I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 549: Get ready to fight!

   Chapter 549 Ready to fight!


  It was Robin who was in a far away place. He used him to make one of Lynch’s ears and whispered in the ear.

   "Lynch, I say you listen. I now..."

  She said that she had received a message from Lynch’s hypnotized Dres Rosa soldier. After the ship Leo mentioned docked, she would leave again within a few minutes, so she had to sneak into the ship quietly...

  But Robin soon discovered that the people on this ship of the Antik Thieves Group did not know much useful information.

  So she intends to follow this ship quietly, to their buyer's side, and then see the situation...

  I squeezed one of Lynch’s ears casually, and talked to him about the general situation.

  In case, Lynch might be worried if he didn’t receive a message from him again afterwards. Robin also specially reminded him to inform this time. If you want to hear my voice, come back quickly.

  She smiled slightly...

   Immediately after that, Lynch heard the sound of the ear with the soft touch of the scented lips, and then the voices from faraway places disappeared.


  The starry sky meets the sky and the sea, the bicycle is skating fast, and the eyes of the green pheasant behind the small circle sunglasses glanced thoughtfully at the back seat.

   "You still wear sunglasses at night, can you see the road clearly?" Lynch squatted down, his sunglasses had been taken off and hung on the neckline.

"..." The green pheasant didn't want to take this kind of nonsense, and Lynch just said casually, and quickly said: "Are you still slippery? You are not hungry, I am hungry, stop first, make some food to fill my stomach. Besides..."

Hearing that, the green pheasant was about to release the freezing air, and hunted one or two sea beasts in the nearby sea, but found that Gioruno squatting on the back seat jumped, drawing an arc in the blurry night, silently. The rest is in the water.

  It turns out that, he doesn’t have the Devil Fruit ability now...

Seeing this, the green pheasant did not slow down his bicycle skating speed. He knew that with Qiao Luno's current ability, the speed of snorkeling could definitely keep up with him.

  Is it intentionally emptied of the Devil Fruit ability?

  At first glance, this kid looked carefree and unscrupulous, but he turned out to be unexpectedly cautious...

  In a flash of thought, the skating bike of the green pheasant has been galloping thousands of meters on the dark and undulating sea.

  At the beginning...

never mind……

   "Wow!" A huge black shadow jumped out of the sea on the side of the blue pheasant riding a bicycle across the sea, and was frozen into an ice sculpture by him.

   Lynch hugged the ice sculpture sea beast and landed on the back seat of the green pheasant's bicycle.

I felt that there was no place to sit, and no place to put the sea beast that would soon become a Chinese food, but I sensed that the green pheasant riding a bicycle casually lifted his feet and swept the sea backwards, surrounding him and Qiao Luno in a circle. ——The seawater was instantly condensed by the extremely cold freezing air into a "ring table" that surrounded the green pheasant and Lynch. On both sides of the "table" there were "fences" of ice sculptures that were not high or low.

   Lynch smiled. He stretched out his hand to tear off a large piece of frozen sea beast meat. With a "puff" sound on his hand, a blaze ignited.

  The flames are particularly dazzling among the black sky and sea, and the green pheasant can't help but glance back.

  He thought he was going to eat sashimi...

  The beasts and fishes of Pirate World are delicious, even if you don’t add much seasoning, it’s not unpalatable. The sea beast has the characteristics of both beasts and fish. Lynch just grabbed this large piece of fresh sea beast meat and burned it in his hand for a while, and then the meat smelled...

  He ate happily, after eating two large pieces, he also made a piece and slides it in front of the green pheasant through the ice sculpture “ring the table”.

In this way, a large sea beast was eaten by the two of them so that only the skeleton was left, and Lynch threw it into the sea... this bit of food, for him, just put on a stomach, it’s not even a supper. .


  It’s dawn, and the bicycles carrying two people are still sprinting on the sea in the New World...

   Lynch was idle and bored. He was about to stand in the back seat and sleep for a while. Suddenly, he heard the green pheasant yelling to someone behind him—it should be a phone worm.

After repeating the location of the sea area mentioned by the phone worm, he shouted: "Very well, you just keep the warships at a distance and use the artillery round shooting tactics to slow down their pirate ship! Although the aunt pirate group is monsters like clouds, But they are not all monsters. There should be several capable people on the pirate ship, and they should try to avoid the gun rain... but the warship must be kept at a distance and stay at the maximum range!..."

   Lynch listened to each other, after the green pheasant finished the communication, he changed to another number, and then called out the same words again.

  "...Keep the maximum shelling range! Slow down their speed! It would be best if they can go in circles in that sea area..."

   "...Never get too close! It will be fatal! Everything will wait for me to arrive..."

   "...Hello! Is it a warship of the G-3 branch? I am the blue pheasant..."

  The green pheasant controlled the bicycle that he sat down to skate on the sea, and said in a deep voice from the phone in his opponent: "...In short, I will arrive within an hour. Please pay attention to your safety."

  The phone worm looked at him, as if he was saluting, and said loudly: "Yes! Lieutenant General Kuzan!"

  When the call finally stopped, Lynch said, "Auntie Pirates?"

   "Hmm..." Qing pheasant replied, and more chill came out of his body, "You stand firm, I will move forward at full speed."

  "Who is from the Aunt Pirates?" Lynch asked again.

