I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 508: Flowing Sakura! That is Liu Ying!

  Chapter 508 Flowing Sakura! That is Liu Ying!

  【Linqi points to Titch and says to kill him. 】

  [The people of the White Beard Pirates Group thought they had heard it wrong...]

  ["Fuck!" Blenheim, the captain of the ninth division, holding the handle of the knife, said angrily, "What did you just say?"]

  ["The one who wants to kill is Titch?!"]

  【"Are you crazy!"】

  【On the deck of the Moby Dick, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they surrounded Gioruno and questioned loudly. 】

   ["What do you call so loudly?" Lynch dissatisfied. 】

  ["Is it a big problem now?!" Everyone in Bai Tuan was angry, "Want to kill the people on our boat, Chobana Choruno, are you too despised?!"]

   [The captains also looked cold. If Qiao Lunuo really wanted to kill people and kill their partners in the same boat, they would never agree. 】

  【The atmosphere suddenly becomes tense! 】

  【Many irritable Bai Tuan pirates have already drawn swords and muskets. As long as Qiao Luno really dares to attack Tiqi, they will never hesitate to do it. 】

  【Because of kindness, they will definitely not kill Qiao Luno, but they will never sit back and watch him be disadvantageous to their partners! 】

  【The black armor floats to Robin silently, and is worn on her like a real armor. 】

  【Robin's flower and fruit ability is ready to go. 】

  [She is looking at the tense pirates full of the ship, especially the more than a dozen pirate captains who are really powerful...As long as the situation is slightly wrong, she will not hesitate to expose her true identity, and will immediately exert her strength. 】

  【Robin is quite sure, he spends his time free and white beard, and the moment he is summoned, he can use that supreme sharp knife to cut off the Beluga. 】

  【The flower clone can be made together with the clothes, of course, it also includes the weapon in the target's hand when the petals record the breath. Robin's updated "Flower Beard" was the state when White Beard swung his naginata to smash the sea... it included the cut of the cloud in his hand at that time! 】

   [Many of the pirates on this ship are capable people. As long as they create a beard to cut off the Moby Dick, they will not lose their chances at all. 】

  【It's a white beard after all! The strongest man in the world, Robin had seen the terrifying power of the legendary pirate who had restored his peak, and he really didn't dare to care about it. 】

  【But even the strongest man is still a capable man. As long as he falls into the sea, he can’t exert his power. 】

  【Although Robin himself is also a capable person, but... Before departing from the Chambord Islands, Lynch deliberately eliminated the devil fruit ability of himself and his stand-in. 】

   [Robin is very convinced that Lynch had considered the current situation at the time, including that he would use his comfort to record the breath of everyone including the white beard...]

  【Thinking of him using himself as the last hole card and trusting himself unreservedly, Robin couldn't help but feel a little happy. 】

   [Suddenly, she was surprised, "You..." saw three figures appearing more and more. 】

  【Murloc Labster, Human Herman, Long-legged Race Legge stood in front of Robin, put on a guard posture, and faced the crew on the Whitebeard ship. 】

  ["Hey! What are you doing?"]

  ["We are already partners, aren't we? Why should we stand by her side?"]

  【The crew of the White Group shouted one after another. 】

  【Labster puts on the murloc karate starting hand pose, and said in a deep voice: "Sorry..."]

  ["The empty strip Xu Lun rescued us from the hands of the dragon people." Herman smiled. 】

  [League shook his long legs, as if warming up, and said heartily: "After the big deal is over, we will let the white beard father take care of it."]

  【Robin sighed: "You don’t need to be like this..."】

  ["Thieves hahaha!"]

[In such a tense atmosphere related to myself, Marshall D. Titch faced the finger pointing at him and laughed aloud, "Jobana Giorno, do you want to kill me? We should have used it before. Haven't you seen it?"]

  [Linqi looked at Blackbeard with a silly look, and said silently: "Are you going to sea for the first day? You want to kill someone, you must know each other?"]

