I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 698: Twelve supernovae, nine of which are related to Lynch (10,000

  Chapter 698 Twelve supernovas, nine of which are related to Lynch (10,000 words)

   [Chapter Head Serial · In the Cloud 7 · "Outing"]

  [Konis, father and daughter, together with other residents of Angel Island, under the guidance of the Shandia people, they climbed up to the land they had longed for, and happily carried out a sacred activity called outing. After everyone passed by the huge jungle tree, Nirvana, one of the four priests of Anilu, bit her lower lip, and wanted to ask them loudly what happened to them. Lord Anilu was defeated? But he inadvertently forgot, biting his lip so hard, he can't shout...]——

   "Wow, that's how'Magnetic Ball' was originally made!"

  Going to the sea on the great sea route of the Chambord Islands, on the deck of the Sunny, riding the wind and waves, Nami looked at the small magnetic vortex at her fingertips with a curious look.

  Looking at the crackling currents of Nami’s fingertips, and the special magnetism created by these currents...

  Stop talking about Robin, "B.I.B" was a little surprised.

  Nami's "scientific talent" is really something. It is worthy of being a self-taught person who can use the weather stick to play the mirage like a ninja's illusion. In just two years, he has mastered the "witch" who uses weather science like magic...

  Robin just explained to her how to make a "magnetic balloon". Nami actually relied on her thunder-sounding ability and used the principle of electricity to generate magnetism to make a small magnetic ball.

  Originally, Robin planned to make a magnetic balloon to the weather island Visalia after arriving in the Chambord Islands.

  Because some materials are special, you may not be able to buy them on the islands along the way, you can only go to the Chambord Islands to purchase them.

  Unexpectedly, the girl Nami relied on electricity to generate magnetism, which made up for the lack of materials in Robin's hand, and made a small magnetic vortex in one step.

  Kemi and Papaku who were sitting in the tail on the steps were surprised. Although I don’t understand much...

"Is this all right?" Nami blinked, her fingertips were surrounded by electric currents, and the magnetic vortex pulsed flexibly between her fingers. "Just put this magnetic vortex into the balloon, and the balloon will fly to Sister Robin.' Visalia' small sky island?"

  Robin shook his head and said: "The magnetic force needs to be adjusted to a specific frequency, because the magnetic force of different islands is also different—"

She hasn't explained much, but Nami nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "I understand! It is necessary to create a magnetic vortex that attracts the island of Visalia magnetically, so that the balloon can be accurately affected by the magnetic force. The gravitational force sucked in, right?"

  Robin was speechless, and nodded for a while.

  Sir, the current surging, pinched out the small magnetic force in Nami's hand, she laughed and said: "Then leave it to me, I think I am very good at-eh?"

  A gust of wind blew, Nami looked up, "The air pressure has changed, and a storm is about to start."


  〖The cabin of the Sonny, a small half of the wall, is stuck with a mirror surface several meters high〗

  〖Through the mirror, you can see that Luffy and others are inside the mirror——〗

   "Rubber rubber-guns hit!"

   "Two Swordsmanship-Seventy-two Troubled Phoenix!"

  On the empty territory of Mirror World, Luffy and Sauron were fighting fiercely, entwining domineering every move.

  Beside them, the Meili was covered with iron patches, wrapped in layers of gold, and looked luxurious and beautiful. Sanji stood on the golden ship's side. Usopp, Chopper, Frankie, Brook and others were eating snacks, drinking drinks, or licking marshmallows, carefully watching Luffy and Luffy in the field. Sauron's battle-this is the proposal of "BIB". Now that they have already decided to break into a big prison, if you don't want to die, you should always take a serious attitude and seize the time to improve your own strength as much as possible.

  When I was a child, I saw my grandfather, my mother, and Shanks contend for the three powers, and Luffy smashed the sky of Windmill Village...

  Before in the Water City, he was almost wiped out by the Admiral Qing Pheasant, and he himself has always been assiduously and never slack in Sauron...

  There is also Sanji who has a more intuitive understanding of each other's power gap because of the awakening of the experience...

