I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 307: Swim out of the windless zone by hand (two in one)

  Chapter 307 Freehand tour out of the windless zone (two in one)

  If there is wind at this time, there are flying catkins and fallen leaves, it is best to have a few willow trees on both sides of the river, which will definitely give you a farewell atmosphere.

  Unfortunately, there is no wind here. There is no wind.

  There is a small river out of the city, but there are no trees by the river.

  A group of people walked out along the river. Sonda Sonia has a steady personality, Mary Groud is heartless and feels nothing, only Hancock is slightly more silent than ever.

  Robin has no backpack or suitcase in his hand, and walks slowly beside Lynch, who is also empty-handed.

Suddenly she looked back and saw the two large circular gates half-opened in the river channel. The gates were painted with huge snake-headed skull-headed Nine snakes. Four or five years ago, she and Lin When Qi first came to this island, Lynch said something to the logo. It looked like the Pirate Flag style of Robin, who is capable of flowers and fruits. Now that I think about it, I still remember it, Robin. Can't help but smile, recalling what I experienced on this island, as if it was yesterday.

  In the outposts on both sides of the city gate, the guardian soldiers on duty waved to this side to say goodbye to their princess.

  Robin also smiled and waved.

   "Hey, Xu Lun." She suddenly heard Hancock say so. Looking back, Hancock took out a handkerchief from her arms.

  Robin was surprised: "This is?"

   Hancock couldn't help but put it in her hand. Robin sank his hands, and after uncovering the handkerchief, he found that there was a pistol in the handkerchief with a delicate shape.

  "Give it to me?" Robin asked with a smile.

   Hancock nodded.

  Mary Groud said: "My sister spent a whole night in the palace treasury before choosing this gun!"

  The Nine Snakes Pirates group goes out to carry out pirate activities from time to time. In addition to resources such as food, wine, swords and metals, there are also some things that they don’t need on the island, such as Bailey banknotes, such as muskets.

  Bei can’t use it because they have their own common currency on the island.

  You don’t need a musket, because all the people on the island are fighters and can shoot with bows. Only when you fall in milk can you use muskets! Therefore, most of the trophies looted in the open sea are stored in the vaults of the imperial palace for emergencies.

  However, even though Xu Lun is a Nine Snake Princess, he is not strictly a Nine Snake Warrior, so naturally he doesn’t need to mind whether he uses a bow or a musket.

   Hancock shouted: "Who wants you to talk too much?"

  Mary Grod bulged. Sonda Sonia smiled and didn't care. Although their sisters are the only ones who dominate, they still treat their two sisters with cold outside and warm inside.

  Robin plays with a pistol, this is a flintlock, but it can be fired continuously.

She checked it skillfully-Robin, who reads all the messy books, has a little knowledge of guns, so it is not difficult to use-the internal Tibetan bomb machine has a special expansion design that can hold three or four more projectiles. .

  Robin smiled and said, "I wanted to cooperate with the ‘he spends his free’ moves, so did I choose a pistol as a weapon?"

  Use him to freely copy the key parts of the enemy clone, such as the heart, which can be exploded with one shot. Although it won't really crush the enemy's heart, the pain of a heart burst is not something normal people can bear. This is a very effective tactic against the enemy... After all, Robin can repeatedly create other people's heart clones, or even create many hearts at the same time, and put them together in a series of shots.

  I believe that no matter what kind of tough guy, he will be overwhelmed by this trick.

   Hancock nodded, her mood a little depressed.

  Robin stepped forward and hugged the most beautiful girl in the world.

She knows that the unique Hancock, on the huge Hydra Island, there is no one who can really be regarded as a friend-the vast majority of women on the island of Hydra, can only be said to be fans of Hancock, Admirers, admirers.

   "Thank you, Hancock." Robin said in Hancock's ear.

  Hancock was held by Xu Lun without any movement.

  Only someone else can hold her, and even if he is willing to hold her, it is already a great honor for that person! Do you still expect her Hancock-sama to open his arms? She was disdainful... Hancock saw Lynch winking at her and pointed at Xu Lun, only then reluctantly raised his hand and hugged Xu Lun.

   "Got it." Hancock didn't say any thanks. Cut, thank yourself, isn't that what it should be?

  Robin let go of his embrace, "I will see you again in the future! Must..."

   Then, she hugged Sanda Sonya and Mary Groud each lightly, "Sanda, Mary, thank you."

   Hancock muttered: "Who is rare to see you bye..."

  Sanda smiled and hugged Princess Xu Lun. Mary hugged her and asked in doubt: "Why thank us?"

   Lynch laughed beside her and said, “Because not only your sister has no friends since childhood, she is the same! Xu Lun is very happy to have you friends in the past few years.”

