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"The Blood Moon Palace!"

Instantly the hall burst into shouts of shock and panic. it must be known that the Blood Moon Palace are one of the top organisations of the rippling wave continent only comparable with organisations such as the Hidden Dragon Academy. but unlike the Hidden Dragon Academy, The Blood Moon palace was known for its bloody and ruthless tactics with little regard for human life. so it caused great fear in the hearts of the Kinsman Clan Elders Knowing that they had an enemy with the backing of such a ruthless organisation.

"Has the Slater Clan gone mad!" exclaimed an elder "Don't they know that the Blood Moon Palace are great enemies with Hidden Dragon academy that controls our region! it will be over for them when the Hidden Dragon Academy catches wind of this !"

"Regardless of this, it seems that the Slater clan has allied themselves with the Blood Moon Palace," said Patriarch Gavin "And it doesn't end there, Curtis seems to be accompanied by an Elder from the Blood Moon Palace with a cultivation in the Martial Adept realm !"


"It's over... The Kinsman clan is finished !!

gasps of shock and exclamations of disbelief kept resounding throughout the hall. it had only been surprise after surprise for the elders during this meeting and the fact that there was a Martial Adept realm coming towards the Kinsman Clan was the final nail in the coffin for most.

it must be known that the highest cultivation level in the KInsman Clan was in the 9th layer Martial Journeyman realm so it was safe to say that they didn't stand much of a chance against the approaching Martial Adept which was a whole big realm higher than them.

Ignoring the surrounding panic around him Winton asked Gavin " Are you sure that this accompanying Elder is in the Martial adept realm, as in is there any proof confirming the claims."

in response, Gavin sadly shook his head "unfortunately it can be confirmed. In The nearby FreyBreak city Curtis was reported to get into a conflict with a member of the Ward Clan where even the patriarch of the Ward Clan, a ninth layer Martial Journeyman cultivator, got involved."

"This forced the elder to take action easily disposing of the Ward Clan Patriarch resulting in the complete annihilation of the entire Ward Family down to the butlers and maids none were spared wiping the ward Clan completely off the map! showing the absolute strength of the Blood Moon Palace ."

"Damn! exclaimed an elder in frustration "isn't there no way for us to alert the Hidden Dragon Academy, after all, your daughter is still part of them and they wouldn't allow for them to run wild in their territory!" he continued.

but Gavin quickly shot down that train of thought saying "It would take approximately one month to reach the Hidden Dragon Academy, so it would take roughly two months before any aid to arrive from the Hidden Dragon Academy meaning all attempts of getting help are useless, were on our own for this one." replied Patriarch Gavin

"Damn it Gavin," complained Elder Harrison "you know this all your fault. if your daughter didn't humiliate Curtis all those years ago we wouldn't even be in this situation " continued Grand Elder Harrison

"In fact, we should offer your daughter Rebbeca to the Slater Clan to see if we can somehow seek forgiveness from Curtis and the Slater Clan" stated Grand Elder Harrison

as he said that there was a brief silence in the room before slow murmurs of agreement started to occur

"I think Grand Elder garrison is onto something here," said one elder

"As the Patriarch of the Kinsman Clan, you have to make small sacrifices for the betterment of the clan" replied another

"It's Rebbecas fault we are even in this situation in the first place, she should take responsibility and sacrifice herself for the clan!" said another elder in agreement with Harrison.

These words seemed to set off a chain reaction as all of a sudden multiple people were voicing their agreement with this new plan. humans could be such cruel creatures sometimes, willing to easily sacrifice one of their own as long as it means their own survival.

Meanwhile, Patriarch Gavin was left both stunned and enraged at the fact that these people expected him to willingly sacrifice his daughter in such a cowardly manner. such a thought had never even crossed his mind for an instant.

he wanted nothing more than to jump up in rage and punch whoever even suggested such a thing but as the patriarch of the Kinsman Clan, he was stuck in a difficult decision.

It was clear that the elders of the clan were convinced on sacrificing Rebecca to save their own skin even if it wasn't a confirmed option out for them and creating a firm rejection could cause an outright fight amongst the now panicking elders .

Patriarch Gavin was now stuck between a rock and hard place

either sacrifice your daughter or condemn the clan to a hopeless war against a Martial Adept level cultivator!

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