  Everyone had no objection to Heizi’s proposal, and directly dragged the ship spirit Meili into the mirror world behind the wall mirror on the ship, letting go of hands and feet to fight against each other.

  『B.I.B』Above her head is the ship spirit Meili, leaning against the mirror surface of a several-meter-high wall. Mei Li always touched the mirror to make it easier for her friends to get in and out.

  Mei Limeng clapped her hands in amazement when she saw Luffy and Sauron play extremely well.

   "Boom!" "Huh!"

  Luffy hit Sauron with a black fist, and Sauron shot Luffy with a flying slash.

  Wounded by sword qi, Luffy knew that his domineering still had to continue to practice.

  Failed to avoid Luffy's fists, Sauron pressed one nostril and sprayed out a cloud of blood. He understood that his appearance was slightly inferior to armed.

   "Do you want to continue?" Luffy wiped his hands and smiled.

   "Of course—" Sauron licked the blood stain, smiled, but was kicked by Sanji. The latter shouted, "It's me, right?"

Sauron rubbed his head and climbed up. He was about to slash the curly eyebrows twice. The mirror behind "BIB" flew in a cloud of thunder. Sauron and Sanji quickly escaped. Luffy was treated with electrotherapy on the front with a question mark. The mirror Nami's roar came from outside: "The storm is coming, come out and help!"

   "Yes! Miss Nami~~"

Sanji rushed out of the mirror world with a heart, Sauron and Luffy followed one after another. Usopp, Chopper, Brook, and Frank all jumped off the Golden Meri and left the mirror with a smile. The world went to help out on the Sunny.


  Wind, rain and turbulence, the Sonny was tossed high on the top of the waves, and the shadow of a huge island whale could be seen faintly following the waves.

  Ahead, another huge tsunami-like wave poured on the Sonny.

  There was a cry of ghosts and wolves on the deck, and a group of mermaid-shaped lightning flew from the bow of the ship, breaking the big waves.


  Mirror World, Sauron pulled out three generations of ghosts, and smiled evilly: "Should I let you?"

  Da, da, Sanji's black leather shoes kicked the ground and let out a puff of smoke, "If you dare to let me, be careful that you have a blade in your meal today, bastard."

  Qiang, Qiang... Sauron drew out the other two knives, biting the word Hedao in his mouth.

  Swish! The three swordsman swordsman rushed over.

  Swish! The golden knight burned and greeted him head-on.


On the   Golden Meili, Usopp and Meili on his head, as well as Chopper, who was competing with Luffy for snacks, all looked surprised.



  Nami held up the hard-to-find balloon in her hand. The inside of the balloon can be clearly seen, and a magnetic vortex is like a ball of yarn, and there is a certain regularity in it.

  If it weren't for pulling the balloon line, it would have been dragged away by the mysterious attraction, and it would fly to an unknown distance in the sky.

  Nami asked, "Sister Robin, what then?"


  Mirror World, Luffy, Sauron, and Sanji are all lying on the ground.

  Sanji kept panting, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, but he smiled, "Armed, haha...I seem to understand..."

  Sauron sat up propped up. Luffy lay there with his tongue out and shouted: "Okay! Hungry! Ah!"

   "Sanji is injured now! I'll talk about it when I take care of it!" Chopper was dissatisfied, and when he looked back, his eyes suddenly bulged, "The Golden Meri is gone!?"

Mei Li, who was napping on its head, was also taken aback. When she looked up, she heard the misty singing from the direction of the disappearing Golden Meili: "The king of sniper~~invisible and ghost~~he came from Where~~La la~ la la la la~~"

  Frankie, who was sitting on the ground repairing things next to "B.I.B", said in surprise, "The long nose can already make the whole ship transparent!"


  Robin folded the paper, stuffed it into a waterproof envelope, sealed it, and hung it on the end of the magnetic balloon.

   "Then let go?"

Nami held the magnetic balloon in both hands. After Robin nodded, she let go of her hands—whoop, the magnetic balloon flew against the wind with a letter, fluttering into the sky, looking up at Kemi and Papa. During the ancient sightings, it quickly became a small black spot high in the sky, disappearing into the distant horizon, and went to the small sky island called Visalia where it was dragged by gravity.

