I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 608: Flower past

  Chapter 608 The past of flowers

   [Chapter head serial · Pirates of the Red Hearts 16 · "You admit the wrong person, fool"]

   [baby5 hugged Corason like a sloth, and was moved, but heard a faint sound from the side. She lifted her head tearfully, looked at Corazon, who was holding her speechless face, and then looked next to him. Luo is a child, but with a cigarette in his mouth, and said that he is Corazon... A big question mark slowly appeared on baby5's head. ]——


  【The mountain peak was cut with a sword, quickly and slowly dislocation, crashing down the foot of the mountain. 】

  【Over the palace, a terrifying black dragon was covered with blood, many dragon scales were chopped to pieces by countless slashes, and a lot of blood was poured out...】

[Furious, with some horrified Dragon Eyes, staring at the woman in the open space in front of the palace on the top of the mountain, gritted her teeth and asked: "Who are you?! Could it be that... are you also a member of the remnants of the demon league? ?"]

[The woman was also injured. There was a wound on her arm that was torn by a dragon's claw. She dragged a blood-drenching sword, raised her head and smiled: "My name is Lily! As for the Yuzhu League, I should be only half of the members. Bar?"】

  ["Lily..." The black dragon whispering in the air hately said, "You are the thief who has caused troubles everywhere in recent years?! Lily, Lily! Why is this hateful name again!"]

["Thief, ranger, which name you would like to use, that's your business." The woman said, the long sword in her hand was turned over, and the sword was suddenly wrapped in a layer of black domineering, she raised her head and smiled, "Just listen to the name. You are so furious, it seems that you also know the throne sitting under your butt...very unreliable!"]

   [At this moment, a large swarm of black armored warriors came out from the palace, yelling at her. 】

  【"Don't make trouble."】

  【Lily raised a sword, and the sword qi flew the more than one hundred black armored warriors, but she was surprised secretly, "No! Their condition..."]

  【The black armored warriors were cut off, but quickly rushed towards her again with a roar, and countless swords slashed towards Lily together like a wave. 】

[Soon, with a bang, black domineering lightning bursts, and all the black armored warriors who have taken the pollen runaway are all shaken off. Lily slashes dozens of slashes, and the knives are wrapped in fierce domineering, simply These poor guys killed. 】

  【Puff, puff, puff, puff...】

  【The black armored warriors fell to the ground like a rainstorm, but there was not much blood dripping from the corpses everywhere... Their flesh and blood dried up, and their black hair quickly turned gray, like a withered flower and grass on the side of the road. 】

  【A young man hiding in a corner, the future lord, the current Prince Jin, looked at the terrifying woman like a demon with fear. 】

["Emperor father can be cut...I am an unbeatable black dragon! Is this woman a man or a ghost!?" Prince Jin trembling, "Even so many black armored warriors who have evolved from taking pollen Not her enemy... she... she..."]

  ["You are annoying."]

  【Lily shook the long sword gently, and the blood on the blade swept a line of blood on the ground on the side. 】

  【She raised her head and stared blankly at the black dragon flying above the clouds. 】

["Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." , This king is an animal-type fantasy beast species, and Lao Tzu’s physical strength is endless...!!!"]

  【Lily doesn't want to talk to him anymore, she wraps the last bit of breath on the blade, takes a deep breath, leaps up firmly, and slashes towards the black dragon. 】

  [Along with a line of black domineering flying across the sky, the thick clouds wrapped around the black dragon were also cut apart...]

[On the ground, the Prince Jin stared at the scene in the sky blankly. Even after many years, the picture of the woman cutting off the black dragon's horns and half of her forearm with a sword is deeply imprinted in his heart. deep……】

  【The most feared position in my heart. 】

  [The figure of a woman was knocked off the sky, fell under the cliff and the wall, and fell into the clouds...]

  【The roar of dragons soars into the sky, echoing in the valleys, and there is a trace of fear in the rage...】

  [The black dragon lost both horns and a forearm, and was writhing in the sky in pain. He roared: "Find her for me! Kill her! Kill her!!!"]


  ["I said, you are too messy! Sister Lily!!"]

