Chapter 876 In full swing

“Why, there is such a lovely young lady in the Blackwood Mercenary Group?” Chen Tianjiu asked with a smile when Qing Zongsai was a big family, but when he turned his head, he saw Guo Ji and others chasing him, followed by Several people, they are still carrying bags. The storage of holy spirit treasures is not enough, and it can only rely on manpower. “Hey, Lord Guo Long, where is this going. Reply to our green brown

Seems less than a minute

“Oh, where is the Chen Dadang family? It’s just my sister running around, I’m looking for her.” If Guo Ji wants to run, he can’t run, so someone saw him. Now he didn’t even have a chance to hide back. I blamed myself for running so fast that I didn’t notice Chen Tianjiu, this vicious person is here.

“E? ​​Find a young lady. Your Blackwood mercenary group senior has already been dispatched. Is the girl you looking for that important?” Chen Tianjiu said with a smile, but when he raised his hand, he released one. Flares. I am afraid that in a few minutes, it will be completely surrounded by people from the blue-brown plug

“Get out of the way, those people just want to follow me up the mountain.” Jin ~ Yutang said coldly.

“Hey, my young lady has a hot temper. Go back to the green palm with my uncle. It’s fun there.” Chen Tianjiu said -.

“Don’t let me do it!” Jin Yuyan yelled coldly. She determined that Yang Hao was facing the deceased Demon Dog, and only wanted to help Yang Hao, although he knew that Yang Hao would not be destroyed by the deceased Demon Fire. The dog was defeated, but he was still anxious.

“How could Miss Sister be so rude?” Chen Tianjiu still said with a smile, directly treating Guo Ji as air. But Chen Tianjiu said that only the dark spear pierced directly, and your spear was pointed at your chest. This is a deadly rhythm!

“Huh?” Chen Tianjiu was stunned. After a long battle, he instinctively reacted and flashed sideways, thus avoiding Jin Yutang’s dark blood soul.

“Little girl, ah. The early days of San Wu Sanctuary?” Chen Tianjiu is really scared now. How old does this little girl look? At the beginning of Taixu Sanctuary? At that time, I was probably just a saint Jack. Is this an old lady who has practiced some rejuvenation tactics? What is the actual age?

Chen Tianjiu felt safe in his heart. He had just broken through too soon, and he was extremely proud. Therefore, the green palm plug is in full swing, and his Chen Tianjiu is prosperous. He saw a girl who was actually too vacant, and he was hit hard.

However, Jin Yutang didn’t say anything, just coldly hugged the dark blood soul, and jumped out again.

“Huh!” Chen Tianjiu looked at He Sheng coldly, leaving other emotions behind. It’s not the time to think about this now, just wait to clean up the little girl. Chen Tianjiu was holding the light curtain in his hand, and Chen Tianjiu was holding the gray spear in his hand. Picking up the spear, the dark blood soul swept away. Jin Yutang shook again, the gun body shook, and a spear flower was shot out. Speaking of it, Jinyutang

At a young age, his understanding of marksmanship is already at a master level. Chen Tianjiu’s complexion was very good, and he felt that this little girl was a wicked evildoer. But thinking about it, Chen Tianjiu’s gray long spear was never slow, and it quickly turned back, picking up flowers of spears.

Yu Jin’s footsteps trembled, and his body moved to Chen Tianjiu’s side after a complete lateral movement, dancing the black blood soul again, launching a fierce attack.

Chen Tianjiu became more and more surprised at today’s combat effectiveness. Compared with his own marksmanship, there are only strong and weak points. Chen Tianjiu had to turn sideways, swept the gray spear, and once again entangled with Yu Jin’s dark blood soul.

In the distance, he was stunned. He Tang is already a strong man? Is this progress so fast? Guo Ji couldn’t help but become jealous.

Would he be a genius like Yang Hao? Guo Ji always thinks he should follow them, but is it possible? If Yang Hao is okay, then go down the mountain, I’m afraid I will die myself. Now Guo Ji has a numb scalp and is in a dilemma. He is dead. Then take this opportunity to help Jin Yutang? Maybe things will get better. Guo Ji thought for a while, and around

The people discussed it.

After a while, the unanimous vote passed, and quickly assembled the forces of the nearby Blackwood Mercenary Group, took out the Holy Spirit Treasure, and rushed directly to Chen Tianjiu’s team. There were no blue-brown clans or clans, and Guo Ji was not afraid. Chen Tianjiu was restrained by Jinyutang and other people, and Guo Ji was not afraid. But after all, Guo Ji was still wrong.

…For flowers…

“Hmph, little sister, let you go! I have important things to deal with.” Chen Tianjiu shook hard, the gray was too vain, and he threw Jin Yutang back a few steps.

“Yeah.” Jin Yutang just said coldly, he jumped and walked to the foot of the mountain.

“Huh?” Guo Ji is stupid now. “Miss sister! And us, don’t leave us!” Guo Ji shouted loudly, but Jin Yuyan decided to leave, so he ignored Guo Ji and disappeared into Guo Ji’s sight without looking back.

“Oh, selfish little man, you should have today.” Chen Tianjiu said coldly, brandishing a gray spear and rushing directly to Guo Ji. In this way, the melee began. Although they joined forces with the Dragon Lord to stop them, they did not try their best, because it didn’t take long for the people of Qingtansai to rush over under the leadership of the clan and clan, and they were already desperate.

On the other side, Jin Yutang struggled to run forward. They have a date, an uphill route and a downhill route, so as long as Yang Hao defeats the fire dog, they should be able to meet it, Jin Yutang thought silently. The purple light curtain on the other side of the mountain has disappeared. I think Sister Ling’an has solved the pale and evil Demon Demon beast.

Sister Ling’an is so powerful and smart, she can definitely defeat the pale Demon Demon. Although Yang Hao is powerful, he is a little stupid! I don’t know if he was deceived. Thinking of this, the golden light flashed, and under Qi’s blessing, its speed leaped across the forest like golden light.

Yang Hao also flew down like golden rays of light at this moment, and Ling’an on the other side also recovered a lot of too virtual energy, and his body flew down the mountain shiningly. However, Jin Yutang, who was climbing, encountered an obstacle again. The tiger rushed out of the forest and pounced directly at Jin Yutang, but Jin Yutang’s dark blood soul was thrown out, and the tiger was directly nailed to a big tree

superior. Jin Yutang walked over in an instant, he drew his spear and looked at the tiger. It was just an ordinary Taixu beast, and there was nothing particularly valuable, carrying the Dark Blood Soul on the road to find Yang Hao again. Inch.

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