda, Mary, let's help move things together! There are so many boxes..."

   "Yes, there are a lot of trophies this time!"

   "Big Harvest!"

The members of the pirate group were full of enthusiasm. Even the defenders who were under the ship also helped to move them up and down, and recorded their harvest in the registration office on the shore.

  This is the first time Crown Prince Boya Hancock has led the Pirates to sea. How significant is her success?

  However, Hancock herself didn't care much. After landing, she ignored the welcoming crowd, and led Bonnie to the palace amidst screams and admiration.

  (End of this chapter)

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