I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 314: Magnetism and pointers and shipbuilding

  Chapter 314 Magnetism and pointers and shipbuilding

  At the beginning of the great route, upside down the mountain twin heads, there are seven magnetic routes to choose from.

  This is equivalent to the seven main trunks on the Great Route. In addition to these magnetic main roads, there are other scattered islands on the sea of ​​the great sea route. These scattered islands are connected in series, like dense "branches", embedded in the backbone of the seven magnetic routes...

   Lynch sits on the shore of the island, facing the sea with his eyes closed, holding the record pointer in one hand, and holding it out of nowhere, as if touching a magnetic field that is invisible to the naked eye.

  Naturally, his eyesight cannot cover the entire sea, but as a person with the ability of magnetic fruit, he felt in the dim the magnetic network that resembled the "multiple" shape on this great route.

  And in this huge network, there are densely scattered nodes one after another, like a vortex of magnetic force, as a hub, linking one route after another.

   Lynch knows that every magnetic vortex is island after island on the great route.

  Each adjacent magnetic vortex pulls, connects, entangles with each other... and forms a magnetic track.

  In his hand, inside the spherical glass cover that records the pointer, the pointer shakes lightly, slowly recording the magnetic force of the island.

  The dotted islands in the distant place, Lynch can only vaguely feel their existence.

  But sitting on the island right now, he was gradually able to clearly "see" the direction "guided" by the island's magnetic force.

  The magnetic passage points to the southwest...

   Lynch closed his eyes and slumbered, holding the record pointer in his hand, but thinking as if following a magnetically guided channel, flying over dozens of kilometers of ocean.

  The record pointer in his hand, the small pointer began to shake violently.

   Lynch’s consciousness seemed to follow the magnetic route, through the sea with unpredictable climate change, to the neighboring, more magnetically powerful vortex in the distance.

  That is the next island.

  Magnetic vortex, strong and weak.

  Weak, like the island where Lynch is at the moment.

  The island is geographically remote, far away from the seven magnetic routes, and is the end of a certain “branch”...

  Probably because of the weak magnetic vortex of this island, it takes longer to record the pointer to record the magnetic force of this island.

  So, on the contrary...

   Lynch’s palm is condensed with strong magnetic force, gently flicking, as if plucking a string, holding down the weak magnetic field emitted by the island, and gently combing.

  He opened his eyes, stood up, looked at the boundless sea, and quickly turned his head to look in the other direction, which was the direction of the red earth continent.

  As the route deepens, the chains of the seven magnetic routes will gradually converge with each other. In the end, all the magnetic routes, no matter the trunk or the branches, will merge into one destination—Lough Drew.

  The ultimate island where the "big secret treasure" is hidden, ONEPIECE!

"I remember it was said in the comic that the magnetic force of the island at the end stage is very chaotic... Without the guidance of the four redstones, it is impossible to find Lavdru by the recording pointer. The Lavdru permanent pointer in the theater version should be Luo. The records were completed only after the people on the Jie ship arrived at the final island..."

   Lynch thought to himself, and was also quite curious in his heart. If he arrived at the Shuixian Star Island with the magnetic fruit, could he directly find the magnetic vortex belonging to Lavdrew in the ocean of magnetic chaos?


  Think carefully, I don’t seem to be so interested in what the Big Secret Treasure is!

  The truth of history?

   Lynch doesn’t care much about the history of this exotic Pirate World.

  As for Sister Robin’s ideals, 100 years of obsession with blankness... Before she met the straw hat group, she had not found a few historical steles that recorded important truths. Therefore, Lynch believes that the trajectory of Robin in the original time and space is not very different from the Robin who is mixing with him now!

Big deal, wait another fifteen years in peace, when the time comes to carry the son of choice, the new Joey Boy, the most terrifying power in the sea, the straw hat boy who is determined to become the next One Piece, will naturally be Arriving at the final island of Ravdru will naturally cause a huge war that is very likely to erupt, even the closed and closed country of Wano.

  At that time, no matter what the so-called historical truth is, there is a high probability that it will be revealed, not by the straw hat group, but also by the revolutionary army.

   Therefore, while Lynch is not interested in history, he is not worried about delaying Robin's dream because of himself.

