I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 679: Ace, stop it! (12,000 words)

  Chapter 679 Ace, stop! (12,000 words)

  Leaving the Whiskey Peak Island, the Meri set sail again!


   "Vivi is the princess of Alabastan?!"

   "We are now enemies with Krokdal, one of the seven seas under the king?!"

On the deck, Sanji, who was dragged aboard by Luffy, had messy blonde hair. Usopp's nose was crooked, and the two of them had a stunned face. They had a lively banquet last night. How come you wake up, the world Everything has changed.

  We slept all night, how much did we miss? !

   "There was a fight, so you didn't wake me up?" Sanji held Sauron's forehead uncomfortably, "Chlorophyllum! You robbed the opponent, didn't you?"

   "Huh?" Sauron was unhappy, "I'm so drunk, why are you embarrassed to complain?"

Robin listened to Luffy, Nami, and Chopper, who also participated in the war last night. Chopper did not drink alcohol last night, so naturally he would not get drunk. He ran out in panic when he heard the fighting outside and got involved. After the big dogfight, he said, he probably understood the whole story.

She combed and said: "Miss waiter is actually a princess from Alabastan. She went undercover into an organization called Baroque Walter, and found out that the boss behind them was Krokdal, one of the king's Qiwuhai. Dahl is behind the domestic turmoil and even the revolution in Alabastan. Finally, last night, Luffy and Nami agreed to help the waitress go back to Alabastan...Is that right?"

  Usopp exclaimed, "Although you have made things clear, why Robin still have such a calm face even when you mention Krokdal?!"

  Nami nodded with lingering fear, "Yes, yeah, Sister Robin, that is King Qiwu Hae! I didn’t expect that we were caught by such a terrible guy as soon as we entered the great route..."

  Last night, several assassins in the Baroque society had already written down some of their portraits. Even if they did not help Vivi back to Alabastan, they were undoubtedly targeted by the Baroque.

  Luffy hugged his arms and said, "What does it matter? Anyway, sooner or later I will face that kind of guy!"

   "Yes," Sauron smiled, "How can you be the world's number one swordsman if you don't chop a guy of this level..."

Robin looked at Luffy, Sauron, Sanji...and said noncommittal: "The King Seven Wuhai is really nothing great. However, Krokdal is a natural ability person. If you want to defeat him, if you can't master the armed color. Domineering... there is not much chance of winning."

   "Domineering?" "Nature?"

  Sauron, Sanji, Usopp, and even Luffy all tilted their heads neatly, and a question mark slowly appeared on their heads.

   "B.I.B" is speechless, those three doubts are excusable, Luffy, why do you join in the fun?

  Luffy laughed and asked: "I know the armed color, but what is the natural element?"

  The order here is also reversed... "B.I.B" and Robin are both dumb. The pace of Luffy’s growth is too strange. He first mastered the Overlord Color, but not only did he have no entry to the Armed Color, but he also didn't know the most basic classification of Devil Fruit.

  So Robin briefly introduced it, from the three-line classification of devil fruits to the domineering three-color classification.

  Although in Lynch’s domineering practice concept, domineering is domineering. Whether it is armed, seeing or hearing, they are just techniques with different levels of difficulty and application direction, and they are essentially the same thing.

However, for Luffy, Sauron, Sanji and others who did not have the conditions to systematically learn Lynch’s domineering experience, Robin didn’t need to give them extra branches, and simply used the commonly spread domineering classification to popularize science. .

   Because of this, Sauron, Sanji, Usopp and others learned for the first time the uniqueness of Luffy’s ability to shock.

  There is no one among millions of people with the "Qualification of the King"...

  Although I know that this foolish captain is actually very powerful, but I didn’t expect...Is it so powerful? !

  While on the side, Weiwei suddenly seemed to think of something, looked at Robin Cop’s domineering and Devil Fruit's profile in surprise, always feeling her face, where I seemed to have seen it before...

  In addition, the name Robin is also...

  Is this recognized? "B.I.B" leaned in front of Weiwei to observe.

"Ah!!!" Weiwei was so frightened that her eyes were about to pop out, "What is it?!!!" Karoo, a running duck next to her, also had the same dumbfounded and distracted expression. .

  『Sorry...』The narrow eyes on the jet-black visor shimmered and disappeared in the air. "I accidentally materialized..."

  It must be intentional...

  The others on the boat looked at the dark helmet that had disappeared again.

  Weiwei tears her eyes, "Everywhere on this pirate ship is so strange..."

   "Hahaha!" Luffy laughed, "That's fun."


   "Yes, it is attracted to the magnetic force of Cactus Island, and it is our next destination island...the one in front!"

  Meili slowly sailed into a sea lane extending into the island.

