I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 376: I don’t even know where the end of the universe is

   Chapter 376 I don’t even know where the end of the universe is

   [Chapter head serialization·Lovesickness serialization first stop and stop 6. "Talking about the two ends"]

[On a remote island near the windless zone, the handsome prince sits on the roof with enthusiasm. Inside the house, Annie, Amorim, Marianne, etc., as well as all the villagers, are full of laughter and tears; Lulu In the Kingdom of West Asia, the wandering painter George opened the door, his unshaven mouth was left with the drunkenness, and he wandered down the street drunkly...]——

  In fact, this is the second round of controversy.

  In the first round, I was arguing about whether or not to directly lose the daredevil Chobana Giorno and disqualify him from the competition...

  The result is that after the above decision is made, the discussion is suspended.

   Turning to arguing that after such a change occurred, the number of players in the competition dropped sharply. From the originally expected more than 1,500 people, it suddenly dropped to only 300 people. The next game should make urgent adjustments.

  Someone suggested that since the number of people is so small, just let the remaining 300 people directly decide the top eight at once?

   But after a little deduction, I know that among these three hundred people, many of them are absolutely restless...

  Since these three hundred people are all the remaining contestants this time, all the others will be cut off. I am not directly the champion, I will be directly awarded the title of "The World's No. 1 Swordsman"? !

  Then why should I wait for the quarterfinals, semifinals, championship games?

  You can just hack here and have a good time!

"Absolutely! Among these people, there will definitely be people who think so..." The older referee looked at his colleagues with a heavy face, "I have been a referee in the competition for so many years, and I will also be a referee in the New World Fighting Competition. Ever... I know too much what these lawless guys in the ocean think... Never underestimate these people!"

  Don't underestimate which aspect... the other referees secretly embarrassed. Don't underestimate the lower limit of their breaking rules? ? ?

Miss referee was taking notes, remembering the man who was muttering "The organizer is really considerate", and thought: "If three hundred people are really allowed to compete directly on the same stage, then maybe there won't be any top eight... "


   "Huh? More than seven preliminaries?"

   After receiving the notice, Lynch said he was very surprised. He thought he was so troubled that he would be able to finish this casual game today and leave!

  The staff member who came to inform definitely said: "That's right."

   "Then there will only be..." Lynch looked at Robin, and Robin said, "There are more than forty people."

  The staff nodded and said: "Yes."

   "Only forty people play a game, how can this be enough for those lawless guys?" Lynch said earnestly, "Isn't this the next seven games can be compared in one morning? Is it a holiday in the afternoon?"

  Isn’t it you who is the most lawless...who is the one who messed up, made the sky full of sword rain, eliminated more than a thousand people in one breath, and caused the embarrassing situation like this? The staff suffocated their stomachs and didn't dare to spit it out in person. He nodded numbly and said: "Yes..." He immediately woke up and shook his head again and again, "No, yes, I mean, no!"

   "Don't be afraid, don't worry, speak slowly." Robin smiled and comforted.

   "There are three more games in the morning..." The staff blushed, "The four games in the afternoon are still in accordance with the original schedule."

  He ran away after he was notified. Lynch touched his head, "Am I so scary?"


  Robin raised his hand and touched his cheek, his eyes scanned the surroundings. Up to now, the more than 1,000 wounded have not been lifted by the stretcher...

   "Are you afraid of me?" Lynch lowered his head.

   "I was afraid the first day." Robin raised his hand and stroked his slightly rough cheeks backwards.

   "The first day... Oh." Lynch remembered and smiled, "I must have scared you? Haha, I was so bad then."

  I recognized me at a glance because of the "prophecy", and also revealed my identity and bounty? Robin didn't ask. She remembered what Lynch said back then. Even if you guessed something, don't ask about it. Anyway, he won't answer... "What did you think?" She heard Lynch ask again.