  The green pheasant said seriously: "Charlotte Kata Kuri..."

   is card two! Lynch thought this way, as if suddenly hit by something, the speed of the bicycle under her feet suddenly increased several times, making a small bend on the sea, galloping all the way as if flying, leaving behind an ice waterfall like a waterfall. Sea track...


  〖A certain sea area——〗

  The sound of "boom" and "boom" continued, and one round of shells flew to a pirate ship on the sea like rain.

  On the black flag on the top of the sail and the mast, there is a skull pirate logo with a hat and flaming red lips-it is the banner of the pirate group of the aunt of the Megatron Sea!

   "There is a cannonball coming~"

  "Cannonball is coming again~"

  Although the shells came, the bow of this pirate ship, which was supposed to be just a sculptural head, actually uttered a brisk tone.

More than that, the tables, chairs, tableware...all on the ship yelled like a pirate ship under the feet of everyone on the ship. They were either panicked, calm, or ecstatic, but they all made singing-like sounds. As if the elves only exist in the fairy tale world.

  Dense shells hit, and several figures jumped up on the ship.

  The sixth daughter of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Castad drew out a long sword, swept several sword lights in the air, and instantly chopped several shells into pieces.

   Also jumped up and her twin sister, Charlotte Angelo, swung a sword and several shells exploded and burst into flames in the air.

The nineteenth son of the Charlotte family, "Cheese Minister" Charlotte Mundor opened his hand to the sky, and suddenly created a huge book. The book opened and swallowed several cannonballs into the book world... …But even if he and his brothers and sisters took action in time, the hull was still hit by one or two shells, and Hormitz, who was boarded by his mother's soul fruit in the pirate ship, sighed with pain.

   "No way, Brother Kata Kuli!" Mundor said loudly to the tall, upright figure standing on the bow, "There are too many warships here, and I still want to be so far away from us..."


Wrapped in a generous scarf, wearing a punk-style black leather jacket with a nail head, the second son of the aunt, who is five meters tall, was thirty-five years old at the time, and was the first of the "Dessert Four Stars" at the peak of his age-Xia Lott Kata Kuri was silent for a moment, flipped his hand to take out a jelly bean, and flicked it!

  咻——A screaming cannonball in the sky hits, but it seems to have actively hit the jelly beans ejected from Kata Kuri. It was pierced and exploded in mid-air...

The younger brothers and sisters were chattering on the deck behind them, the lower half of Kata Kuri's face was covered by a thick scarf, only his calm and stern eyes were exposed, and he glanced at the row on the sea far away. But the navy warship that keeps a safe distance...

"They are waiting for support..." Kata Kuri's slightly dull voice came from behind the generous scarf. He wanted to continue. After all, we suddenly attacked the member countries of the world government and demolished most of the countries. The navy headquarters will send It was also expected that people came to stop himself and the others, but his words had not yet begun. He was so hard-working that he could see the future in a few seconds. He suddenly foresaw something and suddenly turned his head to one. Look on the side of the sea.

Brothers and sisters such as Castad, Angelou, and Mundor also quickly followed, but saw nothing, but Kata Kuri buried a shadow in his eyes, and said coldly: "It's a green pheasant here. what……"

  Everyone was puzzled at first, but soon, Charlotte Angellu pointed to the sea surface and exclaimed, "The sea surface is freezing! —The ice is spreading toward us! —It's the green pheasant!"

"Is it the lieutenant general of the navy headquarters?" Charlotte Mondor and others also knew that a powerful enemy was coming, and they quickly shouted at the Pirate Ship at their feet, "Quickly turn around! If the hull is frozen, then It's in trouble!"

  "Turn direction~"

   "Turn around~"

   "Turn around~"

  The pirate ship changed its direction, and everyone on board quickly looked at the warships lined up on the sea in the distance, and said in surprise: "The warship is not moving...have you given up chasing us?"

   "Ice is chasing here again!"

  Someone on the deck shouted again, "Nuomi, avoid the ice!"

  The Pirate Ship hummed nursery rhyme-like tunes again, manipulating the rudder in the cabin, and adjusting the angle of the sails of the mast by itself, quickly staying away from the ice that is chasing and approaching on the sea.

  It’s just that they changed direction, and after a certain distance, the ice layer appeared again, pressing again...

   "That's it, ‘There’s an island ahead’..." Charlotte Katakuri muttered to himself, "It seems that the green pheasant intentionally forced us to the nearest uninhabited island."

  At this time, one of the other members of the ship pointed to the front and exclaimed: "Look! There is an island ahead!"

  咚, 咚, 咚...

  Kata Kuri’s black horse-studded leather boots made a noise on the deck. He paced to the stern and looked at a dark shadow slowly approaching in the distance.

With the domineering sweep of his sight, he quickly approached the front, passing across the vast sea, and sections of ice, the appearance of the black shadow gradually became clear. He was a man covered with ice and cold, riding a bicycle toward Their pirate ship is fast approaching...

  And on the back seat of the green pheasant's bicycle, there was a tall young man standing.

  The latter also smiled suddenly when Kata Kuri stared at them, as if he had met Kata Kuri's gaze.


  Kata Kuri squinted his eyes, his right arm stretched out into a ball of glutinous rice, and a three-bladed tine, several meters long, slipped out of his body.

  He held the weapon and said in a deep voice, "Everyone...get ready to fight."

   Can I ask for a monthly pass?



  (End of this chapter)

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