I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 782: The End of War 6

  Chapter 782 The Battle of Ending 6

   [Chapter head serial · Three Kingdoms 11 · "Meeting of the Three Kings"]

   [The black dragon transforms into a human form, turning out to be a noble and elegant woman. Ayu waved to the sky, smiled and walked towards Hancock, and the mermaid princess who could not be ignored... It was really beautiful, and it was huge! On the fisherman island next door, Sangda flew down in front of Neptune, telling him that the Queen of the Nine Snakes and the Queen of Huaguo would wait a while. ]——

  〖Sphynx, dozens of kilometers north of the sea——〗

  The sky and the sea are almost black, and the sea at night is cold outside. A ship is returning to the Sphinx.

  On the bumpy deck, the Captain of the 5th Division of the White Beard Pirates, "Foil" Bista wiped his face and frowned.

   "Captain, look..." The pirate companions pointed to the island ahead.

  The villagers on the deck who were going to be sent away in advance, also followed it and looked at them nervously. Across the pitch black sea for tens of kilometers, I could vaguely see the red flames swaying in the direction of the hometown of Sphinx.

  You can see so clearly here, you can imagine how fierce the fire on the island is.

  Blackbeard Titch, has arrived!

  Captain Ace and Marco are fighting with them!


Bista turned his head, the visibility on the sea at night was low, but as an excellent swordsman, Bista naturally had a not-so-weak experience. He could feel that the sea following them for a few kilometers belonged to the Aunt Pirates. Several pirate ships, even the flagship of the four emperors, the aunt herself is on board!

  A few days ago, realizing that the decisive battle with Blackbeard was approaching, Ace, as the captain, arranged for Bista to lead the team alone and quietly sent away the villagers on the island.

  These villagers actually have no relatives with Baibeard’s father, but Baibeard regards them as their hometown relatives and protects them for a lifetime, which is a certain obsession and spiritual sustenance of Baibeard. That being the case, they, as the father's son, will never ignore them after the father's death.

  But who knows...

  They failed to reach the other islands, and they were discovered by the aunt's people on the way!

   is Homitz hidden in the sea!

  Moreover, among the aunt’s children, there are mermaids who can communicate with fish. The Aunt Pirates cast a wide net for investigation in the waters around the Sphinx, half of which are distributed Homitz, and half to various schools of fish. Once the target is found, it is like a chain reaction. Homitz and Homitz, The school of fish and the school of fish, Homitz and the school of fish, successive notifications, soon passed the news to the aunt's ears.

  Then, it was the chase of the Aunt Pirates.

  This decisive battle of grievances is not only about Black Beard vs. White Beard, but also Charlotte Lingling vs. Edward Newgate!

  The guy at Newgate is dead, but Lingling will never forget how this guy led his pirate regiment eleven years ago and harmed her nations.

  This hatred, Charlotte Lingling gritted her teeth, she hasn't forgotten it!

  In comparison, joining forces with Blackbeard was incidental. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Since Blackbeard has the strength and ambition, he has made him famous, in exchange for the technique of inheriting the devil fruit, and today’s cleaning of the whitebeard remnant party, so it’s okay to cooperate with him for the time being!

   "Run! Flee back! Bista!"

On the ship Queen, the aunt held Napoleon’s long knife and smiled quickly, “Is the white beard’s tomb of the dead ghost on that island right? So... the old lady is going to take your so-called sons in front of his grave. All of them were slaughtered! What kind of **** old father and son’s, laughed at me! There is no blood relationship, what kind of father and son is this?!"

Around her, there are other pirate boats, the eldest son Perrospero, the third son Dafu, the fourth son Owen... the eldest daughter Compart, the second daughter Mond, the third daughter Armand... dozens of the Charlotte family Most of the children, who are capable of fighting, accompany them in the war.

  To beat down a dog, just be cruel!

  The new white beard pirate group, in the eyes of the aunt, is this drowning dog running around without a pillar!

   "Mama Mama..."

Aunt    satirized the Vesta ship that fled ahead, and suddenly asked, "Where are Barking and her son Weibull?"

  Thundercloud Zeus above his head lazily said: "I don't know, mother, when shall we return to Thunder Island? I'm so hungry..."

  "How do you know how to eat!" Huoyun Prometheus taught, "First help your mother earnestly fight, and then talk about the others! You can neglect it again, and be careful that your mother takes back your soul and makes another thundercloud!"