On the deck, Weiwei was a little nervous, "Be careful, the atmosphere of this island makes people feel very dignified..." Usopp was taken aback, "Could there be monsters?!" Anyway, we also need food on board."

  The jungles on both sides of the seaway are deep and dark, and the trees are tall and simple, like a secret land.

   "Look!" Nami looked at the shore in surprise, "These plants, I have never seen them in the illustrated book..." Qiaoba also beamed his eyes, "Maybe I can find rare herbs!"

Suddenly a howling sound passed over his head, Sauron looked up and saw a giant bird with a wingspan of more than forty meters flying above them. Soon there was a low roar from the depths of the jungle, and the earth trembles slightly. A variegated tiger that was several times the size under normal conditions fell on the other side of the bank covered in blood, and was dead. Nami panicked: "Something is wrong, something is wrong! This island is very wrong...Shall we wait on the ship until the magnetic storage is over? Then leave this as soon as possible—"

   "You are too late, Nami." Sauron tapped the straw hat next to him with the words of Hedao, "It's probably impossible to prevent this guy from landing on this island."

   Nami tears her eyes, "That's right!"

   "Sanji, I want a pirate lunch!" Luffy shouted with excitement, "I smell the smell of adventure!!!"

   "Too messy..." Usopp accompanies Nami to tears.

   "You really need to be careful."

Robin walked to the bow and looked at the deep jungle of the island from a distance. "In addition to the many large animals on the island, there are two more...the height of which is more than 20 meters, this kind of humanoid Creatures, are they giants?"


  Ussop and Luffy turned their heads to look at Robin who was talking with both eyes flashing violently at the same time.

  Taking the Shanghai Pirate Bento, Luffy and Usopp rushed into the deep forest of the island, and Usopp’s nervous voice of excitement was faintly heard: "Luffy, you have to protect me..."

   "Really, since I'm afraid, why did you follow Luffy?" Nami sighed silently.

  Robin also jumped off the boat, "I also want to go for a walk. By the way, do some investigation..." After all, her job is not a pirate, but an archaeologist and historian. Seeing such an ancient island, I have the urge to study-by the way, I can temporarily divert some thoughts.

  "Me too!" Chopper raised his hoof, put on a backpack to follow Robin, "There are so many rare plants here, I look forward to it~~"

   "..." Weiwei looked at Robin's back and suddenly shouted: "Wait for me!" Turned over and jumped off the boat, "Caroo, follow up."

"Uh..." So many people ran away in a blink of an eye, Nami was quite speechless, and she jumped off the boat to follow Robin, Chopper, and Vivi, "Sister Robin, wait for me." I always feel like staying. Next to Sister Robin, there is more peace of mind than other unreliable ones!

"The three big beauties on the boat have all been on the island. As a knight, I can't just sit back and watch." Sanji straightened his bow tie, jumped off the boat with pity, and followed him with twists and turns." Sister Robin~Miss Nami~Vivi~~" Chopper was so angry, "I just missed me?!" Sanji laughed, "Would you like to make marshmallows for you today?" Chopper looked at the stars and drooled. "Yes!" Several people gradually walked into the jungle.

  Robin glanced back, and the black armor on the deck floated cross-legged in the air, wrapped in a cloud of black flame energy, silently practicing.


   "Knight? Are you not a chef?"

  Sauron shook his head, turned around and sat down on the side of the boat. He wanted to go for a walk, but in a blink of an eye he was left on the boat, so he simply stayed to watch the boat.

"BIB" originally thought that this guy would lie down and sleep like Nobi Nobita, but after a while, he turned his head to see that Sauron was still resting his hands on the fence, leaning on the fence, cocked his legs, and looked calm with his eyes open. Three knives lay quietly on his belly.

  『What are you thinking about? A dark helmet suddenly appeared in front of Sauron, scaring him a black line, "Why are you so scary?!"

"Um? The black helmet tilted his head, and his narrow eyes stared at the gloomy young swordsman. "You have been staring straight and not sleeping. I thought you knew I was on the boat." 』

   "How would I know?"

Sauron bared his teeth, rubbed his short green hair, looked at the white clouds floating in the sky, and muttered to himself, "Didn't you say that only by mastering the domineering look and hearing can you actively perceive your existence... "

  『It seems you care about this. The black helmet dangling in the air in front of Sauron's eyes.

"It's not just me..." Sauron pressed the three knives on his legs, and a gust of wind shook the three earrings on his left ear. He said lightly, "Curling Chef, Usopp, and Chopper, everyone is the same...Since we can only protect our partners by mastering what domineering, let alone holding back, then we have to master it as soon as possible." The young swordsman smiled slightly, "Didn't Robin say— -Domineering is a hidden power in everyone. Isn't this the fairest thing?"

