I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 624: Straw Hat Promise

  Chapter 624 Straw Hat Promise

  Thirteen years ago, the Roger Pirates arrived at the final island, and Roger was called the "One Piece"-or the vicious "devil".

  Twelve years ago, Roger was publicly sentenced to death on Rogge Island in the East China Sea, and the life of a pirate who was surging in the sky came to an abrupt end.

  From being famous all over the world, Megatron... to disappearing, everyone shouted and beat...

  What happened to the incredible Roger Pirates in that short year?

   That famous and unparalleled Roger, he never suffered any loss in front of the navy that year, how could he be caught by the navy suddenly?

  The year when the unknown Roger Pirates left the world’s sight, countless mysteries were born, conjectures, and even a series of conspiracy theories...

  Even Karp thought about Roger, why did he surrender himself. Is it just to say the words before the execution?

  However, how to execute the torture, whether he was executed publicly before the eyes of the world, or if he was cut off his head and spread the word after the execution in secret, and whether he had a chance to say that sentence before the execution is uncertain...

  But Karp did not expect that the answer was so simple.

  Suffering from a terminal illness, day does not give up, and time is running out. Obviously witnessed the truth of the world and learned some kind of future prediction, but there was really no time for himself.

  Faced with this kind of fate, maybe no matter how open-minded people, they will regret that they were not born at the right time... So, Roger, you?

  Hey, what do you think?

  The pulsating firelight swayed on Karp’s wrinkled face, which was dim and unclear. He chuckled and said, "Roger fellow, before he died, he even tricked our navy!"

  This guy who has always liked ostentation the most, everything has to be a big scene, and a world-shattering guy, with his last bit of ember-like life, he made the last big show in front of the world...

   is really cool...

  Asshole thing, are you a stubborn kid?

  Because you can't participate in the future era, feel unwilling?

  So in the end, in that kind of mischievous way, you branded the name of your Gore D. Roger on the head of the era after your death forever?

It really is……

  Like your style! Karp grinned silently.

"It is Captain Roger himself who will disembark afterwards..." Shanks recalled the past in front of the fire, the corners of his eyes were a little moist, "Although everyone didn't want to admit it, but that day...everyone cried miserably. Only with Kullo Mr. Cass asked for the last medicine, and he hugged Captain Roger, the oldest deputy captain on the ship, Mr. Reilly, who said goodbye. He did not cry himself...Speaking of it, I never saw him cry before, even the one who executed the last sentence. One day..."

  Ace stared at the much smaller flame in a daze. Of course he had found the newspaper where Roger One Piece was executed. He clearly remembered the look of the man who was the father of his blood in the execution photo that almost occupied the entire newspaper page.

  He is smiling.

   Mingming with swords and swords on his body, wearing shackles, kneeling on the execution platform... but still grinning.

what's so funny?

  Clearly a criminal who is about to die... Tell me, what's so funny?

   Abandoned his wife and unborn son, leaving them in a world full of malicious intent to them... You are dead, what about them? What's so funny in the end? !

   "None of us know where the captain went in the end...Of course, I know now."

  Shanks looked up and looked at the dark night sky, "Ace, do you know how old the captain was at that time?"

  "..." Ace did not speak.

   "When he disembarked, he was already fifty-two years old. Generally, if someone is willing to leave blood, they won’t be dragged to this age, right?"

Shanks muttered to himself, "I think that when the captain heard that prophecy on Fishman Island, he felt for the first time that he should have a child... Captain Roger, he, many people said that he called himself Extraordinary, arrogant, trampling on people, and killing things that make them uncomfortable. It's a solo bastard! But you know what... they are not wrong."

Ace was startled when he heard this, Karp snorted, but Shanks laughed, "'I am the number one pirate in the world. If a more powerful guy appears in the future, of course it will be my son.' , The captain is 100% like this. Hahaha..."

  Amidst Shanks’ laughter, the campfire gradually became quiet.

  Shanks lay down and looked at the starry sky that had not changed much compared to many years ago.

  Ace looked cold.

  Luffy hung on the tulip’s lap to sleep.

  Kapu sat on the ground with his arms folded, his eyes lowered, not knowing what to think...

   "Kapu, do you remember," Shanks said, lying on the grass, looking at the night sky suddenly, "On the day in Roggetown, the last words of our captain in this world..."


That paragraph was intensively published in the original newspapers-not only the World Economic News, but also newspapers all over the world, and pheasant magazines. They are all being reprinted frantically. People are also spreading word of mouth, even if the world government wants to stop it, they can’t stop it. live. Even on the windless island of Nine Snakes, where news is blocked, Tulip had read such a newspaper and knew that passage.

   "..." Karp chuckled, "'Want my treasure? Then go find it at sea, I put everything there'."

  Tulip muttered to himself: "It is also because of his words that the ambitious pirates in the four seas all flocked to the great route like crazy..."

