Chapter 838 Two hands ready

I don’t know how long it took, the time tunnel finally came to an end, and the figure of Yang Hao came out of it in an instant.


When he landed steadily, Yang Hao came to the barren land where the gate of hell was.

Looking around and looking at the deserted land, people immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, the eyes of God Demon Demon and Shengyuan turned to “Tiansheng, are these two people cultivated as fake saints?”

Regarding this, Yang Hao shook his head and waved his hand directly to summon this person who had reached the level of a pseudo-saint in the Bone Clan.

After landing, the White Bone Tribe immediately bowed and said, “See the Heavenly Sage!

Regarding this, Yang Hao waved his hand and said, “Can you personally open the gate of hell with your current strength!”

The Bone Tribe was shocked when he heard it, and then closed his eyes and started to inquire.

Although a squad was suppressed, there was still the power of the quasi-sage mid-term.

Soon, the White Bone tribe regained their sanity and looked at Xiang Yang Hao 12: “Xiang Tiansheng, report that I can build the gate of hell, but it will take an hour. Within this period of time.”

Before he finished speaking, Yang Hao meant to wave and interrupt: “In this case, time is not waiting for anyone, then you can start!

Computing is resurrected, crisis is coming

“Yes, God!

As promised, the bones men started to act.

With the sound of the absolute spell, the power of the undead skyrocketed, and the altar gradually began to be lit.

Seeing this scene, Yang Hao’s eyes were looking at the Demon evil Demon: “Friends, please impose a ban, don’t be noticed by the evil Demon in hell!”

Hearing this, God Demon Demon immediately nodded and said yes.

Indeed, it takes a while to open the gates of hell, and the action is not small. If this is exposed, then it is very likely that you and others will be surrounded by the evil Demon in hell before you open the door of hell.

Suddenly, God Demon Demon waved his hand to build a strong prohibition, and directly sealed off this area without letting any mana fluctuations spread out.

At this moment, Yang Hao sighed in relief and looked at the gradually opening altar. After people looked at each other, it was directly divided into four directions.

Although it was banned, it’s really hard to say whether something will happen.

Before there is absolute security, we must remain vigilant, at least not to ignore some uncertain factors.

In this way, time passed.

With the bright luster on the altar, the whole altar instantly glowed with a strong brilliance.


The roar was deafening, and the virtual shadow of Hell’s Gate began to bloom and solidify at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this moment, an accident happened.

At the moment when the gate of hell appeared, something like a signal flare suddenly rose into the sky, directly breaking through the prohibition set by the god Demon Demon, and exploded directly in this area.

At the same time, the terrifying mana fluctuations spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, which is directly toward hell.

Seeing this scene, Yang Hao had no time to react.

As the explosion sounded, Yang Hao’s face instantly became extremely ugly.

Especially Sheng Yuan couldn’t help but yell: “No!”

As Shengyuan worried, as the fluctuations spread, the evil Demon in hell suddenly realized this.

Suddenly, in countless areas, the sage-level demon king ascended to the sky, looking at the area where the gate of hell was located. A hint of a hunting smile appeared on his face: “Are the mice hiding their heads and tails finally showing their traces?”

“Want to leave, do you really think I am the first fool? If you let you escape today, what face will we have in hell!”

“God damn God Demon Demon, you finally appeared. Today, I want to regain my lost face!”

Almost in an instant, the powerful King Demon army quickly swept towards the area where the gate of hell was located. Not only that, after those demon kings, the strong men of the countless races of hell were not to be outdone, and galloped toward the area where the gate of hell was located.

Feeling the fluctuations of many saint-level powerhouses, Sheng Yuan’s face suddenly changed drastically. He turned his head to look at the bones and asked, “My child, how long does it take to open the gates of hell?”

Hearing this, the undead hesitated, and immediately said: “It takes about half an hour to report to Shengyuan! Your lord!

After finishing speaking, the undead didn’t dare to neglect, and madly integrated their mana into the altar, wanting to open the door of hell as soon as possible.

The gate of hell began to solidify at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it would take at least half an hour to complete it completely.

Seeing this, Yang Hao’s face is ugly.

half an hour!

If it was at a certain time, they would not agree at all.

Now they have to face the attacks of many saints and strong men after all. Even if these first demon kings do not practice the sword kingdom, their combat effectiveness is not as good as the real saints, but they are also very weak.

Yes, it doesn’t matter, but logarithms or even the demon king is just an act of death.

No way, Yang Hao’s eyes are shining with haze.

In the final analysis, this is just a problem of flares.

If there is no flares, they won’t have any problems.

Who is calculating them? Even in this altar, they left something like this, and they didn’t even notice, even the monks of the Bone Clan who cast the mana. In the process of thinking, Yang Hao’s mind suddenly flashed a light, it seemed to remember something about 790. Cold eyes flashed: “Sanctuary Demon King, it’s you!”

After Yang Hao thought, only the Sanctuary Demon King could do such a thing, knowing that they would come here.

And even though the Sanctuary Demon King verbally agreed to them at that time, he actually sent them to the Xiaoqian World to die, but I am afraid the Sanctuary Demon King understands these things well, so he has to make two-handed preparations.

If the Sanctuary Demon King comes here to cast spells, it will inevitably trigger such flare, and then,

Thinking of this, the chill in Yang Hao’s eyes became more intense, and the murderous intent of this Sanctuary Demon King had reached the peak of the species.

Not to mention anything else, that is to say, he and others have been calculated by the Sanctuary Demon King, which is simply intolerable to Yang Hao.

Just being calculated by the Sanctuary Demon King is a big stain in life.

Unconsciously, he clenched his fist and said secretly: “Wait, when the emperor comes back, the first one will kill you!”

call out!

call out!

At this time, the sound of breaking through the air sounded, and then I saw God Demon Demon and Sheng Yuan came to Yang Hao point.

After landing, the God of Space Demon directly said: “Heavenly Sage, what should I do next?” Although it took less than half an hour to open the gate of hell, once those guys came, we were afraid that we would not be able to walk away under the eyes of those guys. .

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