  『It’s really a touching speech. "The dark helmet said, "I want to cry. It's a pity that I'm just an armor, and I don't have this function. 』

   "Let's come!" Sauron's face turned red, and he lifted up and tapped a word. There is no domineering, of course it knocked out.

  However, the palm of the jet-black mech had a flame pattern, and he grasped the word Hedao.

  『This knife is one of the twenty-one work of the Great Knife. right? 』

   With a "chiang" sound, "B.I.B" drew the knife out of its sheath, revealing a few inches of sharp and cold blade.

   "Yes." Sauron said, "The knife my master entrusted to me. It is my treasure."

The pitch-black helmet floated in the air, and his narrow eyes were gleaming, staring at Sauron, "Even if understood from the literal sense,'He Dao' and'Yi Zi', the name of this knife is obviously different from He's. The state is inextricably linked..."

  Sauron was surprised, "Kuno Kuni, do you mean that samurai country that is rumored to be closed?"

  『What is your master's name? "B.I.B" asked. Well, knowingly asked.

   Sauron said: "Shuangyue Koshiro."

  "B.I.B" said: "One of the great lords in Hezhi, one of the noble surnames is Shuangyue. This domineering thing is called "Ryu Sakura" by the warriors of Wano Country. However, the samurai did not specialize in cultivating Ryuzakura, but devoted themselves to swordsmanship, or to say...the domineering practice was integrated into the diligence of swordsmanship...Zauron, I think your master Shogetsu Koshiro, has already talked about ' Everything about Liuying has been transformed into your cognition through swordsmanship. You just haven't really touched it through the breakthrough of swordsmanship..."

  —— "Sauron, there is a swordsmanship in this world that can cut steel, but can't even cut a piece of paper... You will understand this sentence later..."

  Sauron's pupils tightened, and suddenly recalled a point that the master seemed to have accidentally mentioned.

  I was at a loss at the time. At this moment, after being called by "B.I.B", there was a refreshing feeling of seeing the moon after seeing the clouds and mist, and everything suddenly became clear!

I see!


  "This is...a rare thirteen-leaf clover."

  In the dense forest of Taikoo Island, Robin squatted on the side of the road, and Chopper observed the rare plants on the side of the road.

  Sanji happily presented her courtesy to Nami and Vivi.

   "Nami." Robin said suddenly.

   "Huh?" Nami kept fanning her hands. Since just now, mosquitoes have been flying around.

  An arm suddenly grew out of her shoulder, stretched out like lightning, and pinched the "mosquitoes" flying around Nami.

  Robin observed from a close distance: "Caskia... I didn't expect this kind of poisonous insects to exist on this island."

  "Poisonous insects?!" Nami was taken aback, and Weiwei, especially Sanji, was even more startled.

Qiao Ba was also surprised and told them science: "This is a poisonous flea that lives in the hot and humid jungle. After being stabbed by it, bacteria will enter from the wound, and the human body will only have slight discomfort in the initial stage, but After five days of incubation, the disease will really break out, with a forty-degree high fever, severe infection, myocarditis, arteritis, encephalitis, etc..."

  Every time the reindeer said something, Nami's face became paler. In particular, Robin added blankly: "It will be very painful to die. By the fifth day, it will probably be in a state where life is not as good as death..."

   "Nami!" Weiwei was very nervous, and quickly fumbled on Nami to see if she had been bitten.

  Sanji quickly took off his black suit and put it on Nami, who only wore a small sling that exposed the umbilical cord. "I will protect you. No bugs will be able to approach you!"

   "Thank you, Yamaji-kun." Nami was a little moved.

  Sanji was rewarded by this look. His whole body was ablaze, and he kicked quickly in the air with excitement, as if he wanted to kick all the mosquitoes and fleas on this island to death.

   "I will remind others to be careful."

  Chopper didn't dare to delay, and turned into a reindeer form and rushed away, looking for Luffy and Usopp.

  Even if it has backup antibiotics, if everyone on board is bitten, it won’t be enough!

  Weiwei nervously said: "Let's find a place..."

   "Is it right in front of you?" Nami screamed and pointed to the front.

  Sanji and Robin looked up, in the jungle ahead, I don’t know why, there is a white...small house? It is square and does not match the surrounding primitive jungle style at all.


   "Is this a candle?"

  After walking into the strange white hut in the jungle, Robin touched the wall with his fingertips and twisted it.

   "There are tablecloths and baskets in the house..." Nami, wearing a black suit, sat on the white chair in the white cabin, and looked around in surprise.

   "There is still a pot of tea — it's hot!"

  Sanji reached out and approached the teapot on the table, feeling a warm feeling, "It seems that it hasn’t been long since the owner of this cabin has left...Miss Nami, would you like to drink tea?"

