I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 594: Pollen evolver

  Chapter 594 Pollen Evolutionary

   [Chapter Head Serial · Pirates of the Red Heart 2 · "ROOM! ! 』]

[Luo (Luo Nandi) held back for a long time, waving his hands to the birdcage for a random experiment, suddenly opened a spherical area to envelop him and Luo, Luo (Ruo Xindi) immediately felt that he was facing this Everything in the spherical domain has some kind of dominance... He also suddenly understood why Qiao Luno was able to teleport Luo in the air at will, and why he was able to smash Virgo with a knife in the air. Do not hurt the other party......]——

  Ayu, a girl carrying a bamboo pole, looked at the sound coming from, but did not stop, and continued to run towards the village in front.

  A little fat man lying on the side of the road jumped out, lowered his voice and shouted at Ayu’s back in fear: "Hey, don’t go, it’s the Dragon Banner Army who is here, it’s so scary..."

   "Dragon Banner Army?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Xiao Pangdun sniffed and said with a face full of fear, "Originally, it was only officers and soldiers who came to collect rent. The village chief's grandmother and the adults were collecting money. Suddenly a lot of Dragon Banner troops came, officers and soldiers. I was terrified, saying that the renter would come to collect it another day...Huh?"

  Who is talking behind? Xiao Pangdun looked back and saw only two pairs of legs, and the back of his head was parallel to the ground before he saw a tall and handsome big brother.

  Is there something wrong with this style of painting...I have gone from being a Pirate Doujin to an overhead historical classification? Lynch was speechless, but after thinking about the painting style of the country of Wano in the New World, it seemed that the country of flowers here wasn't too outrageous.

  Robin pulled the hair around his ear, leaned over and asked, "What is the Dragon Banner Army?"

  "The Dragon Banner Army is the Dragon Banner Army..." Xiao Pangdun blushed and was a little scared, "Every Tao has..."

  Each Dao? Robin was puzzled, and puzzled again.

   "Go and see." Lynch lifted her leg and walked away. The girl named Ayu in front had entered the withered village.

  In his perception of seeing, hearing and color, there are indeed a bunch of guys with breaths that exceed ordinary people, "stacking" on an equal number of breaths, surrounded by circles of ordinary or lower-than-ordinary auras.

  Lynki hadn’t arrived yet, he was able to make up a picture: some soldiers called the "Dragon Banner Army" were riding on horses, surrounded by a group of ordinary villagers with yellow faces and thin muscles...

  And when he and Robin walked into the village, they really saw this scene.

   "I'll say it again, if anyone knows the traces of the remnants of the Demon League, tell them as soon as possible..."

  Among the dozen or so armed soldiers on horseback, the horse headed by the dark blue armored soldier was pacing back and forth on the village road, and his stern gaze scanned the trembling and silent villagers on the side of the road.

  Among the villagers, many people have wounds on their faces, bruises, and whips, and they bow their heads in shock and fear.

   "You have to think clearly, if anyone dares to know without reporting, we will find out in the future..."

  The soldier in the dark blue armor held the rein with one hand on the horse, and "slapped" the whip in the air with the other hand, "Everyone in this village will die."

  Many of the villagers were shocked, their heads lowered lower.

  "My lord, the matter of the remnants of the demon league, I really don’t know about the Xiaomin..."

   A short grandmother with gray hair and a bamboo branch as a hairpin came out of the crowd, and walked to the dragon flag army horse in dark blue armor and sighed.

  "The village chief..."

   "Psychic grandma, don’t..."

  The villagers exclaimed. The soldier in the dark blue armor looked down at the old village chief immediately, and said coldly: "People of the sin land, who allowed you to stand in front of my horse?"

  Speaking, the spur fell, and with a "slap", it was blocked by a figure rushing up from behind the village chief's grandma.

  Ayu clutched her blood-stained arm, raised her head, tears in her eyes, and looked at the horse's dark blue armor pitifully.

