Chapter 11 Get 10,000 points due to betrayal by subordinates (1/5, ask for data)

[Because of “subordinate betrayal”, get 10,000 points. 】

[Because of “subordinates lied”, got 10,000 points. 】

Looking at a row of points and income records on the panel, Yang Hao was dumbfounded.

This line of point income had already appeared when Deng Meng appeared in front of him.


From the beginning, Yang Hao knew that Deng Meng had betrayed.

But he is not surprised.

Chasing and killing the protagonist usually doesn’t end well.

The other two are dead, how could Deng Meng come back alive?

Obviously, Fang Lie used the protagonist’s domineering aura to subdue him, and in turn calculated him.

“If it is a strong person in the Ninth Stage of the ordinary divine power realm, I only need to use my body, and I should be able to suppress it.”

“Even… even if it is to build the foundation, the existence of the king may not be impossible to fight.”

Yang Hao combined the memories he got, and had a preliminary estimate of his current strength.

This is just his pure physical power!

The demigod secret method is truly well-deserved. *

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