  【"That's right!" Titch smiled brilliantly (tooth). 】

  【Speaking of reason, Giorno’s words are very appetizing to myself! Because he himself is such a person, if he wants to kill someone, he really doesn't necessarily need to know that guy. 】

  【As long as you need to kill the opponent, or can kill the opponent, these two reasons are completely sufficient! 】

  [ Lynch’s words undoubtedly made the already tense atmosphere even more volatile. The captains such as Joz and Bista are ready to fight at any time, staring at Qoruno from all directions. 】

  [I hope this guy will be fully awakened when he says this...]

  【Wow! The white beard who was silent after Qiao Luno said that just now stood up suddenly, holding the huge supreme sharp knife and cutting it. 】

  【"Papa! Wait a minute!"】

  【Marco, who was shocked and still can't believe it, came out more and more, stopping between Baibeard and Lynch. 】

   ["..." The white beard looked down at Marco and stood with a knife. 】

  ["Marko! You don't want to help him, do you?" Everyone in the white group shouted, "He wants to kill Tic!"]

["I brought him here!!" Marco yelled at the others sharply, "If he wants to kill Titch, he must step on my body!!! But before that, at least let me ask. ——"】

  [Everyone listens, and the captains such as Joz, Saatchi, Bista, Izang and others calmly watched. Now it was Titch and Lynch, the two parties, who seemed to be the two most calm ones on the scene. One was clamoring to kill, and the other was called to kill, but they all seemed to be no big deal...]

  【Marko turned to look at Lynch, his face was quite ugly, "Qiao Luno...When you said you wanted us to help kill someone, you didn't say that it was our partner on the ship!"]

  【Lin Qi said modestly: "Isn't this afraid that you can't accept it..."】

  【"You have a humble face!!" The pirates around the white group shouted in unison. 】

  【"Marko, get out of the way." The white beard on his head said solemnly. 】

  【Marko's face is gloomy and he said loudly: "Father! Let me deal with him!"】

  [White Beard smiled and said: "Goo la la la, what silly thing to say, your phoenix fruit is still on my body."]

  [Marko glared at Qoruno, gritted his teeth and said: "Even if there is no devil fruit, I will not let him go... I lied to me like this!!"]

  【Linqi dissatisfied: "What kind of girlish tone are you..."】

[Titch haha ​​laughed and said: "Daddy, it’s okay! Anyone will have dozens or hundreds of people who want to kill him, let him come, such a master, I really want to try to fight him. Yeah! Thieves hahaha..."】

["Stupid son!" Baibeard lifted the naginata and knocked it on the deck. He looked down at Qiao Luno, who looked up at him, and said with a smile, "Run to my boat, in front of my face, and said to me, Kill my son... Do you think the person he wants to deal with is Titch?"]

  【Marko stunned! Joz, Bista, Izang... the captains, and the other crew members were a little surprised. Everyone looked at Joebana Giorno, who was tall and strong but looked petite compared to the huge dad. . 】

  [Titch pulled out the wine bottle tied to his belt, took a sip, and smiled: "Thief hahaha, this guy wants to challenge the legend...What an arrogant newcomer! Thief hahahaha..."]

  【Looking at Qiao Luno for a moment, White Beard's eyes condensed. 】

  【Boom! 】

  【An invisible aura spurted from him, a huge sense of oppression swept out, ignoring everyone in the White Beard Pirates group, and went straight to Lynch and Robin. 】

  【Overlord look... Robin's heart stunned. Fortunately, she was already wearing armor. She was not knocked down by the white beard's overlord look. 】

  【Lin Qi is only slightly solemn in the stormy waves and stormy domineering impact, and the figure still stands upright in front of the white beard, without taking a step back. 】

  【He stretched out his hand backwards, Robin took out a gold and iron rod from Little Green's mouth, and threw it towards Lynch. 】

【Snapped! Lynch raised his hand to catch the gilt iron rod and carried it on his shoulders. 】

  【"Don't get me wrong!"】

  [He raised his hand over there and drank, as if he was in a black beard in the theater state, "I really want to kill him..."]

  [White team leaders are cold, the crew gritted their teeth, "This guy..."]

  ["But, of course, you're right." Lynch carried an iron rod on his shoulders, smiled brilliantly, and hooked his finger at the white beard, "Come on!"]

