Chapter 122 Terrifying power! Fang Qingying’s letter (7/7, customized)


Yang Hao is now fighting with the remnant soul of the great emperor to sharpen his combat experience.

Hearing Yunyin’s words, he immediately sensed it, and instantly found that his horrendous killing array had undergone a magical change.

Originally, his primordial killing array was separated from the sky and the earth at this moment, and the murderous aura of black and yellow was floating in the middle.

But as the steady stream of precious liquid flows into the killing array, it continues to nourish and nourish.

In his wild killing array, a number of phantoms appeared.

Those phantoms looked like weapons.

Dingqing takes a closer look, towers, flags, plates, swords, and guns

A series of weapon phantoms are appearing in the middle of the killing array. Although they are only phantoms, they can still sense the terrifying aura contained in them.

“After the appearance of these treasures, the power of the killing array has become stronger.” A cloud tone sounded in the ear.

Yang Hao’s head slightly, if he expected it well, he might have guessed the direction of the evolution of the killing formation.

He was able to sense that with the appearance of these weapons in the Flood Killing Array, the Flood Killing Array he had just formed had been completely stabilized.

“It’s just right, let’s test the power of the Great Killing Array.”

Yang Hao thought, suddenly released the Anling Saint from the Wuya Pagoda, and said to Anling Saint: “Anling, you let me attack.”


Sage Anling would naturally not refute, and immediately responded.

Yang Hao immediately sacrificed 12 blasts of flood killing, and slew towards Anling Saint.

“It’s terrible murderous.”

As soon as the Honghuang killing array appeared, the violent murderous aura overflowed, making Anling Saint feel a trace of heart palpitations.

However, the next moment something that shocked the Anling Saint even more happened.

Yang Hao’s premature killing array, came in with two black and yellow qi, and directly attacked and killed him.

The Anling Saint who received Yang Hao’s order naturally did not evade, standing silently as a tool man.


A muffled voice came.

The flood killing array, just as soon as Fang came out, he directly scratched the skin of Saint Anling, oozing a trace of blood red.

“I am the body of a saint, with an indestructible golden body.”

“Even a god-level powerhouse strikes with all his strength, it can’t hurt me a bit.”

“The master’s killing array attack power, I am afraid that it has reached the level of a giant.

Saint Anling said to Yang Hao immediately in shock.

Yang Hao nodded slightly.

Above the power, gods, giants, eternal giants, and emperors.

He has just reached the King’s level now, and the power that the Primordial Killing Array emits at will is comparable to the peak of a giant.

You know, when Xiao Qing’er fought with him in the past, the ultimate horror killing array sacrificed was just like the current flood killing array.

But the Honghuang Killing Array was countless times more stable than Xiao Qinger’s unstable Killing Array, and it had no flaws at all.

“It just consumes more spiritual power.

Yang Hao sighs, it is not without shortcomings.

The Primordial Killing Array can erupt with such a terrifying power. In addition to the powerful materials used in the Condensed Killing Array, the spiritual power drawn is also very terrifying.

That is, his foundation is extremely terrifying, and he has a steady supply of spiritual power.

For other people, it was said that it would not have been drained by the Flood Killing Array long ago.

“Come again.”

Yang Hao urged the Great Killing Array again, this time he urged those weapon phantoms in the Great Killing Array.

The Anling Saint naturally still did not evade, standing in place, waiting for Yang Hao’s attack to come.

” ”

The next moment, Yang Hao’s killing array came, and Saint Anling took a breath.

He became a blood man in an instant!

All the weapon phantoms in the Honghuang Killing Array, wrapped in Xuanhuang two qi, and wounded him!

This reminded Saint Anling of his previous experience that he was almost killed by Yang Hao in the Wanfa Stele Forest.

Without evading it, the killing array is still the same, but his dignified saint has directly suffered more terrifying injuries than the last time.

Of course, the golden light flashed in Anling Saint’s body in the next moment, and the injury he had just suffered was restored again.

“How about it?

Yang Hao looked at Saint Anling and asked.

“The pinnacle blow of the eternal giant.”

After a moment of contemplation, the saint Anling talked slowly, his eyes showing a stringent color.

This is the king?

It has crossed four great realms!

Even the Saint Anling was completely speechless.


Yang Hao frowned, but he was a little dissatisfied when he heard the results of Anling Saint’s test.

“A powerful blow.

“But the spiritual power is almost drained, and the killing array is beginning to collapse.”

“It must be cultivated immediately, and it can only be used as a trump card before my premature killing array can go further.”

Yang Hao understands that although the power is powerful, if it can only be used as a killer copper, it will not satisfy him.

“We must continue to nurture.

“Liu Yan.

He thought for a while, and said casually.

“Holy Son.”

A Qian film appeared immediately after a moment.

Liu Yan looked at Yang Hao, eyes twinkling.

