
As Devyn spoke, a giant pillar of water formed around his arm. After rotating around his arms at high speeds, it started rushing straight towards Klent.

Despite the fact there was a massive pillar of water rushing towards him, Klent didn't seem too bothered by it and Just as the pillar of water was right in front of him, Klent brought down his sword

"Heavy Hack!"

Klent's sword glowed in a dazzling white light as it cut straight into the pillar of water.

As Klent's sword and the pillar of water made contact, the pillar instantly split in half spraying water in all directions. But the effects of the attack didn't end there. The slash from Klent's attack ran along the whole length of the pillar cutting right to its very base even reaching up to Devyn's arm slicing it in the process.


Devyn screamed in pain as numerous lacerations appeared on his arm in a burst of blood and flesh.

Holding his damaged arm in pain, Devyn backed off in retreat before calling out his defensive technique


Instantly, a deep blue coloured sphere of water encased Devyn protecting him from any outside attack.

But before Devyn could sigh in relief

Klent got into a sword-drawing stance.

"Blade storm!"

Klent quickly drew his sword and as he did a blind wing wave of white light erupted as numerous rays of blade energy shot towards Devyn's protective bubble"



After many collisions, Devyn's protective bubble finally burst.

"I surren-!" In a panic, Devyn tried to surrender but before he could even complete his sentence Klent's blade lights caught him!

The blade lights danced along Devyn's body cutting deep into muscles and leaving lacerations all over his skin!


Completely incapacitated, Devyn fell backwards into a pool of his own blood.

Looking at such a bloody sight, Dante found it hard to believe Devyn was still alive. If not for Devyn's slowly rising chest, Dante would have thought Klent killed him right there and then!

Seeing this one-sided defeat, the announcer quickly spoke

"Winner by knockout, Klent of the Kinsman Clan!"

As soon as the winner was announced some Slater Clan elders rushed towards Devyn, quickly applying first aid before taking him back towards the Slater Clan stands.


Patriarch Nolan slammed his fist down in rage

"These bastards of the Kinsman clan! Just how many talents have they been hiding!!"

But Patriarch Nolan want the only one who was surprised by Klents actions, even members of The Kinsman Clan were left stunned by Klent's magnificent display

"That boy… his mastery of the sword is superb!" Sighed Winton

"In such a short time he managed to find out how to fully utilise his sword intent. Unlike last time he now can extend his sword intent from his body allowing for sword intent to extend from his body and cover ranged attacks"

"With such a terrifying rate of progress, it will only be a matter of time before he enters the next stage of sword intent." Stated Winton

Hearing this Dante was left even more stunned than before.

Dante knew that Klent was talented and had even expected him to win the match, it's just that he didn't expect him to win with such ease. Klent's technique and control over his moves had reached an extremely high level which brought his strength up to a new height even Dante hadn't ever seen before.

The only strange thing is that everybody else assumed klent had gradually made this steady increase over his technique but Dante knew that a few days ago when he was training with Klent his skill was nowhere near this level.

It just made him wonder, what could have happened to him to increase his skill so drastically in a few days?

Meanwhile back at the battle platform,

Klent slowly walked off the stage.

As he got back to his seat and quickly began meditating and ignored all the people around him. But instead of actually meditating as everyone thought, klent was actually trying to speak to someone with his mind.

'Swordmaster Rho!' Called Klent in his mind

'Stop shouting, I'm still here!' Replied Master Rho In annoyance

'Where did you go, during the battle I was calling out to you yet you remained silent?' asked Klent

'What would you know! there a were a Pair of eyes on you that seemed to look completely through you, I spoke carelessly it was possible that I would be discovered and from the bloody aura around that person I doubt it would be a good idea to be discovered in my weak state!'

Hearing Master Rho's strong impression, Klent couldn't help asking

'Is that Elder Mahan even that impressive?'

Hearing Klent's question, Swordmaster Rho was stunned for a few seconds

'Elder Mahan, why the hell would I be talking about him?' Asked Master Rho

'If you're not talking about Elder Mahan who else could you be talking about?'

'I'm talking about Winton of course!'

'He may be hide it from the people around him but he can't hide it from me. His body reeks with the stench of destruction and blood. Put it like this, the blood on the hands of the so called Elder Mahan is only like drop before the ocean when compared to blood on the hands of Winton. That man has something to hide, I'd be careful around him if I were you!' Explained Sword master Rho

Hearing the terrifying description about Winton, Klent instinctively turned in Winton's direction.

Sensing Klent's gaze on him Winton turned in his direction.

As their eyes met Winton gave a slight smile and nodded in Klent's direction. The only thing was after hearing Swordmaster Rho's description, this simple smile felt more demonic than anything he had seen in his life. In response to Winton's smile, Klent shivered in fear and quickly avoided eye contact.

'Strange?' Thought Winton

'Why is this kid so scared all of a sudden?' 

'Don't tell me he knows something!' Instantly Winton's killing intent surged but it was suppressed just as quickly as it surged.

'Damn! I'm getting too paranoid now! How could a kid possibly know anything'

'All this time hiding has really messed up my state of mind. I really need to recover fast, this state can't continue or else I'll start to suspect anyone!'

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