  In addition...is the treasure?

   Lynch touches his chin. If you’re looking for treasure, don’t mention whether you’re interested, even if you’re interested... it doesn’t have to be Lovedrew!

  The old green pepper man from the Land of Flowers who was once a sharp head and is now bald, doesn’t he have a huge treasure house accumulated over generations?

  Anyway, this time I go to sea, I will definitely go to the country of flowers.

  The treasure of green pepper was frozen in the ground. After Karp's sharp head was knocked flat, he could no longer open the frozen treasure...but this kind of physical barrier was meaningless to Lynch.

  『B.I.B』will not be turned away by the ice.

   "At that time, let "B.I.B" take the fruits of the castle and touch some of his treasures in the frozen treasure house of green pepper. It is also a memorial!"

   Lynch thought to himself, and went back to the woods.

  The pitch-black armor has silently cut off many big trees, cut into logs and piled them on the clearing. It's just that how to make these woods into small boats, it takes a lot of thinking.

  Robin brought the little girl over. The little girl probably cried, her eyes and nose were red, and she looked aggrieved.

  Robin asked: "How is it?"

   Lynch briefly talked about the magnetic route he sensed through the magnetic fruit.

  Robin was surprised: "In other words, if you are here in the future, you don’t even need to record pointers?"

"Where, if you need to go to a specific place, you still need to get a permanent pointer." Lynch said modestly, "A magnetic vortex that is too far away, unless the ability of the magnetic fruit is further developed. This is only true. Can the genius of Devil Fruit do it?"

  Robin smiled and said, "The genius of Devil Fruit, isn't that you?"

"Yeah!" Lynch clawed his fist, thought about it and said again, "But... even if I can act as a permanent pointer, but want to remember so many different islands, I don't have the powerful memory ability to remember. It can't be done!"

  Robin stepped on tiptoe, and flicked his nose with a finger, "I can't see it, aren't you?"

   "That's right!" Lynch laughed, "It turns out I'm so good!"

   噗哧, the little girl who had rubbed her eyes couldn't help but smile. Although she didn't understand what the big brother and big sister were talking about, she was still amused by the tone and performance.

"But is this okay?" Robin tapped Lynch's thick and strong chest twice with his fingers. That's it. Unless...you let "BIB" replace you as a person with magnetic fruit ability?"

   "That won't work!" Lynch said flatly.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand, facing the green phone worm that swayed leisurely in the woodland not far away, an iron rod flew out from the castle hole on its forehead in an instant, and the "BIU" zoomed in and restored to its original shape after being removed. "Swish" flew into Lynch's hand and held it "pop".

   "The magnetic fruit gave it, how can I play it?" Lynch held the iron rod on her shoulder little by little, and the little girl raised her head and stared in awe. What happened just now?

  Robin spreads out his hands, his expression is asking, what else can I do?

   "This seems a bit difficult...but it's not impossible!"

  The iron rod paused on his shoulders, and Lynch smiled slightly, "Like... doing this!" He lifted the iron rod, thrust it into the ground forcefully, and put the rod in front of him.

At the same time, an astonishing magnetic force that ordinary people can't feel, from Lynch’s body, along the iron rod rushed in mightily, as if a palm of huge magnetic force stretched into this small island. In the weak magnetic vortex of, stretched out and stirred... The strength of the stirring slowly increased along the direction of the vortex, until the magnetic giant palm finally merged into the magnetic vortex of the entire island, no longer distinguishing each other.

  "Record pointer..." Both Robin and the little girl saw that the recording pointer in Lynch's hand immediately pointed to the other direction of the sea after shaking for a while.

   "It's done." Lynch pulled out the iron rod and threw it casually.

  The little green leisurely transforms into a huge castle shape, opening his mouth to swallow the oncoming iron rod, and then shrinking again, returning to a small one, and continue to sway on the ground.

"..." The little girl looked silly, looked at the snail over there, looked at the big brother, swayed back and forth, wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say, and the kind eldest sister didn't care about it at all. The huge snail that appeared and disappeared unbelievably, was saying to his elder brother: "Unbelievable, the pointer has...had the magnetic force of this island been recorded?"