  ["Huh..." White beard's fighting spirit was already strong, and he raised the supreme sharp knife in his hand, and laughed, "Maotou kid really... can talk big!!!"]

  【Lynki holds the gold and iron rod tightly, dominating the air flow into the rod body. 】

  ["Could it be..." Yi Zang's eyes widened suddenly. 】

  【Domineering turned into flowing water, usually wrapped in gold iron rods, but not scattered. Qiao Luno over there did not give in, and blatantly swung the gold iron rod towards the huge sword that was smashed down on the head——】


  Boom! ! !

  Even though they were so far apart, the astonishing aura bursting from the Moby Dick was still clearly seen by the telescope.

"To contend with the white beard head-on..." Stoloberg on the warship was surprised, "and it is the white beard that has recovered to its peak! This level of collision is definitely not a joke... Is Choruno crazy? Do it with the White Beard Pirates on the Moby Dick?"

  Boom! ! !

  On the deck of the Beluga, a storm-like shock aftermath burst out between the huge sword and the golden iron rod.

Many of the young White Beard Pirates crew were stunned by this powerful force, and some others stood up to the surging impact and said in amazement: "His weapon and father's knife...never touched each other. Ah! It's so strong--Ah!!!" They couldn't support it either, and they were shocked by the aftermath, and they fell head over heels.

Lynch’s armed color and domineering continued to rush to the gold and iron rods in his hands, facing each other against the white beard above the huge naginata through a strong courage, and as the competition continued to escalate, there was a gap between the two weapons. The intensity of the collision and collision is also rising!




  Red and black lightning danced wildly, the air current surging wildly in the gap between the broadsword and the gold and iron rods, and many people on the deck were staggering!

The captains such as Joz, Saqi, and Bista were surprised. Marco looked at Izang, and Izang stared at Izang without blinking, and said to himself: "Absolutely correct, that is Liu Ying. ...Is the same domineering as Mitsu-sama! He has mastered..."

   Lynch... Robin clenched his fists and looked nervously at Lynch who was fighting against the white beard.

"Thief hahaha, it turns out that such a strong monster wants my head?" Titch drank and laughed, "but it's impossible for the old man to lose to him... he restored him to his health beforehand. His biggest mistake!"

   "Boy, you are a bit too tender."

  White beard smiled, his eyes condensed, and his arm seemed to be suddenly thick, and the domineering wave rushed toward the supreme sharp knife in his hand.

  As if cooking oil on a fierce fire, the domineering flow on the cutting blade of Congyun instantly skyrocketed!

   "Huh?" Lynch blinked.

  In the next moment, he seemed to be smeared by an atomic bomb. In a huge explosion, the whole person flew out...


   is the sound of falling into the water.

  All the people in the White Beard Pirates Group watched with their own eyes that Ciobana Gioruno fell into the sea after being slashed for several tens of meters by his father.

   Seeing this, many people on the Beluga sighed with relief.

  Although Qoruno said before that he is not a capable person, it is hard to say how much he can truly believe in those words...

   "I can't spare you, **** thing." Marco looked at the place where he fell into the sea, "You fooled me... won't you save him?" He looked at Xu Lun, who was on the sidelines.

  Robin calmly said: "I am a capable person..."

   "Huh..." Marco grabbed the pineapple hairstyle and sighed, "There's no way..."

  He was about to jump down to get the **** up, but suddenly looked at the sea on the other side, which was closer to the old man, and a figure broke through the sea and jumped high.

Everyone on the Moby Dick turned their heads to look at the seawater-covered Gioruno, more or less shocked.

   "...but he is not." Robin smiled and finished speaking.

  Tickey stared, looking at the figure leaping high, with sea water flowing all over, this guy is really not a demon fruit capable person? ! !

   "Human Jeet Kune Do!" Lynch held a splash of sea water in his hand and threw a fist at White Beard in the air!

   "Could it be?!" The Murloc Raboster on the deck was taken aback.

   3800 words, which is nearly two chapters worth of weight, can't ask for a leave tomorrow?

     (Actually, for a moment, I wanted to cut down 1,800 words and save it for the day after tomorrow... I am so conscientious!)



  (End of this chapter)

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