I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 445: Split action

  Chapter 445 Separate Operation

The   JOJO pirate ship slowly approached the shore of Krai Kana Island, and Lynch, Robin, and Rose landed one after another.

  They stopped slowly before they took a few steps.

I saw that there were hundreds of people standing in front of them, most of them in armor, who looked like soldiers on this island, but there were also people who were obviously ordinary residents, but they all held hands. Weapons such as swords and even farm tools.

   "Everyone..." Luo Si couldn't help but said.

  The hundreds of people in front of them were staring at them, and countless eyes moved on her and the two of Qiao Luno and Xu Lun beside her, with disgust, vigilance, and scrutiny...

   is full of hostility!

  Luo Si's eyes shrank, and she remembered what happened when she was on the boat...


  ["Heyna already knew that we would go to the Kingdom of Sikeal..."]

  【When the JOJO pirate ship was still sailing towards Krai Kana Island on the sea, in the phone worm castle, Robin said this to Rose. 】

   [Loss was surprised, "How come? Stil has been caught by Gioruno..."]

[Lyngie tilted the chair, tilted her feet on the side of the table, with the gold iron rod resting on her long legs, staring at Rose’s surprised open mouth. After waiting for a long time, she didn’t see her finish the second sentence. Can't help but fill it up for her silently:]

  ["...Kill! Hey, don't just talk about half of this sentence, it will become very strange."]

["I just want to say that there is such a possibility." Robin grabbed the gold and iron rod on Lynch’s leg and knocked it lightly on his head as a punishment. At the same time, he shook his head and said, "Qiao Luno goes. When solving Stil, he was on the phone with Heina, that is to say, he is likely to have reported all the things that happened in the rich country to Heina... At least, we have to make such an estimate. And planning."]

[Loss lowered her head and said: "However, when I appeared in front of Steele before, it looked like Qiao Luno had transformed it with Tuntun Fruit... Steele, he probably didn't recognize me at all...Ah! "】

  【The princess remembered something and whispered. 】

["Looking back?" Robin pointed out, "You were stopped in front of Guns and wanted to stop him. You looked sincere, but Guns did not know you at all. Your brief exchanges were all caught by the presence at the time. Steer saw it."]

  【"Even so..." Rose muttered to herself. 】

  ["If there is only this, it doesn't mean anything." Robin said as usual, "But if you add the final result, things are very different."]

  [Luo Si asked: "What is the result?"]

   [Robin looked into the eyes of the girl princess, "That is—Gance is still alive."]

  ["..." Luo Si pressed her lips. 】

[Robin smiled rather darkly, "Remember what Qoruno said on the ruins of the palace? — "How about me, I don’t kill! The good guys don’t kill, the big fools don’t kill," Don’t kill funny guys, don’t kill guys that don’t hate'..."]

  [Linqi "Hey", "I just said it for fun!"]

  【"Guns, is he a good person?" Robin asked, slamming Lynch's head lightly with a gold iron rod. 】

  ["..." Luo Si shook her head. 】

  [Not to mention anything else, this time Guns used his guns to kill many people in a rich country. There were navy, court guards, and ordinary civilians... This is a fact that cannot be denied anyway. 】

  【Even Guns himself would not cheekily say that he is a good person. 】

  【Robin asks again: "Then he is a big idiot?"】

  【Luo Si still shook her head. Guns is just that his values ​​have been degenerated by rotten fruits. 】

  ["Interesting guy?"]

  【Luo Si gave a wry smile. 】

  ["Then, why can he survive under the claws of Qoruno?"]

  【Linqi raised his hand in protest and said: "What about the last one! Maybe I don't hate him?"】

  【Robin looks at him. 】

  [Lin Qiqiao’s legs on the table changed a bit, holding the back of his head and smiling: "Well, it’s not annoying anyway."]

  【Robin looks back at Rose again and sighs: "Heyna is very powerful."】

  【Luo Si looks up at Robin. 】

  ["It is because she is strong," Robin said seriously, "so she is most likely to understand that it is impossible for Guns to escape under the hands of a first-class powerhouse like Qoruno. Unless..."]

["Unless, Guns is on the same side with us." Luos hugged her head, "So, I jumped out to stop Guns with tears and tears. This girl is not much different from the escaped princess. It seems very suspicious."]

