Chapter 113 The strongest savvy, the darling of heaven (5/7, please customize)


“Someone entered the Forest of Ten Thousand Fa Steles?”

At this moment, Lin Feng, who was not in the Holy Land of Good Fortune, was walking out of a secret realm full of harvest, and he was in a good mood.

But he suddenly felt a square topaz shake slightly in the sea of ​​spiritual energy.

He subconsciously looked towards the direction of the Holy Land of Good Fortune, which did not know how far away it was, and muttered, “Don’t you want to live anymore?”

“The Ten Thousand Fa Steles Forest is now completely rioted.

“But it has nothing to do with me.”

“The treasure key of the real world in the forest of steles has been obtained, and I will wait for another three years, and it should be the day when the thing was born.”

“This is the biggest opportunity of these years.”

“At that time, I should have become an eternal giant, just reaching the limit.”

“If you swallow the thing that was born, then I will not be far from the emperor.”

Lin Feng had some expectations. Although many things were different from what he remembered after being reborn, what made him more happy was that at least many of the opportunities he remembered remained unchanged.

When the treasure key of the real world in the sea of ​​Lin Feng’s aura was shaking, Yang Hao happened to step into the forest of Wanfa steles.

After approaching, the stone forest seen in the distance of “One Seven Three” has completely changed.

Only a stone stele stood in front of Yang Hao.

This stone stele is naturally the Array Dao God stele in the forest of Wanfa steles.

“Ten steps a monument, a hundred steps a murderous opportunity.”

“Now that the stele forest of Wanfa Stele Forest is translocation, although the concubine is always paying attention to it, you still need to be careful, the master.”

At this time, Yunyin’s concerned reminder sounded in his ears.

“This is natural.”

Yang Hao looked at the god monument in front of him.

The god stele in front of him was engraved with a large number of formation patterns, and at the same time it exuded strange waves, which bound Yang Hao in place.

This is the rule of the Wanfa Stele Forest. Only when you can understand the content on this god stele can you leave.

“Can barely understand.”

Yang Hao is also the second rank formation mage now, and some shallow formations can still be understood a lot.

However, he didn’t need to remember it himself when he came to Wanfa Stele Forest.

In his body, there is an inferior Array Mage.

“Master, it’s okay.”

“It’s worthy of being a great emperor who is very good at formation. It’s just the most superficial divine monument at the entrance. There are more than ten array patterns in it.”

Yunyin’s voice resounded again, and the two of them became one. As Yunyin saw through all the monuments, the wave of restraint immediately dissipated.

Yang Hao nodded slightly, he moved his gaze away from the god monument in front of him, but he also showed a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Just now, he just stood in the original position for a while, and he had already given birth to some enlightenment.

His array of knowledge, just a moment ago, has grown.

Needless to say, this is naturally because his reincarnation Taoist body possesses almost the most powerful understanding in the world.

Yang Hao is confident that if he is allowed to watch for a few more minutes, he will be able to understand everything.

But Yang Hao didn’t care.

In order to hurry up, he walked ten steps forward again, and suddenly there was a change in his eyes.

In an instant, another divine monument appeared in front of Yang Hao.


After a while, Yunyin said again.

Yang Hao blinked warm eyes seemingly at this moment. He took a serious look at the divine monument in front of him, then lifted his foot and left.


He muttered to himself, the god monument just now.

He could already understand it completely.

And, just now, Yang Hao already felt it.

As he understood the divine monument, his mastery of the formation mage stagnated in the second rank realm, unexpectedly broke through directly and entered the realm of the third rank formation mage.

The talent is so powerful that it can be so capricious.

Naturally, Yunyin didn’t dare to ask Yang Hao what happened, she just watched the divine monument through Yang Hao diligently and wrote down the changes in the array.

And Yang Hao followed Yunyin to observe the divine stele, and his accomplishments in the formation were advancing by leaps and bounds.


Yang Hao has reached the hundredth step.

“One hundred steps, not an ordinary Array Dao God monument, but a Killing Array God monument.”

Yang Hao is vigilant in his heart, and a hundred steps to kill is naturally a test left by the Great Fortune for future generations.

Of course, if you pass under the baptism of the killing array, you can naturally observe the monument of the killing array that appears after a hundred steps, and get extraordinary benefits.

If it were the Ten Thousand Fa Steles Forest under normal circumstances, it was only a hundred steps away, and Yang Hao would not be wary.

But now the forest of Wanfa steles is changing. If the forest of steles is translocated, there will be a sacred monument after 10,000 steps or even 100,000 steps, even the saint needs to be cautious, let alone him.

“Fortunately, it’s just an ordinary monument to the killing formation.”

After a hundred steps, a terrifying peng bird appeared in front of him, attacking and killing Yang Hao.

This Pengniao figure is undoubtedly a killing array manifestation.

The killing array mentioned here does not refer to the killing array engraved by the practitioner, but the real array killing array.

However, as far as Pengniao’s offensive is concerned, it is an ordinary king-level level.