  Franky is at the helm of the bow, Nami pushes Robin, pulls up the mermaid Kami, and enters the wall mirror in the cabin together, and goes to the mirror world at the other end.

"After finishing the preparations, the next step is to head straight to the Chambord Islands~" Nami competed with Luffy, Sauron, and Sanji who were resting on the Golden Meri after the battle had just been completed." With the directions from Sister Kemi and Robin, they should be there soon."

  Sanji got up, smiled and rolled up his sleeves, "I'm going to cook a big meal."

  He jumped onto the Golden Meri. They also stored some food in the kitchen of the Golden Meri in the Mirror World-mainly to prevent Luffy from eating up all the food reserves in the Sonny's kitchen.

  Looking at the busy people, Robin told "B.I.B" what was written in the letter sent to Visalia.

  She asks Haridas and them, if they are convenient, please wait for her in the Chambord Islands.

  The location can be under the Ferris wheel in Chambord Land Park, or it can be a bar called Rip-up on Tree Island 13-the latter is a place where there are many pirates. It is recommended that the old scientist do what he can.

  And if it’s inconvenient for the old gentlemen, can you ask them to send the other letter in the letter directly to the flower country of the West Sea through a magnetic balloon.

  Robin knew that meteorological island scientists who traveled all over the world must have recorded the magnetic force of many islands around the world. For an ancient country like the Flower Country of the West Sea, Haridas and the others must have recorded it, and they can directly make directional balloons to deliver letters.

  In another letter, Robin asked Ayu to go to New Nine Snake Island to tell Hancock the matter...

   However, Robin still hopes that the second letter is not needed if he can. Because in the past ten years, I always feel sorry for Hancock. She wants to go to the Nine Snake to invite the empress, instead of letting Hancock come to the shampoo to find herself... Of course, although the possibility is unlikely, but the worst As a result, Meteorological Island did not receive her letter in time, or could not spare any time to help. After arriving in the Chambord Islands, Robin needs to consider other ways to contact New Hydra. ——Robin doesn't mind hurting himself when it is a last resort.

  Just as Robin has Hancock and Ayu’s life paper, Hancock also has Robin’s life paper. Once the life paper burns, Hancock will most likely come to her.

"BIB" hugged his arms against the wall of the mirror world, looking at Luffy, Sauron and others who were drinking at the banquet, and said in a deep voice: "Actually, I took the little green and flew to the Nine Snake, and then returned, and I won't give it to the body. Add too much burden. 』

   "No." Robin did not hesitate, shaking his head and repeating, "No."


  "This is the Chambord Islands! It's so dreamy!"

  The archipelago is composed of 79 islands of trees, with countless resin bubbles flying in the air. The surface of the bubbles flows colorful light under the refraction of sunlight, which seems to be a fairytale-like spectacle.

  Sunny docked at the remote shore of No. 44 Tree Island.

  Nami and Usopp looked at the magnificent scenery with awe.

  『B.I.B』and Robin walked to the side of the ship, and after many years, they came here again.

  Because Kemi was on the ship now, without the various twists and turns of Kemi being captured by the Flying Fish Knights, the Sonny reached the Chambord Islands smoothly and directly.

  Rabu emerged from the sea, Brook jumped to the shore and said to it: "Rabu, wait for us here."

  Finally returned to this sea area. Chopper and the others thought that Kemi would eagerly dive into the sea and return to her hometown, Fishman Island, where she had missed for many years, but Kemi seemed a little hesitant, or reluctant to give up.

  "Do you want to go to the Chambord Land Park with you?" Papagu held his pair of starfish short hands, shook his head and said, "Stop it, just in case..."

   "I know..." Kemi was sad.

  Sanji and Nami are a little confused, "Since you want to go, then come with us?"

Anyway, the first step for them to land on the Chambord Islands is to go to the Chambord Land Park mentioned by Robin to see if the old gentlemen from the so-called Weather Island have come-except for eating and sleeping, and full sleep is like hyperactivity. And besides Luffy, who doesn't want to lose his freshness to the islands he has never been to, Nami and Sanji have heard Robin introduce the basic situation of the Chambord Islands, and they also have a good idea of ​​the next action plan. Bring Kemi to the Chambord Land Park for a while, it shouldn't be a problem.