   "...?!" The village chief's grandmother was shocked, pulling on Ayu's whipped arm, distressed and regretful, "You...Ayu, silly boy!"

  Ayu raised a silly smile, and the village chief’s grandma’s eyes were even more pampered.

   "Okay, okay..." The dark blue armor laughed twice immediately, "Dare to stop my whip?!"

   After finishing speaking, a white light flashed in his hand, and the horse whip was drawn at Ayu at a faster and more violent speed. Halfway through the draw, he was firmly grasped by a big hand.

  Ayu did not hide, did not close her eyes, so she saw Qiao Luno who suddenly appeared in front of her and her grandma to block the whip.

  The Dragon Banner Army was shocked, and the horses hissed.

  The person in the dark blue armor shrank his pupils, and said in surprise: "You are...Jobana Giorno?! Why are you here!"

   Lynch said: "I hit the old lady, hit the little girl, you are really interesting, you."

  He casually pulled, and the Longqi Army general in the dark blue armor was dragged off the horse by him.

  However, this person is obviously a bit strong, and he turned around in the air, and was about to steadily land on his feet, but was lifted by Lynch and kicked forward, bang!

Before he was kicked out for one meter, Lynch’s figure seemed to be teleporting, and appeared again in front of him when he was kicked. He raised his foot to "boom" and trampled him to the ground, lowered his head and asked unhappyly, "I will drag you off the horse. , Do you dare to stand firm?!"

  The villagers looked at this scene, and couldn't help but be surprised and retreated some distance.

   "You--" The dark blue armor that Lynch stepped on blushed, but he was stepped on his chest harder when he wanted to yell, and he was stepped back into his stomach with a sigh of relief, and he couldn't cough up.

   Lynch stepped on the goods, straightened his back and said lightly: "Have you thought about it? The consequences of aiming these things at me..."

   Around him, the soldiers of the Dragon Banner Army on horseback had already drawn out long knives and spears, and they all aimed at him in surprise.

   "Captain, I seem to have forgotten," Lynch asked Robin who was walking over there, "What are we now?"

  Robin said: "The king is under Qiwuhai."

  "Qiwuhai under the king..." Lynch said, "Isn't it a criminal?"

  Robin said: "No."

   Lynch turned to look at the swords and guns pointing at him, "Then your country pointed the swords and guns at me? Why, want to go to war?"

  A soldier of the Longqi Army couldn't help but said: "Obviously you attacked us first!"

   Lynch said: "How do I remember that he used the whip to slap me first?"

  Fart, didn’t you make it up by yourself? ! The dark blue armor that Lynch stepped on was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, and he slapped the ground continuously, his hands were swollen, and the extremely heavy feet on his chest were removed.

He seemed to be surfacing from the deep sea, panting, and when he got up, he stared at Lynch and Robin walking next to him in embarrassment, gritted his teeth and said: "Jobana Giorno, empty Xu Lun... Why are you here?!"

   "Is he discriminating against us?" Lynch turned to look at Robin, "It sounds like we are not worthy of coming here?"

  Robin nodded and said: "It seems to be..."

   is a fart! Do i mean this? ! The Dragon Banner Army in the dark blue armor understands that these two men are not reasonable at all, they are indeed two barbaric pirates!

   "You, you..." He took a deep breath, turned on his horse, turned his head and shouted at his men, "Go!"

  DaDaDa, DaDaDa, everyone from the Dragon Flag Army rode away, dusty all the way.

   Lynch glanced in the direction in front of them, then retracted his gaze, turning around to see the villagers avoiding a long distance, looking at him with fear.

  Robin urged narrowly: "I am not grateful to you."

   "Hey." Lynch didn't care too much, looked down at the old village chief, haha ​​laughed, "Old lady, you were pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, almost pretending to be an accident."

  Robin was slightly surprised. Lynch’s knowledge and appearance is best at distinguishing the strength of the breath, that is to say... she looked at the small village elder grandmother.

