I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 870: Requiem plays the second part quietly

  Chapter 870 Requiem quietly playing the second part

   "Wepper, 'Bass' means 'Earth', I understand that. Sky Islanders say that the earth is their eternal vision..."

  The paradise island paved with boundless white clouds, on the commercial street, Aisha, the little tour guide of the Land of God Amusement Park, was on vacation today, and happened to meet the patrol captain Weiper.

   She looked at the clay sculpture that was placed in the middle of the fork of the commercial street and was protected by a transparent cover, and asked inexplicably, "But why use 'Bass' to make the shape of this ape?"

  The "Bass" in the transparent cover, with his hands crossed in front of him, kind eyes, two fangs on his chin, and an ancient wildness.

  Wepper thought for a while, then hesitated: "I never thought about this..."

   "Because your mortal ancestors were all such monkeys." An arrogant voice came from behind the two that made one frown upon hearing it. Thankfully, this level of arrogance is far from what it used to be, otherwise Weber would have taken out his spear and musket to entertain this guy. Weiper bit his cigarette and said with a stern face: "Anilu, keep your mouth clean."

  Aisha turned her head and looked at Anilu, who had gained some freedom because of her guilt and meritorious deeds, and asked curiously, "What do you mean by that?"

  "Literally." Anilu picked apples in front of the hawker, because the Kingdom of God and Paradise Island have become one, and the fruits grown on the land of the Kingdom of God can also be distributed to the market on Paradise Island. Anilu wiped an apple at random, gnawed it with his mouth open, and glanced at the ape sculpture in the middle of the road, "All human beings, whether they have wings or not, whether they are hairy or scaly, whether they breathe with their lungs, Or gills, whether it's as small as a worm or as tall as a mountain...their lineage factor originally came from a monkey."

He took a sip of the juicy apple and gave Elsa and Weber a wicked smile, "Because thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years ago, the ancient gods used that monkey to create all kinds of people in the world. "


  Aisha was shocked, she couldn't be skeptical about what Enilu said, but she didn't accept a single word.

   In view of Enel's usual arrogant style, and even once claimed to be a true god, Weber was not interested in his rhetoric. What's more, the ancestors were monkeys or something, and it would not affect their lives today. And speaking of today's life... Weiper looked into the distance and said to himself: "According to the observation of the patrol team, the area of ​​Baihai and Baibaihai seems to be shrinking recently, and it should be raining continuously in Qinghai now, right?"

   "It's raining..." Aisha said enviously, "I haven't seen the legendary 'rainy day' yet. Maybe it will be very interesting!"



   Electric lights rolled across the cloudy sky, and rain swept across the black sea with surging waves.


In the new world, the rolling black tide rushed to the Sphinx Island, but it kept evaporating after approaching, and the ground was scattered into white mist and steam. For a time, the entire Sphinx Island seemed to be a white Huge sea hot springs filled with steam. Even the torrential rain poured down from the sky, and it was also dried by the steaming hot wind in the midair of the island.

   Strangely enough, this layer of heat waves and flames that enveloped the island, the intense temperature did not touch the crowded area in the center of the island.

   "Ace! Stop it! It's too hot!!!"

  The people of the Whitebeard Pirates are okay, but the residents of the island are sticking their tongues out of heat.

  Marko comforted everyone and said, "It's a little hotter, it's better than letting a tsunami flood the island. It's dangerous for so many people to go out to sea by boat in this weather..."

While maintaining the ability to burn the fruit, Ace balanced the offset of the tsunami and torrential rain and the fire waves he released, and he couldn't help but regret: "Unfortunately, I would have known that Lynch would create a bigger fire cloud, so that You can put everyone in the air for safety... eh?"

  Joz said solemnly: "Don't be silly, to create such a big fire cloud, how much life does it take to create Homitz?"

   "Ace, what's wrong?" Bista noticed that Ace suddenly looked away.

  Ace said to himself: "Just now, something seemed to fly past in the sky... so fast! Could it be that the yellow monkey is passing by?"

   "Stop joking, how could the Admiral pass by for no reason..."


A blue-black light and a pitch-black light swept through the sky at high speed, entwined and collided with each other, bursting with lightning-like sparks, and suddenly fell at a right angle. It only exploded suddenly in hindsight, setting off waves hundreds of meters high, leaving behind a huge vortex that could not be bridged for a long time...


