I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 668: One of my swordsman friends

  Chapter 668 A friend of mine swordsmen

   [Chapter head serial: ■■■■ Legend 1 in the Great Prison · "Infinite Hell"]

   [Don’t think about how good the prison food is. A dish of muddy cold water, a bowl of half-baked rice, and a bunch of hard steamed buns are enough to perfunctory... This is Xiliu’s daily food. The female jailer carried a large pot of white rice, fragrant sea animal meat, and hot seaweed soup into the prison diagonally across from Xiliu, and happily fed Heina and left after eating, and then grabbed the iron whip of thorns to the others. The door of the howling cell was beaten again and again, a group of social dregs, howling! ]——

  〖Great Route, Medical Snow Kingdom——〗

  As a winter island, it still has the same wind and snow all year round, and it is covered in silver everywhere.

  In the depths of the snow-capped mountains, there is a tree house.

  Firewood was burning in the fireplace, and the fire was pulsating.

  "...I remember it was Weiwei, she was such an amazing little princess."

  Dalton took a sip of hot soup to moisturize his throat and put it on the table.

  Hardless of hearing a response for a long time, Dalton turned his head and saw that Kuleha, dressed in fashionable punk leather clothes and glasses, was sitting on the sofa with his legs up, holding a notebook in his hand to write and draw.

"Huh?" Kuleha noticed Dalton's speechless gaze, and he raised his eyes and said, "The daughter of King Alabastan, whose full name is Neferrutari Vivi, you met last time at the World Conference. When she was about 10 years old, she was wearing a simple blue ponytail that was refreshing and not like a princess, and she was wearing an ordinary pink dress, because this pair of dresses without royal style was corrupted by some other royal families. The tempered prince and princess ridiculed and provoked, while the little princess Weiwei was courteous and did not add trouble to her father. Such a strong little princess made a deep impression on you who were not in a good mood to attend the World Conference at that time-this You've been talking about the story more than a dozen times. What's wrong, the last World Conference was so boring, is there nothing new to talk about?"

"..." Dalton Black Line, but he really thought about it straightforwardly, "It seems that there was really no special issue last time. By the way, there was talk about the Xinxing Sea that was later incorporated into the White Beard Pirates. The thieves--"

  Kureha thought for a while, "The Pirates of Spades?"

"Yes," Dalton took another sip of hot soup. "Their captain, who is now the captain of the Whitebeard 2nd Division, Ace, rose to the new world at a very fast rate, and the limelight was very high... and His last name, Portcas, seemed to have been related to a certain royal family in the South China Sea, so he discussed it for a while at the meeting..."

  Kuleha paused again and looked up at Dalton.

Dalton smiled, "It's also because, seeing the young and young pirate rookie like Portgas D. Ace, I couldn't help thinking of the original Lynch... for ten years, I never listened to it again. Speaking of his news."

  "Do you care about anything, Mr. King." Without raising his head, Kuleha continued to write and draw on the sofa with his legs folded.

  Dalton shook his head, got up and walked to the bookshelf, squatted in the corner where old newspapers were piled, and flipped through.

  The date span of newspapers is very large, and some are even seven or eight years ago, and they have turned yellow.

   "The revolutionary army has become the world's number one enemy, and its leader, Dorag, can be described as the world's most murderous criminal..."

  This is the newspaper six years ago. Before this news appeared in the newspaper, Dalton, as the king of the Snow Kingdom, discussed topics about the revolutionary army with other kings at the World Conference.

   "Warmly celebrate the completion of all four sea train lines in the City of Seven Waters..."

  This is the earliest newspaper here, eight years ago.

   "The Red-haired Pirates defeated the Aunt Pirates in the waters of Elbaff, and has secured the throne as the fourth sea emperor in the new world?"

  This is the newspaper four years ago. Shanks, the fourth sea king who shook the world, truly became famous in the world and dominated the great sea route.

   "Ms. Sindori, the top actress of the West Sea, is preparing to march on the great route and start a world tour..."

   "The Queen of the Country of Flowers..."

   "Mr. Qiwuhai Krokdal suspected that he did not reply to the navy. He recently appeared in Alabastan and is worshipped by the local people..."

  The themes of news are all sorts of things. They are all the newspapers and news that have been turned over. Dalton can't see any pattern, as if he just left it aside and forgot to throw it away after reading it.

   "Have you finished watching?"

  Kureha's impatient voice sounded, and Dalton was speechless, "How can I say that I am also a king, is it not good for you to push me away like this?"