"Peropero, lick," the eldest son said with a long tongue and smiled, "their identities seem to have been learned by Ronaldo. It doesn't make sense to continue to hide that they are members of the Blackbeard Pirates, so I was anxious before. Leaving-I should have arrived at the previous island before us! Licking~"


   "Hurry in, my son!"

On the coast of the Sphinx side, Barkin, an old woman with a dwarf clown and mink, stood on the shoulders of "White II" Weibull and yelled, "Your father and Roger, the Pirate King, had a relationship. He must have clues to the historical text of the road sign in his hand! He must be hiding somewhere in his most precious hometown!"

   "Let the black beard fight with them! Let's rush in and find the thing first, and then become one piece by ourselves. Who cares about their black beard and white beard or burning beard! Hehehehehe..."


  Simple-minded, Wibleton with well-developed limbs rushed in blood, holding the Nagata all the way, but suddenly something fell in front of him.


  The smoke drifted away, Sanji touched his head speechlessly, and looked around, "Luffy, that idiot, what kind of push..."

  A few minutes ago over the Sphinx, a mirror in the night was almost integrated with the environment, and it was held by the invisible black armor and floated here.

As for the world in the mirror, Luffy, who "thinks of this handsome way of debut", smiled and pulled Sauron, Sanji, Nami and others together, and was planning to observe the situation on the battlefield. Ace and others were in a hard fight. Later, Luffy called the first one and rushed out.

Sauron shook his head. Not surprisingly, with the help of Meili, he left the mirror, followed by the abnormal Frankie, and Nami who turned into a flash of lightning. crowd. And Sanji accidentally slipped out of the mirror while being pushed by everyone... He looked up, "Hmm? Who are you?"

   "Blond boy, don't stand in the way!" Barkin jumped on Bai II's shoulder, "Son, chop him!"

   "Oh!" Weibull cut out the naga.

  Sanji gave up his position, with flames entwined on his feet, and was about to kick back to counterattack, but took it back halfway.

   Weibull’s next cut has arrived.

   "I don't want to fight you!" Sanji turned around and ran to the melee crowd not far away, biting his cigarette and shouting, "Here is the world's second largest swordsman! Does anyone want to chop him?"

"Oh! That curly idiot!" Sauron sighed and muttered to himself, "The world's second largest swordsman? Huh..." As he drew his sword, he was going to kill Sanji, and a huge giant was pressed behind him. Blue Flame Phoenix, with sharp claws aimed at the back of his head, Xiliu said coldly: "Hey, did I let you go?"

  Boom! The blue sea of ​​fire erupted.

   "It's Weibull!"

   "The guy who claims to be the father's biological son,'White Beard II'!"

   "Wait, the blond boy, he seems to be the crew member of the younger brother on the Ace ship...what is it called?"

"I'm Sanji!" Sanji's sight is good. In other words, he has a keen sense of hearing. Hearing this, he will kick a white group pirate in the melee crowd-the black group member who is fighting against him. "Here Leave it to me, and you will have the rest!"

"What do you mean by giving it to me?!" The white group pirate shouted, and Sanji looked at the **** black group pirates in front of him, loosened his bow tie, flames burned under his feet, and grinned: "A mess. Stew!"

  "Listen to us!" The white band pirate dancer roared with a knife, but his expression changed quickly, and he found that Weibull had given up chasing and ran towards the village on the inner side of the mountain, "Brothers, stop him!"

  Boom, boom! On Sanji's side, the devil's wind kicked a large swath of burning black pirates, and at this time, a sniper sight had quietly aimed at his head.

   "'Golden Foot', bounty of 110 million Baileys...seems like me, good at seeing, hearing and sex. But..."

  Fan Oka muttered to himself, and squeezed the trigger blankly.


  The muzzle shoots fire, and the bullets entangled domineering and shot out, aiming at the air some distance in front of Sanji.

  If nothing happens, Sanji's head will get to the path of the bullet by himself, and he will be shot headshot.

  However, there are accidents.


  The bullet shattered in midair.

  It turned out that another bullet hit from another direction. In the mid-air about ten meters away from Sanji, the two bullets collided and exploded at the same time.

   "...?!" Fan Oka frowned after his monocle.

  Usopp, who was lying on the other side of the hill, grew his mouth and looked at the silver sniper rifle on the ground in disbelief, "Really hit? I'm too good!"


  Sanji kicked a few black band pirates, and suddenly Marco rushed towards him, "It’s not good! Asita..."

