Chapter 617 Take over

The screaming and screaming made the thick iron chain more solid, and the amazing force severely shattered the surrounding energy body.

Over the years, the Soul Hunting Hall has hunted so many souls,

“But Yang Hao is not weak. This extraordinary kendo changes quickly.”

“There are millions of souls in Zhuli’s hand. Have you ever thought about how terrible an invisible attack would be if the soul power of so many souls were completely detonated?” Kong Shangling said lightly.

Everyone seems to have changed.

They really didn’t expect this aspect. If they really detonate these souls as Yang Hao said, the natural environment of their attacks on the invisible souls will be extremely terrifying. Thinking about it, they will feel the scalp tingling.

Very strong, even the supreme might not dare to take over! Kong Shangling said lightly.

Everyone’s expressions shrank.

However, he also hopes not to reach that moment. After all, this invisible soul attack cannot distinguish the enemy from the enemy. If it is detonated, they will also be implicated and affected.

Yang Hao raised his head and stared at Zhuli who wanted to escape. Suddenly he made up his mind to launch a new round of attacks on him. His mouth was full of sneers.

This kind of offense is naturally not fatal to him.

He smiled faintly, and the sword in his hand suddenly slashed into the void.


The sword light swept across the sky.

Everywhere was black and time was split, and then the chain was violently broken. Zhuli’s body was thrown out. “Snowing!”

At this time, Zhu Li’s blood was tumbling violently, and he couldn’t stand it anymore. His heart seemed to have changed. A mouthful of red blood spurted out, and his body was like a kite with a broken string. He was violently knocked down and landed heavily on the ground nearby.

People looked at the scene in front of them, and their faces changed slightly.

He was secretly surprised in the eccentricity of the candle, but seeing Kong Shangling these guys did not make a move, he suddenly screamed in his heart, before returning to Yang Hao again, the power of heaven and earth running in his body, rushing towards the void in front of him, looks like I want to leave.

“Since you have acted, you don’t want to leave.”

Yang Hao spit out lightly.

At the end of the speech, the sword in his hand burst out with dazzling light, illuminating the Tomb of the Six Gods!

All the people couldn’t help being surprised secretly. They raised their heads and walked towards the position where the sword light was shining. Everyone’s face suddenly showed a hint of panic.

“.”this is”

“What a terrible shock wave!”

At this moment, Zhuli wanted to leave, but suddenly felt a breath of death enveloped in his mind.

Zhu Li felt Yang Hao’s murderous intent, and could not help but a trace of blood flashed in his eyes.

“No, let’s go!”

Kong Shangling seems to know Zhuli’s decision.

The three people obviously knew Zhuli very well. After seeing this expression, he seemed to understand what he was going to do, and quickly retreated like a lightning.

“(Wang Lihao) If that’s the case, then don’t even want to live!”

A trace of madness flashed in Zhuli’s eyes.

Kill the sky, burst the soul private!

At the end of the speech, the chains on his palm suddenly burned, and his soul swelled violently. Blinking is like being released. Souls all over the sky appeared in the sky one after another.

Bright and colorful rays of light are shining around these souls, and then when people have not fully awakened, these rays of light will immediately violently converge to the extreme. .

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