Chapter 193 Ask the emperor, how to enter the sea!

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Yang Hao frowned.

Do not go to Minghai.

Although he is confident, he is not arrogant.

No one has ever walked out of the sea of ​​underworld before such a powerful person as Zhun emperor and sage, he naturally had no chance to walk out.

“How long does it take to find a place that complies with the law of destiny?” Yang Hao looked at Jiang Wu and asked.

“have no idea.

“The fate is extremely mysterious, and there is nothingness.”

“The place where the law of destiny exists is often like a mirage, and will not stay for too long.”

“It is very difficult to find.”

“The most reliable way is to wait another hundred years.”

“Wan Dao Pavilion will start again. With the authority of your Dao’s main star, you should be able to enter it again.”

Jiang Wu also condensed his eyebrows and said to Yang Hao slowly.

After she found information about Minghai, she had already looked for other ways for Yang Hao.

It is a pity that fate is illusory, unless it is a place of miracles such as Wandao Pavilion, or a place of great horror like the sea of ​​darkness, where the law of destiny exists all the year round.

Otherwise, even if the law of fate appears in other regions, it will be like a county flower and will soon die out.

“Some trouble.”” Yang Hao frowned.

Not to mention how long it takes to find a place where the law of destiny exists, even if it is Wandao Pavilion, Jiang Wu and him can’t be sure.

After all, Wandao Pavilion has only been opened once, and no one knows if it can enter it a second time.

Even if he waited for a hundred years, it would be useless if Wandao Pavilion could not be entered again.

“It really doesn’t work, it can only open the door of destiny.”

“Although there may not be a chance for the law of destiny to reach its ultimate in the future, at least it will not affect the improvement of the realm.”

Yang Hao wondered whether to use the door of destiny.

The Five Elements Rule he was able to reach the ultimate goal with his amazing comprehension and systematic double perception in the world of the Five Elements Avenue. That is because the Five Elements Rule is relatively easy to perceive 240.

Among the Supreme Laws, the Law of Time has extremely high talents and accomplishments, so I won’t mention it for the time being.

The same as the Supreme Law of Space Law, Yang Hao has spent a lot of time and resources to finally condense the Space Law in his body to form spatial crystals.

The law of destiny is more difficult to comprehend than the law of space, even if the Supreme Immortal bone can help him ignore the shackles when the law is the ultimate.

However, the law of destiny is extremely rare. If the ultimate law of the law of destiny is not reached in the world of destiny, the law of destiny will be hopeless in the future.

Yang Hao is pursuing.

Unlike many saints, even if they control one or two avenues, they are satisfied.

As long as it is the law he masters, he must evolve it into a great way!

This is his pride!

“Otherwise, would you ask someone else?”

“Eternal Sanctuary, there is a very knowledgeable existence.

“Maybe he can help you.”

Jiang Wu seemed to see Yang Hao’s entanglement, she suggested to Yang Hao.

“A knowledgeable existence?”

“Emperor Qin? Or Gulong Sheng?”

“Or the quasi-emperor dormant in the holy land?”

Yang Hao woke up when he heard the words.

I got into a dead end by myself.

Behind him is the Eternal Sanctuary with endless details.

Since Jiang Wu couldn’t discuss the results, this Eternal Sanctuary Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, it may not be possible that no one can solve his confusion.

With the talent and various auras he has shown now, as long as he asks, no one in the Holy Land will reject him.


“This one is more knowledgeable than everyone you mentioned.” When Yang Hao asked, Jiang Yao laughed, but he was teasing Yang Hao and didn’t say directly to Yang Hao.

“More knowledgeable than these people?”

Yang Hao was taken aback when he heard the words.

Just now, he even mentioned the emperor Zhun in the Eternal Sanctuary, but Jiang Wu is sure that someone has more knowledge than the emperor Zhun?

Fortunately, Yang Hao’s wisdom is not low, he just groaned slightly, and then showed a sense of sorrow.

“Thank you auntie for your guidance.

Yang Hao gave a long laugh, but in an instant he flew out of the Immortal Building and headed towards the Eternal Sanctuary.

“This little guy is really impatient, and he’s not afraid to ask the wrong person.” Jiang Wu laughed and didn’t expect that Yang Hao would not even compare the answer with her.

But Jiang Wu believes that Yang Hao will not find the wrong person, she has already reminded it very clearly.

Yang Hao had already appeared in a familiar land at this time.


The tomb of the emperor eternal life is located.

“It can only be the emperor who can be more knowledgeable than the emperor Zhun.” Yang Hao muttered to himself with a smile.

He doesn’t know about other holy places, Eternal Sanctuary is indeed home to a great emperor all year round.

Although it is only a relic of the emperor, it is the emperor after all.


After arriving at Fenglingdu, Yang Hao released the remnants of the Great Power Realm Great Emperor that had been useless in the past without hesitation.


The remnant soul of the great power realm became the key, directly opening the tomb of the great emperor.

