I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 67 - I Told You, Two Can Play At That Game

An overwhelming downpour of beams of Moonlight Energy fell from the sky bombarding the gigantic tidal wave approaching Dante.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Beam after beam fell on the gigantic tidal wave resulting in loud explosions and bursts of energy as each attack resulted in the removal of part of Zander's giant wave attack.

With a wave of his sword, Dante regrouped the falling beams of Moonlight energy into one giant group of beams, before sending them out to meet the remains of the tidal wave attack once again.


A giant explosion of water vapour blinded the vision of all of the people watching.

Realising his vision was obscured, Zander began to use his defensive technique to be on the safe side


But what Zander didn't know was that Dante had already been approaching him and when he saw Zander about to use a defensive technique, he immediately rushed up a grabbed him by the throat preventing him from finishing it 

Eventually, the smoke cleared up and to the shock of many of the spectators, they found Dante holding Zander by the neck in a chokehold.

Looking at the pure panic and struggle on Zander's face, Dante finally spoke,

"Don't blame me for this, you're the one who started it!"

Once Dante finished speaking, the air around him began to rapidly heat up as particles of fire element energy began to rush towards him.

Sensing what was about to happen, Patriarch Nolan rushed up from his seat

"Stoop you little bastard!"

Just like Patriarch Gavin, Nolan tried to stop Dante with his aura alone. But unlike that Slater clan disciple, Dante didn't fear the Patriarch of the Rival clan. Instead, Dante dared to clash head on with him sending out two of his dragon fear auras directly clashing with the aura Patriarch Nolan had just released

Patriarch Nolan was surprised that not only did his aura fail to stop but Dante, Dante also dared to clash directly with him.

Patriarch Nolan was furious!

In a burst of anger, Patriarch Nolan charged directly at Dante to stop his attack on Zander.

Although Dante could sense Nolan speeding towards him, he wasn't scared in the slightest.

Zander wasn't the only one with Elders to protect him!

Just as Nolan was getting too close to Dante there was a loud bang!

Looking at who just stopped him, Nolan couldn't resist crying out in rage

"Gavin! Get the fuck out of my way!"

Looking at the raging Nolan in front of him, a sly smile appeared on Gavin's face.

"Brother Nolan, you need to calm down. Weren't you the one who said all actions were within the rules as long the opponent wasn't injured?"

"Brother Nolan, when I said you'll regret this you didn't believe me but now look! Just remember you were the one who started this!"

"Remember I told you, I told you, two can play at that game."

Seeing the smile on Gavin's face, Nolan felt like he was about to explode in rage

"Gavin I'm warning you! you don't want to do thi-!"

But before Nolan could finish, Dante's voice interrupted their argument

"Breath of the Red Dragon!"

Instantly the temperature of the arena increased to ridiculous levels as a bright red cone of fire was breathed from Dante's mouth.


Zander let out a scream of pain as his body began to Char under the temperature of terrifying flames Dante released.

Remember Dante had another passive that made this worse for Zander

Furious Flames 3/3 - The burning anger of a Red Dragon is eternal and can never be stopped. Your flames are granted 200% increased damage and cause the victim excruciating pain

With the increased damage and pain caused by Dante's 'Furious Flames' passive, only god knew the true torture of the experience Zander was going through.

Although Dante felt some pity for Zander, he didn't let that affect him.

He and Zander were enemies, both were from different clans. There was no right or wrong in war, only benefits and negatives.

If it had been Dante in Zander's situation, Zander would have done the exact same and been hailed as the hero of the Slater Clan.

Unfortunately For Zander, he and Dante were on two different sides, the blood spilled between the Slater Clan and the Kinsman Clan was too much for it to ever be peacefully resolved.

Only The hatred between the Slater Clan and the Kinsman Clan that went back generations remained. And unfortunately for Zander, Dante was the one who came out on top in this encounter.

As the flames cleared, the spectators could only see Dante holding up a completely charred and burnt body.

Instantly the crowd of the Slater Clan members screamed in anger!

"How dare that bastard do this to a member of the Slater Clan!"

"War, the Kinsman clan clearly is trusting to start a war!" Bellowed another elder in rage

Under the countless eyesight hatred directed at him by the slater clan members, Dante turned towards them with a cruel smile on his face!


Dante threw the charred body of Zander at the floor at the front of the Slater Clan stands

"Pick it up" called Dante

"That piece of trash, pick it up."

There was a brief period of silence in the training ground as the onlookers were left stunned trying to comprehend what they just saw.

Suddenly there was a rage filled roar as the slater clan stands exploded with anger

"Kill him!"

"How dare he do this to a member of my Slater Clan, I want his head!"

Hearing the rage-filled screams of the Slater Clan members, Dante slowly turned around and walked confidently back to his seat seemingly not paying attention to them.

Unlike the Slater Clan disciple from before, Dante wasn't scared of any retaliation the Slater Clan would bring his way, in fact, he encouraged it!

he was confident in his strength unless some actual elders came to get him the rest would just be heading to their deaths! Besides, with people like his Father and Patriarch Gavin, the truly strong attackers would be easily killed before they could even come close to him!

Watching Dante's actions the announcer was left stunned for a few seconds before he hurriedly announced

"Wi…Winner by Knock out, Dante Kinsman!!"

Hearing this the Kinsman Clan stands burst out in laughter

"Hahaha! Slater Clan dogs, how does it feel to be humiliated!"

"To think that Slater Clan buffoon thought he could challenge Dante, the strongest of the Kinsman Clan by himself! Truly laughable!"

The Kinsman Clan didn't spare the Slater Clan one bit and mercilessly mocked them.

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