I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 435: Hair to hair

   Chapter 435

  【Not long after night falls...】

  【A wall in Wangcheng Street, a green phone bug is lying lazily on it. 】

  [And in its body castle, Rose, who was implanted by Lynch with the swallowing fruit chip, tried to eat herself as he said, to digest the abnormal "negative effects of rotten fruit" in the body...]

  【"Can it really be done?!" Luosi's mouth opened, still unable to imagine how to do it. 】

  【She is accustomed to the ability to manage fruits, but she can't turn around for a while. 】

  【Linqi can’t understand, what’s the problem? The Tuntun fruits are all in hand, just eat yourself. Isn't it enough to have a mouth? 】

  【Robin is drinking tea next to him, and calmly said: "Not everyone is like you, no matter what the devil fruit, you can use it freely when you get it..."]

[She is talking, Lynch over there has already tried to grab Rose’s mouth and pull it up and down, seeming to want to forcefully pull the girl’s chin down, and then snap it back on her head to help her get to herself Swallow yourself...]

[Robin hurriedly stopped him, Rose covered her mouth with aggrieved face, but she was not injured. After all, as a fruit-swallowing ability, this mouth is the most powerful thing all over her body. It can magnify several times and swallow a giant elephant. 】

  [Finally, Lynch thought of a way, put his big hand on Luosi's face, and started hypnotizing. 】

  【In front of Lynch who has such a strong "cultivation base" in the return of life, a weak girl like Luo Si can't withstand the invasion of his vitality at all. The spirit is almost completely engulfed by Lynch at the moment when the hypnotism is activated. 】

  【After a lot of tossing, Luo Si finally used Tun Tun Guo to digest the abnormal factors in the body. She sat blankly for a while, and then wept silently. 】

["What have I been doing for the past two years..." Luos bit her lip, tears rolling down, "Heyna... when did she make me like this..." 】

  【Robin touched her head without saying anything. 】

  ["Xu Lun, Qiao Lunuo..." Rose sobbed, "We must...stop Guns..."]

  【The former captain of the guard and the pirates mixed up together, and also conspired to plunder the heavenly gold of a franchise country. There is no doubt that Guns must have been affected by Heina's rotten fruit. 】

  【“It’s getting lively outside.” Lynch said. Through the windows of the phone worm castle, he saw the residents gathered on the streets at night outside, gradually moving towards the direction of the palace. 】

  [Loss raised her head in tears, choked up and said: "Please help me..."]

   [Robin nods and smiles: "We are pirates, how can we miss the treasure in the vault?"]


  【Half of the mountain where the palace is located, more and more ordinary civilians are fighting with the court guards. 】

  【In a corner of the palace on a high place, there was also a sudden gunshot and constant exclamations. 】

  【In this chaotic night, a small telephone bug sneaks and shuttles as fast as a dark green lightning. 】

  [Little Green’s body turned into a tank track, calmly climbed the rugged hillside, skimmed over the dense stone steps, and shuttled retrogradely between the staggered footsteps of the court guards rushing out, and quietly entered the palace. 】

  【In the castle inside, Rose saw the chaos from the outside world through the window. She was shocked and terrified, and she hated that Qiwuhai. 】

  【These scenes outside are too similar to the situation in her hometown. 】

[Heyna, she is indeed behind her... even the people of this country have become like this, and the old grandfather before... everyone's homes were destroyed by Heyna... …】


  【The Tank Castle Phone Worm shuttled through the palace all the way, and after a long time, I almost got lost and couldn't find the location of the vault. 】

  ["There are sea soldiers over there," Robin said after the window of the phone worm castle, "there is a place where sea soldiers cooperate to guard, and there must be only rooms where the gold is kept in the sky."]

[Little Green climbed up the wall, and the tank crawled forward fast. The closer the vault is, the more bullet holes on the wall, and more and more wounded marines and court soldiers on the ground. ……】

  【The most branch seamen and court guards lie at the door of the vault, filled with a strong smell of gunpowder and blood. 】

  ["They have done it." Robin said after the phone worm castle portal. 】

[The giant lock of the vault door was blown up and the steel door was half-opened, and dense gunfire sounded from the inside. The strong smell of gunpowder almost erupted from the cracks of the steel door... …】

  【In the smoke-filled vault, Guns brought a team of thugs from the Sea Chess Chamber of Commerce and Pirates led by Steel to deal with the unexpected mysterious man in the vault who guarded the heavenly gold. 】

  ["Ahem! Ahem!"]