   Lynch used the ability of the magnetic fruit to pull the magnetic vortex of the island to its fullest in an instant, so that the recording pointer actually recorded the magnetic force of the island in an instant, and naturally began to point to the next island.

"The enhanced magnetic vortex will probably last for a day or two," Lynch said. "Unfortunately, it is too difficult to change the characteristics of the magnetic vortex, and I can't understand the pile of research materials by Dr. Bergapunke. , Otherwise you might be able to turn this Xiaochun Island into a Xiaodong Island for fun..."

  Robin was speechless, if Lynch could do that, it would really be like a miracle.

But Lynch smiled and asked, "How can you be sure... these islands on the great route, these complex magnetic networks... In the beginning, it was not someone who used magnetic fruit or someone who made magnetic fruit? Is this kind of technology artificially shaped?"

  Robin thought for a while and said: "If this is true, it will be an unprecedented large-scale project. It is impossible to find any records in history... The only possibility is..."

  Such a large project was recorded in the "one hundred years of disappearance", so related records were also annihilated along with that period of history.

   "But the great route, the red earth continent, these natural miracles... have existed for thousands of years."

Robin thought and slowly said, "--Either, one, the magnetic network of the great sea route was recorded thousands of years ago, in the too old history, the relevant deeds have not been recorded and passed down; or, two, Before that period of disappearing history, there was no magnetic route on the Great Sea Route. It was just a very ordinary sea area like the four oceans."

  She looked up and met Lynch.

Lynch snapped his fingers and analyzed: "And the great sea, which was originally calm, has suddenly been added with these magnetic networks, how has it changed? Complicated magnetic vortices affect each other, causing the originally calm and normal sea to change. It is countless times weird and unpredictable, countless times more dangerous...It sounds like the instigator is like a lunatic who intends to destroy the world!"

  Robin was speechless. She thought of Dr. Clover and they discovered a huge kingdom that might exist in that disappearing history in the hundred years of their research. Will that huge kingdom make it? Like Lynch said, because what he did was like a lunatic who destroys the world, he was wiped out? The world government that was born eight hundred years ago?

  If this is the case, the world government is the heroic organization that saves the world, so why should it cover up that period of history? Is it because they discovered that the truth was not so after they wiped out the huge kingdom, and that the other party was not evil? So neither would he want to admit his own injustice, nor could he explain why the huge kingdom was destroyed, so he simply wiped out the history of the other party's existence?

  Robin remembered the content of the piece of historical text he had seen on Nine Snake Island, and muttered: "It may be possible, but there is no evidence to support it. After all, it is just a conjecture."

   When he looked up, he found that Lynch had left long ago, playing with the stacked logs over there.

   With a helpless smile, Robin walked over, "If you want to build a boat, you can’t do without tools. Go to the town to see if you can borrow some..."

  Many residents here are fishermen, and they must have the tools to repair ships and build ships.

   Lynch nodded, it's impossible to really want him to saw the wood with his bare hands, right? Then he asked: "What tools do you need?"

  Robin recalled some miscellaneous books he had read, and carefully reported a few, such as saws, wood planes, and the like. Lynch asked for the details again, asking her to describe what the tools looked like as much as possible.

   "Are you going to..." Robin hesitated, she felt that the man didn't plan to go to town to get tools.

   Lynch gave her a thumbs up, smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand: "Come on!"

  『B.I.B』flew over, picked up the wood-colored telephone worm that was crawling leisurely on the trunk, and handed it to the main body—Little Green was wondering, "Bolu?" staring at two lollipop-like eyes.

  "Saw, wood planer..."

  The phone worm and Lynch looked at each other with magical eyes, and soon became dizzy. Lynch’s voice followed the line of sight and went straight to the bottom of his heart, echoing leisurely in his mind.

  At the same time, in the phone worm castle, beside the stacked packages, on the ceiling, floor, and walls that are full of flavor, white fluids continue to emerge, condensing into the shipbuilding tools Lynch and the others need...


  In the town, not only the young and strong, but also some uncles and aunts also united, got together, and discussed solemnly.

   "The two pirates took Amorim away, and they must not be let go!"

  (End of this chapter)

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