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As he entered his room Dante removed his hand from his wound. Looking at it he saw his hand was completely covered in blood.

Instantly he released his dragonification form and his figure instantly deflated. With this proceed came an overwhelming sense of weakness

'Damn I'm completely drained 'thought Dante fumbling through his room and taking out two bottles of pills

Using dragonification brought him a drastic increase in his strength but it carried with it a tremendous burden on both his body and energy.

Taking both pills all Dante wanted was to sit down and rest but suddenly he felt a mind splitting headache.

"Ding!" "Welcome to Dragon Dawn!"

'Not this shit again complained Dante'

But despite his complaints it didn't stop there but only got louder

"Welcome to Dragon Dawn !"

"Welcome to Dragon Dawn !"

Eventually it got so dragon loud Dante ended up passing out straight on his bed

The next morning Dante woke up groggily, he couldn't remember much from after the fight, all he could remember was a terrifying headache and his system continuously ringing.

"System" exclaimed Dante

A holographic screen appeared in front of Dante and reading it he noticed some changes

Race: Red dragon

Age: Mature Adult Dragon

Affinity: Fire

Innate abilities:

Dragon Fear - As True Dragon, you are at a higher level of life when compared to mortal creatures. When angered you release a terrifying aura to your surroundings causing all creatures to undergo a will check if they fail the will check the target will become frightened and immobile and in some extreme cases unconscious

Red Dragon Breath - As a True Dragon, Dragons breath is your birthright and the first skill a growing Dragon develops and stays with the Dragon for the rest of it's life. The user first inhales gathering fire in their mouth. The user then roars letting out a devastating torrent of flame in a cone-like spread causing magic and fire and damage to the target

Lesser Dragonification of the Red Dragon - as a bearer of a dragon soul you are essentially a dragon trapped within a human body. By communicating with your dragon soul it allows you to partially take on your glorious draconic form. Red Dragon Scales grow out of the skin only covering the arms and legs while hands and feet become clawed. This form grants the user increased strength, speed agility and elements affinity. It also grants the user with increased physical and magical resistance and this state lasts for 15 mins.

Passive skills:

Heart of flames 3/3 - Your heart burns with an inextinguishable elemental fire Granting you :

100%immunity to flames at your level.

50% damage reduction to flames at a higher level which decreases by 10% for every level Higher than you the attacker is.

Flames at the same level or lower levels heal for 25% of damage dealt

Energy points : 3

The first thing Dante noticed was that his active skills had been completely removed! Looking at the attributes panel it appeared as if he wouldn't be able to gain any active skills anymore, luckily he got all the energy points he spent on his active skills back so it seemed like he had enough energy points to fully unlock a new passive skill .

Looking at the passive skill list he looked towards the next passive skill and so he did just that

Furious Flames 3/3 - The burning anger of a Red Dragon is eternal and can never be stopped . Your flames are granted 200% increased damage and cause the victim excruciating pain

Looking at the new ability Dante was overjoyed, with this ability he would have found it much easier to beat Klent in Their fight.

Dante decided that he would train himself for the mission to try increase his strength even if it was only by a small amount

"Rushing Dragon Claw"


Two resounding roars were let off as Dante released a terrifying claw

"Rushing Dragon Claw !"

"Rushing Dragon Claw ! "

"Rushing Dragon Claw ! "

Again and again Dante sent out claw after claw training harshly trying to breakthrough in his technique

Suddenly Dante felt a mystical feeling shooting out a ferocious claw causing a thunderous roar to erupt throughout his courtyard


"Two !"



Four devastating roars echoed throughout Dante's courtyard showing his progress in the technique. Dante had broken through to the next stage of his technique, Furious Dragon Claw ! At this stage Dante claw was imbued with a furious aura that could intimidate opponents causing them to hesitate or even pause during their attacks which can be extremely useful in fights were even a split second can determine the winner

And like that three days passed until it was time for the mission into the Howling Beast Forest . Waking up Dante did quick stretch and put on his favourite black and gold robe forming a great contrast with his snow white hair on his head .

Walking out of his room Dante arranged for a carriage to pick him up at the clan entrance before leaving his courtyard

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