I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 431: Puppies are so cute

  Chapter 431 The puppy is so cute

  ["I said, how do you use your six strategies for measuring combat effectiveness?"]

  【Pirate Qoruno puts his hands in his trouser pockets, stands on the big rock and looks down, and asks very politely. The tall shadow casts on Otome Owl. 】

  [The owl felt a strong sense of crisis, and launched an attack without hesitation. 】

  【Finger Gun·Beast Strict! 】

  【Instead of using fingers, but using a six-style finger spear with a fist, the owl's fist, with a hundred-junction power, hit the Pirate Qoruno hard in the chest. 】

  【The Pirate Qoruno looked solemnly and frowned tightly. 】

  【Kaka...the owl's fist bone was cracked, and the arm bone was almost broken. 】

  ["Hmm...your combat power..." Lynch muttered to himself in distress, "I don't feel it at all. There is no system or anything. How did you get the specific numbers?"]

  【Is it an iron block? His iron block is so strong! Otome Owl was horrified, enduring the pain of a broken arm, and roared: "Iron nuggets·Jade!!"]

  【He seems to have become a giant spinning top, spinning at the speed of a six-style shaving, and in the process he strengthened his body with six-style iron blocks. All the power of the whole body is condensed at one point, even the city wall can be directly smashed! 】

【boom! 】

  【The iron spinning top hits the pirate Qoruno, the owl rebounds heavily, and the blood is spilled in the air and falls to the treetops...】


  On the branch, the owl woke up suddenly, only to feel the pain like cracks all over his body.


  [The companion was defeated in a blink of an eye and hung on the tree, Bruno's face sank as water, and slowly said: "Pirate Qoruno...we didn't provoke you? Why did we attack us?"]

  ["Are you ill? Obviously he hit me first, okay!" Lynch jumped from the boulder with his trouser pockets in, "I didn't fight back, did I attack you?"]

   ["..." Bruno was speechless. As government agents, they were already hostile to the pirates. Besides, what good things can a pirate be, and what kind of good will there be to follow up suddenly? 】

  【Yinwu Owl will take the first shot under tension, Bruno thinks that the problem is not big. It just didn't beat the opponent. 】

  【In that case, I apologize for him.” Bruno looked at Qiao Luno who was walking slowly. 】

  【"You hit someone, just want to forget it?" Lynch stood still in front of Bruno. 】

  【This mental guy with a horned hairstyle is also two meters tall, not inferior to him. 】

  【The pirate who can beat the aunt's daughter in the Jianhao Contest, compete with the eagle-eyed man, and spread his name all over the world, Bruno can feel the oppression at close range. 】

  【Sand crocodile in Qiwuhai will be chased all over the sky by this kind of guy. There really is a reason...】

   [Just when Bruno was approaching the enemy, the pirate in front of him said: "You also try to punch."]

   ["..." Bruno was silent, then squeezed his right fist, condensed the iron block, and bluntly hit the opponent. 】

  【Iron · Broken! 】

  【Bruno's fists and arms are trembling. He feels that his punch does not seem to be hitting a human body, but hitting a mountain with a high cliff. 】

  [Own strength is like a cow into the vortex, there is no waves at all...]

   Bruno opened his eyes abruptly, with horror remaining in his eyes. After taking a few breaths, he was relieved and realized that there was a **** smell between his mouth and nose.

  With a pool of coagulated blood stuck to his cheeks, Bruno pulled at the beginning, turned over his painful and exhausted body, lay on the ground slowly, and then barely sat up.

  He narrowed his pupils and saw Rob Luchi standing there with a white dove on his shoulder.

  Yin Wu Owl looked ashamed, and sat and rested tiredly.

   "You are awake, Bruno."

  Lu Qi's face was gloomy, looking at Gabra, who was sitting in a pool of blood by the big stone, who was still in a coma.

   "How is he?" Bruno walked over.

  "The injury is a little serious, don't move him yet." Lu Qi said, "He is an animal department, wait until he slowly recovers, and then wake up."

