I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 465: It's also love to be driven away by such an imposing guy

  Chapter 465 It is excusable to be driven away by such an imposing guy

  The stream of rot flew out of the phone worm castle, and flew towards Heina and reached out to Robin's hand.

  Robin said to himself: "You knew these people were hiding inside..."

   "Oh oh oh!" Over there, Kamyi roared again, turning into a huge one-horned rhino, and rushing towards Stutsi.

  Stuxi’s size is only petite compared to the one-horned rhinoceros, but her fists and feet force the hill-like one-horned rhinoceros to repel one by one.

   "Damn it!" Kamui was smashed with blood on his head, and his huge eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. He yelled and ran into him again, turning the air into a half-man and half-animal form.

  But it is still impossible to beat Stutsi.

No matter how she attacked... Kamyi was beaten, and out of the corner of his eye he saw the three Rasa and Heina lying over there who didn’t know their life or death, as well as Heina...how did it happen, how did it suddenly become like this? ...

  Is it right, if I don’t be foolish and willful, and come here soon...

  Will the situation be as bad as it is now?


  Kamyi screamed wildly.

  In the background is the thumping sound of Kamui and Stushi fighting...

  The poison of those people was dragged out by her and melted into her body from her fingers. Heina still just looked at Robin and Qiao Luno, and slowly said, "Save them."

   "What?" Lin Qi was surprised.

  Robin was silent. Heina's tone remained unchanged, staring at her and Lynch, "Don't worry about me, Rasa, Gabord, Koyatl, Kamui, please save the four of them from here..."

   "Heyna!" Kamyi, who was knocked down by Stutsi again, was bleeding, holding a rhinoceros horn, and shouted, "Don't ask them!"

   "If we fail to challenge you, it doesn't matter if those who are hiding hear the truth..."

  Robin slowly said, "And if you have a slim chance of losing to us, then these people are your way back, right? Heyna..."

  Heyna looked at them and said, “As long as I can save them, it doesn’t matter what I ask me to do, even if I lick my shoes...”

   "It's really ugly, Heina."

   Stussi leaped high, her brown sunglasses blocking her expression.

"I know you still have physical strength, Gioruno..." Heina lay, still staring at Lynch and Robin, "King Xu Lun, you didn't use all your strength from the beginning, right? I? From your eyes, you can see..."

  She smiled slightly, "Your eyes never wavered."

   Lynch sighed: "When is it, are you still flirting with girls?"

   "..." Robin said nothing.


  The whole body of Kamui was thrown over.

Stushi straightened his clothes, took out a small and exquisite makeup mirror from his bag, turned it red, and smeared Runbo's lips in front of the mirror. During the process, he lifted his eyes and stared coldly through the brown sunglasses. With Qiao Lunuo, Kuang Tiao Xu Lun, Kamui, Heyna...

   "Heyna..." Kamyi, who looked like a little white-haired girl, was covered with injuries and slowly crawled over.

  Heina reached out and touched Kamyi's cheek, which was covered with blood and tears. She tugged lightly, showing a slight smile, and whispered: "Take the three of them. Be good, obedient."

   "......?!" Camyi was crying, and he felt like he was flying in the next moment.


   Lying Heina suddenly violent, and several slashes were struck in the startled smoke, stabbing Stutsi, who was shocked.

"how come……"

  The slash was genuine, and the fist of Heina, who was in trouble, was also genuine. A blood-red scratch was drawn on Stushi's cheek, and his figure flashed and retreated to the side.

   "Still still?-Wait!"

  Stuxi raised his head fiercely, and saw Kamyi passing over his head, quickly falling towards the fainted Rasa, Gabord, and Koyater in the ruins over there.

  Across the smoke and dust, Heina saw the fuzzy figure transformed into a huge rhino.

The huge one-horned rhino held its three companions in its mouth, and the teardrops rolled down from its big eyes, turning back and looking at the figure of the woman standing upright in the smoke. .

   "It was put on by you, Heina." Stushi's coquettish face sank, "As expected, Qiwuhai under the king cannot be underestimated at any time..."

  Qiao Luno said behind her: "Idiot, it is the poison that was taken back by her!"

  Rotten poison...Stuxi gritted his teeth secretly, did it rely on that to recover some of his stamina?

   Lynch said funny: "You won't be really moved by her pitiful look, are you?"

  Robin shook his head and said, “After all, it’s a CP agent, it’s impossible to be deceived so easily.”

   Lynch groaned: "That means, Miss Stutsi, are you really in love with her? That’s why it’s so easy to believe her pitiful words for help...that's how..."

  "..." Through the brown sunglasses, Stusci gave them a cold glance, and did not speak quickly, but looked at Heina first.

  The smoke and dust quickly dissipated, and Heina, with long hair like flaming seaweed, was in shattered clothes and embarrassed, but she always stood there without moving.

   "Don't worry, Stushi." Heina stared at the direction the one-horned rhino was running away, and said to herself, "I don't even have the strength to fall now..."

   "..." Stucci turned back, "Then, the two of you are left. Xu Lun, Chobana Choruno..."

"do not want!"

  Ross rushed up at this moment, and opened her arms to block between the two of Stutsi and Lynch.

   "..." Stushy lowered his head, and the eyes behind the brown sunglasses stared at Rose, "Little princess, they are pirates, do you want to protect them?"

   "...!!!" Luo Si stared, shedding tears, and suddenly pointed to the direction where the one-horned rhinoceros had escaped. "Those four are also pirates! Why didn't you chase them?"

  Stussi took a step forward, "My task is to find the person behind the scenes who secretly reached out to Jin in the sky, that is, Lauter Heina, and then arrest her..."

   "Sister Xu Lun and Brother Qiao Lunuo are not your mission goals, right!" Luo Si closed her eyes and shouted, "Just go and complete your mission. Take Heina!"

"Do you know how dangerous pirates they are?" Stushy stood in front of Rose, looking at Qiao Luno and Xu Lun who were expressionless behind her, "400 million bounty, 330 million bounty. Jin. A pirate of this level can subvert a country on its own... to shelter such a vicious criminal, Princess Rose, I have the right to kill you directly."

  Luo Si's pupils tightened.

  "Even if you are a franchise country..."

  Stuzi was interrupted by the king, "Even if you are an agent of the world government—"

The costume on his body was already embarrassed, his gray hair was messy, but now he showed the majesty of the king, staring into the eyes of the blonde female agent, and his voice was deep and angry, "--and no right to interfere in our country's internal affairs! You! Listen up, since the pirates are on our land, we should take care of them first! Xu Lun, Chobana Choruno, these two pirates invade the land of our Sikaial Kingdom, It will be repelled by the people on this land personally, without your intervention!"

  The king’s voice resounded like thunder, echoing on the ruins of the palace...

  Stuxi became completely expressionless, and his eyes moved on the king, Luos, Xu Lun, and Qiao Luno.

   "You are crazy, old man king." Lynch stretched out his hand and patted the king on the shoulder, making the latter shiver with fright. When the king turned his head, he saw the pirate smiled and said, "It is excusable to be driven away by such an imposing guy!"

  (End of this chapter)

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