   "Hurry up! Don't fall!"

   "This is at least three thousand meters high, if you fall, you will die!"

   "The more you say that, the more nervous we get!!"

   "This balloon won't be blown by the wind, will it!?"

Under the cloudy magnetic balloon, there is an extended version of the manned "basket", carrying the victims of the tsunami and floods rescued by the revolutionary army who have nowhere to go. Passing through the balloon rope that has been wet and tight after the rainstorm, I hope that it can really go to the so-called empty island, the last safe place.

   "Hey, look..." Someone suddenly rubbed his eyes, "Does it seem like... there are two figures in that lightning-covered cloud?"

   "You read it wrong! Those are clearly two dragons! - Huh? Dragons?"

   "There are dragons in the sky?! Help, I want to get off!!"

   "Are the Revolutionary Army uneasy and kind enough to send us to the Dragon's Nest?!"


  Rumble... The thunder rolled, the clouds suddenly broke open, and two winding dragons wrapped in electric light flew out. The blue-black one suddenly turned back into a human shape, jumped to the top of the pitch-black one, grabbed her dragon horn and slammed it down rudely. The dragon was galloping with lightning speed, reaching the sky and entering the earth, and flew from the great route to the coast of the East China Sea in an instant. Lyn Qi waved the blue-black iron rod, twitched the dragon's tendons, peeled the dragon's scales, and avoided the dark dragon's blood-the dragon's blood turned into pieces of dark iron. The nails rained down on Lynch.

  Imm, a divine dragon swinging its tail, with the dark divine sword in its tail, a sword slashed from Lynch's shoulder to his rib.

The power of devouring from the blade was shocking. Lyn Qi wrapped the blue and black ripples, kicked the dark sword away with one foot, and swept out the dark armor like a phantom. With one punch, the dragon flew to the end of the sky, pulling it into a phantom. A black straight line or even a black spot appeared... At this moment, Lynch and the stand-in were startled at the same time. Above their heads, Im, who was like a dark shadow, held a dark sword and looked down indifferently.

   That dragon is just a shell? ! Lynch's heart skipped a beat, when did Yimu's real body take off - the dragon tendon! She disguised her real body as the dragon tendon that I pulled out? !

   "Inspiration comes from your upper and lower body strikes." When Im's voice fell, the dark blade had already been cut off.


   "A large sea king?!"

   "How come they are here?"

   "He came to help us resist the tsunami?"

   "I heard that huge sea beasts and even murlocs have the ability to change the currents of the ocean..."

There was a hallucinatory voice in Bai Xing's ears and in front of her eyes. She was surprised, but also had a confident feeling that this was what was happening, and vaguely realized that she was too excited before and accidentally thought about it. The idea of ​​fighting against tsunamis and heavy rain was conveyed to the sea kings who respect themselves as "Poseidon"...

   "Are you all right, Shirahoshi." On the bumpy boat, the human princesses were concerned about the mermaid princess.

   "It looks like it's me now!" Usopp screamed from the bow, "Here again! The speed of light guy is really annoying! But leave it to the great Captain Usopp!"


The golden flashes shuttled through the storm, and General Franky shamelessly added a coating with extremely high reflectivity, severe cold resistance, and high temperature corrosion resistance to the outer shell. The lasers, freezing gas and lava of the destroyers were useless against him. , Fran screamed strangely as he rampaged between the cloned and transformed weapons of these big bears, but suddenly, a wave of waves hit him and the destroyers in the rumbling explosion.

   "No way! This is the top of the red soil continent?!" Franky's eyes widened, "The waves are already so high?!"

  Wow! The tsunami that was barely captured washed over General French, dousing the flames on the destroyed Destroyers.

   At the foot of the red soil continent, there are pieces of broken ship boards...

  More people took refuge on the 13th Tree Island · Pocket Edition of Shampoo Land by Rayleigh and Xia Qi...


   On the edge of the bumpy tree island, Rayleigh stood firmly with his knife and cut off the waves that came over one by one. His glasses had already been damaged by the wind and waves. Rayleigh closed his eyes, but his mood was surprisingly calm in this storm raging sea. Finally, the day has come, Roger... Let us see for you, the development of the world after that!


   The black tsunami pressed down like a high wall...