   "Really?" Mary Groud thought for a while, then leaned in and hugged Robin, "No thanks, Princess Xu Lun!"

  Robin is a little embarrassed, and he is really embarrassed to be explained.

Lynch and "BIB" stood side by side, only the two of them knew that if it were Nicole Robin, the man in the original time and space who hid alone in the dark and did not trust anyone, he would never do this. Take the initiative to embrace other people’s outward emotions...

Even on the boat of the straw hat group, it is more in line with her style of painting, and it is more when Nami and Luffy Sauron and others laugh brazenly, she sits alone on the edge, holding a cup of black tea, smiling and nodding quietly , Nothing more.

   will not be enthusiastic anymore. Twenty years of gloomy experience has shaped her like that.

  And the version of Robin in front of me, it seems like a ray of warm sunlight in the morning softly falling into the petals that have just bloomed, and the dewdrops on the petals that have just bloomed reflect a fine halo...

   "Qoruno?" Mary Groud opened her arms.

  "Me?" Lynch asked.

  Mary smiled and gave Lynch a harder hug.

  Sanda Sonia glanced at her sister, and smiled and hugged her.

   Hancock did not move. Lynch opened his arms and laughed: "Come on, wouldn't it be so shameless?"

   "Huh." Hancock reluctantly leaned over and gave Qoruno a little under the gaze of his two younger sisters and Xu Lun.

  It's really time to say goodbye.

   Hancock said: "I said, I can actually take the pirate group out to the Great Sea Route, and take you out of the windless zone by the way."

   Lynch waved his hand and laughed: "Forget it! I'm afraid... if you send you so far, I can't help but come back with your ship again, haha."

  Sanda and Mary grinned, "Yes, we will not let you go!"

   "Then, how do you get out of the windless belt?" Hancock asked after handing a bag of bullets to Xu Lun.

   "Is it hard to do?"

   Lynch finished speaking and began to undress.

  After taking off his shirt and pants, he took out the green phone bug that was always dozing off in his pocket, and knocked his finger on the little guy's forehead.

   "Shoo!" Little Green murmured dissatisfiedly, opening a hole in his forehead, and Lynch tucked his clothes and trousers in.

Lynch’s devil fruit chip now has a total of three magnetic fruit, gas fruit, and castle fruit. The magnetic fruit is installed in his daily life. The gas fruit is idle and he is not very interested in using it, while the castle fruit is now daily. Tucked into Xiaolu's body-the main purpose is to use it as a portable "space bag", which is particularly easy to use.

  He and Robin’s backpacks are now in the little green phone worm castle.

   Lynch kicked off the two shoes again, stuffed it into Little Green's mouth, and threw Little Green aside, was caught by the dark ghostly substitute and held it in his hand.

  『B.I.B』 Free up his left hand, reach into the chest of the main body, and pick out the magnetic fruit chip.


  Robin finally waved goodbye, approached the little green in the hand of "B.I.B", and when he approached the castle fruit covering on its body, he shrank suddenly and plunged into the castle hole.

  Sanda and Mary’s "big faces" approached the entrance of the castle, watching the dark ghost holding the green phone bug floating off the ground and flying several meters low.

  And Lynch was shirtless, wearing only a pair of big pants, and shouted on the shore of Nine Snake Island: "Go!"

   After finishing speaking, he leaped back and drew an arc in mid-air, and finally puffed into the sea, blowing up white water waves several meters high.

  The surface of the sea was stable for a moment, but under the water it seemed that torpedo missiles were flying at extreme speed. In the blink of an eye, the low buzzing sound galloped forward for dozens of hundreds of meters.

Soon, the calm sea in the distance was shattered, and huge waves fluttered. At a speed of more than ten meters per second, even at an accelerating speed, the huge white waves continued to move to the distance. At first glance, they thought it was in the water. What ferocious sharks and beasts are hunting, the thieves are scary...

   "Is he planning to swim out of the windless zone by hand?" Mary Groud exclaimed, "It's crazy too!"

  Sanda Sonia smiled and said, "However, if it is Qoruno, it can be done!"

  Hancock retracted his gaze and looked over his head. The dark ghost hovering in the air was holding a green phone worm. On the forehead of the phone worm, sitting beside the castle portal, Xu Lun was waving at them in a reduced version...

  Narrow and narrow eyes glowed with white light, and the structure of the visor couldn't make any expressions. "B.I.B" held Xiaolu, turned and flew away, chasing the main body, and headed towards the sea.

  Everything is quiet...

  There is no wind, and even the current in the river is as smooth as a mirror, and there is no sound of waves in the sea. Because there are no waves.

