Chapter 366 Ten thousand tons of gravity (for customization)

The old man’s heart suddenly felt very shocked, and he didn’t expect such a thing to happen.

“What’s going on? Why did I suddenly have no way to recover my own magic weapon? What happened?” The old man said silently.

Although this bracelet is not a particularly powerful magic weapon, it is also one of his shots.

If he disappeared in front of him in this way, the old man would naturally not agree.

The people next to him saw the old man, and the people behind them all showed a nervous look on their faces.

“What the hell is the master? Didn’t he see that someone has appeared behind him? Do you think the master is deceived?!”

“I think it’s not that the master was deceived, but because that person’s strength is too strong, you can see that he didn’t make any aura every step he took. If it wasn’t for my own eyes, I wouldn’t be able to detect it. ,!”

Those old men’s disciples and grandsons saw a young man suddenly appeared behind the old man.

They all felt a lot of fear in their hearts, and they all found their master.

They didn’t notice the existence of that young man at all, which made their hearts feel very nervous.

One of the disciples I saw rushed towards the young man with a weapon.

But when he just took a step, he seemed to feel that hundreds of millions of tons of pressure were attached to him.

He suddenly felt terrified in his heart, and never expected such a thing to happen.

He looked at the young man in front of him in a daze, and said, “You, puff!”

The man hadn’t finished his words, he was so overwhelmed that he couldn’t breathe, and his face became very pale.

It fell directly to the ground like a piece of white paper and passed out in a coma.

The old man finally found something wrong.

He quickly grabbed the young man behind him, but when he realized that what he was grabbing was nothing but a void.

He also felt very strange in his heart, and he had just clearly felt that he had truly captured the young man.

But the short distance at this time did suddenly make him feel a little strange, and he felt that this thing seemed a little familiar.

“Could it be”

The old man did not know the identity of the young man, and he was not sure whether what he had just felt was what he had guessed.

But his eyes were deeply full of fearful thoughts.

If it’s really that kind of law, then I’m afraid I’m really in serious trouble.

And the real Destroyer may be the young man in front of him, and he walked to the young man’s side.

I wanted to catch this young man with my body, but I realized that I couldn’t reach this level.


And this time the old man still didn’t catch Yang Hao in front of him, and he was beaten in the face by Yang Hao instantly, and the whole person flew out.

And the old man was finally scared. He didn’t even dare to look back, so he wanted to leave this place.

But in everyone’s eyes, their masters just kept moving from the starting point to the end in a space, and then from the end to the starting point.

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