[Robin said: "It must be a pirate who can be competent in Qiwuhai and deal with the world government. Heena has probably guessed something. This ship is about to reach Kraikan Island. We It is necessary to make assumptions about the most unfavorable situation."]

["Even if she knows in advance, is it very disadvantageous?" Lynch said, slapped both palms, caught the gold iron rod knocked by Sister Robin, and said indifferently, "Anyway, we are not going to knock her down. Is it? Whether she knows first or later!"]

  [Robin tilts his head, "Didn’t you go to see the baboon?"]

   ["Yeah, yeah, look at the baboon..." Lynch nodded, then glared at Robin who was snickering. 】

["No, just defeating Heina, it won't work..." Rose woke up and sighed in embarrassment, "What happened in the rich country, under the influence of Heina himself, in Sikaial, The situation will only get worse... When I left two years ago, the people on the island were already fighting with each other under the influence of the rotten fruits. At this point, even if Heina is defeated, her heart has already been twisted by her. Everyone, I’m afraid they won’t just change their minds and change back to what they used to be..."]

   ["So, what are you going to do?" Robin asked calmly. 】

  【Luo Si feels great pressure. 】

   [Lin Qi said: "That kind of thing, wait until Heina is defeated, and then talk about it! Otherwise, everything is just empty talk, isn’t it?"]

  [Luo Si bit her lip, frowned and thought for a while, then raised her head and said firmly to Xu Lun, "I have an idea."]


  【It didn't take long for the sea climate to gradually stabilize, and an island in front of him gradually became distant. 】

  【The gloomy sky, the vista like a flurry of demons, and the place where the eagle eye lives in the comics in the memory, is also the place where he taught Sauron the swordsmanship for two years. Sure enough, the style of painting is very similar. 】

  [『B.I.B』Thinking of this, let go of the rudder, the strands of gold around her body stopped swaying, and fell on the table obediently. 】

[Loss, who came out of the phone worm castle, saw the painting style of the island in front of him, and immediately reddened her eyes, and muttered: "How did Sikaial become like this... Heyna, how about this land? What have you done..."]

   [Linqi carrying a gold and iron rod, as the boat slowly approached the shore, asked: "Are you really going to go ashore?"]

[Luo Si is naturally puzzled. Lynch pointed the stick to the gloomy coastline. Just now, he swept away his domineering and domineering things at will, and he clearly felt the dense clusters on this shore. The breath of thousands of people. 】

  ["It seems that my captain is right. These people...have come prepared!"]

  【Luo Si stayed for a while after hearing this. 】

  【Linqi turned around and said: "Just let the boat here, this time I won't take it into the castle."】

  【"Luo Si?" Robin asked with his head down. 】

  【Luo Si resolutely said: "Let's do it according to our original plan."】


  In front of him is a dark crowd.

  If only one person casts such a hostile look, it will at most make Rose feel uncomfortable.

But with so many people in front of them putting on such a battle, they were all hostile towards her...Loss instantly felt the overwhelming pressure, and she opened her mouth. To these people in her own country, she clearly wanted to say something. But he didn't hear what he was saying... a hand beside him was pressed on Luos's shoulder. It's Xu Lun.

  Loss was sweating and very ashamed, facing the people she kept saying that she wanted to save, she was actually scared just now, because she was scared, so she didn't make any noise.

   "He got entangled with the pirates!"

  Among these people on the shore, the man in armor who looked like a leader came out and said contemptuously, "Princess Rose, a traitor who has deserted this country, you are not welcome here!"

   "Traitor!" "Not welcome!"...

   "Traitor!" "Not welcome!"...

  Hundreds of people shouted.

  Luo Si's slender shoulders trembled slightly. She raised her head and glanced up, Xu Lun pressed her shoulders with a smile on her face.

On the other side, Gioruno looked even more relaxed. He looked at the black and hostile crowd in front of him, but he didn't seem to see these people at all. He looked far away from time to time, perhaps looking for what he wanted to see. Baboon.

  Loss took a deep breath and shouted to the crowd: "It's not like this, I didn't betray this country! It's the sea..."

   "Traitor!" "Traitor!"...Loss's voice was overwhelmed by the sound, so she had to increase her volume and said loudly, "It's Heina's conspiracy! She created the rot from the beginning!"

