I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 62 - Meeting Of Patriarchs

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As Dante was thinking all this, his carriage slowly made its way through the overwhelming crowd.

Slowly, they approached the centre of the city. As they got closer to the centre Dante spotted some giant elevated platforms in the centre surrounded by numerous spectator stands.

By one of the stands, he saw a large group of people in red clothing, flying banners decorated in the Signature symbol of the Kinsman Clan- the Poison Flame Serpent.

Soon the carriage arrived in front of the people of the Kinsman Clan and stopped. Then Patriarch Gavin and Winton got out of the carriage and was greeted by the members of the Kinsman clan

"Brother Gavin, Brother Winton! I'm glad to see you, if you had come any later I would have to doubt if you were coming."

Looking towards the direction of sound you could see the voice came from a large, bearded, muscular man with fiery red hair.

Of course, this man was Elder Harlan.

"It's good to see you as always brother Harlan!" Replied Patriarch Gavin

but as Patriarch Gavin and Elder Harlan were speaking they were interrupted by an irritating laugh

"Hahahaha! I'm surprised that you could still stay so happy brother Gavin. I mean I wouldn't be able to laugh if I knew we were going to lose the inter-clan competition so badly!"

Hearing this voice The smile on patriarch Gavin's face quickly turned into an ugly grimace as he easily recognised the owner of this voice.

"Nolan Slater!" scowled Patriarch Gavin.

looking towards the direction of the sound, Gavin saw a crowd of people wearing blue robes and flying banners lined in river patterns.

It was the people of the Slater clan!

Nolan Slater.

It was clear Patriarch Gavin didn't have a good relationship and it was to be expected as he was the current Patriarch of the current Slater clan.

The slater clan and the Kinsman clan have always had a bloody history between them, it's just funny to think that both of their children used to be engaged but now it's clear that they would love to have each other killed at second thought.

"I just find it funny that you're still in the mood to laugh" responded Patriarch Gavin

"I've heard that some of your Spirit Steel mines are drying up. don't you have more important things to be worrying about?" continued Gavin

hearing this, the smile on Nolan's face quickly disappeared.

"Gavin you sneaky little bastard! I knew you rats from the kinsman clan had sabotaged our mines!"

As Nolan spoke, his aura went berserk and a blue hue of spirit energy covered his entire body as he gradually approached Patriarch Gavin.

Seeing Nolan approaching, Patriarch Gavin's Temper erupted as well

"I had nothing to do with your current problems. Maybe if you were a better patriarch and managed your clan properly you wouldn't even be in this situation!"

Gavin wouldn't let Nolan provoke him and not react. a fiery aura exploded from him as he also approached Nolan but just as it looked like a fight was about to break out between the two Patriarchs there was a loud voice that interrupted

"Brother Nolan, Brother Gavin. you guys need to calm down. today is supposed to be a day of friendly competition you guys shouldn't ruin this due to your bad relationship!"

Both Gavin and Nolan turned their heads to see who dared to speak to them in such a tone

It was a handsome middle-aged man in a Lime green coloured robe who had a warm smile on his face

"Randell Pierce!"

Randell Pierce was the patriarch of the Pierce family the third and last major clan still inside of Brightsteel city and had the 'Shadow Steel Spear' as their bloodline Martial Spirit. The Pierce Clan had always been in a weird position in the place of Brightsteel city, the Power of the Pierce clan has never been able to match that of neither the Slater clan nor the Kinsman clan but due to extreme hate between the two of them, the Pierce clan managed to find a way to safely establish themselves inside Brightsteel City.

you see although the strength of the fierce clan couldn't match that of the Slater Clan and the Kinsman Clan, the Pierce clan wasn't so weak that they could have easily been dealt with by either clan. To prevent either clan from becoming too strong, whenever the Slater clan or the Pierce clan showed any sign of dominating their rival clan, the Pierce clan would temporarily join the side of the weaker opposition. And by doing this, tilting power back to normal and creating a relative level of stability throughout Brightsteel city.

Due to the sly actions, although they have annoyed both the Slater and Kinsman clan many times in the past, they have also helped them out just as many times.

A perfect example of this would be during the ambush of the Kinsman clan in the Howling beast forest.

It was the Pierce clan that tipped off the Kinsman clan about something like this happening or else they wouldn't have been able to respond fast enough. but on the flip side, although they could have informed the Kinsman clan of such a trap sooner they chose not to and only informed them when they knew it would lead to a great conflict between the Slater Clan and the Kinsman Clan weakening both clans in the process.


seeing that Randall had come in to intrude on the fun, Nolan let out a cold sneer and headed back to the designated area of the kinsman clan but not before shooting a bone-chilling stare in Dante's direction.

sensing such a cruel gaze from the patriarch of the Slater clan Dante broke out in a cold sweat

'is it possible that he found out I'm the one that destroyed their Spirit Steel mines?' thought Dante

'impossible! I made sure that I wasn't discovered and left no traces. there's no way the Slater clan could trace it back to me'

but just as Dantes thoughts were running wild they were interrupted by someone

"So you're the legendary Kid in the kinsman clan who managed to awaken two Martial Spirits huh"

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