"Ace? Oh, right, you are—" Before Sanji finished speaking, Marco in front of him smiled strangely and tore his claws at him, as if several sharp blades were slashed across Sanji's suit on his chest. Cut out several **** wounds. Even the gold that was hurriedly moved to defend in front of him was chopped up.

"Hehe, an idiot man." "Marko" had blood on her hands and her face turned into Catlin's appearance. She ate the dog-dog fruit, fantasy beast species, and nine-tailed fox form, which has a special appearance that imitates anyone's appearance. ability.

  "Woman?" Sanji's expression changed again. Just now, just because he didn't want to kick that muscular man with a big sword, so as not to accidentally hurt that little old woman, why did he run out of a female pirate again? Think about it carefully, it seems that I usually don't have a good relationship with women, but when it comes to fighting, the women among the enemies keep moving towards me, which is really a headache! It feels like being targeted!


  Katrin's claws are as sharp as a knife, and Sanji runs fast, "I don't want to fight you!"

   "That idiot!"

  Nami has a black line, and with her heart-net experience, she can easily catch Sanji's embarrassed shout in the noisy battlefield.

  She doesn’t need to look back to know what happened.

  If you don’t want to take a shot at a woman, don’t always get in front of the female enemy, OK!

  "Where do you care? Woman!" Sand Crocodile was furious, shaking his robe, and covering her face with Huang Sha, "Do you dare to look down on me?"


  The desert sword cut the pretty Nami into more than a dozen segments, but she still smiled, her body turned into lightning and gathered together, "How can the sand on the ground fight the thunder in the sky?"

  Raiden finger press down.

What? ! The sand crocodile raised its head sharply, and a huge pillar of lightning several meters thick fell from the sky, "When will the accumulated attack begin?!" The sand man was submerged by lightning.

"Accumulation?" Nami shook the golden staff. "Where can I accumulate for this level of moves?" She shook her head. Behind her, strands of yellow sand condensed into the scarred upper body of Krokdal. He stretched out his left hand and grabbed the back of Nami's white neck.

"This year, how exaggerated the opponent we have been facing, can you know?" Nami sighed, and Sand Crocodile's palm passed through her body that turned into lightning in advance, and she said as if she curled her mouth in the current. The complaint, "If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you are a little careless, you will lose points. You don't know the kind of pressure!"

  What the **** are you talking about! Krokdal's eyes were bloodshot, and the endless thunder drowned him.

  Fuck it! First flames, then thunder and lightning, how come I meet some guys who are troubled by Lao Tzu!

  Is it such a big commodity? !

   "Thief hahaha, what if I don't let it go?"

Back to the shore, the pirate ship near the sea with a waning fire, with a mast inserted on the shore, with an expressionless straw hat boy Luffy standing at the top, and underneath, holding Ace’s neck with one hand, the line avatar next to it restrains Marr. Ke's Black Beard Titch sneered brazenly with his head up, "What do you want? What can you do?"

  "..." In the night breeze, Luffy suddenly turned his head and looked at the Blackbeard Pirates banner that was hunting nearby, "This thing is annoying!"

   Speaking, clenched his fists, puffed up, lit a ball of flames, burned the Blackbeard Pirate Flag, and punched a burning hole.

   "Not very good!" Luffy yelled at the black beard below, "If you don't let it go, I will fly you anyway!!!"

   "Thieves hahaha... there are seeds, sombrero!" Blackbeard laughed, "As a demon fruit capable person, how dare you stand in front of Lao Tzu like this!-Dark Water!"

  Darkness strikes!

  Blackbeard grabbed Luffy next to the burning flag on the mast, and a powerful gravitational force directed at the rubber fruit in Luffy's body pulled him over.

  ["Linqi, what is the difference between your domineering ripple and the general domineering?"]

  【Boeing Islands, Luffy, Sauron, Cavendish... After practicing, everyone is having a dinner together, taking a break, and answering questions to instructor Lin. The question at this time was Usopp with a swollen nose and a swollen nose. "Is it more intense?" Luffy was also eating desperately, but listened to the lecture with his ears pricked up. 】

  ["The difference between the domineering ripples..."]

  【Linqi raised his hand, the black domineering entangled in his palm, and a touch of blue suddenly lit up in the pitch black. 】

  ["Probably, it is ‘live’!"]

  【The blue and black domineering, flowing water flows between Lynch’s five fingers, and finally condenses into a flower at the top of the fingertips, a bird with flapping wings, and even finally turns into a pocket-sized version of Lynch. What is even more stunned is this pocket-sized version of Lynch, who is also raising his hand, seeming to make domineering movements in his hand...]

