I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 6 - Grand Elder V First Elder

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An ear shattering roar shaking eardrums of everyone present. Dante ignored this berserk scream and continued to send out a fierce palm to Brian's temple. The opportunity to teach Brian a lesson didn't come every day. Brian was truly a vicious person these kinds of people don't learn unless they're taught something they can't forget


A figure rapidly approached, flashing across the sky, leaving a streak of light behind him. It's swiftly appeared Brian yanking out the way of Dante's palm.

The figure then lightly waved his palm sending Dante flying out.

After Dante was sent tumbling, he stood up and looked in front of him.

It was an old man wearing a red robe with a long white beard and a fierce look on his face

"It's the grand elder Harrison!" exclaimed a disciple

"Dante's finished now the grand elder's here!" said one of Brian's goons in joy

Sensing a change in air, Dante looked around in search of an escape but before he could find one he heard the grand elder speaking to him

"Winton's boy, So you're the one who put my disciple in such a state? Despite being of the same clan you still show no mercy! Like father like son, truly a ruthless person, somethings just can't be changed. Since your father can't discipline you, let me do his job and discipline a bastard like you in his place!"

As the Grand Elder said this his terrifying aura condensed and he sent a horrific fist towards Dante.

Dante seemed to see his life flash before his eyes and was prepared to use the secret technique.

but before he could even begin he heard a cold shout

"You old bastard when was it ever your place to discipline my child! " before Dante even realised Winton appeared in front of him catching the grand elders fist

"Look at what he did to my disciple I have every right to punish that little devil!l" shouted the Grand Elder in rage as he backed off

"It's not my son's fault your disciple got himself beat up if there's a problem, it's that your disciple is too weak" replied Winton impassively

"You always behave like this Winton, you just can't be reasonable. Every time you just have to stand in my way and oppose me. Fine we'll do it the hard way then!" roared Grand elder Harrison

"Flame snake bite!" as he roared a wave of flames came out and then covered his arms completely. He then punched out sending a swarm of fire snakes swimming through the air towards Winton.

There was no change in Winton's expression he just calmly stated a word

"Devour. "

Instantly Winton's shadow expanded into a giant dark circle and hundreds of tendrils of pitch-black smoke extended from the circle. These demonic tendrils then began entangling the flame snakes dragging them into the shadowy abyss. regardless of how hard they struggled resistance was futile in front of there overwhelming number! They continued expanding to the grand elder trying to entangle him causing him to dance around in a sorry state trying to dodge them not wanting to endure the same fate as his

"Arrrgh Winton you forced me!!"

In desperation, Harrison was forced to summon his martial spirit

"come out, flame viper !"

As soon as those words were said, there was an eruption of flames around Harrison sending a blast of hot air towards the surroundings. From the flames rushed out a giant crimson viper. The viper was 6 metres long covered with rigid scales with yellow streaks running through its back. As it hissed it showed its two curved fangs dripping in a red fiery poison that protruded from its triangular head.

"That's the flame viper the bloodline martial spirit of our clan!" exclaimed a disciple

"As expected of The grand elder, Truly majestic"

Winton scoffed and Not wanting to be outdone in momentum released his own martial spirit

As if sensing the Change in Winton's aura the shadows started bubbling like a pot of boiling water

"Come out, Blackhole!"

As he spoke a small tennis ball-sized black bead condensed on his hand causing air to start gushing into it as if void trying to swallow everything. Once it was condensed it slowly started rising and that's when changes started happening all around the area. all light within its vicinity disappeared as if it had never existed in the first place! Then various objects in the area from trees to boulders were sucked into the black hole slowly rising and expanding into the air the black hole ended up blocking out the sun creating an eerie ghostly area of total darkness

" what… what type of martial spirit is this ..?"

"Demon, he's a demon!"screamed one clan member in fear

Not wanting Winton to continue Harrison stimulated his martial spirit causing his flame viper to burst out in flames illuminating the darkness

"you truly are a monster but it ends here Winton. I have prepared This technique for an occasion like this, so are you prepared to finally taste defeat?"

as he said this all the flames on his body condensed into his hand causing it to turn golden colour its golden radiance even seemed to illuminate the darkness created by the black hole for a brief second.

As if that wasn't enough his flame viper martial spirit then condensed into it his palm as well. when his aura had reached his peak he then punched out

"Fire dragon palm!"

As he punched out a fiery Chinese dragon shot out from fist and boosted by his Martial spirit exerted a lifelike roar and rushed towards Winton

Seeing the dragon rushing toward him Winton snorted in disdain

"Is that all you have Harrison, if so then all that's waiting for you is defeat" taunted Winton

"Gravity field!"

As Winton spoke those words an aura expanded with him as the centre causing the earth to shatter and the speed of the dragon to slow down drastically.

But he wasn't done yet

"Void shattering fist!"

With those words, Purple energy erupted from Winton condensing into a giant fist above his head. the fist was gigantic and its presence alone seemed to shake the sky as cracks started forming in sky as if it was a broken mirror


Then the fist shot out at terrifying speed

" Boom! Boom!"

When the fist collided with the slowed dragon There was an earth shaking explosion! The explosion let out a bright light that lasted a few seconds that seemed to cover the whole world

After the light dissipated There was still a lot of smoke obscuring the view

"Who do you think won?" asked one disciple

"Probably the Grand Elder, I mean he is called the Grand elder while his opponent is just the first elder"

"I'm not so sure about that have u seen the first elder, he's a monster his ability's are just too strange"

Before they could continue Their discussion the dust cleared up and the first thing that got their attention was the massive crater in the earth at the bottom of the crater There was a mangled old man with scattered hair covered in blood

"Grand elder Harrison!" exclaimed one disciple in shock

But what shocked them even more was the devilishly handsome young man in clean black robes stood on top of Harrison, it was Winton!

"Harrison know you know the difference between us, you can take this information and go to hell!" Said Winton preparing to end the Grand Elder's life

"Brother wait!!"

Suddenly a handsome man with a heroic temperament appeared

Beside Winton

"I see your temper is still as bad as always brother," said the man

"Leave me alone Gavin, he tried to cripple my son! I'm not dealing with his bullshit any longer. Today he has to die! " replied Winton coldly

"Winton relax, your son is still fine and if you kill Harrison now in front of all the disciples what kind of example will that set for the disciples watching," said Gavin wisely

Looking left and right Winton looked at all the young disciples watching and frowned

"Fine I'll spare his life, but only because you asked brother. If it was anyone else he would be dead right now. but this is his last chance, if there's a second time, not even you will be able to protect him brother." said Winton coldly

"Trust me brother this kind of thing won't happen again" replied Gavin

"Guards! Get somebody to look after the Grand elder and his disciple I want them fit for the ceremony!" Shouted Gavin

"Yes patriarch!" exclaimed the guards

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