  Sanji gave Kemi a thumbs up, "Knight Sanji will protect you, Miss Mermaid."

"If you are worried that the fish tail will reveal your identity..." Robin said, raising his hand, Kemi was surprised to find that his two-pronged fish tail, one on the left and one on the right, was wrapped in petals and condensed into A pair of white tender female feet. "If you put on a long skirt and put on shoes like this, you should not be seen." Nami looked at her feet curiously, "I feel...Is this the kind of clone skill of Sister Robin? Kemi, wait, I'll find a dress to lend you to wear."

   "Nami, you only have short skirts, don't you?" Male girlfriend Usopp complained.

  Nami was speechless, and she said with no air: "Then I will borrow a pair of shoes. Can't it?"

   "I'm coming." Robin reached out and took a long skirt of his own to Kemi at the phone worm castle.

  Kemi held the long dress given by Robin, looked down at the lifelike flowery feet of Nami on the fishtail, took the delicate sandals that Nami handed over with a smile, and resisted tears. "thanks……"

   "Hey! Are you all right?"

Luffy had already jumped onto the resin bubbles on the ground of the Chambord Archipelago some time ago. He turned his head and shouted from the heights, "I can't wait to visit the island! It seems very interesting." !"


  Mei Li made a huge mirror on the shore, and the water waves generally stood on the shore. With the help of Rab, everyone joined forces to send the Sonny into the huge mirror like water waves.

  The mirror surface shrank, and finally only a small piece of lens remained in Meili's hand. If this mirror is completely removed, it will lose its relative positioning with the Sonny in the mirror world. And the wall mirror on the Sonny is the positioning of the Golden Meri, which is stored elsewhere in the mirror world-although Meili has also saved another small piece of small lens with the coordinates of her own ship, in case of emergency need.

   "Let's go!!!"

  Luffy yelled excitedly, and with a bang, the bubble that soared under his feet burst high in the sky, and he fell.

  Kemi giggled.


  〖Chambord Islands, Island 34〗

  〖Chambord Land Park——〗

Upon arriving at such a bustling amusement park, the childlike Luffy and Chopper immediately stared at the stars, together with the old and unscrupulous afro skulls and the fresh Usopp, in the special product stalls. Wander in front of the shop, try a variety of snacks, buy a variety of souvenirs, and marvel at the various bubble tools with local characteristics. Even Sanji is very interested in many interesting ingredients...

  ["I found it, you were looking there just now, right!"]

【"what are you talking about?"】

["It's an amusement park!" He stretched out his hand and hooked his neck with a smiley face, "Don't be embarrassed, think about it, you are only sixteen years old, still a baby! Go, Dad will take you to the skyscraper wheel!"】

   "Now, I am twenty-eight years old..."

   In the same lively crowd as twelve years ago, Robin muttered to himself, stopping and looking up at the fantastic Ferris wheel in the dreamy Champagne Park in a fluttering bubble.

   "By the way, Meili, what do you consume with the mirror fruit?"

On Frankie’s shoulders sat a mermaid in a long skirt, Kemi, while Nami walked beside Meili, who was like an elf. She hugged the little guy and looked left and right, "You look like a ghost... There should be no concept of'stamina', right?"

  Meili held the small mirror and blinked suspiciously.

  『B.I.B』 walked aside and said, “Don’t worry about Meili—as long as the people on the ship still care about it, the energy it consumes can be quickly recovered. 』

   "That's it!" Nami was surprised.

   "Yeah." Mei Li smiled and curled her eyes.

   "So cute!" Nami happily took Mei Li into her arms.

"BIB" and Kemi looked towards Robin... Robin walked under the Ferris wheel. In order to find the traces of Haridas and the others, she moved in her heart. In the corners of the place, ears and eyes of flowers grew.

  ["MayI?" In front of the Chambord Land Park, he made a gentleman's invitation. 】

  【He stretched out his hand and grabbed his arm, but he just lifted himself up, threw his **** on his shoulder and sat. 】

  At that time, I was really happy... Robin took out a pair of brown sunglasses from the phone worm castle and put it on his face. There was a bubble roller coaster passing by, and screams came one after another.