   Shanks stood on the bow of the dragon's head, with a single sword, and leaped high.

He can imagine that such tsunamis, torrential rains and floods are flooding everywhere in the world now. Because of the chaotic magnetic force, the entire planet is like a pool full of water that shakes erratically and frantically. The chaotic waves are sometimes in the East China Sea, and sometimes In the West Sea, sometimes in the South China Sea, sometimes in the North Sea... Sometimes on the Great Route, sometimes on one side of the Red Continent, sometimes on the other side...

   "If you mess up the magnetic force of the islands all over the world, prepare yourself for the wrath of the sea."

   Shanks remembers that before the disbandment of the Roger Pirates, the navigators on the ship made such a sigh to the calm sea before disembarking.


   "There's another big wave coming! Soldiers, stand firm!"

  At this time, around Elbaf Island, all the giants stood in a circle to form a human wall, and the rising sea water and the surging tsunami hit their mountain-like bodies again and again. In the roar of Odin, the village chief of Elbaf, all the giant warriors sang battle songs to resist this "Ragnarok".

   "For Elbaf's glory!"


   "I told her! I will definitely become... the world's number one great swordsman!!!"

   After the monstrous wave, an Asura-like blood shadow approached, and after the wave was cut into the sky, the three knives wrapped in green and black ripples slashed the sky and split the sea to Hawkeye.

  Eagle Eyes swept across Heidaoye, slashing a slash that was several kilometers long, almost flattening the entire sea for several meters.

  Boom! ! ! ! !

  The blade slammed into the air, bursting out domineering lightning, and there were tsunamis coming from all around, but when they approached the two, they were shocked by the fierce collision of the overlord.


   "Even the Red Earth Continent... how could this be?"

  Zefa staggered and crawled out of the big crater, turned his head towards the roaring tide that hit the red soil continent, a little unbelievable. After he succeeded as the commander-in-chief of the entire army, he was able to access some of the most secret intelligence at the core of the world government—certainly not all, but it also vaguely involved some kind of similar prophecy, or maybe it was the genius scientist Vega Punk. One of the doctor's assumptions: Soon, there will be a global flood of doomsday destruction. The Red Earth Continent is a "flood control embankment" surrounding the world left by the technological civilization in the prehistoric era after realizing that it had made a big mistake.

   But now, this "flood control embankment" seems to be unable to stop it.

   The power of this great flood was even more amazing than Vegapunk expected... Zefa looked at the back of the young man walking towards the "bank" of the red earth continent.

  Boom! ! !

   A big wave slammed heavily on the red soil. Facing the water waves in the sky, Luffy looked calm, stood on the "bank", and took out the pure white fruit stuffed in his trousers pocket.


  Crack! ! !

  Electric light radiated everywhere, and after the fire wave ripped apart the waves, it was frozen into ice chips scattered all over the sky by the cold air that seemed to come from the Yellow Spring.

  Nami exclaimed: "What kind of monster is this strange cow! Can it still be resurrected by stealing Brook's Yellow Spring Fruit?! It's a shame!!!!"

"Miss Nami! His abilities also have weaknesses!" Sanji shouted while stepping on the moon, "He can only steal one ability at a time! That means..." He looked firmly at the splashing In the white waves, at the top of the red earth continent, the naval admiral Lu Niu, who is full of battle scars but looks like an immortal devil, said, "As long as he can steal my golden fruit, he will be useless!"

   "Are you saying that your abilities are useless?!" Nami said angrily, "There is no need to be humble at this time!"

   "Yohoo!" Brooke laughed, "Fortunately, Mr. Chopper is not here, otherwise he will steal the fruit of the Bodhisattva that gets stronger and stronger..."

   "And that kind of good stuff?" Green Bull looked very interested.

   "Shut up you!!!" Nami and Sanji Fang roared at Brooke.


  Whoosh whoosh!

  The tulips shot arrows, and Fujitora raised a corner of the red earth continent as a shield.


  The endless petals condensed into a giant female giant as big as a mountain, wrapped her palms in a domineering way, and slapped the green pheasant on the ground heavily.


  Luffy's eyes were straight, and he didn't know if his head was empty, or if he thought a lot in an instant.

   In short, after he took out the pure white fruit, he quickly opened his big mouth, nibbled at it, and swallowed it in two mouthfuls.


