Chapter 831 Palace of the Undead

Even the scene here is more chaotic and bloody than when the Demon race developed. There have been dead souls being sucked into the fire, but countless dead souls have begun to rise from the ground, seemingly endless.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

Crucially, under the gaze of a few people, in the Sea of ​​Undead, countless undead have been promoted.While continuously devouring the soul fire, their promotion speed is several times faster than that of the first predecessor.

At this time, Sheng Yuan seemed to think of something. He quickly put away the surprise on his face and replaced it with disdain on his face. He said, “It’s not enough to be afraid of God’s Immortal bones!”

Yang Hao and Demon Demon nodded their heads when they heard this.

Indeed, the speed at which these undead creatures strengthen their own strength is indeed very fast, but it is not enough to make people scared if they are not dead. Even if they are advanced and fast and crowded, they are just cannon fodder after all.

At this time, the golden undead strode out of the sea of ​​undead.

With the emergence of this golden undead, the endless sea of ​​undead was directly cut open a path, and no one dared to block its way.

Even some of them didn’t retreat in time, and they were directly hit by the golden undead fist, and the soul fire in the skull was exhausted.

Soon, the golden undead came to Yang Hao people. In the hollow eyes, a dark green soul flame was beating, and an unpleasant voice came from his head: “Who are you?” Why are you good at the Canyon of the Dead!

Hearing this, Yang Hao immediately became sober. After looking at the other person’s eyes, Yang Hao found the way forward: “I am the messenger of the evil Demon clan, but my king asked me to come here to meet the demon king of the sanctuary and give the healing medicine to the demon. Domain Demon King! Lord

This is a word that Yang Hao drafted very early.

Since this Sanctuary Demon King lives in the Canyon of the Undead and is isolated from the world most of the time, it is obviously difficult to find him. Instead of looking for him in the Canyon of the Undead, it is better to let people lead the way to see the Demon King of Sanctuary directly. Only in this way can we guarantee that we will kill him. However, the head of the golden undead was twisted, and to Yang Hao, it seemed to be watching Yang Hao point.

For a long time, the Golden Undead clan said: “In this case, come with me!”

While talking, the golden undead turned and walked towards the Canyon of the Undead.

Seeing this situation, Yang Hao’s brows couldn’t help but frowned.

In theory, even if they knew that they were messengers sent by the Yaozu, this guy would not be without any suspicion. After all, the hell situation is here.

But after a brief period of careful consideration, the golden undead will not even confirm their identity, and they will be fooled. Do you think it is doubtful?

Looking at each other’s eyes, Yang Hao is a rumor: “Two friends, there is something wrong with this matter, you must be more vigilant!”

Hearing this, God Demon Demon and Sheng Yuandun nodded.

They can also see that this matter is very strange, and this place is the Canyon of the Dead, natural evil cannot be careless.

Soon, people took steps to follow the golden undead towards the Canyon of the Undead.

Walking step by step, crossing the Dead Sea, human bones quickly entered the interior of Death Canyon.

Looking around, in the Canyon of the Undead, more undead are killing each other. The undead here are obviously several times stronger than the outside world.

In the depths of the Canyon of the Dead, there is a hill made of endless bones.

On the hill, the White Bone Temple stands, and the top of the palace is inlaid with a huge gray gem. The gray luster in and out makes the color of the entire canyon become gray, which looks extremely shocking.

Soon, the human skeleton came to the foot of Baigu Mountain.

Observing the White Bone Mountain up close, everyone was shocked.

Especially in the ribs of the bones, we can clearly see that there are two pieces of cartilage, which are obviously winged and most likely to be the remains of an angel.

Just when no one looked at Bai Bone Mountain, the golden undead said: “My Lord Sanctuary Demon King is waiting for you on it. Please!”

Hearing this, the people of Yang Hao immediately recovered, and after looking at each other two times, they walked towards the bone ladder of Baigu Mountain with one stride.

Just stepping on the ladder, Yang Hao was turning his head to look at Jin Budie, his eyes flashed.

At first he thought the golden undead was the best among those undead, but after going deep into this place, he did not find any similar existence, which made Yang Hao more curious about his true identity.

Crucially, although the golden undead just stood there, somehow Yang Hao could feel the power of the latter, making him feel heart palpitations.

At this time, Sheng Yuan who was walking in front also saw Yang Hao stop, and a trace of puzzlement flashed in his eyes. Then he opened his mouth and shouted: “Brother, let’s go!!

…For flowers…

The identity has been exposed, the Sanctuary Demon King is now

Hearing that, Yang Hao suddenly recovered, without thinking about the doubts in his heart, nodded, and followed Shengyuan Zhonghe Demon Demon step by step, step by step, stepped up the bone ladder, and went straight to the bone hall. . Seeing Yang Hao people drifting away, the golden undead standing upright under the Bone Mountain suddenly smiled. Although it gives people a false feeling, after all, he only has bones

Head, but indeed he just smiled.

For this period, no one knows.

Walking along the road, soon people came to the top of the White Bone Mountain.

Looking at the palace made of white bones and looking at the other person’s eyes, God Demon Demon just opened his mouth and said; “When you see the Sanctuary Demon King in the future, you are responsible for attracting his attention, and I will leave the rest to me!


Hearing this, Yang Hao and Sheng Yuan nodded.

Then, people walked forward and walked straight to the hall.

The door of the hall is irrelevant, revealing the bright green luster of the hall.

As you can see, the light in the hall is dim, and there are oil lamps above their roots. But the light from these oil lamps is bright green, which makes people feel an ominous premonition of straight hair.

But soon, Yang Hao people suppressed their inner emotions, and after looking at each other twice, they stepped into the hall.


The clear footsteps echoed in the hall, and the entire bone hall suddenly sparkled brightly at this moment. When the bright green light shines, people seem to come to the green space next to them.

At this moment, Yang Hao’s face suddenly changed, and he lost his voice: “No, forbidden!”

However, God Demon Demon and Sheng Yuandun reacted and explored their own spiritual consciousness. Sure enough, the entire White Bone Hall had a rise of restrictions, and even the entire White Bone Mountain was shrouded in the restricted range.

At this time, Tao Yin’s laughter sounded in the hall: “Quack, I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to send it to the door, people, very good, really good!’

Then came the surging of gray death breath. Then, in the middle of the hall, a figure wearing a black cloak appeared, holding a cooling wall, beating with the sage’s wave of gray gems.

“Sanctuary Demon King!” Cun.

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