
For Magical creatures like dragons, being in a place highly concentrated in elemental energy was like a fish being placed in water. It was like he could finally breathe properly again.


Not wanting to waste any more of his precious time, Dante quickly transformed as a pair of flaming crimson wings appeared on his back.

Suddenly, with the flap of his wings, Dates figure shot out as he navigated the elemental nexus realm in search of the region of fire elemental energy

After searching for a while, Dante finally located a region that satisfied his requirements.

It was quite a hellish scene to observe with thick regions of flames that seemed to swirl like an ocean covering the ground for as far as the eye could see.

Dante didn't hesitate and dropped straight down into the region of flames but thanks to his fire immunity instead of scorching heat all Dante felt was a warm embrace.

Judging from the heat around him Dante knew it was finally time to begin the Celestial  Galaxy refining art.

But Dante wasn't planning to practise the Celestial Galaxy Refining art as specified in the manual. Like he had said before his body was different and he didn't need to fear the effects of burning himself to a crisp due to the Red Dragon soul's immunity against fire.

The change Dante was planning to do was quite risky but if he could complete it he had the confidence to double, no, maybe even triple the effectiveness of the Celestial Galaxy Refining art.

The change Dante was planning to make was simple yet also completely outrageous. Dante was planning on ignoring the balance between creating suns and moons within the acupoints. Instead of creating a balance between suns and moons, Dante was planning on filling each acupoint with a miniature sun!

Dante had thought for a long while before he decided to make this decision.  From what he could see from the Celestial Galaxy Refining art most of the strength granted to the body came from the miniature suns acting as something like mini reactors in the body.

The purpose of the mom saw as to act as a stabiliser whilst also being able to react with the opposite nature of the suns to produce a extra burst of power in extreme situations

But Dante believed that he didn't need to create miniature moons in his acupoints.

That was because his bloodline contained an overwhelming concentration of cold and moonlight energy. His veins would constantly be filled to counteract the suns in his acupoints and if that wasn't even enough, the moon king sutra technique that Dante used to cultivate his spirit energy was also a technique that used moonlight energy further increasing the concentration of moonlight energy.

To tell the truth the concentration of moonlight energy within Dante's Boyd was already well past the levels that would be considered lethal for others at his cultivation level.

If it wasn't for Dante's overwhelmingly powerful bloodline he would have already frozen to death somewhere because of it.

So Dante didn't have something to fear because of this, in fact it was because of these factors that Dante believed that he could go past the limit of 200 acupoints mentioned in the technique.

Call him delusional, but Dante was even hoping to achieve the dream of the creator of the technique, to fill all 2000 acupoints in his body.

With his conviction strengthens Dante took a deep breath and finally readied himself

"Come out, My Dragon soul."


With Dante's call the sea of fire around him seemed to erupt into a frenzy as the humongous phantom of a Red Dragon appeared behind him.

Dante's eyes quickly turned into a burning amber colour as he felt the power of a mature Red Dragon, an overlord of the fire elements, flow throughout him.

Without wasting anymore time Dante began to circulate the celestial galaxy refining art  inside his body.

A terrifying storm swirled around him

As fire elements gathered in front of him.

Concentrating Dante condescend the fire elements in front of him further until they turned into a blazing hot needle composed solely of fire attribute elemental energy.

The acupoint Dante decided to start with was located right in the centre of his chest, directly on his sternum.

After lining up the flame needle perfectly Dante didn't hesitate any longer and plunged the flame needle directly into his acupoint.

Instantly a horrific pain flashed throughout Dante's body, one so brutal that it made Dante let out an almost inhuman shriek!

But even with the terrifying pain shaking his mind, Dante didn't let go offer the control of his fire elements, or more correctly he couldn't afford to.

Right now he was executing an extremely delicate procedure. If he let the fire element run wild and out of control he could cause major damage towards his internal body structure from the explosive force alone, so even his fire immunity wouldn't be able to save him.

So although he won't necessarily be crippled, he won't be very far from it with his cultivation definitely regressing a few steps.

Dante couldn't allow that to happen so just clenched his teeth as he desperately tried to keep the fire element under his grasp.

Fortunately his Red Dragon soul was adoring the process so even with his weakened mental state he was still managing to hold on.

The flame needle seemed to open the gate to another world as a torrent of fire elemental energy began to pour into his opened acupoint.

Even though they were flowing into Dante's chest, the  flames were absolutely merciless as they rampaged across Dante's body, passing over all the cells in his body in the process.

It was after experimenting this that Dante understood why you need to have a fire element martial spirit to practice the Celestial Galaxy Refining art.

If you tried to practise it without  a good amount of  bit of fire resistance you would quickly find yourself burnt it a crisp!

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