  Luffy stared at the endless undulating sea in front of him, his chest bulged high and then roared: "I am!!! Monkey D. Luffy!!!!!!"

   Compared with the gloomy sky, the ubiquitous torrential rain, the sea tornado, the raging and roaring waves, and the tsunami, Luffy standing on the top of the red soil continent is as small as a speck of dust. No matter how much he used his voice, the sound of his roar should soon be drowned out by the raging tide...


   "Monkey. D. Luffy?"

   "Straw Hat Kid?"

   "That...the monster that defeated the Four Emperors?"

  On the tree island thrown by the waves, behind the closed bar door, people huddled together for warmth covered their ears, looked at each other, and felt incredible about the sound they heard.

   "It's amazing..." In the wind and rain outside, the smoke from the corner of Xia Qi's mouth fell unconsciously, "This is... the secret weapon hidden on the final island?"

  Riley rubbed his eyebrows and smiled, "Yes, this is 'ONEPIECE'... Roger, this is 'ONEPIECE'."


   "It's Luffy's voice!"


   "Straw Hat!"

   "Where is he? Why can I hear him?"

On Paradise Island, Aisha covered her ears in confusion, "Impossible! My heart didn't hear Luffy's 'voice' on the island at all - but I did hear Luffy talking! What's going on here?" Not only her, but the pure white streets and alleys of the empty island, everyone covered their ears in surprise.

   But even if you cover your ears, you can still hear the voice of the Qinghai pirate who once came here.


   "Karp! What's going on here?"

   On a warship full of disaster victims in the South China Sea, Crane grabbed Garp by the collar and asked, "What happened to your grandson?"

   "Crane, if you ask me, how would I know?"

   Karp closed his eyes tightly and replied with a wry smile, but the corners of his mouth slowly grinned, "Luffy kid, hehehe..."

  Crane also closed his eyes in surprise.

   As long as you close your eyes, the voice of the young pirate named Monkey D. Luffy, even his breath, his figure, will emerge in...heart? Or in the soul? Or to be more precise... Maybe in the depths of the bloodline?

   Hundreds of millions of lives all over the world, like the dots of billions of lineage factors, seem to be woven into a huge network at this moment because of a strange force.

   "It's Luffy, that straw hat..."

  Elephant Island Zou, Duke Inuarashi of the fur tribe and the shopkeeper of the cat Viper looked shocked and complicated, "How can you do such a thing..."

   "What is Luffy doing?"

  Wanokuni, Yamato, Tama, Hiyori Kozuki and the others who were fighting the tsunami together, also heard Luffy's voice at the same time.

   They closed their eyes and seemed to feel that at this moment, countless spots of light all over the world were asking questions similar to theirs.

  No words, no time-consuming communication, all emotions meet in an instant.

And the straw hat boy who can be dimly perceived by closing his eyes - although he doesn't seem to be wearing that straw hat now - is shouting: "Everyone, if you don't want to die, lend me your power!!! "

   "Lend him strength?"

   "How to do this?"

   "I must be having a nightmare! The tsunami is coming, and I actually hear the voice of a pirate!"

   "Straw hat! How can I lend you my power!"

   "Whether you are true or not, please save us!"

   Luffy grinned, "Just raise your hands."


  East China Sea, West China Sea, South China Sea, North China Sea, Great Route...

   All over the world, one only raised his doubtful hand to the sky...


   "Yo hoo hoo hoo, yo hoo hoo hoo hoo..."

Brook held the black knife in autumn water, stepped on the cold air from Huangquan, and hummed to himself, "I have been thinking that with a stand-in ability similar to Mr. Lynch, only I am awakened, which is obviously because of the Huangquan fruit. So, what will happen to my stand-in after I awaken the yellow spring fruit?"

  Nami and Sanji were surprised, while Green Bull had a question mark.

   "Awaken! I am the king of souls!" Brook opened his arms, and a group of miserable green souls flew out of the skull. Behind him, the dark green humanoid double opened his arms and embraced Brooke's soul. "Yo hoo hoo hoo ~~ let's play it, this is a soul-soothing song from heaven~~!!"

   In a trance, Nami seemed to see two vague figures in the sky. Is that...my biological parents' souls in heaven?