   "Since you are the king, go back to the palace and stay."

  Kureha came over with a smile, and pointed a finger on Dalton’s forehead, "Sickness: guilty conscience. What, King King, you are running to me every three days, are you...checking something?"

  Dalton glanced around at this clean and tidy tree house. Apart from the medical skills and research materials that can be seen everywhere, there are no traces of other people's lives.

  He sighed softly, before he spoke, Kureha pushed out the door with a finger.

   With a wry smile, the faceless Mr. Dalton didn’t care. He turned and left and walked alone into the vast snow-capped mountains... Before long, he saw a blue-nosed reindeer carrying a package running towards him.

   "Doctor Chopper." Dalton greeted with a smile, "Have you gone to the town for medical treatment again?"

   "Ah, King Dalton." The reindeer slowed down and made a juvenile human voice, "Yes, everyone gave me a lot of materials for research. Hey..."

  Dalton smiled and watched the reindeer speed up to the tree house and rushed to the snow, and went back to the palace and castle on the top of the mountain.

   "Master Kuleha!"

   With a bang, the door of the tree house was opened by the reindeer, and the wind and snow poured in, "I got more rare materials today. The experiment must be OK—huh?"

   "Is Robin away?"

  The reindeer went around in the tree house, not only did not see Robin, but also the castle phone bug.

  It leaned to the sofa, glanced at the page where Kureha wrote and painted, and said: "Is it related to Robin? Or..."

  Pop, Kuleha closed the book and slammed the book on the reindeer's head. "Stupid apprentice, shake the snow out of your body before you come in."

  The reindeer was in a daze.


  It recovered, wandered back to the door, and turned into a petite half-human and half-deer form, while shaking its whole body constantly.

  The snow shook off the deer hoof, and Chopper lowered his head and said depressed: "Master, Robin, she..."

"I finally got out of the phone worm today," Kuleha took off his glasses, "tily dressed, and brought the phone worm, and went out early in the morning. As for the ghost shadow of Lynch, I don’t know if I followed it. ..."

   "Is she leaving?" Chopper raised his tearful face.

  It put down its backpack, turned and turned into a reindeer form, rushed into the wind and snow outside the house, and ran away.

   "Stupid apprentice...so not a long memory. I said that I would close the door, want to freeze your old lady to death?"

Kuleha shook her head and put on her glasses and muttered to herself, "She was dressed neatly and went out with a phone bug. This is not the first time. There have been several times in recent months...If she can really come out and leave, On the contrary, it makes people feel relieved!"


  The sea is full of snow. Robin is standing alone, not knowing how long he has been standing here.

  The cold wind mixed with snowflakes, blowing her long black hair that had already passed her shoulders.

  The sea in the distance is gray, and the boundary between the sky and the sea is blurred.

  The wind behind him was mixed with the sound of four hooves running. Robin turned his head and saw a blue-nosed reindeer standing panting on the snow not far behind.

   "Chopper, what's the matter?" Robin asked strangely.

   Seeing the usual expression on Robin’s face, Chopper was a little confused and stunned, and said: "I'm so hungry, Robin, let's go back to dinner together!"

   "Okay." Robin put the green phone worm in his hand into the bag. "Let's go..."

  She said to the air next to her, and Chopper knew that the black armor must be there.

  Robin and the reindeer returned to the tree house in the snow-capped mountains. They talked and talked along the way, listening to him talk about things they encountered while practicing medicine.

  The more normal her tone is, the more sad Chopper's mood...

  Back to the tree house, Kuleha glanced at Robin, closed the notebook, "I'm back?"

   "Hmm." Robin put the bag away and asked, "What are you eating today?"

  She groped for a while among the phone bugs in her bag, "As for the ingredients, I found some in the town today..."

   Lie! In the back, Chopper turned into a short brown young man with a tall blue nose, to help with some snow rabbits and other ingredients.

  It bowed its head and pouted, and was in a heavy mood. As far as it knew, although Robin went out from time to time over the years, she had never actually visited those towns on the island once...


  A family of three enjoyed dinner. The black armor leaned against the wall with his arms.

  At night, Kuleha rested in the tree house, opened one eye and glanced at it. In the corner of the room, Chopper was carefully shaking off the material facing the flask, doing the experiment silently.

  In the phone worm castle, the bedroom was dark, Robin opened his eyes and silently counted the sheep.

  In the night sky, the black armor is wrapped in a pitch-black flame-like energy, practicing silently.


   Gululu, Peng.

  A cloud of purple smoke came out of the flask, and Joe Ba suddenly frowned.

   failed again.