  【Sangren, who is just twenty years old, angrily accuses this sister of her own righteousness. 】

[Lily was covered in bandages, like a mummy, lying on the wooden bed, looking at the cobwebs on the ceiling, unwilling to say: "Oh, it's a little bit, almost hacked to death that pesky black dragon... "】

  【"Did you listen to me talking!" Xiangren was so angry that she wanted to punch this sister. 】

  [But this guy is now covered with injuries, and she is reluctant to bear it, so she can only say silently: "Suddenly ran to the palace alone to fight the black dragon. Do you really think you are invincible?!"

  【"Just a little bit..."】

  【The mummy woman lay down, looking unwillingly at the spider web in the corner of the ceiling. 】

  ["You!" Xiangren almost fell back in anger. 】

  ["Okay, okay, I know..." Lily, who was covered in bandages, sat up and said depressed, "I know, he still has a lot of physical strength, and my anger is exhausted... I really can't beat him..."]

  【"Am I talking about this?!"】

   [Sangren unbearably grabbed the bandage on Lily's shoulders and shook her back and forth, fangs roared, "Sure enough, you still didn't listen to what I was saying, right!"]

  【Lily, with his face covered in bandages, only showing a pair of nice big eyes, blinked and looked at her, very innocent. 】


  【Sangren feels weak, and finally releases his hand, sighing deeply. 】

  [The two sat for a while, and Lily suddenly said: "It hurts, Sangren."]

  【Sangren rolls his eyes, "You asked for it!"】

   [After a while, I didn’t see Sister Yi, Xiangren wondered, Sister Lily won’t be angry anymore? She is not so careful...]

  【Sangren glanced to the side, and found that the bandaged Lily's only eyes were stunned. 】

  【Are you still thinking about failing to defeat the black dragon? 】

   [Sangren sighed: "You haven't joined the Houzhu League, so you don't need to carry this kind of thing on your shoulders.-Don't say things like ‘we are sisters’!"]

   [Sangren raised her finger in time and said, "This will only make me feel more guilty and blame myself!"]

  【"I'm hungry." said the female mummy. 】

  ["..." Xiangren sighed lightly, and soon laughed again, "Wait, I'll get some food."]

  ["..." Lily sat alone for a long time, her hand wrapped in bandages hit the edge of the bed, "I'm really unwilling!-Hiss, it hurts..."]


[The atmosphere in the entire flower country suddenly became tense. Ordinary people have not heard of the assassination of the country’s lord, but they can feel that the imperial imperial army and the Wudao Longqi Army are searching for whom ……】

  【Is it the remnant of the demon league again? Everyone can only guess like this. 】

  【The weird atmosphere lasted for a month or two, and finally one day, the imperial samurai covered in black armor found Sangren who went out to buy food. 】

   ["Have you seen this woman?" The black armored warrior was cold, holding a sketched portrait in his hands. 】

  【Sangren doesn’t blink, "No."】

  【"Xiao Lianlian, I will be very sad to say this, elder sister." A woman's voice appeared on the wall next to her. 】

  【The black armored samurai turned their heads to look at them instantly. Xiangren said silently: "Why do you want to show up by yourself!"]

  【Lily jumped off the wall and came to the black armored warrior holding the portrait. The black armored warriors couldn't help but step back together. 】

  ["This painting is not me at all..." Lily looked at the portrait that the man was holding, and said dissatisfied, "Who painted it? It's not pretty at all, call him over, I'm going to beat him!"]

[Obviously there is no trace of hostility and murderous air on this woman, but all the black armored warriors can't help but burst out cold sweats, and the boundless pressure makes them almost out of breath... They all know that as long as they don’t agree, wait for them. This is the end of the street beheaded by the woman who assassinated the lord...]

[The black armored warrior holding the portrait didn't even realize that he could put down the portrait long ago. He swallowed and stiffly said: "Lily Woman, is it? The lord...the lord invites you to enter the palace. Syria."]

  ["Huh?" Xiangren was surprised, but decisively said, "Don't dream! How could it be—"]

  【"Okay." Lily smiled and accepted his portrait. 】

    6000 words today, try to get more tomorrow, I want to get back to the state of last month, fighting



  (End of this chapter)

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