  There was a bird song in the sky overhead, melodious and lonely.

   Hancock flicked his cloak, turned around and went back, "Let’s go!"

   "Oh!" Boya's two younger sisters hurriedly followed.


  After speeding up at high speed over the sea, even though it is still a windless zone, I can feel the wind blowing on my face.

"BIB" flies in the air, and the sea below is white waves shaking the sky. The body intends to imitate the Hades King Raleigh to swim out of the windless zone with bare hands... After living in the windless zone for several years, which one is going to the South China Sea and which is going to the great They knew this common sense in the first half of the route. As for physical strength, there is no need to worry. Even in this monster-like One Piece world, the physical strength of the body is definitely the upper part of the pyramid. It is just swimming, even if it is swimming for four or five days without stopping. It can't emptied his physical strength at all.

  Swimming through the windless zone by hand is never a question of physical strength.

  Even driving a boat through the windless waters, it has never been a question of whether there is wind as a power source.

  The biggest danger in the windless zone is the huge sea kings that inhabit this sea area!

Puff puff!

  On the calm and endless sea, the high waves aroused by Lynch swims, suddenly, under the waves moving forward on the still sea, a shadow slowly emerged.

  The shadow continues to expand, becoming like a hill.

Um? Lynch, who was swimming shirtless, was swimming happily, keenly feeling the huge ocean current rising under the water, seeing and hearing the domineering and perceiving a huge aura that was quickly hitting.


  A huge sea king like a hill broke through the sea. Compared with the huge water wave that Lynch raised, it was like a small white flower on the head of a big shark.

   "What are you doing?"

  Breaking through the sea surface, in the water waves soaring into the sky, a figure like a black dot jumped high, stepping on the air under his feet, making a popping sound.

   Lynch looked at the huge Neptune with his head high and stared after breaking open the sea, and said dissatisfied: "I was swimming happily, who caused you to make trouble?"

After that, I turned the moon step towards the sky with a "pop", and the whole person stabbed down, and the moment he hit the head of the giant sea king, his feet were wrapped with black domineering, "bang!!!" A loud noise, a terrible shock passed. The entire body of the huge sea king, even the sea around it splashed and rolled out huge waves.

   "Roar~~~" I can't see what kind of giant sea kings scream.

   "Oh! The blood is pretty thick!" Lynch laughed.

  The huge sea king wanted to eat him and hit him. Of course, Lin Qi dexterously hid all of them with moon steps, and kept jumping, falling, and hammering...

   "Boom", "bang" and "bang" hits constantly, the sea shook, the current surged, and the big fishes and small fishes under the water fled in panic.

what happened? I don't know, it's over if you escape!

  It didn’t take long for the giant sea king to burst into blood. Although he was not dead, he also gave birth to a heart of fear. He was still a child! Dive into the water quickly and sink deeper into the ocean floor.

  Where did humans come from? Why are they so cruel!

  I really can’t afford to provoke...

   "Look at you as the preparatory kid of'Poseidon', so spare your life," Lynch muttered to himself in mid-air, stepping on a moon step, "or else, I don't need to lay my feet-Crescent Moon will entertain you!"

  The substitute flew in holding Little Green. Lynch made an OK gesture to Robin at the entrance of Little Green's forehead, and then withdrew the moon step, the whole person fell freely, with a thump, and gracefully entered the water again.


   Lynch snorkeled in the sea and kicked the water with the power of the moon step. With every step, he exploded with an astonishing thrust. He jumped out for tens of meters in the water, and two or three hundred meters passed in a blink of an eye.

  The fish scattered underwater find such a human fierce, and escape more happily.

  These ordinary fishes are not as smart as murlocs and merfolks, and not as smart as large sea kings-giant sea kings are intelligent races, they can think and even speak, although their language is not understood by ordinary people. They can watch the awakened "Poseidon" mermaid princess Baixing chat with each other-but they are also intelligent, at least enough intelligence. They communicate with murlocs or mermaids, pass information to them, and sometimes listen to murlocs or mermaids. To guide them.

   Lynch is not interested in killing sea kings and fishing, because he is not hungry now.

   Soon, shocking white waves blew up on the windless sea, and they flew straight toward the edge of the windless zone and the great route on the other side.

  Robin sits at the entrance of the castle fruit hole on the little green forehead, following the high-speed swimming Lynch with a smile on his face.

  Hurrying for a while, I don’t know how long it has been since Robin saw a huge “monster” flapping its wings in the sky beside him.

   The two chapters are in one, too lazy to open it.

    Ps: In the afternoon, I thought of a fun section. I wanted to use a fruit to disgust a certain character. Haha, you can guess.



  (End of this chapter)

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