   Behind, Robin flipped through the book at will, and found that Chopper’s experiment had failed again, and he even gave a few words of comfort.

   Being comforted by her, Chopper is even more depressed now!

  Kureha looked through Chopper’s experimental records and pointed out several points that are worthy of discussion.

   "I will go to town to see, maybe I can get other materials that can be used."

  Kureha puts on a punk leather jacket.

   "I'll go too!" Chopper squeaked under his feet, then walked out of the tree house, and quickly ran over again, staring at Robin on the sofa inside the house.

  Robin made a move, and a hand grew from Chopper’s antlers, and his hand flicked on its furry forehead. Robin flipped through the book and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t run.”

  In the wind and snow in the sky, the pitch-black armor turned his palms, and between his fingers, he saw the two masters and disciples marching in the snow towards the distance outside the snow-capped mountains.

  Will Lobo come to this island again?

  It thought silently.

  Theoretically speaking, Nami was bitten by a poisonous insect in the small garden, so that her life was endangered. It was only a small chance accident.

  And as long as Nami is not bitten, the Straw Hat Pirates will most likely not come to Drum Island to find a doctor for help...


  Robin once again dressed neatly, took the phone worm, and opened the door of the tree house to leave.

  She stood in front of the tree house and looked at it for a while, then stepped forward.

  【"Robin, where's Lynch?" The reindeer crying in Robin's arms raised his head. 】

  Behind the wooden house window, Chopper looked at Robin's back in the snow.

  ["He really...like Master Kuleha said..." Chopper's eyes were in tears. 】

[Robin was speechless, and looked up at Kureiha, who threw away the empty wine bottle. "What did you and the Pirate Empress do in the newspaper... I want to know, what happened to Lynch? Bar?"】

  【Chopper cried loudly. Ooooooooooooooooo...】

  Walking to the beach step by step, Robin looked at the gray sky and the vast sea.

  The small boat is quietly stored in the phone worm castle, and it can be taken out at any time and put on the sea, and it can be sailed out at any time.

  But Robin was still the same in the end, standing alone at the beach, staring at everything in the distance, gray and gray.


  In the distance behind, the reindeer in the snow peered at Robin's back.

  The black armor looked back. You are hiding!


  This time, for sure, for sure! It will succeed!

  Peng, a cloud of black smoke came out of the mouth of the flask.

  Chopper beat the table dejectedly, what the hell, the purple color was very close last time, why has it turned into black inexplicably this time?

  Dejected for a while, Chopper opened his eyes slowly, recalling what the great Doctor Yong had said in his mind.

  ["Hey, deer, do you know why I can live till now?"]

  【Quack doctor holding the test tube, the look in his eyes is something that Chopper will never forget. He laughed with bright eyes and said, "Because of a ‘miracle’!"]

  ["Only with hope forever, no matter how desperate the disease is, it can be cured!"]

  [The former thief who clearly lacks in medical skills laughs loudly, "How about it, such a ‘miracle’, isn’t it great?"]


  The reindeer’s eyes became firm again, and at this time it heard the master’s voice: "Stupid apprentice, try this?"

  Kureha patted the snowflakes on his shoulders into the tree house and threw a bag on the table.


  I’m already, I can’t set sail anymore...

  Robin lowered his eyes, and was about to turn around and leave the beach to go back to the tree house, but he accidentally saw a small black shadow floating on the gray sea in front of the blurred sky and sea boundary.

   is a ship?

  A very small ship...

  In the middle of the boat sat a man with his legs crossed, wearing a flowered top hat, and a black giant knife like a cross standing behind him.

  The great and unpredictable route, he was so smart that he floated up in a small boat like a coffin board.


  Mihawk was sitting on the boat, a little bored and sleepy, and suddenly he caught a glimpse of the shore of the small winter island in front of him, standing with two deja vu figures.

  His eyes sharpened suddenly.

  Robin looked at the floating boat and Mihawk on the boat in surprise, and the black armor "B.I.B" next to her also sharpened his eyes suddenly.

  Hehe, interesting... Mihawk leaned the boat over with a smile.

   "His boat," "B.I.B" made a sound and said solemnly, "How did it row over..."


  Peng, a cloud of light pink dust, slowly emerging from the mouth of the flask, like a dreamlike color, making the reindeer intoxicated.


  His eyes flashed with excitement, and he happily raised his two little hooves and yelled.

Kuleha beside    couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, smiled and picked up the wine bottle and took a sip.

  (End of this chapter)

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