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The strong wind around Winton rapidly turned into a terrifying storm as the pull of air towards him increased drastically


The suction was so powerful that even the chains that held the prisoners to the wall started to be break causing the prisoners to go flying towards Winton 



Some prisoners were the first to break free from their bindings but instead of feeling joy, all they felt was a strong sense of terror!

Soon they were captured by the strong suction emanating from Winton's blackhole and began flying towards it.

The prisoners were quickly engulfed by the gigantic ball of darkness



A sickening sound echoed throughout the room as the bodies of the prisoners were completely crushed and devoured by the horrifying force of the black hole in front of Winton

The prisoner's struggle didn't even last for a second before they were quickly sucked into its pitch-black abyss of the black hole!

"what the hell!!"

"Please stop, I'm sorry!"

The prisoners began to break down and beg for forgiveness as they soon realised the horrific fate awaiting them,  but to their despair, Winton didn't even seem to flinch!

He watched on with an emotionless face as each prisoner screamed in agony before being brutally devoured by his martial spirit!

After a while, there was only deafening silence left in the room as almost all the prisoners were cruelly devoured by Winton.

Well, all but one very special person,

Elder Harrison!

Harrison watched on in utter horror as he saw Winton's Martial Spirit consume all these prisoners that were next to him. His fear truly hit its peak when he saw Wintons's pitch-black eyes turn towards him.

Then To Harrison's ever-increasing horror, Winton began to slowly approach him. Harrison was completely terrified by this new development and in a panic, attempted to reason with Winton

"Winton, you can't possibly kill me, right? We are a blood-related family, so please forgive me!

The only reason I even betrayed you was because-"


Before Elder Harrison could even finish his sentence, Winton teleported beside him kicking him straight into the wall.

"You know, ever since I came back to the clan I've really wanted to end your life.

But time after time, Gavin begged me to be the bigger Man and let things slide, after all, we're all from the same clan.

Hell, for I time I even thought of turning over a new leaf and completely changing my ways!"

As Winton spoke he got closer and closer to Harrison and aura grew wilder and wilder 

"But people like you, They just have to force me to go back down this path!"

with those words, a devilish smile appeared on Winton's face 


Winton stomped fiercely in Harrison's  legs shattering them 


Looking at that demonic smile, Elder Harrison knew there was no hope in Winton sparing his life, he could clearly see the pure madness and hatred in Winton's eyes as they made eye-contact

"You demon,  Your devouring people to try and gain strength! For even doing such an abominable thing you'll burn in the deepest pits of hell! "

Hearing Harrison's cries, Winton couldn't help but let out a light chuckle but this chuckle escalated into a mad laugh


It truly has been a while since I've been cursed at so badly!"

but unfortunately for Harrison, Winton's jovial laughter didn't stop his actions


A storm resurfaced as Winton's black hole began to devour all in its path again.

Harrison screamed defiantly as he was pulled towards the black hole.

"Winton even if you kill me, I'll turn into a ghost and  haunt you for the rest of your life!"

Hearing Harrison's words a cold smirk appeared on Winton's face as he spoke,

"Well, it's a good thing that even your soul will not be spared then. your soul will be devoured whole, it'll be  as if you never existed in the first place!"

"Wait.. wha-"

Hearing Winton's words Harrison finally broke down, but before he could even regret his  actions he was pulled in towards the black hole



Harrison's body was slowly crushed as it was sucked into the bottomless abyss of the blackhole 

After Winton finally devoured everyone present, he felt an overwhelming amount of energy start to flow through him 


Winton let out a sigh of satisfaction as he controlled this energy.

but this brief period of laughter only lasted for a second suddenly Winton burst out into laughter.

"Hahaha! It feels so good to get back at least some of my strength. 

I Finally can stop this hiding. Let it be known that I, Shadow Demon Winton, am finally back!"

With a satisfied smile, Winton slowly made his way out of the prison dungeon, but as he left the room he was greeted with a surprising sight.

Leaning against the opposing wall was his brother Gavin.

Unlike the time at the inter-clan competition, Gavin was looking much better. His face had regained its healthy rosy colour and he seemed to be full of energy. 

But despite all these positive changes a large bandage ran across his chest still showing the history terrifying wound he received only a few days ago.

"So were you there for the whole process?" asked Winton

"Yep." Gavin didn't give a long reply and only nodded his head.

Seeing this Winton didn't pay much attention to gains actions, throughout his whole life he was used to his older brother randomly popping up out of nowhere to be nosy.

The two were quietly walking through the Kinsman Clan dungeons when Winton's curiosity got the better of him and he asked 

"So you were there for the whole process, Don't you have anything to say? I know that I already told you I use demonic techniques but that doesn't change the fact that stuff is still illegal in the Vaenam Kingdom." 

Hearing Winton's question a smile broke out on Gavin's face.

"I'm not so shallow as to judge someone by the techniques they use, besides,  as your older brother do you think I really don't know you? 

Even if you're a terrible demon and have slaughtered thousands, it doesn't matter to me as I know that you would always have the interests of the Kinsman Clan at heart and that's good enough for me." 

After hearing Gavin's opinions,  a smile broke out on Winton's face as he spoke 

"Such a twisted and biased opinion I wouldn't expect from the Patriarch Kinsman Clan" 

In return, Gavin only chuckled 

"Hahaha! I could say the same about you, O Master of the Shadowfire Cult..."

And like that, both brothers laughed as they made their way out the Kinsman Clan dungeons, seemingly unfazed by the actions just committed 


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