   "Thank you." Nami nodded.

  Sanji happily opened the four tea cups, poured the three ladies first, and poured himself a cup of hot tea.

  "Are you okay?" Robin and Vivi sat next to Nami.

   "I didn't feel any discomfort..." Nami shook her head and said fortunately, "I shouldn't be bitten by that bug."

  Sanji drinking tea ceremony: "For the sake of safety, it is better to observe for a while."

  The ladies all agreed, chatting and drinking tea.

  After all, she is a princess of a country who dared to be involved in the undercover of the bounty hunter organization... Robin was drinking tea and noticed that Weiwei was peeking at her sight from time to time. He was a little clear in his heart. It is estimated that this princess is a little doubtful of her identity...

  Although she has not appeared as Nicole Robin for about ten years, and there has been no news about her for many years, the old reward orders from that year are still circulating in the ocean...


  The four of them were drinking tea, and suddenly there was a soft noise from the corner, which sounded a bit familiar.

"Oh, isn't this a phone worm?" Sanji raised his foot casually and opened the basket in the corner. He was surprised and picked up an interesting thing from it. "It's so fat! It seems that the communication range is very wide." Wide type."

  He was about to pick up the phone worm’s handset, but when Weiwei's eyes widened, he shouted, "Wait! Don't answer it!"

   "What's wrong?" Sanji was surprised, and held down the phone worm who kept calling.

""Mr.3"..." Robin looked at the words written on the side of the phone's shell and slowly said while drinking tea, "If I remember correctly, this is what the princess said about the senior cadres in the Baroque workplace. Code format. "

   "In other words, this hut is the base of the Baroque people?!"

  Sanji and Nami were taken aback, looked at the solemn Vivi, the latter nodded slowly, "Come on."

  Sanji stretched out his hand and wiped his face, calmly answered the phone, "Hello, this is Mr.3, who are you?"

The phone worm’s face instantly turned into a cold, dead fish eye, and said coldly: "Are you fainted, Mr.3! Don’t forget, you haven’t reported to me yet...I’m Mr.0. !"


  On the other side of the phone worm, is the king's Qiwuhai, Krokdal?

  Nami and Sanji were taken aback. Looking at Vivi’s reaction, it turned out that her pupils were constricted and she was very nervous. Weiwei tightened her lips, nodded to Sanji, motioned him to continue the call, and shook her head to Nami and Robin at the same time, and everyone tried to keep quiet.

  The call worm heard Krokdal’s voice: "I have given you instructions for several days, Mr.3, how is the matter going, have you killed the Straw Hat and the party and Princess Vivi?"

Sanji bit the cigarette, smiled, leaning on the back of the wax sofa, calmly said: "Ah, ah, just a few rookie pirates who just entered the great sea route and a delicate beautiful princess. I have long been Kill them. Don't worry, no one knows the secrets of our society anymore. You don't have to send someone to assassinate them, Mr. 0."

"That's good. Thank you." The phone worm said slowly, "Now the inauspicious duo is heading to you. They want to confirm that you have completed the task and give you a permanent pointer of Alabastan. "

  Unlucky duo? Sanji was puzzled and turned his head to look. Robin pointed to the window of the white wax house. He saw a human sea otter and a bald bird with arms on his body, which was instantly subdued.

  It is indeed Robin sister! Sanji gave Robin a thumbs up, and heard the sand crocodile on the other end of the phone worm continue: "After you get the pointer, you will come to Alabastan with Miss Golden Week (the same code name, another person). The time has passed. Maturity, now we are going to start the most important battle for us. The detailed things wait for everyone to come to Alabastan before giving you specific instructions..."

  Soon, the communication ends. Sanji put down the phone worm's microphone, "It seems that this time the Baroque Work Agency intends to mobilize all the cadres to Alabastan to carry out some kind of big action..."

He couldn't help but look at Weiwei, the princess of his own country who was targeted by the powerful organization led by Qiwuhai... But he saw Weiwei biting her lip. Although nervous and scared, even if she bit her lip and bleed, Nor did he say any words of weakness.

  She is so strong! Nami watched her seriously, reached out her hand to embrace Weiwei and patted her, admiring her in her heart.

Robin picked up the permanent pointer of Alabastan sent by the unlucky duo who passed out, looked at the pointer in the glass cover still pointing to the distant place, and said thoughtfully: "A well-known king under Qiwuhai... …What did he get in Alabastan to organize such a secret organization? And he himself has been active in the Kingdom of Alabastan for many years and has cultivated considerable prestige..."

  Sanji said: "Does he want to get the throne of Alabastan?"

