I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 417: Make a cup of milk tea, come as you go (two in one)

  Chapter 417 Make a cup of milk tea, come when you go (two in one)

  Time goes by day by day.

  Unconsciously, Lynch and Robin lived in seclusion on this island for more than two months.

  It has been more than half a year since they left the island of Nine Snake.


  Wind and snow. A big blizzard.

  In this cold winter island, there will always be such wind and snow.

  The cold wind was whistling, Dalton and many residents, armed with shotguns and other weapons, were constantly patrolling the coast.

  Everyone is holding binoculars, observing the sea through the wind and snow, and must not let the **** king Walbo return to this country again.




  At the entrance of the tree house in the mountains, Kuleha leaned against the door frame, carrying a wine bottle in one hand, and reading a medical book in the other.

  In the snow in front of the door, Lynch, Robin and Chopper are having a snowball fight, throwing snowballs at each other.

  Swish, swish, swish...

  The snowball goes back and forth, passing through the black phantom armor standing in the middle of the snowfield.




  The reindeer followed Kuleha, leaving hoof prints in the snow, and came to a town in this country that now has no name.

  The one-hundred-year-old doctor kicked the door open and said with a smile that the kid over there would live until 4:20 in the afternoon four days later if he didn’t receive treatment.

  She was pointed at the old man drinking at the bar for a moment, looked around, pointing to his nose, me? He said that Dr. Kuleha, stop joking, I'm not sick...

Are you a doctor? Kuleha smiled.

  While Kuleha was treating patients in this town, on the other side of the town, the girl Luo Si quietly came to the corner of the wall, made a round hole in the wall with her fruit-caring ability, and went in to get some food.

Um? She was about to leave quietly when she accidentally saw the old newspaper on the table.

  Unfold the newspaper, and there are several reward orders slipped out of it.




   Whoops, pop! Chopper threw a snowball and hit Robin on the shoulder.

  Robin smiled and rubbed a snowball, whoosh, pop! Smashed on Chopper's antlers.

  Qiaoba blinked, covered his mouth and snickered, thinking it was funny, rubbed a snowball and threw it on Lynch’s face, and rubbed another Kuleha on the head of the tree house.

   "Stupid apprentice!" Kuleha kicked off the snow, making Chopper's face muddled, "Don't disturb me reading!"

   "Woo!" Chopper was buried in the snow, climbed out and looked up, and saw that Qiao Luno had mistaken a giant snowball about the same size as the others, hugged him over his head, and walked towards it.

  "Hey! Pikachu, come to have a snowball fight~~"

  Chopper was so scared that he turned into a reindeer form, and crawled to Robin's side.




  The reindeer carried a box of wine and a box of grain, and followed Kuleha walking among the snow-capped mountains.

  Kuleiha carried the wine bottle and saw a large herd of reindeer scattered in the snow in front of him.

  The footsteps of Chopper who followed by his side slowed down.

  The blue-nosed reindeer stared at the reindeer herd over there, and the fluff all over seemed to be trembling.

The adult deer with ferocious antlers roared and walked towards Chopper, apparently remembering this blue-nosed alien.

  I don’t know if it is dissatisfied with the blue nose, or contempt for it to carry human goods. The big deer lowered his head to reveal the thorny antlers, and headed towards Chopper.


   When Chopper and Kuleha came back, they were both injured.

  Waiting for their master and apprentice to finish dealing with the injury, Lynch eagerly pointed at Chopper, motioning it to follow.

  In the snow, the deer were still roaming, the leading thorns and antlers twitched their noses, suddenly raised their heads, and saw the blue-nosed alien coming out on the snow slope.

  That little alien is still so nervous and timid. But soon, a tall man walked out beside it.

   Lynch stepped forward and fell from the snow **** cheering.

Soon, there were a bunch of reindeer lying on the snow. Lynch made a gesture to Chopper on the snow slope, holding his arms for fear of crying, then raised his fingers and shook it; raised his fist again and shook it. Waved and nodded towards Chopper.





   Lynch put the huge snowball on the ground.

  He picked up a branch and drew a vertical intersecting orbit around the sphere on the boulder-like snowball.

  "What do you think this looks like?"

  He used a branch to dot the cross marks on the snowball.

  Robin looked over. Chopper hid behind Robin's long legs and poked his head out.

   "Huh?" Kuleha patted the snow foam on his head and glanced at the snowball from a distance, "Red Earth Continent and Great Route?"

   "The old woman is right!" Lynch pointed.

   Whoops, pop! A snowball was thrown by Kureiha, caught by Lynch's palm, and then threw it at Chopper who came out of the probe, bang!

  Why... Chopper shook the snow all over his face.