Karp coldly snorted: "That **** will add chaos to people when he is dying, so that our navy has to focus on the paradise in the first half of the paradise, and how much the Newgate and Charlotte gang have drilled in the new world. Gap?"

   "That day, I was also in Rogge Town, and I was executed after seeing Captain Roger said this with my own eyes..."

Shanks took off his straw hat and covered it lightly on his face, muttering to himself, "Who on earth did the captain say to us? Is it for us? No. , We have been with him long ago and have witnessed everything...Is it for the other pirates in the world? I was definitely the latter before, but now I am a little uncertain..."

  It was quiet in the forest for a long time. Until Ace's cold voice broke the silence, "What do you mean?"

"..." Shanks sighed, "It's meaningless. I just think that Captain Roger likes being so pushy, even if he is a father, he will definitely want to do something that no one else can do. , Even if he wants to leave something to his son, it must be done in a way that no father in the world can copy..."


  Luffy was awakened by urine.

  He opened his eyes in a daze, lifted the hem of his mother's skirt, jumped from her lap, wandered in a daze to the side of the woods, untied his pants and started to hush...

  Woo~! The young man with the scar under his left eye shuddered, he hissed, and suddenly said "Oh", and said in surprise: "Oops, I fell asleep accidentally. I didn't hear the story of One Piece-forget it, I didn't hear it. Didn't you hear it."

  He didn't care, and felt a little grateful that he didn't even hear it.

  After releasing the water, Luffy turned back and saw that only ashes and a pile of wild boar bones were left in the campfire.

  The sky is faintly bright, and the air in the mountains and forests in the morning is slightly cold, with the humidity of the morning dew.

Grandpa Karp didn’t know where he was going, and Shanks was nowhere to be seen... Only the mother was still there. She stretched out, closed her eyes and opened her arms in the direction of Luffy and smiled: “Come on, let mom hug you. ."

  Lu Fei walked over and was hugged, over his mother's shoulder, but saw a distant figure in the woods over there.

   "It's Ace." Luffy broke away from his mother and tried to chase him, but was pulled by the tulip, his ears were pulled back out of the ramen-like slender.

  Luffy was pulled back, turned over, covered her ears and cried out: "Mom, what are you doing?"

  Tulip pulled him into his arms and ravaged him, and said softly: "Let him stay alone for a while."

   "..." Lu Fei was pressed into his mother's arms, and blinked, as if he understood something, but also as if he didn't understand anything.


   Chi Chi, Chi Chi Chi, Chi Chi... Ace dragged his broken pipe, dragging a long slender trace on the ground with the morning dew behind him.

["If Goldor Roger has children?" In the restaurant, passers-by, the young Ace, who had also had a longing for his father, heard those people say so naturally, "Of course you have to Put him to death!"】

  Ace walked alone in the woods, with bloodshot eyes in her eyes, as if she hadn't slept all night.

  ["We are really too early...who will really get the big secret treasure? That ‘voice’ is the ‘truth’, someone will be born and surpass us!"]

  [On the Pirate Ship, Roger smiled confidently, "Haha, that must be my son!"]

  [Relly is speechless, "Where is your son?"]

  [Roger laughed and said: "We will have it next!"]


  Dadan and their mountain hut is not far from the sea, Ace quickly walked out of the forest.

  ["Hey, old man..." Ace, who had fought with others in town again, stared at the sea blankly, "I should really be born in this world?"]

  As soon as Ace looked up, he saw the coastline ahead.

["If that devil has blood in this world, I hope that when he is caught and executed..." the people in the tavern roared with laughter, "will cry and confess like this:'Sorry, I'm a rubbish, no Should live in the world.'Hahahaha!"]

  Ace walked slowly to the shore alone.

  [Kapu said behind his back: "This kind of thing, you see it alive, don’t you know it?"]

  The sea breeze gusts, messing up Ace's black hair.

  [The redhead who was beaten all over by himself was lying in a pool of blood and said: "This is how the captain answered me: ‘What silly thing to say, you are already born in this world...’"]

  The waves hit the shore, and bursts of bright mist splashed across Ace's face, bringing a burst of coolness.

  He looked at the arc-shaped sea horizon in the distance, a round of fiery sun rising slowly at the end of the sky.

[Many years ago, young Gore D. Roger came to the port of Rogue Town with his straw hat on his head, and joked: "Hey, Raleigh, come with me, how about going to turn the world upside down? ?"]

  The rising sun smeared the sea at the end, as if there was a Roger with a beard and grinning, looking at Ace on this shore from a distance.

  ["Want my treasure?]

  【"Then go to the sea to find...】

  ["I put everything there!"]


  The stunned waves hit the shore, raising the white waves, and drowning the voice of the freckled teenager crying.

  【"What other people do?】

  ["Since you are still alive, even if there is only one day left, let's live with your head upright!"]


  Ace faced the endless sea, crying like this for the first time since she was born, as if all the sadness and unwillingness accumulated in her heart, as well as the endless grievances, all cried out.