   "Qing Wu Hai is a legal pirate. When it comes to being a king, it doesn't seem impossible..." Nami hesitated.

   "No!" Weiwei raised her head and shook her head, "This is very unlikely..."

   "Why?" Sanji and Nami didn't quite understand. Why is Weiwei so sure?

   "Because of Vivi's surname." Robin put the permanent pointer on the wax table and pushed it in front of Nami, "Neferutali."

  Nami put away the permanent pointer, and wondered: "What's wrong with this surname?"

Robin slowly said: "There are 19 special surnames that are above all people, including laws, morals, and all secular constraints. And Neferutali, eight hundred years ago, Could have become the twentieth."

"... She was right." Wei Wei bit her lip and said bitterly, "Although Neferrutari is not one of the twenty Celestial clan, but... Even so, no one can replace Nephi. Rutali, became the royal family of Alabastan. Even if Krokdal is one of the seven martial arts under the king, there is not much possibility, he must understand it himself."

   "It turns out that Weiwei, your family is so prominent." Nami stuck out her tongue.

With the smoke between his fingers, Sanji knocked the soot, thoughtfully: "Then, he has been so troublesome, on the one hand, he is concerned about the surname Neferrutari, so he acts secretly to avoid people's eyes and ears, on the other hand. ...He must have another special purpose that is not to be told."

  "A desert country that is difficult to win the crown and steal the country's independence, and it does not have many precious natural resources. Compared with the huge country area, Alabastan can't talk about how rich it is..."

Robin murmured and analyzed, "As Qiwuhai, the sand crocodile wants anything, fame, status, money, and even power. It is obviously more convenient to be on the sea... Why do you have to be in such an Alabastan? It took so many years. I think the most suspicious reason... In the end, it will fall on the ancient surname of your princess." Her calm dark green eyes looked at the surprised and puzzled Weiwei, "The same old, there is The country of Alabastan..."

  Weiwei nodded suspiciously, "Yes, before the establishment of the world government, we were already the royal family of Alabastan, and the history of Alabastan itself is thousands of years old..."

  Nami analyzed solemnly: "Could it be that he found some underground ruins, valuable cultural relics?"

   "Dignified Qiwuhai ran to the tomb..." Sanji scratched his head, "Not so good, right?"


  Robin followed the three of them out of the white wax house. Nami, Sanji, and Weiwei hurriedly went to find Luffy and them. Time was running out, and they had to set sail for Alabastan immediately.

  The wind blows, and Robin's hair is swept. Could it be related to the "text of history"?

Although I don’t think that there is anyone else who can interpret the text in the historical text, but after all, O’Hara’s scholars themselves learned the type of text through research, and no one can guarantee that other people really don’t have the ability to decipher ancient text. .

  And as far as Robin knows...

There are about 30 stone steles in the historical text, of which only nine record the historical truth of the 100-year blank space that I have been chasing; the other four are the historical texts of road signs to locate the final island. I have read one piece; some of the remaining 20 pieces of historical text are experimental records, such as the stone tablets found on Zhenju Island and the original shark island, and some are purely memorial stone tablets, such as the one on Nine Snake Island ...

  But it is hard to guarantee that it does not exist, a historical textual stone monument that records a certain technology that transcends the times.

  Things that could make Qiwuhai, an ambitious king like Sand Crocodile, pursue painstakingly, Robin thought about it, and it was nothing more than those things.

  Historical text...


   When Robin followed the hurried three to find Luffy and their side, Nami was holding Alabastan's permanent pointer, and she was saying something to Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper.

  Of course, it is encouraging Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Sanji to fight for their high spirits...

  Usopp was wounded and looked miserable. He repeatedly waved his hands at Nami with a black line: "Hey, hey! Don't count me and these monsters together..."

  Luffy laughed, "With the pointer, you can sail smoothly now!"

   "Robin!" Chopper flew over and said proudly, "I helped Luffy and Usopp, and two giant uncles, and drove away the bad guys!"

  "This little deer is really amazing..." The two giants, the blue ghost Tori, and the red ghost Broki laughed, admiring Chopper's previous performance, "A brave man!"

   "Hate~~" Chopper shyly twisted, "Even if you praise me like this, I won't be happy~~"

   "The Giants..." Robin looked up at two giants over twenty meters tall.

  Weiwei curiously asked: "Have you seen the giants before?"

  Robin murmured, "Well, we met in Xihai before."


  While fighting with Luffy, Sanji, Usopp, and Chopper, Nami caught a glimpse of Robin leaving alone, back in the direction of Meri.

  "Let’s go!" The navigator raised his arms, and Luffy and others responded in unison, "Oh!!"


   Back on the Meili, a few people saw the corpse of a huge beast on the shore, Usopp was shocked: "Hey, hey, what happened?"