"This..." Robin touched, looked up at his inverted chin, and recalled, "Although I was shocked by what you said, but how should I say it, I'm used to similar situations a long time ago. So I didn't There is no special idea... I soon found out that those people in the distance were chasing over, so I hurriedly hid behind the garbage dump."

   "What about you?" Robin turned around, hugged his waist and raised his head and asked, "Why did you... talk to the gangster like that, it's easy to be shot and killed by them directly."

"I don't even know where the end of the universe is, how could I know this kind of thing?" Lynch touched his head optimistically, "Who's head will be awake just after crawling out of the trash? Maybe I was thinking about it at the time. Just die again, just as a strange dream..."

  "A substitute needs a strong stimulus to awaken," Robin analyzed seriously, "Perhaps you subconsciously think that doing that is more conducive to stimulating "B.I.B"..."

  The two leaned together as if no one was talking.

Not far away...in the distance...in the stands...and because the game has not resumed, so the pictures of them cut from time to time on the big screen...at the scene, audiences from all over the world were secretly shocked and speechless, this Does anyone know what he just did? Why can he and his captain have such a plain greasy and crooked face...

  What is the female captain? That's a female lover at all!

  It turned out to be such a thing!

  No wonder it is a pirate group with only two people, and the captain can tolerate the crew's bounty higher than himself!

   "The second game begins."

   Lynch and Robin watched the more than forty players slowly come on stage from the sidelines.

  Most people took back their swords, and as they stepped onto the stage, their faces were solemn.

  Because among the people who are on the stage together... There is a woman who wears a wide round hat, is thin and tall, and carries a slender famous knife behind her waist...

  Ghost (Harmony) Mrs. Charlotte Armand.

  More than forty swordsmen quickly drew their swords after taking the stage, and turned their blades in a tacit understanding...Qiqi aimed at the tall woman whose face slowly on the stage was hidden by the huge brim...

  The host gave an order and the game started.

  More than forty swordsmen clenched the hilt and moved together! All the knives are aimed at the daughter of the sea emperor!

  One-on-one, the odds of winning are too low!

   Must work together to eliminate her!


  Amand kept the pace of the stage unchanged. He stepped onto the stage from there, walked through the ring slowly, and went to the opposite side and walked off the ring slowly.


   "What's wrong with her? Do you want to abstain?"

"and many more……?!!!"

  Many people who watched the game had strange faces and puzzled at first, followed by an earthquake in their pupils, as if they had seen incredible things.

  Amand walked down the ring quietly and calmly.

  She didn't know when she pressed her hand on the hilt on the back of her waist, and the sharp and slender blade also revealed a small section.

  Qiang, she pushed the knife back into its sheath.

  Behind the ring, more than forty swordsmen stood stiffly holding their knives in place, and in the end, they were bloodied one by one! One after another crashed down.


  A puff of smoke rose from the wide brim of the hat, and Armand left without changing his steps.

   "Slow waltz? It's a trick name fraud..."

   Lynch recalled the process of Armand walking all the way out of the sword on the stage just now, "She was slow when cutting people, and the speed of the sword was not slow... but too fast! Faster than the white horse..."

   "She is so strong..." Robin, like everyone else, was shocked by the demeanor of this traditional swordsman. "Even if I use him to spend comfortably, I don't think I can use her swordsmanship..."

  He is free to replicate the target's physical fitness, even all the domineering. But after all, Robin can't get the other party's thoughts and memories, and even his senses are connected with the other party himself. Some technical things, such as swordsmanship, such as domineering skills, such as fighting skills, and so on... This can only be operated by Robin himself.

  With the assistance of "B.I.B", I can feel what the king's operation is like from time to time. Robin can break through his own upper limit, but...the swordsmanship is a bit out of place.

  Because Lynch is not a true swordsman. His stand-in also couldn't give Robin the experience of a strong swordsman.

   "The next game is for you." Lynch patted her on the shoulder.

  In the third preliminaries, Xu Lun boarded the ring.

  (End of this chapter)

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