   "I won't... forgive you..."

  The golden morning sun on the horizon of the sea slowly rises, blending the sea like a woman with long hair emerging from the water, looking back at Ace's side, smiling slightly.


  Ace let herself be weak, crying to the point of collapse, choking, and even muttering to herself seem vague, "I really want to... be able to meet you... just one side..."



  〖Another day, Windmill Village, Port——〗

  The pirates carried the cargo to the ship, and they were about to leave.

  The village chief was very happy and drank two more glasses.

  Markino and some people came to the port. Shanks also had bandages and bandages applied by Markino on his face.

  As for Karp, he has already left here and returned to the headquarters. He originally wanted to throw that boy Luffy to raise with Dadan and Ace this time... But there were tulips, which obviously couldn't be thrown away.

  Tulip came with Luffy.

  According to the agreement, Shanks notified Luffy before he left.

   "Luffy!" Beckman, **** Bu and others greeted on the boat, and asked with a smile, "Now can you say it? Why did you give up on our boat? Do you not want to be a pirate?"

  Shanks was about to board the ship, and looked back at Luffy with a smile.

"Of course I will be a pirate!" Luffy yelled to the friends on the boat with great energy, then walked up to Shanks and grinned, "But, a boat can only have one captain, right? So I I don't want to get on your boat!"

  ["It's one thing to splash my wine, but another to bet on my life! It's one thing to bet on my own life, to bet on my friend's life..."]

   [Standing in front of the bandit, the red-haired man under the straw hat has serious eyes, "That's another matter! I will never let the guy hurt my friend."]

   "So, you want to be the captain."

  Shanks smiled when he heard the words. He expected Luffy's words, but he was still moved when he heard the boy say this.

  Luffy smiled and said: "I will find a group of partners who will not lose to you! Then become a pirate by myself! Shanks, I will surpass you—"

  The boy raised his fists and announced with high morale.

   "I want to be-One Piece!!!"

   "..." Shanks smiled, "I want to surpass us and become the One Piece... If Ace hears that, will he be unhappy?"

  Luffy stuck out his tongue, making a face and said, "I don't care!"

"That's right!" Shanks smiled, then took off the straw hat on top of his head, "This hat... was given to me by Captain Roger. It is my most cherished treasure. I will store it with you now... "

  Puff, he buckled the straw hat on Luffy’s head and pressed the boy’s head, "When you don’t need it, give it to me like Captain Roger."

  It’s really going to be parting. Luffy finally couldn’t help crying under his straw hat. He heard Shanks’s smiling voice: "Do you have any opinions, the future One Piece?"

  Luffy choked up and said: "Nothing..."

  Tulip watched this scene quietly with a smile behind her.

Shanks handed the straw hat to Luffy, turned and boarded his own pirate boat, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a black-haired boy carrying the broken water pipe under a tree not far away, raising his finger far away. Seems to be waving goodbye.


  Shanks smiled slightly, raised his fist over there, and continued to board the boat.

   "Anchor! Set sail!"

"Let's go!"


  The ship of the Red-haired Pirates group drifted away. On the port side, Tulip walked to Luffy's side, pressed the straw hat on top of his head, and leaned to his side.


  In the afternoon, Lu Fei and his mother returned to their cabin in Kolbo Mountain, only to find a freckled teenager carrying a water pipe was already waiting for them on the hillside.

   "Ace!" Luffy smiled and waved from a distance.

  Ace did not sneer at his enthusiasm as before, nodded to him, and looked up at the tulip beside Luffy.

  Tulip asked: "What's wrong? Is there anything to do with me?"

  "You are training him..." Of course Ace was referring to Luffy. He said sincerely to Tulip, "Please train me too, I want to be stronger!"

  Tulip said strangely: "Oh? I haven't shot in front of you, how did you know..."

  Ace was also startled, but Tulip smiled, "It seems that you, who are as delicate as a girl, may be better at seeing and hearing colors."

Ace didn’t understand what was seen and heard, but he was embarrassed to be said to be like a girl. Of course, it was mainly because Luffy pointed at Ace very rudely after hearing his mother’s comments on Ace. Ace "hahahaha" laughed wildly.

  Ace glared at Luffy, who hurriedly closed his mouth.

   "If it's a friend of Luffy," Tulip said thoughtfully, "It's not impossible to train together..."

   "..." Ace was speechless, looking at Luffy. From the straw hat on top of the opponent's head, slowly moved it down, looked at the opponent's eyes, and then stretched out his hand, "My name is Ace, Portcas D. Ace."

  Luffy wearing a straw hat didn't mind at all, holding his hand and chuckling said: "My name is Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy."

  Tulip looked at the two teenagers who clenched their small hands, and smiled very relievedly.

  But Ace raised his head, thinking of something, and asked with embarrassment: "Well...I have taught two people anyway, how about one more?"

  (End of this chapter)

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