I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 490: Pineapple head with glasses

  Chapter 490 Pineapple Head Wearing Glasses

  〖Phone Worm Castle——〗

  On the empty floor, the black armor and Raleigh are sitting opposite each other.

  Long and narrow eyes shimmered, "B.I.B" slowly said: "About the overlord's domineering..."

   "Ah, what did you say? I can't hear clearly..." Leily opened his hand in his ear, as if there was a video phone worm with a bad signal in front of him.

  『……』『B.I.B』is silent, which is why it is always taciturn.

   "It's all right now," Reilly took out a wine bottle, raised his head and took a sip, "You tell me."

"BIB" sat cross-armed, and said solemnly: "In the past few years, according to my observations and conclusions, I have a domineering attitude towards domineering, or in other words, there is a conjecture about domineering... domineering, never They all refer to the same thing. That is some kind of energy in the human body! Armed color, seeing and hearing color, and even overlord color, are just methods of using this power at different levels..."

   "'You'?" Raleigh's focus seemed to be different.

  "B.I.B" said: "...I am Qiao Luno, and Qiao Luno is me. 』

  Reilly said: "You are really weird..." He waved his hand and corrected, "You are really weird."

  His uninhibited and casual tone quickly closed, took a sip of wine, and said leisurely: "Go on."

  『Armed color refers to the direct use of one's own domineering method. "The stand-in armor slowly stated, "Seeing, hearing, and seeing is the way to receive this kind of energy signal in the body of the external thing... It is precisely because of the energy level information exchange that it can make people in a short moment, I can perceive the situation hundreds of meters or thousands of meters away, and I can sort out all kinds of situations under the color of seeing and hearing with efficiency that exceeds my thinking ability..."

"That's what you think? I've never thought about it like that!" The mouth of the bottle paused on his lips. Reilly thought for a while and smiled. "However, if you think about it, it seems that it is exactly what you said. What's going on."

   "B.I.B" said: "This will explain two things. 1. Everyone is born with domineering, but I don’t know how to use it..."

  This is what Raleigh said when he taught Luffy. Raleigh listened and nodded frequently.

  『Second, some people are born with a certain kind of domineering. There are more examples of seeing and hearing sex, and the least overlord. "The stand-in armor slowly said, "These people are not born with a certain kind of domineering-domineering itself exists in everyone's body; what they instinctively know is to use domineering skills... It's like some people are born with domineering skills. Being able to write with the left hand, some people can easily do things that others can't study hard without practice. 』

For example, Hancock’s little girl is born with armed color, see-heard color, and overlord color. When ordinary people are still practicing how to master domineering, she may still be wondering, this kind of thing is as simple as eating and drinking, like breathing. , Still need to learn specifically?

  Reilly nodded and said: "I have indeed seen people who are born to see sex..."

He touched his chin and suddenly smiled, "We used to have a warrior on board who was born armed! Even Ryu Sakura, who is difficult to master, according to him, hasn't studied much. I heard that there is such a thing. After the incident, it was used in a blink of an eye. He is an amazing guy."

  Is Mitsuki Mitian who threw a nurse at birth, caught rabbits at the age of two, threw bears at the age of four, and prostituted at the age of six? "B.I.B" felt clear.

  Reilly took a sip, "I probably know what you are going to say..."

   "Domineering and domineering is also a skill that can be learned." He wiped the alcohol from the corner of his mouth and smiled, "You think so, don't you?"

  This solemn tone...『B.I.B』can't help being solemn.

  Reilly nodded and said, "Yes, you are right."

  Sure enough, the overlord's look is still...Huh? "B.I.B" was swayed by Lei Li's tone of making a big turn. This old man is so skinny!

"Overlord color is like a rare talent with one mind and two use..." The stand-in armor said in a deep voice, "It is necessary to combine the two techniques of using energy, armed color and receiving information, in order to explain... Why is the overlord? Being domineering, you can strike a certain target in a targeted manner. It also explains why some powerful domineering looks can even cause physical damage... The so-called king spirit alone cannot explain it. Since the overlord is also called domineering, it is obvious that the answer is already self-evident-it is originally "dominant." 』

  Reilly drank and smiled, "Are you summing up the experience from that boy Shanks?"

"Do not. "The stand-in Zhanjia said, "Boya Hancock, she was born with armed sex, seeing and hearing sex, and overlord **** all awakened..."

  Reilly said unexpectedly: "Like Roger? It's amazing."

   One Piece Roger is also a three-color, domineering and fully awakened monster from birth? "B.I.B" was very surprised and felt reasonable.

  Perhaps it is precisely because of such evildoers that he will be jealous of the sky and suffer from an incurable disease...

  As for Hancock? "B.I.B" is not worried at all, God is probably her fans, how could she be willing to die!

"The strength of the armed color and the keenness of seeing and hearing are combined together. The so-called'one mind and two uses' is the overlord appearance..." Lei Li groaned, "So that's the case, because I am the overlord appearance that I awakened, so I’ve never thought about it in this way...but this is probably the reason why green peppers are always so conceited..."

"Green pepper? 』

"The green pepper of the cone. An old guy from the previous era." Leily drank his wine. "Maybe there are not many people who know him now. Since he was taught by Karp... he is the water army of the country of flowers. Dongliang, he used to be very arrogant about their Eight Treasures Marines and the so-called'Eight Punch Boxing'! Now think about it, what the green peppers are arrogant, maybe it is that they can'learn the overlord's appearance'."

   "Eight punch..." Stand in the armor and ponder.

   "What's the matter?" Leily asked strangely, "Did you have a feast with Green Pepper?" "No," "B.I.B"'s long and narrow eyes shimmered, "Because I came from the country of flowers. And... I can punch at 1.8. 』

  Reilly was surprised.



   Marco patted the blue fire on his shoulders and his clothes, straightened his glasses, and stepped into the gray area of ​​the Chambord Islands.

  If Raleigh wants to live in seclusion in this archipelago, then it is a high probability to choose 1 to 29 to avoid the harassment of the navy.

  He started searching all the way from 29th, passing 28th, 27th...

  Bars, restaurants, streets...

  Marco skilfully walked through various places suitable for inquiring about news, and he quickly heard interesting content from the mouths of the pirates who were drinking and talking.

"It's really not peaceful these days. I heard that another hunter named'agave' has appeared again..." The pirate hiccuped and said disdainfully. Let him know what the real pirate is! Hahaha..."

   "The real pirate?" Another pirate shook his head and said drunkly, "The ‘Pluto’ Raleigh a while ago didn’t speak to Chobana Giorno. Which round will I get you?"

The good-looking pirate who threatened to give the bounty hunter "tequila" sneered: "'Pluto'? They are all old guys from the old age! Besides, you really believe this kind of rumor? The remnant of Roger, the pirate king, isn't it It's been cleaned up by the Navy long ago... Hiccups!"

At this moment, a blue-fired hand was pressed on his shoulder, and the pirate turned his head and saw a pineapple head wearing glasses. He smiled gently and asked: "The Raleigh and Qoruno you mentioned, about them, and More?"

  (End of this chapter)

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