  [The people on the bubble roller screamed because of the excitement, but he only hooked the metal guardrail with his feet, and hung upside down on the high-speed roller coaster easily and comfortably, opening his arms for enjoyment. 】

  In the carousel area, a pair of dark green eyes grew on the wall, watching those smiling people who were lying on the carousel together.

  ["Why are you so tight all the time? When you come to the amusement park, please relax!"]

[He sat cross-legged on the merry-go-round very irregularly. No matter how the horse rotates, he sits steadily. "Anyway, you called Dad. What happened to my good girl? Speaking of which, if... …"】

  Building jumping machine, swinging pirate boat, swing seat...

  Bubble trampoline, bubble bumper car...

  Haunted House...

  Robin’s eyes and ears are blooming in many places in the amusement park. He obviously wants to find Harreds and the others, but it always seems to see Lynch’s shadow unknowingly...

   "Sister Robin!"

   The sound of Nami's approach interrupted Robin's thoughts. "is there any news?"

  Robin shook his head and said, "They probably haven't arrived yet."

Na Meimei wondered: "So sure, isn't it the latter case?" That is, the people on Weather Island couldn't spare time to help, and relayed the news to Sister Robin about the country of flowers and the queens of women. of.

   "If that were the case, the news would have spread everywhere." Robin still shook his head, paused, and smiled faintly, "Wherever she goes, it is the focus of everyone's attention."

  Harreds, if they have already arrived, there is a high probability that they will create an unusual weather in the Chambord Islands and cause a topic, so that they can immediately understand the signal that they have been invited to help when they arrive. Robin listened to the Chambord Land Park and found no similar discussions. ——I have heard a lot about the so-called "supernova-level pirates" and so on. It is nothing more than the newcomer pirate bounties who have arrived in the Chambord Islands recently. care.

   "Then let's wait here for a while." Nami looked up at the bubble roller coaster and said, "Anyway, we are going to meet the legendary big man you mentioned about Sister Robin..."

  Of course she refers to Pluto Raleigh.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

  "B.I.B" and Robin leaned against the corner of the crowd, and the mermaid Kemi and Nami on the roller coaster reflected the happy smiles of the mermaid Kemi and Nami on the roller coaster.

  It’s just that, just as a group of people stayed for a while, the food and drink, the supplementary supplies and equipment were also supplied, and they were ready to leave to the hold-up bar on Tree Island 13 to find the legendary "One Piece's Right Hand"...

  Everyone found out that Luffy was gone.

   is gone, but it is not completely gone. "B.I.B" swept away his sights, and quickly and accurately found Luffy's breath.

"over there. 』

  『B.I.B』 took Sanji, Sauron, Nami and others to find it. In its perception, there was another breath of being with Luffy, and it seemed to be familiar.

who is it?

   "That's..." Robin followed along to the door of a beverage shop and saw Luffy drinking tea at the table under the umbrella outside, and the person at the same table with Luffy. Seeing Luffy drinking tea there so leisurely, Usopp said silently, "Hey, I'm leaving, Luffy. Everyone is waiting for you!" Luffy took a sip of tea slowly, "Um... OK "That's..." Sanji wondered: "What's the matter with you?" Sauron frowned, "He's a bit wrong." Nami held the golden staff, her fingertips beating, "Yes...Hey, girl, you What did you do to Luffy?"

  "Me?" The petite girl with double ponytails at the same table with Luffy picked up a cookie and took a bite.

   "Wait." Robin held Nami's hand, looked at the girl at the table with Luffy and asked, "Marian?"

  Marian glanced at Robin suspiciously. At this time, "BIB" looked to the other side, and a tall figure rushed forward and hugged Robin-a young girl about the same age as Nami hugged Robin tightly, her eyes sparkling: "Sister Xu Lun! "

  Robin was taken aback, "You are..." She thought for a while, "Amoryn?"

   "It's me!" The young and tall girl nodded vigorously and said with a bright smile, "Great, you still remember me!"