   "I'm a brave sea warrior! Just a mere admiral! I'm not afraid of you!!!!"

   Usopp shouted, and suddenly he seemed to hear a voice of approval. He opened his mouth wide, snotted down his nose, and slowly bloodshot slowly crept up his wide eyes, "Mom?!"


  The petals scattered, and the green pheasant characters with cold air left on the body lay in the crack.

   High in the sky, Hancock on the poisonous cloud Athena raised his arrow to aim at the green pheasant, preventing him from getting up and attacking Robin.

   Robin gasped, half-kneeled on the edge of the crater, and murmured, "I know this won't completely knock you down... But, this time, should I be considered the winner?"

She curled her lips into a smile, raised her head suddenly, and saw Nicole Olivia with long white hair, Kloba with clover hair, and scholars on O'Hara Island in the wind and rain in the distance. They all looked at themselves with proud smiles.

   "Mom... Doctor..."

   Robin took a deep breath, held his knees firmly, stood up again, "Yes, I still have a mission to complete. O'Hara's mission."


  Boom! ! ! !

   The meteor slanted down, accompanied by thunder and fire all the way, Yimu pressed Lynch and smashed a corner of the barren red soil continent.

   The dark sword pierced deeply into Lynch's body and penetrated him.

   No blood flowed out, every drop was drank by the sword and swallowed.

   Even Lynch's stand-in was being torn and worn away by the terrifying devouring force on the blade.

   "Look, the ending is still the same." Yimu held Lynch's head with one hand and the hilt of the sword with the other, his rippled eyes indifferent, "I said, if you can't win, I don't have to explain anything..."

"Look, you should have known it ten years ago," Lynch reached out, one hand grabbed the jet-black blade running through his body, the other grabbed Im's shoulder in turn, and licked Licking the corner of his mouth, he said with a smile, "Do I look like I'm afraid of death?"

   "...?!" Ripples appeared in front of Yimu's eyes—not the lines of her pupils, but the dazzling blue-black ripples on Lynch's body pierced by her blade.

  Lynch hehe smiled and said, "Hurry up, Sister Yi, this is Dad and me——the last ripple!!!"

The ripples of the black blade running through his body became more and more dazzling, until Lynch's entire body was shrouded in dazzling rays of light, and then the rays of light spewed out in a mighty manner, releasing all his power without hesitation, for a while. Even the world, the tsunami, and the great flood were all overshadowed by it...

   After a long time, the sound of wind, waves, and gravel falling into the sea gradually returned to my ears.

   Most of Im's body was blown to pieces. These were just trivial matters. With the anger in her eyes, Lynch would rather explode himself and try to die together than surrender his stand-in ability?

   The dark energy surged, and Im's damaged body was gradually repaired.

  Holding the jet-black divine sword, she slashed with hatred towards the red earth continent where a huge gap had been blown up in front of her. The red earth continent and the ocean of raging waves hundreds of kilometers ahead were slashed vertically by a sword.


The pitch-black figure suspended above the tsunami like a **** let out a deep sigh of regret. She raised her slender hands lightly. The pitch-black sword was about to disintegrate and dissipate. When she was about to turn around and go back to the red earth continent Maryjoa on the other side of the world, she suddenly sighed. froze in place.

What? !

   She turned back and stared at the location where Lynch blew himself up just now. The place that was originally empty, not even a bit of flesh and energy, did not know when a gray light appeared.

   The gray light swayed like a candle in the wind.

   Yimu's eyelids twitched, and his rippling pupils sharpened.

   Without any hesitation, she directly held the jet-black divine sword, wrapped in endless jet-black energy, and stabbed at the faint gray light.


   The pitch-black blade touched the faint gray light spot, and the blade that had been invincible before was actually broken.

boom! ! !

  Imm seemed to be hit by an invisible force, the jet-black divine sword was thrown flying in her hand, she flew out upside down, and in the blink of an eye, she swept dozens of kilometers against the sea surface, breaking through countless undulating waves.

   The faint gray spot of light roared, burning like a fire, and stirring like a huge gray vortex, like a huge one-eyed staring indifferently.

   In this huge gray vortex, a figure floated out like this.


  ps: As we all know, Oda is a fan of Toriyama, so I believe that ONEPIECE will definitely be a "vigilant bomb"... (laughs)

   (end of this chapter)

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