   "It was cut by a sharp tool," Sanji lit a cigarette, "It must be the green algae head on the boat. It just so happens that the food reserves are replenished."

   "Who do you think is Chlorella? Curly eyebrows!"

  Sauron on the deck yelled uncomfortably.

   "That's you! Not convinced?!" Sanji jumped, raised his foot to Sauron, and Sauron drew his sword.

  "They are really energetic..." Usopp climbed onto the boat feebly.

"Haha!" Luffy stretched his arms and swishes on the head of Meili, who was on the bow of the boat. He looked back at Nami and Weiwei who had also been on the boat, and then looked at the sea breeze blowing on the fence on the second floor. Robin, and the "BIB" who is like a black armored knight next to her, showed a big smile with big white teeth, "Guys-the goal is Alabastan, let's go!!!"


  The wind blows, sweeping Robin’s messy hair in the temples. She wears a black visor on her face. Through those long and narrow eyes, she seems to have traveled through a time tunnel of ten years and ten years...


  ["Are you the captain, where are you going to the next stop?"]

  【He smiled back and rubbed his face rudely. 】

  【Although the palm skin is a bit rough, it is also warm at the same time...】


   Stop at a small island along the way to replenish fresh water and food.

  This is a winter island. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper threw snowballs at each other for a snowball fight. Luffy deliberately smashed Usopp's vividly piled snowman, and laughed in Usopp's angry roar.

  Sanji collects fresh ingredients.

  Sauron barely muscular bulging upper body, raising a knife in the snow to practice.

  Nami smiled, "Luo—" turned her head and saw that Robin turned his head and seemed to wipe his cheeks. "...Sister Bin." Nami whispered to herself.


  ["What is the most important thing to be a pirate?"]

  【Pirate King Roger, on the island where he had fought with his rival White Beard, among the singing and dancing pirates, he stood carelessly on a high place, raising his first finger, second finger, and third finger. 】

  ["Happy! Happy! Or fuck, happy!"]


  Along the way, we passed another autumn island. There was a stone monument on the island with the words "Sniper Island" written on it.

   "Wow!!! I was wondering if there would be such an island on the Great Route!!!"

  Usopp's eyes were full of light, running around excitedly, watching everywhere.

  In the middle of the island is a huge slingshot-like mountain. Luffy, Chopper, Sauron, Sanji, Usopp who are the first to climb to the top, climb up and make trouble with each other, laughing and laughing together.

boom! boom! boom! ...

Nami will give a punch to the boys who just care about playing, "It's rare that there is a Danshui River, please wash your own dirty clothes for me! Can't you throw them all to us?! Sister Weiwei and Robin are both. It's the princess!!!"

  Weiwei couldn't help laughing beside her.


  【"Lynch, we knew you were right! You were right!"】

  ["Yes! Being a pirate is to be happy! Because--"]

  【"It's so boring on land!!"】

【"Ha ha ha ha……"】

  [Everyone laughed and toasted, the members of the Red-haired Pirates group whistled and booed, and pushed themselves into his arms. He didn't twist, his mouth full of alcohol came over and kissed himself fiercely...]

  ["Wow!! Okay, you two, are you bullying us bachelors in public?!"]

[I didn’t drink much, but I was already flushed, and I heard Shanks yelling along with it. Even the eagle-eyed Mihawk, who has always been cold, didn’t let the excitement go, and laughed and toasted together, “Punish wine, Alcohol must be fined."]



   "Sister Robin, Sister Robin..."

  Who was gently shaking the body.

  Robin awakened from a long dream that seemed to be too long to forget time. After a long while, he took away a book on his face, "Nami, what's wrong?"

  She was lying on the sofa in the Telephone Worm Castle just now, and Nami squatted on the side of the sofa, gently pushing her to wake up after she accidentally fell asleep reading a book.

  Nami said: "The big thing is not good. Just now, the cadre of the Baroque Work Agency ‘Mr.2’ came to our ship by accident..."

   "What?" Robin was surprised and got up and followed Nami to the phone worm castle. "Then, did you leave him?"

   "I'm sorry..." Nami covered her mouth with tears and smiled bitterly, "Everyone realized that he was Mr.2's after he left..."

Leaping out of the phone worm castle, Robin and the others were seeing Weiwei kneeling on the deck, clutching her forehead and complaining about her carelessness, and said nervously: "...he just showed his abilities to the'face' that he wrote down in the past. When we looked at it, I saw my dad’s face. What did he do with my dad’s face?!" Sauron said: "If there is a king’s face, you can do very evil things."

  Nami explained to Robin by the side that Mr.2 miraculously imitated any devil fruit ability.

