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a dual spirit awakener was a top tier talent no matter where he went.

Not to mention his martial spirits weren't any ordinary martial spirits, on the contrary, Dante's Martial spirits were dragons, Apex creatures renowned  throughout the universe!

And when Coupled with the fact he was a transmigrater, it was hard for Dante to be intimidated about going onto a bigger stage.

He had already come to a completely new world and it would be hard for any  experience to match something as shocking as that ever again!

But Despite all this, a factor of his confidence that Dante seemed to ignore was his very own pride.

You see, Dragons were mystical creatures and came in various forms and alignments.

some were wise and caring whilst some were cruel and sadistic, but one thing all dragons had in common was their astonishing levels of pride!

Having the knowledge that they were one of if not the strongest creatures in the universe really inflated the egos of dragons to ridiculous levels and as a bearer of not one but two dragon souls, Dante wasn't spared from these effects!

Without Dante's knowledge, both his Dragon souls began to pollute his temperament over time,slowly making him more prideful.

It was like a malignant tumor that caused an unprecedented  arrogance to fester deep in his soul and spreading throughout every action of his life.

And although Dante tried to suppress it, he could always hear whispers deep within his soul telling him that he was superior to all lifeforms before him, a species truly above everyone .

But whether these thoughts were good or bad was something that still had to be determined in the future. as Dante hadn't really started to see the effects of a dragons arrogance just yet...

back to the current situation,

Dante was looking around to take in the reactions of other clan members going to The capital city with him. 

The reaction for most people was as expected with them grimacing at the realization they were really nothing special in the grand scheme of things, but just one persons reactions  caught Dante's eyes.

Contrary to everyone around him, Klent also seemed to be unfazed by the news that his talent was really nothing special.

Although Dante was a bit surprised by this outcome he  just put it down to Klent's ridiculously strong will power 

What Dante failed to notice was that Klent's will power actually had a very small role to play in this.

The real reason was that Swordmaster Rho, the soul In his sword, had already told Klent about the world outside of brightsteel city and even the world beyond this continent and it was because of this reason Klent's perspective was widened.

Because of such a widened perspective Klent knew that if he wanted to truly make it to the top this was only one of many challenges to come.  if he backed down at this challenge how would he face the challenges in the future?

Dante and Klent were both unfazed but each for different reasons.

Klent saw this as a necessary challenge needed for him to get stronger while Dante's  pride and strength  made him not even see this new development as a challenge in the first place!

Dante was clear of all the competition at the Kinsman Clan and his pride wouldn't allow for him to not do the same even at the capital city.

Dante wasn't prepared to slow down his cultivation, no, his strength could only be allowed  grow faster and even more tyrannical from here on out!

Suddenly, Grand patriarch Jarred began to speak again 

"What I said was never to scare you, it's just that you need to be aware of the difference in level you will have to be working at from this point onward."

after saying this the serious aura around grand patriarch Jarred seemed to fade away as he reverted back into the kind, smiling old man everyone knew 

"Well let's forget about that stuff for a second, now our priority is even getting towards the capital city in first place!

for this journey it will just be us and a few elders of the clan that will be here to manage you.  The journey will be a long one, with most of the time being spent on the road so their really is no time to waste!"

As Grand Patriarch Jarred spoke, a group of carriages pulled up beside them all being pulled by strong group  warhorses and leading them to as a carriage Dante was familiar with.

it was the giant luxurious carriage that Dante  had used to go towards the inter-clan competition

Although Dante only traveled in it for  a short time, he had to admit that no carriage he used before could compare to the comfort he felt ridding that .

slowly, the clan disciples made their easy towards their designated carriages but after Dante had a trip in the luxurious red carriage before, there was no way he could willingly downgrade to a normal one .

What was the use of being the nephew of the patriarch if you can't even use the title for some small benefits?

Breaking away from the crowd that went to the other carriages, Dante made his way towards the Luxurious carriage.

As he opened the door he was surprised to find somebody already inside


Sitting comfortably inside the carriage was Rebecca, she seemed to happily reading a book on her hand.

hearing Dante's surprised voice Rebecca looked up with a smile on her face.

"What? Surprised to see me?"

You do know out of everybody in the Kinsman Clan, I'm the only one who's currently going to the hidden dragon academy."

"of course I know that!" Dante quickly replied

"what I really want to know is what your even doing in this carriage!"

Hearing Dante's question Rebecca raised an eyebrow

"Don't tell me you actually thought you'd get this carriage all to yourself?

You better learn how to share With other people before you get to the academy or else life is gonna be tough for you-"

Before Rebecca could carry on lecturing Dante she was interrupted by the sound of the door.

suddenly a white haired figure popped his head inside.

sensing the tense atmosphere ,Grand Patriarch Jarred couldn't help but tilt his head back in confusion as he asked

"What's going on here? I hope I didn't interrupt anything."

hearing this question Dante quickly responded

"You didn't interrupt anything, Rebecca just went off on one her tangents again and started talking nonsense!"

hearing this Rebecca's eyebrows twitched in irritation but before she could start Grand Patriarch Jarred Started speaking first.

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