  The village elder grandmother did not answer, she sighed and touched the delicate arm of the young girl Ayu with a blood stain drawn by the whip.

  Ayu didn’t care about her injury, she just looked up at Lynch and asked, “Aren’t you afraid of them?”

   Lynch lowered his head and looked at himself, quite puzzled, "Do I look...like I am afraid of someone?"

  Ayu was about to raise her hand, was held down by the village elder's grandmother, and shook her head slightly at her.

  Robin squatted down, holding his cheeks, and smiling at the little girl: "Why don't you continue to pretend to be stupid?"

  Ayu tightened her lips, was taken aback, took a half step back, retracted her foot, looked at Robin directly, and asked, "When did you find out..."

  Robin smiled and said: "When you are on the shore, the look you look into the distance...Do you want to go to the sea?"

   Was she seen through from the beginning? Ayu bit her lip, and suddenly did not dare to look at Robin, avoiding her sight.

   Lynch said: "If you have something, you can come back and talk later..."

Robin looked up at him. He pointed to the direction where the Dragon Banner troops had left. "There is a lively look ahead. After they left for about a few kilometers, a very powerful guy jumped out and was killing those dragon and other troops... …If you don’t go over, I guess I won’t be able to see anything."

  The village elder grandmother heard the words, thought a little, and exclaimed in a low voice: "Could it be...silly!"

  Ayu held her arm, and Lynch had already strode away. Robin smiled at the little girl and followed Lynch away.

  In Lynch’s perception, the guy who entered and exited a dozen Dragon Banner Army breaths has already cut off the breath of several Dragon Banner Army soldiers...

Just when he thought that if he didn’t speed up his pace, that person would soon behead the Dragon Banner Army. Among the remaining breaths of the Dragon Banner Army, one of them suddenly soared, and the stranger The guy bounced away.

  Originally, he was not the strongest soldier among the dozen Dragon Banner Army. Suddenly, he seemed to be a berserker, crushing that man into defeat.

   "Weird, weird, so weird..."

   Lynch muttered to himself, grabbing Robin's waist, "Hold on, uncle, I want to speed up—"

Robin blushed, pressing his mouth, felt Lynch smile under his palm, and soon the surrounding scenery flew backwards, Lynch stepped on a six-shave pace, the speed soared, and it didn't take long before he rushed to the road. A few kilometers away.

  Like the main scenery in this area, there is also a desolate wilderness in front, with few weeds.

The blood stained the dry and cracked ground, dozens of horses were frightened and scattered, five or six Dragon Banner Army soldiers in blue armor lay in a pool of blood, and about ten Dragon Banner Army soldiers were still fighting in blood. The one that suddenly skyrocketed, with red eyes and a long knife in his hand, was fighting a black-clothed masked man. Other Dragon Banner soldiers assisted on the flanks, handing three swords and two shots from time to time. The black masked man It was not easy to resist the soaring strength of the Blue Dragon Banner Army. Being attacked from all sides like this, it soon fell to the left and fell into a disadvantage.

  He knew that he had to fight quickly, and the swordsman fought back a few feet with the help of the momentum, and there was a violent shout from under the mask, and the sharp blade in his hand was instantly stained with a layer of dark armed color domineering.


  A slash with domineering black electricity passed by, and the Blue Anchored Dragon Banner Army, which had soared in strength, spurted blood from the throat and knelt to the ground.

The masked man panted tiredly, leaning on the domineering long sword, and looked up to see the remaining Dragon Banner Army soldiers showing their firmness, just like the one who was beheaded by himself did before. I took out a small packet of things in my arms, and didn't care about the paper bag that couldn't be unwrapped, and stuffed it directly into my mouth, with a puffy sound, the fine powder filled and flew between the snouts and noses of these Dragon Banner soldiers... Soon, they had eyes one by one. Crimson, heavy breath, and his body seemed to skyrocket out of thin air.

  (End of this chapter)

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