   Bruno nodded, not asking more.

   "So, what the **** is going on?" Lu Qi asked, "Why did you fight the pirate Joe Luno? He alone beat you like this..."

   "..." Bruno was silent, recalling the terrible strength of Qiao Luno that he had personally felt before he fell into a coma.

  He said bitterly: "Jobana Giorno...he is definitely not just a pirate of the 400 million Bailey bounty. The Navy is absolutely wrong!"

  Lu Qi glanced over.

"It is rumored that he has a decent domineering power, but..." Bruno said with difficulty, "He can easily defeat us all by relying on the same six forms as ours... And, the same six forms, his His skill is far beyond our level! The speed of shaving is so fast that you can't see it at all, the strength of the iron block exceeds that of stainless steel, and his iron block is so proficient that it can be maintained during exercise..."

"I attacked him with iron nuggets and jade, but I was stunned by the force of the countershock," Otonashi Owl lowered his head and smiled bitterly, "I don't even know if he was injured, or... is it still like him? As I said, I didn't feel the strength of my attack at all..."

  "..." Lu Qi was silent.

  A pirate in the first half of a great route, really that strong?

  At this moment, in front of the big stone splashed with dark coagulated blood, Gabra coughed a few times and woke up leisurely.

   Seeing Lucky around him, and Otomo Owl and Bruno, who were also exhausted and injured, Gabra stunned for a while, and quickly remembered what had happened...

  【Canine Fruit·Wolf Form! 】

  [Gabra roared wildly, and the whole person suddenly rose up, his body became as strong as a hill, and entered the strongest half-man and half-wolf fighting stance. 】

  【Facing this pirate, you must use all your strength as soon as you come up! 】

  【"Bruno!" Gabra howled and went to help his companion who was in a hard fight. 】

  【Linqi held the blood-stained Bruno with one hand, and looked back and saw a huge werewolf leaping towards him with teeth and claws. 】

  【Finger Gun·Five Finger Gun! 】

  【Large wolf claws, five dark nails glowing with dark iron-like cold light, tore towards Lynch. 】

  【Linqi grabs the five-fingered wolf claw with the other hand. 】

[Gabra’s impact was so simple that he held it in place with one hand, and the reaction force caused tearing pain in his arm muscles, and the pirate Qoruno suppressed his wolf claws. But his arm didn't move at all. 】

  【What makes Gabra even more shocked is that he didn't even see when Gioruno shot and when he caught his wolf claws. 】

  【But then, the wolf paw held by Qoruno came in severe pain, and Gabra yelled, and his knees couldn't help bend down. 】

  [Lin Qi's steel-like palm pressed against wolf paws, and smiled: "Dog paws are pretty cute."]

  [Gabra growled, being suppressed to "bang" to his knees. 】

  【Lynge is holding Bruno in one hand, like playing baseball, throwing Bruno over and kicking Gabra into the air. 】

[Bruno was thrown to the ground, struggling to get up, a huge force came from his chest, Lynch stepped on Bruno, the latter's back pressed tightly on the ground, no matter how hard he opened his eyes, he couldn’t do anything. move. 】

  【Gabra, the werewolf who was hit like a baseball, rushes over again. 】

  【Iron block·Wolf bullet! 】

  【Finger spear and beast stern similar to an owl, it is a move that uses an iron block with a fist. 】

  【Wolf Fist, which can smash steel, rushes towards Lynch with the sound of wind and wolf howling, but it is hit head-on by Lynch's same punch. 】

【boom! 】

[Stepping on Bruno, the posture is not suitable for Gioruno to exert force. This punch is opposite to his own wolf bullet. Gabra is surprised to find that his fists and arms have completely lost consciousness, and are soft and soft. Stop the spasms. 】

  【"Continuous normal finger gun." Qiao Luno said at close range. 】

  [Immediately after, Gabra, who was stuck in the air due to the collision of the fists, saw Qiao Luno stretch out a finger, turning it into countless shadows, pouring down on him like a rainstorm...]

  (End of this chapter)

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