I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 643: Robin's encrypted message

  Chapter 643 Robin's Encrypted Message

   [Chapter head series·Kemi's Great Escape 4·『噫? ! So you are a mermaid! ! 』]

   [Not long after, the little boy went back and returned, happily returning with a bunch of snacks, and after looking for a long time on the shore, he found the girl who had saved him. Kemi headed in the water, hesitated a few times before he took the snacks from the human boy, and had a good meal with the starfish Papaku. He jumped out of the sea to bite the chocolate a little bit, revealing the lower body fish full of orange and red scales. At the end, the little boy on the shore looked at her, dumbfounded......]——

  With the blue and black domineering fusion of the power of life return, he used six types of big moves...

  This is considered to be the strongest single attack move of it or the main body at present, so I used this move to strike a blow with the aunt.

  The result...

  『B.I.B』has to admit that, indeed, there is still a gap between the current level of the four emperors.

  ——In the case of a single unit.

  If you cooperate with the main body, the gap with the aunt will definitely be narrowed again.

  It's just that, as a soul-like existence, "B.I.B" is restrained by the aunt's soul-soul fruit power, and its disadvantage will be greater than when the body faces the aunt.

Even if the big tricks are rippled and scattered into mud, they have not taken advantage of the aunt's terror fist that also mixes the life return iron and the armed and domineering...If time is abundant, "BIB" will not retreat directly, it is rare to catch it. There is a chance to fight with the aunt, and use the other's soul-soul fruit to sharpen himself, or to be greedy, to see if there is a chance to directly grab the other's soul-soul fruit or something.

  It’s just that, for "B.I.B", the most important thing at the moment is to find Robin.

  In addition, it senses that the main body has appeared outside the cake city, so it decisively chooses to retreat and hand over the battlefield here to the main body...

  The black armor like Iron Man flew away from Cake Island, flew across the sea, and soon came to the nearest neighboring island.

  It skimmed out of the sea, patrolled around at low altitude, and looked at the food style on the island. Should it be Candy Island? It is the island under the jurisdiction of Perrospero, the eldest son of an amazing aunt.

   "Something happened to Cake Island?"

  Candy Island, Licking Town, Perrospero held the phone worm in his hand, his face was shocked, "Kata Kuri? What happened to Kata Kuri? Hey—"

  There was a roar in the mouth of the phone worm, and then the human face that it simulated suddenly dissipated and turned into an ordinary phone worm form. After screaming a few times, he closed his eyes and rested.

"Damn it!" Perrospero made a decisive decision. With a wave of the candy scepter in his hand, a channel made of candy held him and galloped towards the cake island. "You continue to stare at the island. Once there is a suspicion of Nicole Robin’s guy, don’t hesitate to catch it immediately!” The Homitz soldiers in the town below raised their heads and saluted, and said loudly, “Yes! Lord Perrospero!”

Glancing at the candy passage where Perrospero went, "BIB" flew out of the candy building. This guy has this ability to shape a candy elevator corridor at the speed of light. When he landed in the country of Wano in the comics, But there are so many accidents...could it be deliberately paddling, in fact, wishing his mother fell into the water and died, he inherited the throne as the eldest son and took over the family?

  After all, is there a fifty-year-old crown prince in the world?

   shook his head, "B.I.B" flew into the candy island. It wanted to find a suitable "host" so that it could use the mirror fruit ability again.

  It can’t directly use the Devil Fruit Chip. The main body makes trouble in the Cake City to attract the enemy’s attention. At the same time, it tries to make Robin hidden in the world notice the situation as much as possible...

  『B.I.B』was flying around inside and outside of Candy Island, and suddenly heard a clamor, which seemed to be a few children.

  The child is the "host" it intends to look for. After all, it is more convenient to throw it away when it is used up. The child will not take the strange experience to his heart, and may forget it when he turns his head.

   "The ugly three-eyed monster is going to kill!"

  Several little boys ran away in tears, followed by a little girl with a third eye on her forehead, her three big eyes were crying, and a dagger in her hand chased the little boys and slashed.

  Sex Chef’s fiancée? "BIB" had to sigh, as a traveler, is there any luck bonus? Anyone who wants to find a host who makes up the number can just meet a female character with a name, a surname and a fan in the original book, although it is still only a child who has experienced childhood trauma. Little girl, she's not the fine three-eyed girl with a split personality in the future...

  Brin drove away the boy who mocked and bullied herself, threw away the dagger, squatted on the ground rubbing her eyes and sobbing.

  It’s just that she didn’t wipe the tears from the third eye on her forehead. It seems that she herself is not willing to touch the ugly eyes on her forehead...

"BIB" looked at the third eye twice. In the comics, the aunt seemed to think that this eye from the blood of the three-eyed tribe could interpret historical texts and so on. Could it be some special "sky eye" or "it" "Xintong"?

  The third eye with teary eyes turned and stared directly at "B.I.B". Soon the little girl also raised her teary eyes, her three eyes staring at the black figure in the air.

"Oh? Can see me? 』

  The stand-in armor flew over, and the little girl was so scared that she took a few steps back.

"I haven't eaten the fruit of memory yet..." The black armor took out the mirror fruit chip, and stabbed it into Breen's chest, and then unarmed it along the way, and then quickly wrapped it around Breen's body, click, dark. The visor was pressed on the face of the panicked girl who had not yet dried her tears, and her narrow eyes shimmered, "...that's convenient. 』

   "Yeah!" Brin realized in horror that she couldn't control her body, and raised her left hand uncontrollably, creating a mirror in the air, "This is sister Bree's--ah!"

  She was dragged away by something and got into the mirror.

   "What's going on, let me go!"

