Magic Council, emergency meeting!

"What?! The R system actually still exists?!" Erxiog slapped the table and asked Qikerein in disbelief, because he was the one who conveyed the news.

"Eight years ago...the cult that believed in Dark Magic invested a lot of money in rebuilding the R system..."

"But weren't all seven towers destroyed back then?"

"No, there is actually an eighth tower, located near Calum!"

The R system was projected on the table in front of everyone, and the news about Senator Belluno was no less than a shot of magic spirit power, and everyone began to panic.

“No…it’s not already built, right?”

"Unfortunately, the people in the investigation team will not joke about this matter."

"Ah, it's already built."

"But why would the R system at this time..."

"That's called the Tower of Heaven!" Qikerein interrupted Sanxi and corrected, "That's not called the R system, it's called the Tower of Heaven."

"Shut up, Qikerein, now is not the time to dwell on this. We need to send troops quickly to suppress them immediately!"

The second chair immediately stopped Qikerein's speech and planned to order the army to suppress it, but the other one raised doubts.

"We can put the military affairs aside for now. We need to find out who the mastermind is first!"

"Yes, but it seems that the one who occupied the Tower of Heaven was not the previous magic cult, but a mysterious man named Jellal!"


When they knew the situation, all the congressmen turned to look at Chiklein. Oger even directly asked Chiklein: "Jellal... that is your twin brother, Chiklein, do you want to explain?" !”

The atmosphere in the venue gradually became anxious.

Erza on the other side was also telling everyone about her experiences. When she talked about her childhood, the three people lying on the ground began to breathe quickly.

Raphael looked at the three people on the ground in a funny way, which meant that his attention was not on their side, otherwise even Happy would have noticed that they were awake long ago. This acting was so bad, compared to Jellal, it was really a world away.

Mirajane covered her mouth and looked at Erza with distress. She didn't expect that Erza had such a tragic story when she was a child. No wonder Erza always wore armor. In fact, she was wrapping herself up in this way.

"After Grandpa Rob stood in front of me and died to take the attack of those magic soldiers, I awakened the magic and used that power to defeat all the magic soldiers. I rescued Xio and the others."

Erza's eyes were sad and distressing, and Mirajane couldn't help but hold her hand.

"Then I rushed all the way to the interrogation room where Jellal was being held and rescued him, but he, who was originally full of justice, changed and became evil and powerful. He reduced the leader of the Dark Magic Order to ashes with just one move. And I was knocked away by his palm..."

When Erza talked about Jellal, she clenched her hands tightly. Feeling the strength of Erza's hand, Mirajane looked at Erza worriedly, then turned to look at Raphael.

Raphael knew that Mirajane meant for him to save that person, but if it was entirely up to him to solve the problem, how could Erza's knot be untied? But facing Mirajane's eyes, Raphael couldn't bear to refuse.

Erza broke free from Mirajane's hand and stood in front of the three people who fell to the ground. She hesitated for a while, because at this time she also knew that the three people were awake.

Erza didn't know if she should tell her, because she thought they might not believe it, but she looked at Simon's nod, and at the smiles of Raphael and Mirajane.

She still told the real truth: "He could have killed me directly at that time, but I don't know why he let me go and let me find the so-called freedom on my own.

But the price is that he can’t go back to the island for life, and he can’t tell anyone everything about the island, otherwise... he will kill Xio and the others..."

"No! Impossible! You lied to me! What Jellal clearly said was that you betrayed us and abandoned us! You escaped by yourself and destroyed all the ships that could leave the island!"

Xio couldn't keep up the pretense of being lethargic anymore. He jumped up and confronted Erza, refuting what Erza said.

"Jellal told us that he wants to build a Tower of Heaven, a tower that can truly realize freedom!"

Xio shouted hysterically towards Erza, with a ferocious expression.

"Hugh! Wake up!" Erza slapped Hugh on the face, while the cube man Wally and the cat girl Millianna, who had also stood up at some point, looked at the two of them with doubt.

Erza grabbed Xio's shoulders and looked at her deeply bewitched brother angrily: "Do you know what he wants to do? He wants to activate the R system.

That is the forbidden magic of resurrecting another person at the expense of another person's life, and do you know who he wants to resurrect? Zeref! The most powerful dark mage, how many people do you think he needs to sacrifice? ! "

Erza looked at this stupid brother angrily, why didn't he understand? After Xio listened to Erza's words, he lowered his head and remained silent for a long time.

Erza was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but Quinn slapped Erza's hand away. He raised his head and showed an extremely ferocious smile, looking at Erza with a wild smile: "I know! I know he is going to resurrect that adult!"

Erza was surprised. She looked at Simon, Wally and Millianna, and they nodded together. She didn't expect Jellal to tell them the real purpose so quickly. Fortunately, she still kept it hidden and dared not say it.

"Then you still..."

"Only by resurrecting that adult can we become rulers! Only then can we have true freedom! Hahahahaha!!!"

Xio laughed maniacally, opened his hands and raised his head as if embracing the sky.

"Um... I'll interrupt you. Although I know you are few, but Jellal is so capable, why doesn't he go and investigate? Zeref is not dead at all!"

Raphael couldn't stand listening anymore. This fool, Xio, was just a rebellious kid who could only listen to what he thought was right. In this case, just break his firm knowledge into pieces, so that he could be recast.


Everyone was stunned. Raphael scratched his head and forgot that the world's knowledge of Zeref has passed away. After all, he was a legendary wizard four hundred years ago.

"Impossible! That's the magician from four hundred years ago, how could he still be alive!" Xio looked at Raphael in disbelief.

"If you don't believe me, I have seen him anyway. Not only is he not dead, he is still alive and well. He talks about death, life, pain, and so on every day." Raphael spread his hands indifferently.

It was a ten-year mission. Raphael, who was originally crusading against the Dark Guild, accidentally broke into Zeref's domain and even drank a cup of tea with him. However, it might be that his curse was about to break out again, so Raphael turned around and disappeared. Zeref's figure is gone.

"No...impossible..." Xio knelt on the ground in despair. He half-believed what Raphael said, and being extreme, he didn't believe it as much as the other two.

He was just desperate that with Raphael's strength, they had no chance, because Simon had just told him Raphael's strength and identity.

Wally and Millianna on the side actually believed it six to seven points, but after all, it was only the one-sided words of the traitor they thought. The real truth would not be known until they met Jellal.


Happy's voice came from the sail.

As everyone looked, a tall, deformed building suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

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