Chapter 917 Sharp-edged

When he heard Duobao, Yun Zhongzi frowned. He didn’t expect that Dubao could even participate in his feet. What Yun Zhongzi didn’t expect was that Duobao’s voice just fell, and Maitreya of Xitianjiao. The Buddha also stepped forward and looked at the people.” Fellow Daoists, Pang Dao can be regarded as the emperor’s star spirit reincarnation. He has a relationship with Pang Dao and wants to accept him as a disciple. I

I hope that the Dao Dao can make it easy for Pang Dao to accept the reincarnation of the emperor’s Protoss as his disciples.

As soon as Maitreya Buddha’s words fell, the disciples of Chanjiao and Jiejiao next to him all regarded Maitreya Buddha miserably. They made up their minds that Maitreya, a Western religion, would be eliminated first. After all, regardless of whether the reincarnated emperor Xingling was Duobao or Yunzhongzi, he was accepted as a disciple, and the future emperor Gouchen would be an Oriental.

However, when Emperor Dan’s spirit was reincarnated and was accepted as a disciple by the Maitreya Buddha “84” in the West, it could be linked to Emperor Chen, and then Western teaching might take this opportunity to contact the East. After all, the Holy Trinity of the West has been coveting the East for a long time, and their focus now is to spread the teachings of the West to the East.

Therefore, after listening to Maitreya’s words, the disciples who taught by others, explained the teaching and cut off the teaching made a tacit decision to jointly exclude Maitreya. However, before they started, Ziya stepped forward. He smiled and looked at everyone Dao, “Dear friends, Pang Dao is also considered this child. He has a relationship with Pang Dao and wants to accept him as a disciple. I don’t know, friends of Pang Dao.

We are willing to be poor. After finishing talking, Ziya looked at everyone and wanted to know what they were going to do.

Hearing Ziya, the brows of the people present frowned tightly.Although this Ziya is also in it, but for the lowest level people, this Ziya is synonymous with the god of heaven. It can play a big role in the disaster.

If this is the case, if they offend Ziya now, it will be difficult for Ziya not to be robbed in the end of the catastrophe, and it is also difficult not to deliberately make things difficult for their disciples. Therefore, when I heard that Ziya would also accept the reincarnation of Emperor Xingling, Yun Zhongzi and others seemed very embarrassed. Neutron and the others looked at the cloud embarrassedly, and Liu Xiang next to him said.”

Friends, don’t be embarrassed. According to the intentions of the poor, you want to accept the spiritual reincarnation of the Emperor Star sect. Every time the strongest person is sent, who is the final winner, the spiritual reincarnation of the Emperor Star sect belongs to that sect. religion. How do all the Dao friends think of the poor Dao’s proposal?”

Because there was no good way between them, after they considered it, they nodded and agreed to Liuxiang’s proposal. Seeing this scene, Liu Xiang stepped forward and looked at everyone, wondering who would be sent to fight.

People teach only people, that is to drive Demon people. Therefore, Xuan Du also stood up after seeing Liu Xiang stand up. Seeing this, Duobao, who had been interrupted in teaching, and Maitreya, who taught in the West, also stood up. Now, only Chanjiao did not send his disciples to play.

Initially, Yunzhongzi wanted to take the initiative to join the battle. However, when he saw that the disciples who stood up before were all saints, Yun Zhongzi hesitated in his heart. Although Yun Zhongzi is very confident and has his own strength, he is not weaker or even stronger than the big brother Guang Chengzi.

However, if he stands up at this time, he is undoubtedly hitting Guang Chengzi in the face. In the end, whether he wins or loses, his position in education will become awkward because of today’s events. Therefore, after hesitating, Yun Zhongzi sighed weakly and did not stand up.

In Yun, Guang Chengzi, who was observing the neutron, saw the silk on his face. Although he had never seen Yun Zhongzi, Guang Chengzi knew that he was Yun Zhongzi’s junior and his strength was not weaker than himself. Even, he may be stronger than himself. However, this does not mean that Guang Chengzi is willing to let Yun Zhongzi serve as an educator at this time. After all, he is the eldest brother of Chanjiao and a disciple of Chanjiao.

Equal impact

Seeing Yunzhongzi’s acquaintance, he did not use his advantage over himself to forcefully represent Chan to teach his disciples to fight, Guang Chengzi showed a slight smile on his face, and then stepped forward, seeing this scene, the others retreated one after another. , Leaving enough space for people to fight.

People from Duobao, Xuandu, Guangchengzi and Liuxiang tacitly attacked Maitreya who intends to teach Maitreya in the West. For those who are eliminated, look at those who beat themselves, Maitreya and other Western disciples in the face. They were very ugly, and they secretly scolded Guang Chengzi and others as shameless. As the great disciple of the saint, they even teamed up with him, brother Maitreya

Well, it seems that the big disciple of their Eastern Saint will be eliminated first, and he will not be given the opportunity to accept the reincarnation of Emperor Prosperity as a disciple in Maitreya. Was it because Guang Chengzi and others guessed that they were teaching in the West and wanted to use the Way of Heaven as a springboard to arrange for disciples of Western education to enter the Way of Heaven, laying a solid foundation for Western education to preach in the East in the future?

Unfortunately, with the absolute gap in strength, I can’t change the status quo at all. Thinking of this, Maitreya felt a sense of powerlessness, and he looked at Duobao’s eyes in a hidden way. After that, Maitreya went all out to attack Xuandu and Guangchengzi, thinking that even if he was eliminated, he would pull Guangchengzi or Xuandu out. Of course, if you can pull these two people and yourself out

It’s even better to come. However, Maitreya underestimated the power of Guangchengzi’s joint efforts. Even though he tried his best, he could not put any of Guangchengzi or Xuandu on the mat and destroy them. Under the siege of the people, Maitreya only persisted for a few breaths, then was hit by a large group of people and fell heavily to the ground. The blood in his mouth couldn’t help but squirt out, his face

The color quickly became pale.

At first glance, we must know that Maitreya, the injury at this time is not light, it is impossible to heal without a few days of recovery. Looking at Maitreya lying on the ground, Guang Chengzi did not plan to let Maitreya go and continued to attack Maitreya.

Looking at the Guangcheng son who still wanted to continue attacking him, Mai Lei did not dare to delay, and quickly surrendered and said: “Poverty and lowly surrender.” After finishing speaking, Mai Lei quickly retreated regardless of his injury. After listening to Maitreya’s surrender, Guang Chengzi returned his chaotic magic weapon.

After that, Guang quickly attacked Hehe next to him. He also sacrificed the magic weapon to drive chaos and attacked this. Liu Xiang quickly waved his Qiankun pen, implying the spirit of his debut, and went to the chaos magic weapon Gua Zijin Lu, trying to resist the attack of the Gu Zijin Lu.

It’s just that the attack of the top chaos magic weapon is so simple. I saw that when the sharp-edged qi of Liu Xiang hit the top chaos magic weapon Gua Zijin furnace, there was a loud sound of gold and iron attack. After that, the sharp gas of the fragrance was dispersed by the power contained in the Gua Zijin furnace and disappeared into the void. After that, Gua Zijin Lu continued to attack Liuxiang.

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