In the mirror world, Brin ran here uncontrollably. At first, she was frightened and wanted to struggle, but she soon discovered that she really couldn’t control her body at all, and more importantly... Can run so fast? And I didn't feel tired at all!

  It's like... my body is just a shell, and what is really moving now is actually the strange shadow that envelops me...

  『You calm down quickly. Xiao Yang Jian. 』

Who is speaking? ! Brin yelled in panic, but couldn't move her mouth to make a sound, because her mouth was also controlled by the other party, and she kept asking about the mirrors on the surrounding walls about the trace of the man named Nicole Robin.

  It’s just that, along the way, mirrors are constantly shattering, and someone from outside is destroying mirrors in batches.

  『Or is it a small Tianjin rice? 』

  The black shadow is talking again. I really hate it. If you can talk by yourself, why do you still speak with someone else’s mouth? !

  『Two mouths are more efficient, aren’t they? So Sombra said, "Like three eyes, you should see things more clearly. 』

  Brin gradually calmed down, there is nothing to do if she doesn’t calm down anyway.

  "Who are you?" She was surprised to find that she could speak, her voice trembled, and she quickly asked, "What happened to Sister Bree?"

"BIB" ignored her, and was busy entering and exiting in a mirror, looking for Robin's traces on different islands in the world. If the island is not too big, it would take ten minutes to use the sights and colors carefully, and it can still be densely packed. Homitz's breath, and the breath of the people living on the island, screened to distinguish whether there was any hidden Robin's breath...just looking for it for a long time, but still nothing. Not only that, there are indeed fewer and fewer mirrors. All islands in the ten thousand territory are rapidly destroying mirrors in the territory.

  What can you do for hiding so..."B.I.B" is a bit speechless, sister Robin's escape skill point is full.

  It is standing in front of a wall in the mirror world, and there are not many mirrors that have not been destroyed...If the number of mirrors is too small, it will become an inefficient side in the mirror world. It is better to look for it outside.

  『Inhale. "It said suddenly.

   "Huh?" Brin was startled. If her body was not under control, she might have fallen asleep all the way so boring.

  『Take a deep breath. "B.I.B" said again, "Ten seconds for you." 』

  Brin glanced at the mirror in front of him, and it turned out to be underwater! Realizing something, she quickly took a deep breath, her cheeks bulged, and soon she jumped in uncontrollably-no, jumped out, jumped out from the mirror in front of her, because she is a mirror fruit capable person She touched the mirror surface, the sea water outside the mirror passed through the mirror, and burst into the mirror world with a bang... And Brin also rolled her eyes white. After entering the sea, she became weak as a capable person. A breath of air turned into a bubble at the corner of the mouth and gurgling——

Huh? Brin suddenly found that she didn't seem so uncomfortable, although she still couldn't breathe in the water...

  I borrowed a little bit of Brin's life return ability, allowing her to hold her breath longer, and at the same time, "B.I.B" controlled her young body to float in the water.

  The ability of Brin’s body is weak, what does it have to do with "B.I.B"?

  Its long and narrow eyes looked back at the place where it had just flown out. There were hundreds of mirrors of different styles deposited on the bottom of the sea, one of which was the one it flew out just now.

  It seems that people on nearby islands are more likely to live their lives. They didn’t want to destroy the mirror, but sank into the sea. Do you plan to salvage and use it afterwards?

  『B.I.B』 shook her head, manipulating Brin's body, whose face was already reddened, to swim directly to the surface of the sea, and soon broke the surface of the sea, the little girl gasped for a breath.

  When she came to the nearby nut-laden coast, Brin was surprised to find that she had stopped. She complained, “It’s uncomfortable to soak in the water, so I’m going ashore soon.”

   After discovering that the strange black shadow controlled her actions, but still protected herself, she seemed to be less scared.

After a while, I was still standing in the water by the sea, staring at the shore without moving. Brin was surprised. Looking along, there seemed to be something engraved on the beach covered with nuts—oh, this is Nut Island. It was like text, but Brin had never seen it before. It was crooked, like snakes, really strange patterns, and it was washed away and ruined half of it.

  A string in English on the Nut Beach says: "I (grind off) points every afternoon, and I will (grind off) dry island (grind off) and wait (grind off)..."

  『B.I.B』can't help but want to hold the forehead.

  It understood instantly, Robin probably left similar messages in English on the beaches of each island, right?

  Why is it not Chinese?

  I am afraid that the Chinese square characters are very similar to ancient characters. Worried that they will be noticed by the Aunt Pirates?

Why is there such a situation? I have been looking for a long time in the mirror world, but I have passed by the messages on the shore of each island... Because Sister Robin doesn’t know about Bree and the convenient mirror fruit ability, and I knew it, so I took the shortcut I thought. On the contrary, if I and the body landed along the way honestly, in fact, I would find a message left by Sister Robin on the shore of a certain island earlier...

  However, it is not too late. "B.I.B" took Brin along the coast to look for other English messages...


  〖Cake Island here——〗

Aunt    got the news, she just violently seized the door from the cake city, and she saw a mighty shock wave hitting her, drowning her and the crowd, and piercing the entire huge cake city, almost cut off!


  The huge castle built of hard cakes collapsed...

   "Lin! Odd!!!"

  In the aftermath of the shock wave, the aunt was full of pitch-black domineering and furious in her heart, but she had to raise her hand to resist the incomparable violent power...

The huge shock wave almost turned into a cone-shaped "smooth surface" hundreds of meters wide, flooding the cake city, and at the apex of the cone, at the opening of the left eye of a telephone bug that blended with the color of the environment, Lin Qi's arm trembled slightly because of excessive force, and the huge shock wave in the three fingers of one hand erupted violently from the hole of the phone worm castle...

  "This is a return, Charlottes, are you satisfied?"

  (End of this chapter)

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