Chapter 926 record

In Zhang Guifang, he took the trouble to think about why adults are so strenuous in layout. While calculating himself, Zhang Guifang suddenly felt that the Demon gas in his soul suddenly began to beat, as if something was in the depths of the list of gods, attracting this Demon gas.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Guifang’s eyes flashed brightly. It seems that the reason why adults take pains to cultivate themselves is to make them take the token Demon Qi and enter the god list. Sure enough, the next scene made Zhang Guifang more and more certain. His previous guess was that the adults had calculated that he had brought the token’s Demon spirit into the list of gods.

It turned out that after Demon’s anger defeated the meeting, it flew out of Zhang Guifang’s soul and flew to the depths of the Conferred God. When I saw this scene, Zhang Guifang didn’t plan to go, but planned to stay in place and wait for the end of the Conferred God disaster.

Unfortunately, contrary to expectations, at the moment when Demon’s qi flew away from Zhang Guifang’s soul, Zhang Guifang felt that the top chaos magic weapon was among the gods, and the power appeared, driving his soul to a huge amount. The seal.

This seal is extremely complicated, and Zhang Guifang’s soul just glanced at it. If you want to know what this seal is for, you will feel extremely complex information and spread it to your soul. In an instant, Zhang Guifang felt that his soul was suddenly stuffed with a lot of information, and it expanded rapidly, as if it were going to explode.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Guifang quickly looked away, not daring to look at the mysterious seal. When Zhang Guifang looked away, the feeling that the soul was forced to enter a large amount of information and wanted to explode suddenly and cleanly disappeared. When he saw this cut, Zhang Guifang’s heart suddenly became relieved.

And at this moment, Zhang Guifang felt that the Demon Qi that had been brought out from his soul before was constantly attacking the seal in front of him, trying to crack the extremely complicated seal in front of him. It’s a pity that the power of Demon’s anger is too small. No matter how Demon Qi attacks, he cannot break the seal in front of us. Seeing this situation, Zhang Guifang sighed regretfully

At this moment, a powerful force suddenly appeared on the seal in front of us.

However, to force Demon Qi into Zhang Guifang’s soul, Zhang Guifang did not want to be melted into his soul by Demon Qi. However, the power gushing from the seal was too fast. Before Zhang Guifang’s soul had time to dodge, he was forced into Zhang Guifang’s soul by the power and Demon gas gushing out of the seal. That Demon gas just entered Zhang Guifang’s soul, and wanted to escape Zhang Guifang’s soul

, It is a pity that the power of the seal is too strong. There was no silk resistance in the face of the power gushing out of the seal. Finally, the force gushing from the seal forced this Demon gas into Zhang Guifang’s soul, and there was no possibility of separation.

Seeing Demon Qi blending into his body, Zhang Guifang was very angry, but after the anger, Zhang Guifang felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, because with his current strength, whether it was in front of Demon Qi or the power that gushed out of the seal In front of him, there is no possibility of resistance. This kind of powerlessness did not make Zhang Guifang so angry. On the contrary, Dao Xin is destroyed

Now, there is no possibility of silk progress in the future.

However, this change is not over. When Demon Qi was completely integrated into Zhang Guifang’s soul, the force of strength appeared on the seal again, trying to forcibly change Zhang Guifang’s name in the list of gods.

Unfortunately, when the power gushing from the seal wanted to change Zhang Guifang’s name in the name of God, he ordered Xiqi soldiers outside Xiqi to attack the soldier Ziya of the Shang Dynasty, and he fell into trouble because of the death of his boss. Confused. Suddenly realized the abnormality in the sacred list, and his heart was moved.

In the Shendan, he shouted, “Who is so bold and dare to change the name recorded in the Shendan without authorization? Is that if you are not afraid of the coming of heaven?”

As soon as Ziya’s words fell, this list of God’s powers under the control of Ziya began to search. He wanted to know who he was, so he dared to change the name on the list.

When Zhang Guifang saw Ziya appear in the list of gods, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although he didn’t know what the mysterious power wanted to do before, Zhang Guifang’s instinct told him that what the mysterious man wanted to do was absolutely harmful to him.

Now, when I saw Ziya appeared in the list of gods, and mobilized the power of the list of gods, and wanted to destroy the mysterious power, Zhang Guifang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, at this moment, a voice that made Zhang Guifang completely desperate sounded in the list of gods. “Ziya, stop.”

…For flowers…

Hearing this familiar voice, Ziya immediately stopped and looked at the void in surprise. “Teacher, is that you? How could you appear on this list of gods?” As soon as Ziya’s voice fell, Ziya saw the seal, a turbulent array.

Afterwards, a virtual shadow appeared in the void and looked at Ziya and said: “For the teacher, I feel a kind of Demon anger to be destroyed, so I set a seal for the teacher, so I activated the rest of the seal for the teacher Strength. Ziya, now you help the teacher, completely erase the name Zhang Guifang left on the list of gods before, and let Zhang Guifang now

The name was re-engraved on the list of gods. “When I heard Yang Hao’s words, Ziya’s eyes flashed with disdain, and he looked at Zhang Guifang straight, wondering if what Yang Hao said was true. After all, he would have been branded on the title list. It is a very serious matter to be erased, and then to be marked. A little carelessness will cause God to punish their masters and disciples.

be careful.

Hate it at first

When Ziya looked directly at Zhang Guifang’s soul, as expected, he soon discovered that there was a very powerful Demon in Zhang Guifang’s soul. Seeing this situation, Ziya’s eyes flashed across the hall. In the void, he shouted: “Heaven is here. Disciple Ya feels that Zhang Guifang’s soul has changed. So the disciple wants to erase his name and record it again.

This will facilitate the disciples to complete the seal. “After finishing speaking, I looked at the void and wondered if the Heavenly Dao could identify with me, erase Zhang Guifang’s name, and rebrand it on the list of gods.

If Tiandao can agree to his request, then Ziya only needs some mana to erase Zhang Guifang’s name and re-engrave it on the list of gods. Otherwise, they forcibly erase the names on the list of gods, which will reduce the fate of Ziya and Qingcheng Mountain.

Fortunately, Ziya’s voice just fell, and thunder rang in the void, agreeing that Ziya would erase Zhang Guifang’s name and record it again. Seeing this, Ziya was happy, moved his mind, ready to mobilize the power of conferring the gods, erase Zhang Guifang’s name, and record again. Inch,

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