[In the corner of the vault room, the bald middle-aged man of the Sea Chess Chamber of Commerce was holding his nose and mouth, and was choked with tears by the smell of gun smoke. He squinted at the magnificent figure of a person in the room entangled Gance and all of them, and said in surprise:" Who is this guy? Why is this amazing!"]

  【What a flexible action! Guns turned his hands into barrels and shot out densely packed bullets, but he couldn't hit the tall figure who was whizzing and moving like the wind. 】

  【The lion snuggles and steps on the six-style shave to avoid bullet rain, and his index fingers slammed on the thugs and pirates. 】

  【Finger gun! Every finger shadow passed by, accompanied by a scream. 】

["Hey, why don't you help them?" The bald middle-aged who was hiding in the corner said anxiously to Steer who was beside him. He stretched out his arms and held the phone worm, "If something goes wrong, I have to be honest. Reported to Lord Field..."】

  ["Do you think I left you." Steer glanced at him. "That guy with messy hair can penetrate your pig's head with just a few seconds?"]

  【The bald middle-aged is annoyed and wants to scold, but he still shut up. Because in this short period of time, that lion-like youth has knocked down everyone except Guns. 】

  【Ghostly speed, like bullet-like finger guns, and whirlwind-like slashes kicked out of the feet from time to time...】

  【This unexpected guy who guards the heavenly gold alone is strong like a monster! 】

  【The king of the **** rich country invited such a monster to guard the vault...The bald middle-aged man was surprised and hated, and suddenly thought of the tragic situation in the branch building today. Is it also related to the lion-like monster in front of him? ! 】

  【Over there, he snuggled his body into front of Guns, and stretched out his **** fingers. 】

  [Gance was startled, and immediately densely packed muzzles appeared all over his body, pouring bullets toward the snuggle. 】

  【Iron block! Snuggling into steel and resisting the intensive rain of bullets, Guns is unbelievable. The flesh and blood of human beings can resist bullets? ! 】

  【The snuggled body cannot move when using iron blocks, but his hair is different. The thick and messy hair of a lion’s mane entangles human fingers, covering Guns from all directions. 】

  【Life Return·Lion Finger Spear! 】

  【唰唰唰唰! 】

  【Dozens of fingers woven in tangled hair turned into afterimages, stabbing Guns, who was covered with barrels, against the rain of bullets. 】


  【"It's him?!" Steer's eyes widened, looking at the tall figure that suddenly hovered between Guns and the lion. 】

  [The bald fat guy from the Haiqi Chamber of Commerce next to him immediately burst into sweat, and his face paled and shouted: "How could it be him! Why is this guy here?!"]

【"You are……?!"】

  【On the lion snuggling into the iron-like body, countless bursts of gunpowder smoke rose up, and countless bullets crashed to the ground, but his face was shocked at this moment. 】

[He used his life to return his long light pink hair like cherry blossoms, turning it into a dozen hands with a six-style finger gun attack, but he was attacked by the same tricks, as if he had a dozen palms woven with long black hair like life. It was blocked. 】

  【Each group of black-haired woven palms holds a group of snuggled pink hair woven finger guns, and firmly restrains it. The snuggle can't pull the hair out of it. 】

[And what surprised him the most was the owner of these long black hairs, the unforgettable face of the handsome young man, definitely a pirate who occupied the newspaper page for a long time because of the Jianhao Contest in the past few months. ! 】

  ["It's you?! Chobana~~Qiaoruno~~?!" Snuggling exclaimed in frustration, "Information says you are also proficient in life return, it seems to be true~~ true!!"]

  ["Are you singing with this?" Lynch's long black hair turned into a dozen hands that twisted the snuggled hair, and then turned into a **** hand, covering the snuggled head...]

  (End of this chapter)

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