I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 106 - Martial Spirit Test

Dante instantly recognised what exactly that sensation was.

It was completely identical to the feeling he felt when he held that rare piece is Spirit Silver in his hand.

It was the feeling of a treasure needed to unlock his next Dragon Soul!

turning his head to the source of this strange feeling,  Dante saw a young man standing confidently on the testing platform.

his hair was a strange sky blue colour, yet what really stood out to Dante was the completely unique aura around him.

during his time in the capital, Dante had seen many arrogant young masters, all with airs of superiority and arrogance around them, but this young man's aura was even above theirs.

moving closer to Lennox, Dante could resist the urge to ask

"You see that young man over there? Do you know anything about him?"

Hearing Dante's question, Lennox turned around to look at him like he was an idiot

"Doesn't the signature sky blue hair stand out to you at all!"

"Not particularly. Why?"

"Not particularly?!" Asked Lennox in disbelief 

"Sky blue hair, it's the signature symbol of the Vaenam kingdom royal family, the fucking royal family. Dante, how the hell do you not know this!"

Now that he thought back to it, he did remember Rebecca saying something about sky blue and the royal family in the same sentence, but Dante didn't really bother to pay attention to it

"Since you know so much about the Royal family, do you know anything about their special bloodline martial spirit?" Asked Dante 

"Well, this stuff isn't rare knowledge. Anyone can find out this stuff if you look hard enough," responded Lennox 

"The Royal family has been dominating the control Vaenam kingdom since its founding and this obviously has something to do with its ridiculously powerful bloodline Martial Spirit!

Storm Giant!

An ancient creature that can control countless storms and lightning with just a simple thought and wave of its hand.

But the ridiculousness of the royal family bloodline doesn't just end there!

In family members with a high enough bloodline concentration, they seem to awaken a special physique known as the storm giant physique.

This physique not only grants them increased resistance and strength but it also grants them the ability to increase their size which also causes a drastic increase in their abilities!"

hearing Lennox's words, a dark frown appeared on Dante's face.

this wasn't because he was intimidated by the Royal family's abilities, no, not in the slightest.

It was actually because Dante seemed to come to a depressing realisation.

Maybe the thing needed to unlock his new Dragon soul wasn't necessarily on the young man.

Maybe it was actually the bloodline of the young Manhattan was needed or, more correctly, the bloodline of the Royal family!

Thinking about this, Dante could already feel the on setting headache coming his way.

Just how in the hell was he supposed to get a hold of the blood of the royal family?

Dante decided to put this headache inducing thought to the side and focus on the task at hand, the Martial spirit test.

As he was thinking this, a commotion broke out on the testing platform.

"look, in the stands! The head of the Department of War and Combat is here!"

"The Department head, impossible! Why would he even be at such a small testing event in the first place!" 

a commotion broke out on the platform as they noticed the arrival of the head of the department of War.

Dante himself was just as stunned as the rest of the crowd when he saw the department head, but it was not just because of his presence.

What shocked Dante the most was the person who was standing next to him!

As Dante was taking in this surprising sight, Lennox had leaned in and started speaking to him.

"Do you see that Dante! That's the Department head, the actual head of the Department of War and Combat!

He seems to walk with somebody else though, and I don't have a clue who he is? But seeing as he can walk equally with the Department head, he must be another important figure in the academy, I guess"

"I..I seem to know that person.."said Dante slowly

"You know him??"

Hearing Dante's words, Lennox struggled to believe it.  I mean, how could this man who doesn't even know the Royal family know some mysterious important figures 

"That man.. he seems to be my grandfather."


Lennox just couldn't believe his ears

"You said that man next to the department head. For some strange reason, is actually your grandfather?!?"

To be honest, Dante was just as stunned as Lennox.

Who could have thought that one of the old friends his grandfather knew would actually be a department head in a such a prestigious place as the hidden dragon Academy!

But as Dante's shock kept increasing, for Lennox, things actually started to make more and more sense.

I mean, how else was Dante's strength and talent supposed to make sense?

Was he really supposed to believe that some rural clan on the outskirts of the kingdom not only managed to train a genius with  Golden rank physical strength but also Golden rank Cultivation talent?


Even if Dante didn't know about it and actually thought that his clan only got this far by themselves,it actually made more sense if his clan was secretly getting help from the department head!

It wasn't uncommon for strong and powerful individuals to secretly train talents to assist their hidden agendas. 

In fact, it could be said to be extremely an extremely common practice.

Shadow guards, Death warriors, Suicide assassins. 

the list could go on and these are all examples of individuals trained by powerful clans and individuals for their own secret benefit and agendas

Obviously, Dante wasn't trained to be a death guard or anything of the sort, but the same principle could be applied here.

Well, at least In Lennox's mind it could, but unfortunately for Lennox, the discoveries and theories he magically seemed to have realised were in fact just completely wrong.

Lennox's powerful imagination seemed to take control of him, causing him to come up with some ridiculous theories, when in actual fact, Dante's ridiculous talent actually has to come from the terrifying dragon souls and system living deep within his body.

but before Lennox's thoughts could get any more out of hand, the platform beneath their feet started to flash in a strange light.

"The testing platform is now activated. Let the test start, please release your martial spirits!"

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