  【What non-human control is this! Cavendish opened his mouth wide, and Sauron and Sanji next to him looked similar. 】

["What non-human control is this!-do you probably think so?" Lynch smiled and said, "Actually, it was not entirely done by me just now. I said it, ripple domineering , It's alive!"】

[Nami murmured to herself: "That is to say... Lynch, you use the method of returning your life to'command' ripple domineering to achieve the'action' you want, and at the same time you also use the method of controlling domineering to wrap domineering, so Come on, it's like there are two Lynches you are cooperating to use domineering!"]

["Such one plus one is not necessarily equal to two." Frankie rubbed his chin and said with a smile, "But it's definitely better than one! Strength, flexibility, and speed are all higher! And, if If Ripple Domineering is'intelligent domineering', the consumption...and it will definitely be lower than ordinary domineering!"]


  The **** hands grabbed Luffy and grabbed his shoulders.

  But, in a layer of pitch black, there was a tinge of life-like fiery red color, flowing in the domineering covering of Luffy's body surface.

   "Luffy?!" Ace, who was grabbed by his neck, was surprised.

   "Huh?!" Blackbeard was surprised to see that on the palm of his hand using Dark Water, he had climbed onto the red and black domineering that was not his own! ——How did this kid's domineering get into my hands? ! Luffy's ripple domineering, like a fire extinguisher, wrapped Blackbeard's palm, temporarily blocking the dark water ability of Dark Fruit.

  In an instant, the flames in Ace's eyes leaped and turned into bursts of fire.

  And Luffy’s forehead has covered a group of red and black domineering, and he laughed and said: "You, shit, deceive, la!-ripple·head clock!"

when! !

  Luffy made a sticky head mallet and hit Blackbeard's forehead hard.

Black beard rolled his eyes white, blood spattered, let go of Luffy, and staggered for two steps. Marco next to him could finally get rid of the unharmful but extremely nasty first beard, holding the earthquake halo in his hand, a few meters away. Fist to Blackbeard, click! The air was chapped continuously, and the huge impact sent the black beard flying away.

   "Arrogance, arrogance... are your shortcomings."

   Marco sighed with his fists open, "Do you want me to say it a third time?"


  Boom! !

Behind Marco and Luffy, the ground within more than ten meters instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire. Among them, the silhouette of Ace was one after another. A ten-meter-high flame giant, burning with a crescent-shaped beard, looked down at Luffy and yelled. Said: "Why are you kid here again! It seems that my brother has failed too much? Luffy, I don't need your kid's help."

   "It hurts! It hurts!!" Titch rolled desperately, clutching his bleeding forehead, and got up with a grim look.

   Flame Giant said: "It was just a momentary care...In this awakened state, Titch, can you still catch me with your darkness?"

   "...!!!" With blood dripping to his chin, Titch grinned and said, "Is the ability awakened, Captain Ace, it seems that the death of the old man will make you grow stronger!"

   "Who said I'm here to help you!" Lu Fei hugged his arms, looked aside, pouting, and said, "I was going to deal with this guy, by the way, I just helped you..."

   "You kid won't lie at all!" The flame giant also called.

  Luffy was annoyed: "Am I wrong? If I want to be the One Piece, I have to fly all the Four Emperors! He is the Four Emperors, and you are not!"

  What the **** is this! Ace's voice came out from the flame giant: "That's what I said!"

  What is this and what? ! Blackbeard wiped the blood from his face and smiled: "The thief hahaha... I heard that when you were in the Chambord Islands, the'Ripple Messenger' was also next to you. Straw hat boy, where's the other person? I heard he was holding it. There are so many devil fruits! I really want to take him as a subordinate! The thief hahaha..."

   "He is going to find someone to avenge him, and he is not free now." Luffy clenched his fist against the ground, steaming out of his body, "However, you may not have a chance to ask him!"

Next to   , the flame giant struck his fists and shrank and stood beside Luffy.

"Thief haha, that's a shame! But..." Blackbeard's eyes were full of craziness, endless dark tides spewed out of his body, and he slapped the ground with a palm, "Captain Ace, do you think you alone will'awaken'?" "

   "Could it be—?!" Marco was shocked, "Oops!!"

   "Dark Fruit·Awakening...Darkness is coming!!"


   On the other side, the aunt stood on the bow of the boat, her brows suddenly frowned, "Huh? What's the matter?"

  (End of this chapter)

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