   But obviously, such words will only arouse the anger of these people in front of them.

   "Dare to slander Lord Heina!"

   "Master Heina is a benefactor to all of us!"


  The leader drew his long knife, looked at Luosi, his eyes were extremely angry, and he shouted: "Get out!"

  "Get out!" "Traitor!" "Get out!"...

  I have to say that this kind of anger and hostility that is about to burn in the crowd is magnificent, amazing and terrifying.

   Just when Rose was still yelling something, Lynch grabbed the iron rod and smiled: "I have to say, every time like this, I think of Hancock..."

   "I miss her overlord look." Robin said.

  At this moment, the hundreds of people in front of them, already rushing towards them with spewing anger, brandishing weapons.

"It seems that you made a mistake before." Lynch looked at the crowd that was dazzled by anger, and walked over with a gold iron rod. He smiled, "The power of corruption will indeed change people. fool."

  Robin raised a hand and said, "Maybe it is."

  Loss pleaded: "Don't kill them..."


  In just a few minutes, on this gloomy land of the coast, hundreds of people in Sikeal have already lie on the ground in all directions...

On top of the piles of people everywhere, Robin put down his hands, and the petals quietly fell into mud in the inconspicuous corners of the piles of people.

  Luo Si retracted her hands and stood up.

   Lynch was carrying the guy who was in the lead, who was already bloodied, his eyes turned white, and he was already at a loss.

   Lynch casually threw the goods to Rose's side.

   glanced at the people on the floor, he clapped his hands, and said, "Although this is an unexpected opening... But then, just continue to follow the plan like this?"

  Robin smiled and said, "Let’s make a big fuss."

   "Hmm!" Lynch tucked the gold and iron rod. "By the way, look at the baboon...huh?"

  He suddenly looked in a certain direction on the island.

  Robin saw this and followed it, only to see smoke and dust flying over there, a huge figure was faintly visible in the smoke and dust, and the sound of vibration came from there.

  Luo Si, who was dealing with the follow-up among the people everywhere, was the last one to notice. When she turned her head to look around, the huge figure was already rushing all the way!

  With the momentum of the thunderbolt, he ran into Lynch directly!

  Boom! ! !

  Luo Si screamed, and was held by Xu Lun, who was also shaking twice because of the earthquake-like shaking, and then she stood firmly.

  "What is..."

  She raised her head in horror, and then she could see the true face of the behemoth that was rushing forward. It was a huge one-horned rhino like a hill...

  And Lynch stretched out his hand and pressed it on the huge single horn of the rhino.

  One arm was stout with two punches, and the muscles were knotted, full of explosive power.

  His two legs seemed to be nailed to the ground under his feet, and he relied on one hand to block the collision of the huge rhinoceros several meters high in front of him.

  Large eyes like a rhinoceros lantern stared at Lynch in front of him, but he made a clear voice: "As expected of the pirate with a bounty of 400 million Baileys...Ah!"

  She hadn’t finished speaking of the scene, suddenly Lynch grabbed the huge unicorn on her forehead with both hands and lifted it up.

  Swish——! !

  A huge one-horned rhino, as big as a hill, was lifted by Lynch in the air for two times and then kicked out.

   "Ah..." The crisp sound that didn't match the rhino's huge body quickly moved away.

   "What an inexplicable guy."

   Lynch shook his sturdy two-fisted arm. The amazing muscle mass faded at a speed visible to the naked eye under Rose's stunned gaze, and it turned back to the size of the other arm.

  Robin looked at the rhinoceros flying far away in the sky, and muttered: "The devil fruit ability of the animal system must be Heina's subordinate."

   "..." Luos tightened her lips, and Heina had already noticed them.

"There is nothing surprising." Lynch smiled. "At any rate, he is also a master who has become famous before the era of the big pirates. He has reached the level of 790 million Pele bounty. Lion, Wang Zhi, Yin Axe and other guys from the same age... If you say that she is not domineering, I don't believe it! It is estimated that when we approached, she had already discovered us."

  Robin nodded. As long as Heina has a domineering look, it is difficult to ignore the approach of such a powerful breath of Lynch.

   "Then it's okay, let's split up."

   Lynch waved his hand and strode to the other side.

  (End of this chapter)

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