Robin nodded and said, "It's the imitation fruit of the Superman system... It's indeed a tricky ability. But..." She turned around, "Since we already know this ability, its intelligence advantage has been greatly reduced. , Isn't it?"

  Nami, Vivi, Usopp, Sanji, Sauron, they are right!

   "It seems to be able to meet this guy in advance, but it is our luck!" Sauron smiled, "Because we can formulate countermeasures in advance. Let his imitating ability be useless for us."

  Luck..."B.I.B" floating in the air on the deck glanced at Luffy, who seemed to be out of condition. Luck is the strongest hidden attribute of this kid!

  Robin took Nami down the stairs step by step, "So, what kind of countermeasure is needed? Is it to make a code or make a special sign?"

   Just when "B.I.B" thought that Luffy and others would draw a cross symbol on their arms like in the comics, and then tie them with a bandage to make a double mark that only those people on the ship knew...

  Luffy smiled and raised a finger, "I have a simple and good idea!"


"I see!"

  After listening to Luffy’s great idea, Sanji was surprised: "I didn’t expect you kid to have such a clever brain. I really misunderstood you."

   "Huh!" Luffy held his arms and raised his head triumphantly.

   "So..." Sauron glanced at everyone around him.

  Usopp nodded, and counted with his fingers: "I, Luffy, Sauron, Nami, Chopper, Robin, Sanji! And Vivi, Karoo..."

  Weiwei smiled and said to herself: "Yes, most people can't see the ‘ghost’ on our boat..."

  Nami smiled brightly, "Plus "B.I.B"! So the total is—"

   "There are nineteen in total!" Luffy laughed, and when Nami came up, she was knocked down with a punch, "How can you do that!!! You are clearly ten!!!"

   "Yes... yes... ten..."

  Luffy, lying on the floor full of bags, raised his fist tremblingly in response.

  Sauron and the others have a black line. Forget it, Luffy’s idiot's energy, it is estimated that Mr.2 can't pretend to be!


  Nami smiled and scanned everyone on the boat, "The signal is set, how many people are on our boat?"


  Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, and even Duck Karoo all enthusiastically raised their fists in response.

  Luffy smiled and said, "Hurry up and log in!"


  〖Alabastan, port city, Nahana——〗

As soon as the   Meili stopped on the sparsely-traveled shore, Luffy rushed out and headed straight to the lively town in the distance.


  Leaves a trail of smoke, dust and yellow sand. Luffy, as the captain, ran away as the first one after landing.

  『B.I.B』was floated out of the Meili, and heard Nami’s complaint below: "I really hope he can be a little bit aware of being a reward...especially in such a big country..."

   "..." Robin tied the small bag to his waist and quietly jumped off the boat.

   Weiwei worried: "What to do, Nahana is a big city, how do you find Luffy?"

  Sauron wasn’t worried at all, "Don’t worry about him, he must have a way anyway. Let’s find a place to fill our stomachs first..."

  Speaking, he carried three knives and walked forward first.

   "Hey! Don't run around by yourself!" Usopp and Sanji kept up silently. You are the most foolish and like running around the most.

   "Robin?" Chopper turned into a reindeer form and raised his head.

  Robin said: "Let's go, it just happens to be a little hungry."

  『B.I.B』Like a black phantom, it fell to Robin's side, and his left arm vigorously vibrated, and a black arm armor covered with blue flame patterns became solid in the air.

  Robin was surprised as he walked: "Is there already a whole arm?"

   "It's a whole arm..." "B.I.B" said slowly, "and a whole helmet. Its head also appeared out of thin air, its long and narrow eyes shimmering, looking far in the direction of the town where the road flies away. The strength of the captain of the White Beard Second Division is much stronger than he expected.

  However, at this level...

  I’m afraid it’s not enough to deal with Marshall D. Titch, Huo Fist.


  〖Nahana, outskirts——〗

  Sanji went to get some food, and then spread a tablecloth on the spot, and a few people gathered around to solve the stomach problem.

   And Nami, Vivi, and Robin went to get some clothes that are convenient for moving in the desert area.

Robin didn’t really want to change his clothes all over, so like the boys like Sauron, Sanji, and Usopp, they simply put a large robe on their original clothes and a turban on their head. , Shawl, convenient for heat insulation.

  As soon as Nami, who was scented all over her body, approached, Chopper, with a sensitive nose, screamed, "It's so hot! Is this perfume?"

   "You really worked hard, Chopper." Usopp patted the reindeer sympathetically, "You need to endure the heat, and you need to endure the taste of Nami..."

  咣! Nami gave him a punch and said with an unkind expression: "Pay attention to your words, Usopp."

   "Yes..." Usopp held the bag on his head, tearfully said, "Master Nami..."