  Sanji was stunned. Is this the beauty Sister Robin knew?

"Hello!" Amoryn let go of Robin and waved hello to Nami and Sanji in a cute and cute manner. "My name is Amoryn. Sister Xu Lun and Brother Lynch helped me and my mother before. You are Xu. Is Sister Lun's friend?"

   "Xu Lun...elder sister...is...who..." Luffy drank tea leisurely, "Forget it...don't care about it...drink tea..."

"They also saved me." Marianne finally matched Robin's true face with "empty Xu Lun", and left the seat and owed Robin politely, waving her eyes to her heart. Sanji said hello.

   Brook and Frank looked at Luffy, "What happened to Luffy?"

"BIB" floated to the side of Luffy and grabbed his right arm from the table-Luffy let out a sigh of relief and hurriedly jumped away, "Wow! What happened to me just now? Damn, what did you do? "Luffy glared at Marianne angrily. Marianne pointed to the desktop, which was painted with a "Leisure Green" pattern. Robin explained Marianne's special skills to Nami and the others, and Brook exclaimed, "Hypnotism? It's such a rare and powerful skill! Oh oh oh oh..."

   "It turned out to be Robin's friend." Luffy was no longer angry, and smiled and put on a straw hat, "Forget it."

  "Why are you in the Chambord Islands?"

When Robin asked this question, Amoryn regained consciousness and hurriedly said to Marianne: "I found the place where my mother was taken! Come find her with me, Marianne." Then she turned her head to face her. Robin explained: "Brother Cavendish was expelled from the Kingdom of Brugoa because of the White Horse. My mother, Marian and I will follow him to sea. When we recover, we have been offered a reward... In this way, I became a pirate in a daze!"

  Robin asked: "Where did you say your mother was taken?"

   "Yes, it may be dangerous—" Amorine turned her head, and Marianne had already packed up her drawing board, she looked like a literary girl, and said crisply: "Let's go and help."

   "Do you want to save someone?" Luffy smiled and boxed his palms, "Linch and Robin's friends are our friends, let's go together!"

  Nami, Sauron, Sanji, Chopper and others readily agreed that they soon left the tree islands No. 34, 33, and 32 where the Chambord Islands are located, and went to the illegal zone further ahead.

  It happened to be on the way with Tree Island No. 13 they were going to. Usopp, Frankie, and Brook were more willing to accompany them.

  On the way, Amoryn and Marian explained to Robin and the others the ins and outs of the matter...

It turned out that when the three of them came out to go shopping, they ran into a woman who was deceived by a gang of suspected traffickers. Amoryn’s mother saw that the deceived girl was about the same age as her daughter, Amoryn, so she couldn’t make it through. Follow all the way to find a chance to save the girl...

   "That seems to be a person who is easy to be deceived!" Amoryn thought it was incredible in retrospect, "They are two people like what the newspaper said, and their personalities are not at all..."

  Marian also nodded and said: "Yes, it's like being painted in'Friends' Yellow and Green', and will respond to requests."

  Responsible? Nami and others looked sideways, thinking of the way Luffy had been drinking tea after encountering the so-called "Leisure Green"... In other words, it would turn into the so-called "green and yellow of friends". Responsive?

  What a terrible hypnotism!

  Nami flashed a thunder, and the pirates who jumped out of the roadside to attack were electrocuted and smoked.

  Everyone has gone deep into the gray area of ​​the Chambord Islands. They have come to an area where there are no legal restrictions and pirates. They have come to "Tree Island No. 25" and are still moving forward.

   "It sounds annoying." Luffy made a grimace at Marianne, "What a ‘friend’!"

  Speaking, he casually stretched out his rubber fist to blow away the roadside pirate who was about to place a cold gun at Mary.

   "Hmm." Marianne nodded, but did not refute, "Hypnotism."

  The personality is unexpectedly calm...

  Usopp, Sanji, and Frankie they glanced at Marian.

Suddenly, "BIB", Robin and even Nami raised their heads one after another and looked forward-not far ahead, near the mangrove tree with the number "17", a fire suddenly lit up, and then there was a roar of explosion. , Accompanied by a burst of impact.