Obviously, Yang Hao’s luck was extremely good, and he didn’t encounter the terrible monument to kill the formation god.

“Master, has your master of formation reached the fourth rank?!”

Soon, Yang Hao suppressed this peng bird, but he did not directly break the formation with force, but tried to use the runes of all things to operate the ingenious formation method to disintegrate the peng bird.

This method shocked Yunyin, because at least the fourth rank mages were required to be able to do it.

And she clearly remembered that Yang Hao had just reached the second rank realm.

“Oh, I just took a look at the monuments of the Array Dao God just now. It’s worthy of being the Great Emperor. I just glanced at it twice, and my Array Dao improved so fast.”

Hearing Yang Hao’s casual response, Yunyin was silent.

She finally saw Yang Hao’s terrifying perception for the first time.

The Divine Formation Monument left by the emperor is indeed incomparably wonderful, but it is not possible to upgrade to two ranks in a row by just looking at it!

Yang Hao smiled and didn’t explain it anymore.

He hasn’t actually reached the fourth rank array mage yet, but he just happened to see a solution to this kind of killing array when he was looking at these array Taoist monuments along the way.

After a glance, it will be there naturally, nothing strange.

One person and one soul talked for a while, and then went on.

In the blink of an eye, he had already walked thousands of steps in the Wanfa Stele Forest.

After thousands of steps walked down, Yang Hao didn’t encounter any danger. On the contrary, his formation attainments really entered the fourth rank realm.

Even, because of the translocation of the stele forest, Yang Hao encountered only a princely-level killing array attack after thousands of steps.

This made Yunyin, who had been wary, completely dumb.

She understood that this was mostly because Yang Hao was protected by the crape myrtle luck.

Yang Hao walked extremely fast in the forest of steles. Every time Yunyin read the array map, he walked directly, and in a blink of an eye he had already walked tens of thousands of steps in the forest of steles.

And it was only half a day before he entered the Wanfa Stele Forest.

Yang Hao and Yunyin didn’t think there was anything, but the outside world at this moment was silent.

“Haoer never disappoints.”

Jiang Wu opened his closed eyes and looked at the Wanfa monument not far away.

Although you have to reach a certain number of steps in the Wanfa Stele Forest, you can leave your name on the Wanfa Stele.

However, if someone visits the Wanfa Stele Forest, the corresponding progress will appear in real time.

Yang Hao’s name is blinking, and the number of steps after his name is changing rapidly.


In the Holy Land of Good Fortune, there are also many disciples who know that Yang Hao has entered the Forest of Ten Thousand Fa Steles and want to see the fall of Yang Hao.

When they saw that Yang Hao had only entered half a day, they had already walked tens of thousands of steps in the Wanfa Stele Forest, which made them feel incredible.

“How could it go so fast?

“The Ten Thousand Magic Stele Forest must be comprehended before being able to leave and continue walking. This Holy Son of Shaking Light can walk so fast, is it an eighth-rank and ninth-rank formation mage?”

“That’s not right, the current Ten Thousand Magic Stele Forest has changed, and there will be a large number of terrible Killing Array God Tablets. If you are very lucky, the Killing Array God Tablet will appear after one hundred thousand steps, even if the emperor is going to fall on the spot, Holy It’s said that Son of Shaking Light is not even a king, how could it be possible that nothing happened at all?”

These disciples from the Holy Land of Good Fortune originally came happily, but now they see the crazy number of steps of Yang Hao’s disease on the Wanfa Tablet, one by one eggplants like frost, listless and shocked.


“Holy Son of Shaking Light is protected by the crape myrtle luck. Although the Wanfa Stele Forest is 3.1 dangerous, it is flat to him.”

“Even if he is not good at formation, but his divine body is the true Immortal body with the strongest understanding in the ages, and the Ten Thousand Magic Stele Forest may make his formation cultivation base advance by leaps and bounds.

In the distance, the Lord of Good Fortune murmured to himself, his face sinking slightly.

Before, they only thought of the dangers of the Wanfa Stele Forest, but they ignored the enchantment of Holy Son of Shaking Light.

Holy Son of Shaking Light, ranked 99th in the Golden Book of Ziwei, is a veritable darling of heaven as long as it is on the big star of Ziwei.

“It’s okay.”

“No matter how lucky you are, you can’t always take care of him.”

“Unless he sees it well and withdraws in time, as he goes deeper and deeper, once the translocation of the monument ten thousand steps ago ends, then he will undoubtedly die.”

“If it doesn’t work, this saint will also secretly make a move to change the pattern of the forest of Wanfa steles.”

“This little thief killed Dong Bo and also damaged the luck of this saint. If he does not kill him, the heart of this saint will be dusted.”

Next to the Lord of Good Fortune, the black-robed scribe said lightly, revealing his murderous intent.

This person is impressively a saint.

The outside world has different thoughts, and Yang Hao in the forest of Wanfa steles finally encountered the first life and death horror. .

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