  In the small chat, Weiwei began to introduce the situation in Alabastan. In short, she was going to stop the actions of the domestic rebels first. The place where the leader of the rebels is located is the chieftain known as the Oasis...

As    was talking, there was a riot in the adjacent street.

   "It's the navy..." Sauron looked over, "Why are they here?"

  A big country like Alabastan has its own security army, and the navy will not easily come to other people’s turf.

   "And it's still making big moves on the street, are there pirates?"

  Sauron was talking, and Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, Nami, and Vivi were stunned to find that the so-called pirates chased by the navy all over the street were their captain who had disappeared before...

   "Ah, Sauron, where are you guys!" Luffy waved at them happily. The seamen who followed immediately pointed to Sauron and the others and shouted, "The comrades in straw hats are there!"

  You kid brought the navy here? !

  Sauron Sanji and others had a black line, Robin reminded: "Luffy is the navy chasing Luffy, it's the ‘ghost sorrow’ smog in Roger Town..."

  She is now dressed like this, and she looked at her abruptly, and she was no different from an ordinary man on the side of the road, but she was not worried that Smogg would recognize her at a glance.

However, just when Robin wanted to propose to return to the Meili first, and when Luffy ran back by himself, he was chasing Luffy in front of Colonel "Ghost Sorrow", between him and Luffy. On the road, an orange-red fire fell from the sky.

  Boom! ! !

  Luffy felt the raging heat behind him, and looked back in surprise.

   "Someone showed up in the flame..."

  Nami, who was watching nervously not far away, were stunned. Watching the flames descending from the sky between Luffy and Smaller quickly dissipate, a shirtless young man appeared in front of everyone.

  Sauron muttered to himself: "Fire ability...is that the ‘natural element’ that Robin calls it?"

   "It's you?!" Smogg's eyes were bloodshot, looking at the shirtless young man in front of him.

   "It's him..." Robin looked at the tattoo of the White Beard Pirates on the back of that man from a distance. "The second team captain of the White Beard Pirates, Ace..."

   "He is Ace?" Sauron, Sanji, Usopp and others immediately remembered that Luffy had mentioned the name, "Luffy's brother?!"

   Soon, the Luffy over there was already laughing and rushing towards them, "Guys, let’s go back to the Meili first! The navy will give it to Ace~!!!"


  Returning to the Meili, it didn't take long before a ball of flame flew against the sea, turning into a human form, accompanied by the rolling heat, and fell on the fence and squatted.

   "Luffy, long time no see." Ace pressed his hat and smiled.

  Luffy happily said: "Ace! Why are you here?"

   "I..." Ace was about to speak, suddenly his expression changed, and he looked at somewhere on the deck and met the long and narrow eyes of "B.I.B". He said strangely: "Hey, Luffy, what is that?"

  Luffy smiled proudly and said: "Awesome, right?"

   "Forget it, this kind of thing is not important." Ace nodded politely to everyone on the deck, "Hello everyone, thanks for taking care of my brother."

  Sauron and Usopp also nodded in return, "We did take care of him very hard."

"As for why I am here? I went to deal with a small matter nearby. In the team I was in charge, there was a **** who killed his companions. He was called Titch. I heard that he was also called Blackbeard recently... Forget it. Don't talk about it."

  Ace quickly turned away from the subject and laughed, "I was surprised to meet you, so happy!"

  Luffy asked: "Oh? Do you want to help?"

  Ace waved his hand, "Forget it, I can do it myself! Moreover, I don't want outsiders to interfere in this matter..."

   "Outsiders?" Nami and the others were surprised. Luffy is your brother, right?

Ace smiled, stood up, held the hat on his head, turned and pointed to the white beard tattoo on his back, smiled and asked: "I am now a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, Luffy, do you want to join? What about us? Of course, your partners can join together."


  Luffy certainly refused.

  Ace was not surprised. He smiled and said a few more words, then jumped off the Meili, stood on his own dedicated flame-driven solo boat, and waved goodbye.


  Luffy looked up and saw a dark shadow passing by.

   "Unexpectedly, Luffy's brother turned out to be the captain of the second division of the White Beard Pirates..."

  Usopp and others are still in shock.

"Anyway... I have a chance to see you later. At that time, the three will have another drink together!" Ace stepped on the boat and looked back at his brother's Pirate Ship, smiling to himself, and then suddenly said: "Ghost Sir, what can I do?"

  Huo Fist raised his eyes and looked to the top of his head. A dark shadow held his arms, suspended in the flame-like energy, his narrow eyes were gleaming, staring at him quietly.

  "B.I.B" faintly said: "Blackbeard, Marshall D. Titch...Fire Fist, I'm afraid you are not his opponent. If you can look back now, look back quickly. 』

  (End of this chapter)

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