Chapter 869 God-given opportunity

Fang Tianzhong! The shouts sounded, one after another, Jin Yutang’s body quickly passed through and disappeared like lightning. Fang Tian killed him, use it first! When he switched his body for the last time, all the afterimages in front of him disappeared. In the eyes of Jin Yutang, the generation gave way to Jinmang. Finally, the third Fang Tianzhong murder was finally staged.

“Bang, bang, bang!” “After a series of cutting noises, Jin Yutang’s figure appeared, but her body was shaking. Jin Yutang, who was pale as paper, slowly fell to the ground with happiness on her face Smile. Finally got her own skills! This was the last thing Jin Yuyan thought of. When a sense of weakness struck, she slowly closed her eyes.

In Jinyutang, when he shot the second Fang Tian heavy kill, several people present felt that an incredible fighting spirit centered on Jin Yutang had erupted, but it disappeared like a county flower, and Jin Yutang also completely cast Fang Tian’s heavy kill. But at this time, it was the old man Zhuang who fell the most.

The fiery red paw prints turned into black without breathing for several times, and the fireball defense instantly pierced a large hole. When Tang fell, the fireball dissipated, and the old man inside was already pale. His fiery red robe was almost worn out, there were still a few criss-cross scars on his body, and the blood was slowly flowing out. Zhuang, frightened his face as earthy, now

Sitting on the ground. The terrible fighting intent just now made him instantly lose his fighting consciousness.

When he felt the horror of the fighting spirit, his defense was completely broken. Mang flashed through the gun, Zhuang, the old man finally carried it down with the flame shield, but he was not slightly injured. If the girl is among the three Wu Sanyu, I am afraid his old bones will fall apart. Zhuang, the old man looked down at the Fire Soul in his hand. At this time, the fire soul was full of cracks. Zhuang, the old man

Raising his hand, the fire soul’s claws were broken in the air, turning into pieces of flaming red metal fragments and falling down. Master Zhuang’s eyes are all painful. This is a natural treasure! Although it is only a godsend product, it is also a godsend product. Their Zhuang family is the only one! Now it is destroyed. But Zhuang Zhuan thought, if he didn’t have this spirit treasure on his chest just now,

He may have been torn apart by that strange spear light.

Could it be that he looked down on Jin Yutang’s strength! Think about Jin Yutang’s sudden outburst of fighting spirit before, which made his defense messy, and that fighting spirit belongs to this cute and lovely girl? That moment of fighting spirit? It really shocked everyone present, that kind of amazing fighting spirit, as if even in his eyes, it can be challenged or even surpassed.

Perhaps this is the so-called Tian Fang, the so-called Fang Tiandi woman!

Looking at him deeply, he knew it was not easy, but he couldn’t think of it. Although he is the master of Zhuang Sect, he is not sure if Jin Lei is still in the middle of San Wu Sanqu in the next step. However, now Jin Lei has undergone great changes, especially Jin Lei and Tai Xu Zun, they have mastered Tai Yu in the sky. As for the Shutian Tan Sheng Lingbao, Jin Lei did not dare to use it at will. he

Prepare to wait for him to break through to Sanwusheng, that is, after Wu Shengwujing, study Tansheng in Shutian. At that time, he had the minimum qualifications to use Shutian Tansheng.

Ling’an looked at Jinyutang, did not speak, but just floated in Jinyutang, holding Jinyutang collapsed on the ground beside him, He Jin Yutang fell asleep with a cute smile on the corner of his mouth.

Zhang, he didn’t dare to say anything. Next to him were Zhuang and Zhang, who were already trembling with fright. These children were smaller than them and were so strong. If there is no mercy before, it is estimated that their personal lives have been lost.

The old man Zhang quickly picked up his grandson, greeted the guards of the Zhang family, and left in a hurry. And Zhuang, the old man also recovered his emotions first. This is called self-abuse, so Lingbao is gone. It is important to go first. Yang Hao did not stop, they just let these people go. Silently returned to the inn and entered the door, everyone was either in awe or panic, and a few children were envious


But they didn’t stay long, so they went upstairs and went back to the room. Everyone gathered in Ling’an and Jin Yutang’s room, but Jin Yutang fell asleep. She is too tired. She switched herself continuously at high speed and cast re-kills for the next day. Her little body was finally tired. I summarized the rest and chatted with each other.

In the middle of the night, both Yang Hao and Jin Lei returned to their respective rooms in silence, with deep sadness in their eyes, because this was the last night he and Jin Lei were together, and the brothers who had lived for many years were finally parting, and Jin Lei also wanted to Embark on a trip to the God Realm of Taixuyuan. Those who set foot on the road to the strong competed with Taiyu’s unique cabinet, so Jin Lei turned his back on him. Speaking of

Here, Jin Lei is still very reluctant to give up. He lost his family since he was old, and didn’t know Yang Hao clan members until he was old. The Yang Hao clan is like his relatives, and Yang Hao has been taken care of by him as his own brother. It’s easy to say goodbye, but it’s really hard to say goodbye.

Yang Hao returned to the room and lay on the bed silently. He suddenly discovered that there were many things he had not told Jin Lei, but he was afraid to say. The same is true for Jin Lei, the bed is less than a few meters away from here, but at this time it always feels far away.

Gradually, Yang Hao fell asleep, but there were a few tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, as did Jin Lei on the other side. Now they speak Wanyu, but they don’t know what to say. When children give up, they often cry to vent their emotions. Even a genius cannot escape this emotional disaster.

It’s finally dawn. The passage of time will not stop because of your sadness or your happiness.

Time will flow, and days will continue.

々,”Jin Lei! Brother Yang Hao finally couldn’t help it, and hugged Jin Lei, tears fell from his eyes.

“Yang Hao, you have to learn to grow. The next road, you have to work hard on your own, I should let go. I am waiting for you to see me at Nan Yu Wu (Zhao of Qian) Sound Academy! I hope that by then, you are already a A man standing upright!” Jin Lei said in an adult voice, his hands also holding Yang Hao, his eyes were red, and tears were dancing in his eyes.

Conditions or requirements?

“Brother Yang Hao, concentrate on walking!” Jin Yutang shouted, but it was a pity that Yang Hao didn’t listen. People were walking on the path in the forest, Yang Hao kept his head low and walked boringly. The absence of Jin Lei’s company on the road made him feel empty and disappointed. Think about the next meeting, which is to meet at Nanyu Taixu College in the next year. At that time, Jin Lei’s brother was his senior. I do not know

What will happen to him.

“Brother Yang Hao! You don’t even look at the beauties here!” Jin Yutang continued to shout.

“Don’t pay attention to him, make him so decadent.” Ling An looked at Yang Hao contemptuously. “Anyway, he has this ability. He has to rely on Jin Lei when he is so old.”


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