I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 321: I don't have the overlord look anymore

  Chapter 321 I'm No Overlord

   "Why did she get to the pirate ship on the opposite side?"

  The permanent pointers stayed in the phone worm castle, and Lynch jumped onto the pirate ship outside. No matter on the deck or the surrounding air, Kerla did not find any trace.

  "I practiced the elementalization of gas fruit with her. She seemed to like the feeling of flying in the sky as gas, and she flew farther without paying attention..."

  Robin and Lynch walked to the bow together. Lin Qi looked towards the sea ahead, and she saw a fairly huge pirate ship approaching them.

  The distance is very close. It seems that the other party has spotted their small boat and intends to sail this way.

   Lynch snapped **** behind him. "B.I.B" naturally understood, changed the direction of the helm, and headed towards the pirate ship that was approaching.


  There are seabirds flying overhead.

  Robin's heart moved, and she raised her gaze to chase the flying black seabirds. She folded her hands and activated the flowers and fruits.

  On the boat, Robin shook his hand, and the petals surged in his palm, and he condensed a lifelike black seabird, which was exactly the same as the one that had just passed over his head, except that it had no eyes.

   Lynch said: "By the way, I forgot to ask. How did you knock down those Self-Defense Forces soldiers on that island before?"

"It's like this." Robin laughed, "When they rushed towards me, each of them had a piece of my hair attached to their clothes... As long as they were touched by the ability of flowers and fruits to create things, they could record By downloading the target’s information, you can use it to freely copy the target, or part of the target."

   "Ah~~Miss Robin." Lynch dragged his voice and touched his chin. "The use of abilities has become so superb, I didn't even notice it on the spot."

  Robin smiled and threw his free and blind seabird into the air. Under her control, blind flowers and birds flapped their wings, the petals on the forehead swirled down, opening a Robin's eye, and under the feathers between the neck, Robin's ears opened. With a flap of its wings, the blind flowers and birds flew towards the Pirate Ship ahead.

"But it was not so easy to achieve the...like domineering impact of the overlord's look at the time." Lynch recalled, "I remember you were only walking, um...very pretending, very decent, but You have to do something, otherwise, why do they all fall to the ground with broken faces? Hey, did you copy a bunch of eggs and crush them?"

   "Linch, it's too vulgar." Robin shook his head.

   "Where it is vulgar, it is obviously a very efficient method. Besides, if it is not a broken egg attack, why are the soldiers rushing so straight on the street?"

"It's just that you don't know enough about the human body..." Robin slung the bag on his body and put the little green who was doing nothing on the deck into the bag. What did she say to little green, the little green in the bag opened her mouth , The transformation of "Qili Kara" in the mouth has formed a large number of axe knife and fork electric saw cutting wheels. "There are many ways to make a person break down instantly..."

   Lynch was silent. At that time, what parts of the soldiers did Robin copied in the bag, and how many parts were sent to Xiaolu, an enthusiastic black factory. What kind of torture he experienced in a short time... Given the unfathomable black depth of Sister Robin The crippled black-belly nature, and his advantage that Hua Zizai does not materially disable others...

   "In this way, you also seem to have a domineering look." Lynch touched Robin's head optimistically, "You have it, Hancock has it, and I don't have it anymore."

   "Shhh." Robin let him touch, but reminded him to whisper, "I saw Kerra, hehe..."

  She laughed after seeing the situation clearly.


   "Captain! She...she...she..." The members of the Helmet Pirates rushed over.

"She's her shit! What's the matter?" Captain Epps was burly and majestic, looking out at the sea, especially staring at the small pirate ship not far away. Although small, no matter how small the fish is, there is meat. , It’s meat to eat, otherwise, what kind of pirate? The cry of his subordinates immediately disturbed Yaxing, who was about to eat meat.

  The pirate who rushed forward said anxiously: "It's the little girl who ran to our boat without knowing when..."

  "Not killed yet?" Captain Epps was dissatisfied.

   "That little girl... She's a monster, Captain! We couldn't even touch her... It's so evil!"

"Trash!" The captain of the helmet kicked his men into the air, and strode to find him. At this time, the men on the deck were forming a group, the sound of swords and fists were constant, and there were successive sounds of panic and doubt. He could be seen. Angrily turned back and smiled, "Really ambitious and capable! You gang of trash, but a little girl needs so many people to besiege? My fucking...huh?"

All the men stepped aside, and Captain Helmet saw clearly how the little brown-haired girl was so evil...The fists and swords of the brothers on the boat, no matter what kind of attack they rushed over, they couldn’t touch them at all. That brown-haired little girl's body! Her whole person is like a cloud, a puff of smoke, a puff of air, scattered and gathered, without a trace.

  On the side of the ship, a black seabird stopped and watched silently.

  唰! A long knife slashed diagonally, unstoppable, and cut Kerla's whole person in two diagonally, the sword swept across, and also cut a clear scratch on the wooden deck.

   "Deputy Captain! Please be careful, we almost hacked to death!"

The deputy captain Heizao ignored them, and continued to hack at Kerla unbelief. He used to be a bodyguard for a rich man. His swordsmanship is not bad, the sword is sharp, and he takes the key point directly, but every knife falls on the weak and can't help but wind. There is no sense of force in the little girl, as if this girl is an illusion, not a real person...

   Stumbled into the thief ship. Facing the situation of being besieged by the pirates, Kerla just bowed her head and apologized in panic: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

  The deputy captain swung his sword repeatedly, Kerla’s panic and apology were in his eyes, it was a mockery and humiliation to him.

With this weird situation, everyone on the Helmet Pirates ship was surprised to see, Captain Epps was shocked: "Is this the so-called Demon Fruit Ability person? It's a pity that the owner of such a powerful thing is actually a weak and incompetent person. Little devil head!"

  The deputy captain over there slashed more and more urgently, and Kerla was also frightened by his anger, and backed back again and again.

   "Captain, that boat is approaching."

   "I'll talk about it later!" The Captain Helmet rubbed his fists, "First take down this violent monster..."

  He punched the panicked Kerla in the face.

   "Damn it!" The deputy captain Kurozao held a knife in both hands and slashed at Kerla.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Kerla stood still, fists and knives passed through her body, smashing and cutting off the side of the ship behind her, and the black seabirds that landed on the side of the ship were also shot down. Falling into the sea, the petals fell into a ball of petals and floated far away on the surface of the water.

   "No one can touch you, doesn't it feel good?" She heard the voice of Brother Qoruno.

  Sister Xu Lun did not know when she stood beside her, and gently pressed her shoulder.

  "Who are you?" The captain of the helmet and the deputy captain asked at the same time, and then they found that their fists and knives could not move.

  "Fists are not used like this." Captain Helmet's fist was grasped by the palm of a mecha covered with blue flame patterns.

   "Neither is the knife." Lynch stood behind the deputy captain, pinching the opponent's blade with two fingers, and twisting it slightly, the deputy captain felt a shock in his hand, and the knife came out.

  (End of this chapter)

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