  Usopp grabbed Sauron’s sturdy arm to cover his face, and the probe was surprised: "Oops, are we here late?"

   "Mom..." Amolin opened her mouth. The person next to him said with a heavy face: "It seems to be fooled..."

   "Annie..." Marianne said.

   "Mom!" Amoryn looked at the violent explosion of fire in disbelief, and was about to rush over, being pulled by Marianne's clothes, "Anne is here."

  Amoryn turned her head and found out speechlessly that it was her mother, Annie, who was muttering "it seems to be fooled" just now!

   "What's the matter?" Annie gave her daughter a strange look, then looked at Robin, shaking her head and nodding, and exclaimed: "Long time no see... You don't seem to be doing well."

   "..." Robin just looked at the side of the explosion and fire, "Is that...?"

Annie explained: "I thought she was the kind of child who had a flawed personality and could only survive with the help of her peers... As a result, I followed her who seemed to be cheated by human traffickers and wanted to be sold. I finally found out that she was cheated. It turned out to be the traffickers!"

   "You are too small to look down on others..." Marianne looked petite and cute, but she was actually sixteen years old, calmly said, "After all, the'Queen of Weapons' also has 170 million Baileys as a reward."

"170 million?!" Usopp, Sanji, Frankie, and Brook were taken aback, silently weeping, "I'm only 99 million... Damn it! Why didn't I break the billion!" Sanji made a fist, " This uncle has only 44 million Baileys, which is not super at all!" Frankie hugged his arm uncomfortably, and Brooke smiled: "Ooooooooo, my previous bounty seems to be...how much? "Usopp was black and muttered to himself: "10,000 baileys...10,000 baileys...10,000 baileys..."

  "White bear!" Kemi, who was sitting on Frankie's shoulder, suddenly pointed to the dwindling fire near the No.17 mangrove tree, and said in amazement, "The'Weapon Queen' you are talking about is talking to a white bear..."

  Animal department? Or the fur clan?

  Robin thought so, and continued to walk forward—Xia Qi’s ripped-off bar was on the 13th tree island, and here was only the 17th. It's still ahead.

After the flames of the explosion just now, there was a mess. In a pothole that seemed to have been washed by cannonballs, there lay a group of smoking and unconscious human traffickers... "I'm sorry", "I was wrong" and so on. of……

  And the "Queen of Weapons" and Kemi's "white bear" as Marian and others are walking in front of everyone's sight.

   "Hey, why are you still following us?" Luffy asked strangely, Anne Amorine, mother and daughter, and Marianne who were walking nearby. "Are you a little polite?" Nami stuck an electric fist on the back of Luffy's head, but she also looked at Marian and the others. Amoryn quickly explained: "No—because where we are going, it happens to be going over there."

"This is an inaccessible area with many pirates. Everyone just happened to be on the way. It's normal." Sauron smiled with a knife on his back. Cut, the previous guys were robbed by Nami and Luffy.

  As a result, when we walked to Tree Island No. 14, everyone was on the same road.

Even more speechless, the "Weapon Queen" and "White Bear" who were walking in front also stopped. The "Weapon Queen" folded their hands and turned into a black barrel aimed at Luffy, Marian and others behind Two groups of people.

   "Why follow us?" The Queen of Weapons drew a cigarette and said uncomfortably, "Do you want to die?"

   "Xiaocao, don't be like this..." Bai Xiong persuaded him with sweat, "Maybe they just happened to be on the way!"

  "Why is there such a coincidence! How long has this been with us all the way?" Xiaocao didn't have a good air, and the flames in the gun barrel made of his hands gradually lit up, "--Quick answer!"

  Weapon fruit? It was her... Robin vaguely remembered that when he settled the Don Quixote family in Beihai, there was such a girl with the ability of weapons and fruits.

  "B.I.B" rubs his chin, baby-5 is this mixed with Luo's Pirates of Red Heart? It also thought that this girl would be taken away by the rest of Doflamingo’s family and continue to be a tool person... However, this girl with an extremely distorted character seems to have turned a corner and turned to the other extreme. , Has become a "phishing law enforcement" by disguising the original morbid and needed character? Specially pretend to be cute girls to cheat people, so that they are so cool?

