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In a place like the Martial Spirit World strength was everything and although he had status, without actual strength to back it up he was always just seen as a piece of trash that relied on his father and nobody would like to be associated with such a weakling.

Well, at least not in a place like the Kinsman Clan.

The Kinsman Clan taught their children that weakness itself is a sin and that the only important thing here is your value to the clan and strength. 

But what hurt most about the whole ordeal for Dante was that he want a lazy piece of trash everyone thought he was. 

He actually trained hard, even until his bones bled but for some twisted reason, his body just refused to respond!

Even when he was in the 7th layer of the body refining realm he was weak than the 3rd layer body refunding realm cultivators and it almost drove him insane! 

The only person that was there for him and accepted him for himself was Rebecca.

And now here she was, her veins charred black with most of her blood completely eveaporated from her body! 

Without saying a word, Dante rushed up towards Curtis sending out countless devastating claw attacks 

"Blood shield!" 


Curtis put up his own defence and in doing so stopping all of Dante's attacks.

But Dante didn't stop seeing this barrier in front of him, 

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" 

Dante continued smashing at the shield sending out claw after claw directly at shield until,


suddenly, Dante managed to claw his way through Curtis's defensive shield, sending his claw directly towards Curtis's chest! 


Dante's ferocious attacks landed sending Curtis flying across the battle platform. 

Despite his early success, Dante didn't even leave him any chance to recover before rushing him again. 

With both Draconic might passives combined , Dante had a ridiculous 600% increase in physical strength!

Even for a martial Journeyman Cultivator, this would still be a ridiculous amount of power and Dante could also recognise this.

So of course in a fight like this, Dante would use very little advantage he could possibly get.

And since his ridiculous physical strength was such an advantage, Dante would use it to its full abilities!

As Dante was about to approach Curtis a wave of blood surged around him 

"Blood Storm!" 

Again, Devastating tornadoes of blood started roaring all around Dante as they started surrounding him on all fronts.

Dante didn't hesitate for a second and rushed directly at one such tornado in front of him.

"Emperor's Descent!" 

The ground shook under the devastating power behind Dante's movement. 

"Furious Dragon Claw!" 

Raising his clawed hand in front of him, Dante used the power behind both his movement technique and Martial Skill to pierce straight through the tornado of blood, unexpectedly appearing right in front of Curtis 

A horrific smile appeared on Dante's face as he released his claw attack 

but unlike usual moves, instead of just one Claw approaching him, Curtis saw 10! 

6 dragon roars went off as a new stage of Dante's Martial Skill was subconsciously reached 

"Ghostly Dragon Claw!" 

like a true ghost, Dante's claw moved in a spectral fashion, flashing in and out of sight before hitting Curtis's face 


A devastating collision rang out as Curtis was sent flying off the battle platform off into the distance, letting out a horrifying scream of pain as he flew. 

As much as Dante wanted to chase after Curtis and end his life right then, Dante knew he had much more important things to be doing. 

Rebecca was in need of immediate treatment and he still had the responsibility of ensuring the safety of the rest of the clan, He didn't have time to be wasting on some personal grudges.

Quickly picking up Rebecca, Dante rushed towards the battlefield of the Kinsman clan disciples to try and salvage the situation

When he arrived at the scene Dante saw a sight that left him stunned.

There were countless colours as all sorts of energy attacks were let off between the disciples of both clans. 

Each person on the battlefield had eyes fully red with rage as they sent attacks at the opposing clan's members, trying to take each other's lives in a primal scene of rage and carnage. 

looking at the injuries on the people and corpses on the floor, The weight of Dante's decision set in for the first time. 

He was the cause of all this, He had made the decision to start this conflict and that was a fact he couldn't deny no matter how hard he tried. 

But now was not the time for him to debate the ethics of his actions and Dante knew it. 

His priority was ensuring the survival of The Kinsman Clan members and bringing them all to safety and he had to get them out o here as fast as possible! 

As he was watching the fights Dante took a step forward and release his dragon fear aura.

The aura expanded rapidly covering the whole battlefield as even the ground seemed to shake under the pressure Dante released.


"Some...someone help!" 

"I..I can't move anymore!" 

[ Dragon Fear - As True Dragon, you are at a higher level of life when compared to mortal creatures. When angered you release a terrifying aura to your surroundings causing all creatures to undergo a will check if they fail the will check the target will become frightened and immobile and in some extreme cases unconscious ]

To the horror of the Slater Clan disciples a field of pure terror engulfed them Causing them to feel the most instinctive type of fear! 

For them, It was as if what was in front of them wasn't even a human anymore.

Instead, it was more like they were facing an ancient beast on a completely different biological level of life!

What made matters worse for the Slater Clan disciples is that Dante aura didn't seem to affect the abilities of the kinsman Clan disciples and they wouldn't let such a good chance slip past them. 

"hahaha! Today is the last day of the Slater Clan!" Laughed a Kinsman Clan disciple 

"With Dante here, there's nothing that can cause us to lose!" Exclaimed another 

"How is the power of the strongest of the Kinsman Clan?" 

Bang! Bang! Bang!..." 

Various explosions went off as the Kinsman Clan let out countless killer attacks at the now immobile Slater Clan disciples. 

Under the threat of death, some Slater Clan disciples managed to find the willpower to move under Dante's dragon fear.

But even after all that, the situation didn't get much better for them.

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