  Robin walked close to the huge snowball and looked at the "Red Earth Continent" and the "Great Route" painted by Lynch.

   Lynch laughed and said, "What do you guys look like? Do the things on the two sides of the great route look like two... highways that circle the world?"




  In a town, a resident choked on his esophagus with food, suffocated and fainted.

  Kureha lifted him upside down and nodded to the reindeer next to him.

  The surrounding residents are unknown. Therefore, Chopper was also very nervous and not very confident, but at the urging of Master, the fit slammed into the back of Kureiha's treatment target.

  The residents were shocked, but soon they saw the choking person coughing hard, a mass of meat spewed out of his mouth, and gasping for breath.

  Everyone sighed in relief, and was knocked by Kuleiha with tears.

  Looking at the reindeer following Kuleha, the residents were amazed. They didn’t expect that a deer could also be a doctor’s assistant.

  Qiaoba strolled along his hoof and followed Kuleha briskly. I helped the first patient. Is this what it feels like to be a doctor?




  "Highway?" Kuleha also walked over.

  "..." Robin looked at the "tyre marks" on the snowball that symbolized the great route, and Lynch even drew two thin "windless belts" on both sides of the "great route".

"People in this world, because of the barriers between islands and islands, the differences in civilization are too fragmented." Lynch shook the branches in his hands. "Some islands are still in primitive times, and some have entered urban life. In some places, medicine is developed, but in some places, it’s just resignation... Scientific research between different islands, such as herbal medicine, is also largely limited by the local natural environment. In areas with underdeveloped navigation levels, almost There is no way to communicate with the outside world, it can be said to be isolated from the world."

"If you collect islands from all over the world and piece it together into a whole continent that surrounds the world, so that everyone can communicate on this whole continent and multiply civilization..." The branch in Lynch's hand is on the snowball. Paddling on the "Continent" and then on the "Great Route" that intersects perpendicularly with it. "You said, is there a sea area that is more suitable for quickly circling the world around the world than a windless zone? It is always a safe sea area with calm waves..."




  In the snow, the big deer with scars on the forehead lowered its head and stretched out antlers like thorns.

  In front of it, Chopper turned into a reindeer form. Although still trembling, he also lowered his head and stretched out immature antlers.

Around    is a herd of deer quietly watching.

  There are Lynch and Robin not far away.

  Chopper shoveled the snow twice, plucked up the courage and rushed over.

   Soon, it fell down with a blue nose and swollen face, but when he saw Gioruno over there, he gave himself a thumbs up.




   "Safe?" Kureiha said disapprovingly, "That's the lair of large sea kings..."

Lynch smiled and said: "Or, the lair of large buses...If someone can command those large sea kings. In the windless zone, is there a tool that is more suitable for manned and fast moving than those large sea kings? Through the two windless belts, you can quickly go to any place on the great sea route or the four seas."

   "Command a large sea king?" Kuleha took a sip, "I have lived for more than a hundred years, and I have never seen such a thing."

   Lynch patted her on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Old lady, then you may be able to see it if you live a little longer."

  Kureha stabbed him and knocked him down, "It's still so rude."




  Standing in the castle, the books on the table in front of Robin and Kuleha are piled up like a mountain.

   Lynch pointed at the completely human Chopper and shook his head again and again.

  Qiaoba touched his head in shame, listened to the training obediently, and nodded, as if suddenly realized.


  Robin and Kuleha were tired from reading, and made two cups of tea.

  In the bathroom, Lynch and Chopper were soaking in the bathtub with a towel around their necks. They both took a sip of hot milk in their cups, showing a neat and uniform expression of contentment.




In the background, Lynch and Curry were punching and kicking in the snow, while Robin continued to look at both sides of the "Great Route" on the snowball, which Lynch called the "windless zone" of the highway. The historical text of Snake Island.

The people called "Poseidon" ordered the sea kings to swim along the current windless zone, offset all the ocean currents, and let them bring in abundant special coral plants, which were planted throughout the windless zone. The bottom of the sea...The minerals formed by the horn particles of these special corals accumulate on the sea floor, and the special magnetic field formed, finally formed the "windless climate" of today's windless zone...

   Whoops, pop! A snowball fell on Lynch's face, who fell on the ground, and Chopper giggled not far away.




  The World's No. 1 Swordsman Competition?

  In the snow, a big tree was opened with a circular hole, and the girl Rose sat in it, looking at the old newspaper in her hand.

   Defeated the daughter of the Emperor of the Sea? !

  The more she watched, the more shocked she became. She was shocked by the deeds of the male and female pirates described in the news in these old newspapers.

   Qiwuhai? !