Naturally, the opening of the tomb of the great emperor instantly attracted many powerful Eternal Sanctuary.

But after seeing the opener, they all left.

It is not the first time that Yang Hao has opened the tomb of the emperor. He can open the mausoleum of the emperor without consuming a lot of resources.

“It is you.”

“How come it’s coming again?

“Huh? Is this thousands of years gone by? My little friend has already become a giant?”

“But there is really nothing good about this emperor’s tomb.”

Yang Hao entered the familiar tomb of the great emperor directly. It hasn’t been long since entering the tomb of the great emperor last time.

However, Yang Hao’s cultivation base had already jumped from the third level of the Great Power Realm to the Giant Realm, which made the emperor’s soul regret it.

“I have seen the emperor.

“It hasn’t been long since last time.”

“This time I took the liberty to enter, not for treasures, but for something I want to ask (bcdb) to teach the emperor.”

Asking for others, Yang Hao behaved very politely.


“It seems that you have got a lot of romances these days.”

“Since it’s my junior, just ask if you have any questions.

“If you know, it doesn’t hurt to tell you.”

Hearing Yang Hao’s words, the emperor’s last soul looked at Yang Hao and said with blinking eyes.

“Does the emperor know where the law of destiny exists?” Yang Hao asked immediately.

“Where does the law of destiny exist?”

“You are now in the Eighth Stage, do you want to feel the law of fate?”

“Yes, it seems that your chances are not small, you have a breath of fate in your body.

“On the star of Ziwei, Minghai, Tianxu, and Final Yanhai have a law of destiny that exists all year round.”

“As for other boundaries


“Do you have a destiny door?!”

The emperor’s last soul spoke casually, but there was a sudden pause, the expression in his eyes suddenly came to light, he looked at Yang Hao with an incredible color, and asked immediately.

Yang Hao heard this and immediately said: “A coincidence.”

He was not surprised that the emperor’s remnant soul of the emperor eternal life could see that he was carrying the door of fate.

After all, the emperor’s remnant soul could see through the fact that he owned eighty-one divine palaces at a glance.

Obviously, even if it’s just a remnant soul, it also possesses incredible abilities.

“Don’t use the door of fate.

However, the next moment, the emperor’s remnant soul of the emperor eternally said to Yang Hao very solemnly.

“What do you mean.” Yang Hao was stunned.

“literal meaning.”

“Unless you can build the wheel of destiny, don’t enter the door of destiny.

The Emperor’s Remains reminded Yang Hao very solemnly, even with a harsh tone.

“The Dao of Destiny corresponds to the world of Dao of Destiny.

“In the avenue of destiny world, the avenue of destiny flows.

“If you cultivate into the wheel of destiny, at least you can maintain your original mind in it.,

“If you enter before you have cultivated the wheel of destiny, you will be assimilated by the avenue of destiny and become the law of destiny between heaven and earth.”

“You have even built a great road. What is the concept of being assimilated into a law? I shouldn’t need to explain more.

Hearing the explanation from the emperor’s remnant, Yang Hao instantly sweated coldly behind his back.

These days, he has had countless thoughts to use the door of fate.

Fortunately, fortunately, he has a long-term vision and didn’t do short-term things.

Fortunately, Jiang Wu also persuaded him.

Otherwise, after entering the door of fate, he might fall into it.

“Thank you, the great emperor, this grace will be remembered by the younger generations.”

“Also ask the emperor to continue to give pointers.

Yang Hao asked politely again.

“Ziwei Daxing, with the exception of these three places, the law of fate is empty and delayed, and there is no fixed place.

“Zhu Yanhai should have died out.”

“Tianxu will only appear when the road to prove it is opened.”

“Only in Minghai you have some hope.”

The emperor’s remnant soul did not hide any privates either, and he continued to say slowly.


“Does the emperor know how to protect himself in it?”

Yang Hao’s spirit was lifted, he didn’t know whether it was Tianxu or Final Yanhai.

However, the Minghai mentioned by the emperor’s remnant soul was exactly what he wanted to ask.

“Minghai is simple.”

“With an extremely defensive emperor soldier, you can fully protect you.”

Hearing this, the emperor’s last soul said casually.

“An extremely defensive emperor soldier?” Yang Hao hesitated: “Wuya Pagoda can be counted?”

“Special imperial soldiers, of course, are not counted.”

“My picture of King Immortal, can you?”

“Extraterritorial fetishes are useless.”

“What about this Evernight Umbrella?”

“Huh? You have a lot of divine objects in your hand. These are the parts that cover the sky. If you can complete them, you can come and go freely.

Yang Hao: “..”

Upon seeing this, the emperor’s ghost smiled mysteriously: “Don’t worry.”

“Since you have come to find this emperor, this emperor has his own law.”

“If you don’t have a chance, this emperor won’t bother to talk to you too much.”

ps: The seven more is over, ask for automatic subscription, ask for all kinds of things, thank you!.

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