  What kind of "personality correction surgery" did the boy Luo do to baby-5... "B.I.B" couldn't help but shook his head.

   "Want to fight?" Sauron smiled slightly and moved forward with his knife.

  Luffy usually scrambled and walked out, "Sauron, let me come!"

  "They are..." "That straw hat...?!"

   Beibo and Xiaocao only recognized Lu Fei and Sauron at this time, and looked at each other in surprise. Xiaocao put away the cannon barrels that his hands had turned into, and the two of them turned their heads and continued to walk forward together.

   "What's up?" Luffy wondered.

  Sauron is even more depressed, it is a bit difficult to cut a frame! ——But it doesn’t matter, I just recharge my energy, and then I have to go to the big prison to fight a tough battle.

  But when everyone came to Tree Island 13 together, and even walked to the inaccessible "Xia Qi's Ripping Bar", when they gathered together at the door, they still looked at each other.

  Robin looked at Amoryn, Anne and Marianne. Marianne looked up at the bar sign, "We are just here."

   "What a coincidence..." Nami and the others sighed, "We are too!"

  Robin and "B.I.B" looked at the other side of the entrance of the bar, the "Weapon Queen" glanced at the two of them, and walked into the bar with a bit of smoke.

   "It's rude." The white bear bowed to them, and hurriedly followed Xiaocao into Xia Qi's bar.

   "The bear has spoken..." Usopp was dumbfounded.

   "It's so interesting!!!" Lu Fei's eyes flashed, and Sauron and Sanji were speechless next to him, "Chopper can talk too? What's so exciting..."

  Luffy rushed into the bar first.

  Robin and the others followed in, pushed the door and entered-"B.I.B"'s long and narrow eyes were shimmering, and when they swept through the bar, it was true.

  The interior looks unremarkable, and in a not-so-large bar, Trafalgar Luo and Cavendish sit on the sofa by the left and right walls facing each other.

  Luo looked casual, with his legs folded, and wearing a black feather cloak of the same style as Doflamingo that was suspected to be picked off from Corazon, Xiaocao and Bai Xiong Beibo walked to him, and Xiaocao sat down;

Cavendish still wears that noble costume, his outfit is gorgeous and handsome, and his face is even more handsome and messy, pouting and angry, even a little cute, staring at Luo opposite, Amoryn and Anne also walked over and sat down. On the sofa, only Marianne seemed to have less curiosity. She wanted to fish and rest more than she was curious, so she went to the bar and asked the bar owner Xia Qi for a non-alcoholic drink.

  Xia Qi poured a drink for Marianne and snapped her fingers between the sights of Luo and Cavendish colliding violently in the air.

   "You two little guys, aren't you playing the naive game of'who wins and loses', right?"

   "Huh!" Cavendish turned his head.

   "Haha..." Luo Dao calmly, still with a cynical smile, blinked a bit sour eyes.

   Then, Luo, Cavendish and Xia Qi all looked at the door.

   "Hahahaha..." Luffy smiled, "You guys are so interesting!"

  Robin and "B.I.B" looked at Xia Qi, Xia Qi pinched an empty cup with two fingers, "Come on?"

   "Where is Hades?" Robin walked over.

   "He..." Xia Qi turned her head and spit out her cigarette. "Since the first two days, I don't know where to go."

   "B.I.B" floated, "Will he go to the casino to sell himself again? 』

Xia Qi shook her head, "I don't know--but, if you let me guess, probably not." The intelligence expert proprietress smiled, "Since you made a fuss back then, many people have known that the'One Piece's right hand' is secluded in Shampoo. The land is in the archipelago... If Lei Li wants to sell himself, he won’t be so easy to “get off the ground”. It’s easy to cause a sensation..."


(I stared at the hood of the Dragon Man while turning over the manga, and suddenly I realized what Oda was mapping...Spacesuits, spacesuits, in the real world, which country first landed on the moon? And which country’s army is in it. No one can control illegal crimes in Japan? Looking at the map again, Oda’s hometown Kumamoto is not far from Okinawa...Manually funny)

  (End of this chapter)

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