After signing a contract with Yang Hao, her breath has stabilized a lot.

Moreover, after the Chief Sacred Code saw Yang Hao’s evildoers with her own eyes, she was completely impressed. At this moment, she looked at Yang Hao with admiration.

“Tell me to go down. I want a lot of Immortal Golden Iron, Immortal Magic Medicine, and send me as many as I want.

Without thinking about it, he instructed Liu Yan that the Great Killing Array had great power, but it was also a gold swallowing beast and needed a steady stream of nurturing.

“I will give orders at once.”

Liu Yan heard Yang Hao’s order without hesitation, and immediately responded.

She walked in the Eternal Sanctuary these days and has thoroughly understood the power and status of the Holy Son of Shaking Light.

In the past, she needed the treasures she had obtained through her nine deaths, and as long as the Holy Son of Shaking Light needed it, she could get ten times stronger treasures by opening her mouth.

Although Yang Hao’s tone is very loud, he wants as much as he wants.

But Liu Yan believes that as long as it is needed by the Holy Son of Shaking Light, the entire Holy Land will meet his requirements.

After seeing Liu Yan going down respectfully, Yang Hao nodded slightly satisfied.

This follower of her own is very measured, although she had ordered to go down a long time ago, she can directly speak whatever she needs.

Liu Yan didn’t do whatever he wanted, instead, after only asking for his most basic practice needs, he began to practice low-key practice diligently.

“Nirvana is also a very powerful body. I asked my aunt to find a way last time, but I don’t know if my aunt has found it.

Yang Hao watched Liu Yan’s back disappear, his thoughts retracted, and he fell into practice again.

Next, he truly entered a state of asceticism.

Although he was frantically refining the treasures he sent continuously, Yang Hao was also fighting against the emperor’s remnant every day to sharpen his combat experience.

Over the past few months, Yang Hao has not only gained a lot of tenacity in the killing formation, but with his terrifying insight, he has gradually been able to tie the Great Emperor’s Remains.

And during the months when Yang Hao devoted himself to practicing, an earth-shattering event happened in the Eastern Region where Eternal Sanctuary is located!

Among the hundred thousand wild mountains in the Eastern Region, there is news that an immortal medicine is about to be born!

Immortal medicine!

The legendary peculiar god that can change fate against the sky!

This is not groundless. Some old monsters personally investigated and sensed many anomalies in the hundred thousand mountains.

According to legend, when the Immortal Medicine was born, it was accompanied by a large number of visions!

This suddenly confirmed the authenticity of the news.

With the news that the Immortal Medicine is about to be born, in addition to the Eastern Region, even the West Desert, Beiyuan, Zhongzhou and other places have many quiet old monsters walking out one after another toward the hundred thousand mountains in the Eastern Region.

Eternal Sanctuary, there are also many old monsters born.

For example, the Lord Wan Lei, the ancestor of Cang Ming, who once wanted to become the protectors of Yang Hao, all visited 180 times.

half year later.

But it was bad news!

A powerful living fossil fell among the 100,000 mountains!

For a time, the endless rain of blood that came from the fall of the saints in the entire territory of the 100,000 Dashan Mountains dropped down, making people frightened!

“Ghost Child Saint has fallen!”

“The floating saint has also fallen!”

“The fallen saints and sages are like rain. I heard that the Immortal Medicine does exist, but there is already a master. Legend has it that a certain emperor once left.”

“I heard that a magical formation appeared in the Shiwanda Mountain, and I heard that the magical medicine for death was in it.

“It’s true, but that divine formation is terrifying. No matter what strength you are, you will be suppressed to the eternal giant level when you enter the divine formation.”

“This is too miserable for those old monsters and living fossils. Many of these old monsters who want to get the undead medicine are decayed. There are even legends that the old monsters were killed by the eternal giants in the gods. .”

Rumors about one hundred thousand mountains in the Eastern Region came one after another.

Even Yang Hao has heard of it.

“Unexpectedly, the ancestor of Cangming would have fallen into a hundred thousand mountains.”

Yang Hao said with emotion that the reason why he knew the news in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains was because the Eternal Sanctuary also had several old monsters fallen into it.

For example, the ancestor of Cangming who wanted to be his protector in the past.

This old monster with a far-reaching background and not knowing how long he had lived was actually damaged there, which really made him sigh.

Yang Hao just broke the boundary, indulging in cultivation.

I was not sure about these, the unreliable news was not interested, plus Jiang Wu defended the way for him, did not go, naturally did not care.

Until this day, Yang Hao received a secret letter.

The person who sent the letter was the saint of Youlan, Fang Qingying.

ps: The seven changes are over, please automatically subscribe, and ask for all kinds of things. Some friends said that the division of realm is not clear, and wrote a system related to the work, you can take a look. .

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