  Loss's pupils shrank, and she read the news about Chobana Gioruno chasing Qiwu Haisha crocodile flying all over the sky, her breathing became rapid.

  How could it be possible, that was King Seven Wuhai...that person, could actually contend with such a powerful pirate?

  She spread out the two reward orders and stared at the amount of reward orders under the photos of Chobana Gioruno and Kuang Tiao Xu Lun, and her eyes were a little dizzy by the series of zero eggs.

  400 million Baileys...

  Three hundred and thirty million Bailey...

  The two pirates don’t feel very fierce, and they can’t even tell that they are pirates. Isn’t it so terrible? !




  In front of the tree house, the snowball fight continues.

  Kureha shook his head and went back to the tree house to continue reading.

  Behind the snowy hillside not far away, a girl's head appeared.


  Loss folded her hands in two circles and placed them in front of her eyes, as if this were a pair of binoculars, looking at the few people who were throwing snowballs at each other in front of the tree house.

   She murmured: "It's the two pirates... They didn't leave here before..."

  Those people you threw me, I threw you, and had a great time...During the melee, the man named Qiao Luno picked up the deer's horns and threw them at the female pirate named Xu Lun.

  Too far away, the wind and snow screamed, and Luo Si couldn't tell whether the woman was scolding or laughing after being hit.

  However, the little deer seemed very angry, and suddenly became extremely huge, not defeated by the pirate Gioruno, and picked Gioruno and wrestled on the snow.

   "What is that? Snow monster?"

  The girl murmured, and suddenly the pirate Qoruno, who was fighting with the snow monster in the snow, turned her head and looked at her.

  Loss was surprised!

  Qiao Luno threw the shrinking snow monster aside, and pointed at her from a distance.

   "Oops, it was found."

  The girl knows her heart is bad, so she strays quickly.

  But as soon as he turned around, he fell a **** pierced "Ouch", as if hitting something head-on.

   "There is no wall..." She rubbed her forehead and stared at the empty snowy back **** in front of her.

  『B.I.B』 grabbed the girl by the back of her neck and lifted it up.

   "...?!" Luo Si was frightened, her eyes pale.

  I was carried by something on the back of the neck, her hands and feet were hanging in the air, and she was being carried around in the snow...The girl looked back blankly, there was no footprint in the snow where she passed by...

  The cold and windy wind, she shivered, this is... an invisible ghost? !


   "Since I was seen by you, there is no way."

  When Luo Si suddenly awoke and recovered from the boundless fear, what she heard was the voice of the pirate.

  She was so excited, she looked up and saw Qiao Luno's face.

  And where I am at the moment...It seems to be the tree house I just observed from a distance. This is where the doctor Kureha lives.

   "What are you going to do?" Luos had no time to fear the ghost just now. The pirate in front of her was the more terrifying existence.

   Lynch looked down at her, "You saw what you shouldn’t see, what do you say I’m going to do?"

   "...?!" Luo Si swallowed and looked at the woman next to Qoruno. The female pirate's face also showed a terrible expression.

  Robin said in a gloomy tone: "Sure enough, I can't let you see other people..."

   "Ah!!!" Luosi's eyes turned white, and she fainted.

   "So unintimidated?" Lynch was speechless, and Robin was also a little stunned.

  Kuleha came over, followed by the timid Chopper, "Chopper, take a look."

  Qiaoba tried to detect the physical signs of the fainted Luosi, and said not very confidently: "It seems that she just fainted..."

In accordance with Master Kuleha’s teachings, he touched and pressed the human girl around and listened. The little reindeer raised his head and said: "She seems to be...somewhat malnourished? There is a little heart palpitations. It seems that she is not energetic. Too stable..."

  Lin Qiqi said: "Just look at it and you can see so much?"

   "Since she is so afraid of pirates, why should she follow us?" Robin touched his chin in thought.


   Throw the unconscious girl into Kuleha’s tree house and be looked after by the novice doctor Chopper.

As    was talking, Lynch suddenly stopped and smiled, "Hehe, have you finally found a way home?"

   "Huh?" Kuleha gave him a strange look. "What do you mean?"

  Robin smiled and said, "It should be Valpo who is back."

  Kuleiha was taken aback, the kid Qiao Luno had been in this snow-capped mountain and hadn’t gone out before, knowing that Valbo had come back?

  Is this the strength of the pirate with a bounty of 400 million Baileys?

   Lynch said to Robin: "Help me make a cup of flower milk tea, wait for me to come back to drink."

  After that, he jumped, stepped off into the air, and flew into the wind and snow in a blink of an eye.

    Imitate the feeling of comics, I hope you haven’t read it...It’s the end of the year, can I ask for a monthly pass for the New Year’s Eve?



  (End of this chapter)

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