Chapter 818 break the ice

Yang Hao couldn’t help but interject.

Aunt Mo Yu sighed.

“Yes, the Venerable Alien is not in the heavens, Immortal Mountain in the Immortal Mountain, Demon Venerable discovered the whereabouts of Venerable Alien. The Demon law map was finally found in Nanzhao, and the Venerable Demon in the world of evil Demon personally took away the Venerable from the Alien World. Honor, at that time Immortal of the alien world did not rebel against the princess in order to stop the Demon of Nanzhao”

Yang Hao looks very dignified,

“Who is the princess? Why did the master swear to protect her?”

“The princess is the offspring of the ruthless female emperor. The Venerable Outsider must not only protect the princess, but also protect the son. You and the princess are the ones who will restrict the Demon and fight against the Demon world in the future. Therefore, the old slave wants to tell you that you and The mission of the princess.”


“This change in the evil Demon world will definitely hurt the world, and the entire chaos horizon will also be damaged. You are the destined emperor. You must marry the descendants of Nanling the Great in order to continue the new generation of saviors and repair the chaos. Horizon, restore world peace.”

“Princess, you say first, the old slave will serve you tea.”

Aunt Mo Yu walked away.

Dugu, please sit down.

Princess Wu Ji made a gesture of please.

Sit down in a chair,

Princess Wudi sat down, but she didn’t know what to say first.

At this moment, a quiet sting in the hall seemed to be audible.

The air is full of embarrassment,



People feel depressed, so they break the silence at the same moment


“You speak first

Princess Wudi looks at Yang Hao

“Aunt Mo Yu just told me something, I have something to ask her.”

Yang Hao said slowly.

“What else do you want to ask? Ask me the same.”

“Master is trapped in the world of evil Demon now. How can I save him?”

Originally, Emperor Wu Ji wanted to talk to Yang Hao about marriage, but he didn’t know how to speak, so he had to follow Yang Hao’s question to answer:

“Venerable Heaven is imprisoned in the underworld, and the evil Demon statue must be guarded strictly. Now it is definitely not enough to rely on our strength to fight. To save the Venerable Heaven, we need the divine power-the sword of God.

“The Sword of Killing God? I have seen it in the book that Master left me. Does this sword really exist?” The Immortal mountain where you are. However, there are too many variables in this world. If the human heart is worn out by the sun, the moon, and the world, it will no longer be clear.

In order to prevent the sword from falling into the hands of people with ulterior motives, the ancestors hid the sword in several parts in the world. Only by finding them together can they be recombined into a sword.

“Tell me where the Yang Hao piece of the Sword of Killing is, I will look for it now.

Yang Hao immediately got excited when he heard that he could save other people. 780

For Yang Hao,

The Venerable of the other world is his only “relative” in this world.

More importantly, only by finding different people, can you ask about Immortal Mountain, and then it is possible to return to Immortal Mountain “I…you…”

When Princess Wuji saw that Yang Hao was anxious to leave, she hesitated.

“You? Me what?”

Yang Hao asked.

Emperor Wu Ji didn’t know why he was so nervous in front of Yang Hao.

“You, go back to the temple first, and I’ll talk to you later.

“Why? I know as soon as possible so that I can save Master as soon as possible?”

“Because of you I have to get married first.”

Emperor Wu Ji’s voice was very small, but his words were very clear.


Yang Hao opened his eyes in surprise and looked at Emperor Wudi for a long time. Although Aunt Mo Yu mentioned it before, Yang Hao didn’t seem to react at the time.

Emperor Wu Ji looked straight at Yang Hao, his face turned red, he was obviously very shy, and he slowly lowered his head.

The air has frozen again, and people have been silent for a long time.

“Princess, the people around the king are here to deliver the decree, let you take the people who have just entered the palace to the main hall later.

Aunt Mo Yu came in and broke the deadlock.

“I know, Auntie, let the son go down first, and then invite his two partners over to find his father Wang

Emperor Wu Ji adjusted his state and said slowly. .

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